• Published 6th Nov 2021
  • 211 Views, 6 Comments

Rainbow Rocks (feat. The Cavalry) - Authora97

  • ...

Second Chorus

Hours and hours later, bands fought. The Cavalry and the Rainbooms were getting closer and closer to competing.

The last fight put the Cavalry against Trixie & the Illusions.

Raspberry had full confidence her band would beat Trixie. It would be her third time doing so. Was there a punch card for this? Raspberry should get a free sandwich. She would love a free sandwich for kicking any version of Trixie’s butt.

Cicada liked playing too. Bumblebee freaked out every time she went on stage. The students kept throwing more tricks their way, trying to trip them up. After the first song, Raspberry tried to teach Cicada how to defend herself. Cicada proved she could do it, and beyond. Raspberry was impressed. Bumblebee was tearing out his hair.

Thorax paid them no attention at all.

It tore at Raspberry. Any time she looked at Thorax, reaching out for him, the Changeling turned away. Killjoy wanted to kick his ass.

It was doing wonders to keep them from transforming. Raspberry tried to focus on the positives.

She held her guitar. Killjoy stood at her side, glaring at Thorax. Thorax twirled a drumstick in his hand. Cicada hummed the next song to herself.

Sunset and the Rainbooms walked up to them. “This is it! Last round and we’re in the finals!” She turned to Twilight. “Unless you think the counter-spell is ready to be played now...?”

Twilight squeaked. She wrapped her arms around the song journal, an embarrassed frown on her face. Sunset looked over at Raspberry. Raspberry was staring at Thorax.

“Don’t worry, Twilight and Raspberry. Finals aren’t until tomorrow night.” Applejack assured them. “We’ll get in a little more practice before we’re supposed to hit the stage. We won’t let you down!”

“Oh- oh and you’ve still got us!” Cicada cheered. “We’ve got your back!”

“Yeah!” Bumblebee hugged Cicada’s side. “We know you can do it!”

Killjoy bumped Raspberry. Raspberry’s head popped up. “Huh? Oh. Yeah. Gonna do great.” She went back to staring at a cold Thorax.

The rest of the Rainbooms agreed.

Twilight frowned. “You won’t let me down-”

When we win.” Killjoy began. “Our next fight is against you.” She walked up to Dash. Killjoy grinned, smug. “Think you can beat us in a fight? And yes that was a pun.”

Dash ground her teeth. “No way are you beating us to the finals. We’ve gotta be there so Twilight can do the spell!”

“My sister can do the spell just as good.” Killjoy countered. “That’s how she got to be a princess. In fact, she can do it 20 percent better than Twilight. No, 100 percent.”

Dash growled.

Twilight slumped further. She stared at her friend. Even with Raspberry so focused on Thorax, on their fight, Twilight knew the truth. Raspberry would do the counter spell much better. Raspberry was the only reason they beat Tirek.

Raspberry probably already knew the spell, how to make it work. Twilight would always be leagues behind. In a high pressure moment, Raspberry could just...switch off her feelings to be a better fighter. Twilight worried herself into a rut.

Raspberry disagreed. She knew she was in no state to fight sirens. With Thorax so apathetic, it made it hard to think about anything else.

Applejack pulled Dash back from Killjoy. “Come on you two. Ain’t no need for fightin’. Not when we’re this close.”

Killjoy stuck out her tongue. Raspberry reached over, without looking, to drag her sister back. Killjoy glared at her.

“Hear that? No need for fighting.” Killjoy repeated. She narrowed her eyes, grinning a wide insincere grin. “We ain’t gotta fight.”

Raspberry moved her grip to Killjoy’s neck. She dragged the red girl closer to her side, ignoring her gasps and choked giggles.

“Is everything okay?” Twilight asked.

“It’s fine.”

Twilight didn’t even pause. “Killjoy. Is everything okay?”

Killjoy held her thumb down. Raspberry gripped tighter to her neck. Killjoy kept it going.

“Is this okay?” Sunset asked Twilight.

“Those two fight all the time.” Twilight dismissed. She looked down at Fluttershy’s song journal. “And try to kill each other. They’re- they’re fine.” Twilight couldn’t forget the real issue. Sunset couldn’t either. They literally saw the breakdown this morning. Did Sunset forget that fast, or stop caring? Maybe Sunset needed more time to learn friendship. Even Raspberry took awhile, and she’d been around Twilight for (on Raspberry’s end) almost 20 years.

Sunset did remember this morning. She also knew that Raspberry kept secrets, and Killjoy was the type to tell you all of it. Raspberry wanted you to figure it out yourself. Killjoy- from all Sunset saw today, and read about over the months- would tell you and make you work backwards for it.

If Killjoy was talking about fighting, and Raspberry was trying to shut her up, that meant something. Maybe that clue was the key to defeating the sirens. Sunset tried to think about it all. The sirens caused the fighting, but the Equestria magic made them immune to it.

Raspberry said something, though. Sunset tried to recall the exact words. Something about the siren magic...that the sirens wouldn’t need magic to make them fight. That was it! Because the Rainbooms were already fighting. But Sunset didn’t get it. The Cavalry were fighting too. Is that what they were supposed to be doing? Why was Killjoy trying to warn them? Why was Raspberry letting it go on?

Unless they actually weren’t supposed to fight?

But needed to for now?

Sunset watched Raspberry. Yes, Sunset had been a villain before, but she learned a lot. There was still room to grow, yes, but Sunset knew she had grown. Raspberry helped point out some things. All the tools and tricks Sunset used to cause pain before could be twisted to be used for good.

So she watched her target. Sunset watched closely. Looked at Raspberry to find the hurt.

Sunset would help her friends.


“...I got tricks up my sleeve. See me dominate ’cause I’m powerful and grea-ea-eat!”

The students cheered. They often cheered the loudest for the people that went against the Cavalry or the Rainbooms. They all thought it would make the principals more likely to pick the other band. Only problem with this plan was that the magical bands were actually, genuinely better.

Trixie walked off the stage, her bandmates behind her. She puffed her chest and chin up at the Cavalry.

“Hmph. You’re never gonna top that performance, ‘Cavl-cry’.” Trudge boasted. She used a fog machine for her song, and small indoor safe fireworks. A teaser for her eventual, inevitable performance in the finale.

Raspberry simply blinked at Trixie. A bland, uninterested blink. Killjoy plucked her strings, ignoring her. Thorax looked at Trixie the way people in retail looked at troublesome customers. Cicada just smiled.

Trixie hadn’t liked it. She wanted them to be intimidated, scared, worried. She wanted to prove she was great and powerful! “You shouldn’t be allowed to when you have such a big advantage over the rest of us.”

“That advantage being...?” Raspberry asked.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous. You know what I mean!” Trixie snapped. “You’re magical! It’s helping you win!”

“How?“ Raspberry asked.

“You’re obviously using it to make you and your band sound better! And do all those stunts!” Trixie argued.

The Cavalry did have some crazy dance moves with their songs. Mostly Raspberry and Killjoy, the other two stayed by their instruments. The twins grew up learning martial arts. When the students threw their petty, childish attacks, the twins easily dodged but made it look like part of the show. It only added to the spectacle.

It took some talks to make the same happen during the Rainbooms songs.

“No. That’s just our training.” Raspberry replied.

“We took ballet as kids.” Killjoy supplied. “I can stand on my tiptoes for ten minutes.”

Raspberry recalled a fond memory of making Killjoy run training drills. Which, over time, did include walking on tiptoes. It made for a more silent killer. Trixie didn’t need to know about that part.

Trixie sneered at them. She reached in her pocket, pulling out a smoke bomb. She threw it to the ground.

Cicada and Thorax coughed.

Behind them, Pinkie gasped. “She’s gone! ...Oh, wait. There she is.”

Trixie ran out the back door. Her bandmates walked around the Cavalry and Rainbooms.

“Next up, the Cavalry.”

Spike howled. “Knock ’em dead, Cavalry!”

“I’ll be here...just...watching.” Sunset offered.

“I’ll keep them under control!” Bumblebee promised. During practices between matches, Bumblebee asked the twins to help him protect Cicada from the sides. They agreed to help. They taught him a lot of different tricks or ideas to keep attacks off Cicada, to help her stayed focused on piano.

Of course, neither sister explained that Cicada asked for similar tips. Raspberry called dibs on helping teach the girl the songs and defense.

The Rainbooms offered excited cheers. Rainbow Dash crossed her arms, ignoring them all.

On stage, Raspberry looked at the set list on Cicada’s piano. She glared at Killjoy.

“That’s not the right song.” Raspberry stated.

Killjoy plucked a guitar string. “Power-up songs are banned.“

“But it-”


Raspberry, Killjly, and Thorax practiced these things for months. They made up separate song lists depending on their behavior close to the battle. Songs for if Raspberry and Thorax were happy and in love, and songs if they weren’t. Songs if they were in the mood for a big happy party, and songs for if they were not. Songs that were basically parody comedy without swear words, which Killjoy insisted be placed as backups.

The whole day, Raspberry and Thorax flip-flopped on transforming. Killjoy decided early in the day they were gonna play from the ‘Lovers Quarrel’ playlist. Songs that talked about how in love they were, and all that nonsense. If they were fighting, that was the best choice. But Raspberry changed in their first song- Killjoy acted fast to save them the headache.

They switched to the ‘Together Forever’ playlist. Songs about breaking up or being mad at your partner. Thorax kept almost transforming.

Killjoy tried their playlist for party songs. With them all fighting, surely a happy go lucky dance song would keep them down. Except that time Killjoy nearly changed.

Cue a switch to the Depression playlist. That time, unsurprisingly, Raspberry started changing. What did surprise them was that Cicada started changing too.

(Piano playing was apparently very intense during the sad song they picked. Author dammit)

Now it was the semi-finals. They hadn’t gone one round without a near change. The Rainbooms were kept in the dark about it. The fighting between the Rainbooms kept them safe. The Cavalry needed to keep better focus on their own abilities.

So Killjoy picked this next song about the one thing she was sure nobody in her band would want.

A love song, sung by Thorax.

Killjoy thought it made perfect sense. Raspberry was still in love, and very much unable to sing any song that would upset Thorax more. Killjoy would enjoy it too much. Cicada would blush the whole time, especially when it was an alternate version of her brother singing to his girlfriend/wife. Thorax, in whatever state he was in, wouldn’t transform.

If he did, then maybe he and Raspberry would get their heads out of their asses and talk.

A perfect plan. Her sister would be proud. Or at the very least thankful.

“Huh?” Thorax looked at the song. Killjoy saw the exact moment he realized what was happening. He glared at Killjoy. “You- I’m not singing that!”

“Too late. It’s the song the principals know about!” Killjoy went up to her spot.

Thorax seethed. Raspberry kept her face expressionless. Cicada just looked between her sheet and bandmates, confused.

“Cicada! Time to get started!” Killjoy reminded.

Cicada yelped. She rushed to her keyboard. Begrudgingly, Thorax went up to his drums. Raspberry stood at Killjoy’s side.

The song started. Raspberry played, soft and slow. She willed herself to ignore it.

“She wants to get married, she wants it perfect.” Thorax sang.

Raspberry would kill her sister. By the way she glared at Killjoy, it would be slow.

“She wants her granddaddy preachin' the service. Yeah, she wants magnolias out in the country Not too many people, save her daddy some money.” Thorax shrugged his shoulders, forcing them to relax. “Ooh, she got it all planned out. Yeah, I can see it all right now.

“I’ll wear my black suit, black tie, hide out in the back. I’ll do a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask. I’ll try to make it through without cryin’ so nobody sees. Yeah, she wanna get married.” Thorax looked over at Raspberry. She felt his eyes on her. “But she don’t wanna marry me.”

Raspberry would use poison. Poison to kill her sister. Then, when Killjoy inevitably woke back up, Raspberry would get her.

Students started their attacks. Raspberry kept dodging foam bullets, and the spotlight shined in her eye. Killjoy defended Cicada from a water bucket.

“I remember the night when I almost kissed her. Yeah, I kinda freaked out, we been friends for forever. And I always wondered if she felt the same way. When I got the invite, I knew it was too late.” Thorax shook his head. “And I know her daddy’s been dreadin’ this day. Oh, but he don’t know he ain’t the only one givin’ her away.”

He repeated the chorus. Killjoy spun in place- it launched a knife at the rafters. It bonked the spotlight, pushing it back in place.

Raspberry relaxed. She

“Bet she got on her dress now, welcomin’ the guests now. I could try to find her, get it off of my chest now.” Thorax played the beats harder than needed, louder and angrier than the song was meant to be played. “But I ain’t gonna mess it up, so I’ll wish her the best now.”

Killjoy lived it. She looked back at Thorax. The students started avoiding the stage- finally giving up. They could actually win the finals.

She saw sparkles on his head.

Behind the curtains, Sunset and Bumblebee noticed the same.

Killjoy checked Raspberry. Sparkles were forming on her head too- and shoulders. Her wings were forming.

Killjoy may have been an idiot.

“So I’m in my black suit, black tie, hidin’ out in the back.” Thorax slammed his drumstick on the drum. “Doing a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask.“

Killjoy and Sunset moved at the same time. Killjoy flung out her sleeve. Sunset went to the sound equipment.

Killjoy’s thin blade knocked the stick from

“I’ll try to make it through without cryin’ so nobody sees-” Thorax cut off. The drumstick went flying. It hit Raspberry on the head. Raspberry turned in time to see the sparkles fade from his head.

The music stopped.

The students still clapped for them. Mostly, because the students thought they did so badly that the Cavalry was sure to lose.


It surprised and disappointed the students to hear that the Cavalry would move on. The most upset by this was Trixie & the Illusions.

She swore it wasn’t over, that she would have revenge.

Raspberry wanted a punch card for that too.


It was time.

The bigger battle.

Which band of magic girls (-and magic people of varying gender) would advance?

The Rainbooms went first. The Cavalry went off to the side, to watch and have a little...chat.

Fluttershy tapped Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. “Um, I was just wondering. We haven’t played any of my songs yet, and-”

Dash shook her head. “It’s the semifinals. We gotta do ‘Awesome As I Wanna Be’.”

Fluttershy wilted. “Don’t know why I even asked-”

Dash dragged the shy girl on stage. The band had a quick warm up before rocking.

Thorax and Raspberry looked at each other. Killjoy, Cicada, and Bumblebee watched. Sunset tried watching both. Twilight tried to sing onstage and see if anything happened backstage.

Raspberry and Thorax stood stiffly beside each other.

“...happy birthday.”

Thorax scoffed.

Raspberry kept her expression clear. “Did Pink-”

“You are not throwing me a party when we get back to Pinkie’s.” Thorax stated. Raspberry blinked. “Yeah. You do that a lot, don’t you? Make plans without telling me. Finally caught onto it. And I don’t want it.

This time, Raspberry could not hide the hurt in her eyes.

On stage, the Rainbooms glared at Rainbow Dash. Dash was hogging spotlights, and singing about how awesome she herself was.

Sunset noticed the sparkles. She couldn’t think of a thing to stop it. She watched the Cavalry stop transformations all day. It included throwing stuff, but Sunset had nothing to throw!

It ended up not mattering. Just as Sunset decided to tackle Dash, something got thrown.

It cut one of Dash’s guitar strings. She tried playing a note, falling flat. The guitarist noticed it. She stopped singing, to look down at what happened. Her guitar string was broken by a...hair clip?

Killjoy held up her own hands, twirling a knife in her fingers.

Raspberry stormed off through the side doors. Thorax stayed in his spot, fists still in his pockets.

The song stopped as Dash stopped singing. The students offered quiet applause.

Dash stormed off stage. Her bandmates followed, confused.

“What was this?!” Dash asked Killjoy, pointing at her broken guitar string.

“My sister has good aim.” Killjoy excused. She used the knife in her hand to file her nails.

“Oh please! This has you all over it!” Dash yelled.

Killjoy raised an eyebrow.

“No, it was Raspberry.” Cicada confirmed. Bumblebee nodded. “We watched her do it.”

“Good heavens!” Rarity gasped. “Are hair clips even that strong?”

“For us.” Killjoy replied.

Dash ground her teeth. “Then why did Raspberry ruin my song?!”

Your song?” Fluttershy pointed out.

“You were showing them your magic. There weren’t a lot of options.” Sunset defended her friend.

“Ugh. Close the curtains? Unplug her amp? Give us a chance to deal with the situation?” Rarity listed.

“Right, because you guys are so good at that today.” Bumblebee argued.

“She was trying to help.” Cicada added.

“Yeah, well, she didn’t.” Dash snapped. “She knows it! Why else would she run off?”

Killjoy stood up. She walked into Dash’s face, a dangerous glint in her eye. “You were transforming. Nobody else was. You think a song all about you was gonna work to wake up friendship magic? Really?”

“Well yeah.” Dash shrugged off. “But we’re never gonna know because your sister ruined it.”

Twilight got between the two girls. Twilight knew these two wouldn’t get along- they fought a lot in Equestria too. “Killjoy. Is Raspberry okay?”

“She ran out of here after throwing a hair clip fast enough to break a guitar string. No.” Killjoy answered. She still glared at Dash. “She’s not okay.”

Applejack pulled Dash further back. “None of this would’ve happened if you weren’t tryin’ to show off– as usual.”

Dash growled. “Why is everybody blaming me?! I didn’t do anything!”

The principals walked out on stage.

“SHHH!” Pinkie leapt up in the air, hushing them. “They said they’re gonna announce the winner!”

Cicada yelped. “But- but we haven’t gone on yet! And we can’t without Raspberry!”

“Neither can we!” Dash pointed to her guitar string. “These were good strings-”

“Attention students!” Principal Celestia called out. The Rainbooms and Cavalry gasped. Thorax and Killjoy tensed. “Given the recent behavior of the students-”

Sunset spotted something. The sirens stood on the other side of the stage. Sunset could hear the sirens, see their gemstone necklaces glow.

“-we have decided that the band that will be joining the Dazzlings in tonight’s finals... The Cavalry!” Principal Celestia revealed.

The crowd cheered. Mostly, because it meant the Rainbooms lost. They shouted their hate about the Rainbooms and their band, and for the Cavalry. All at once the crowd began chanting for the Dazzlings.

Rarity frowned. “What can we do? There isn’t gonna be another opportunity for us to play. And I had the most gorgeous outfit for the finals!”

“Yup, ’cause that’s the real tragedy here, Rarity– that you won’t get to play dress-up!” Applejack snapped.

Rarity huffed. “You know perfectly well that is not what I meant!”

Principal Celestia invited the Cavalry on stage. The trio walked on. The students booed them. They shouted for the Dazzlings.

“Congratulations, Cavalry. You deserve it.” She praised them.

Killjoy smiled. She waved at the students. Cicada, following Killjoy’s lead, giving a nervous smile and small wave. Thorax just nodded at the crowd.

“But uh- we didn’t-” Cicada began.

“We had another song.” Thorax reminded Celestia.

“The Rainbooms were disqualified after tampering with their opponent.” Vice Principal Luna explained.

Dash fumed. The Rainbooms tampered with the Cavalry? That’s not at all how it happened!

The principals walked away. The Dazzlings took their place.

Adagio Dazzle smirked at the Cavalry. “See you at tonight’s big show, Cavalry. We are really looking forward to it. Where is that band leader of your’s?”

“Right here.”

Everyone on stage yelped, jumping back.

Raspberry stood in front of the drums. She blinked, face blank. Not a trace of emotion to be seen. She turned to the Dazzlings, keeping her face clear.

“Just getting myself spotlight ready.” Raspberry replied. She brushed her hair back. “Since it’s going to be me and mine winning tomorrow.”

Adagio giggled. “Ha! We’ll see.”

Raspberry curtly nodded.


In the parking lot, the groups were standing around the front of the portal statue. The sun had long ago set. The only way to see anything was from the streetlights around them.

“We got kicked out of the battle of the bands!” Dash pointed an angry finger at Raspberry. “How are we supposed to beat them now?!”

“You know there’s nothing stopping you from actually taking the stage, yes?” Killjoy asked.

“I- huh?”

“If you went on stage, with us defending you, you could still play. Nothing would stop it, and afterwards everyone would be thankful for getting rid of the sirens.” Raspberry explained.

“Oh- that’s smart!” Cicada cheered. She elbowed Bumblebee. “Your other self really picked a winner.”

“Hey, I liked her too.” Bumblebee reminded her. “But you know-”

“Twilight, what do you think?” Applejack asked.

Twilight looked at Raspberry. The Reality Traveler nodded. “If Raspberry says we can do it, I believe her.”

With that, the Rainbooms were in agreement. Bumblebee and Cicada left, saying they needed to go home. The rest agreed on another sleepover at Pinkie’s place.

As they made their way to the place, Sunset pulled Raspberry aside.

“Are you okay? I saw you leave, really suddenly.” Sunset told her.

Raspberry shook her head. “It’s okay. The ponies back home, I had to call them about something.”

“Is everything alright?” Sunset asked. She was worried that Raspberry called to warn about the sirens invading.

“No it-” Raspberry glanced at Thorax. Just enough to see how close he stood before she spoke. “Pinkie and Rarity were working on something there. I had- well I needed- Bee said he didn’t want it.”

“The birthday party?” Sunset asked. “Wasn’t our Pinkie Pie planning a party?”

Raspberry swallowed, keeping a tense smile. “He didn’t- My Pinkie said he did, but I don’t know.”

“I think he’ll love it.” Sunset promised. “Who wouldn’t love a party from Pinkie?”

Raspberry turned away. Back to looking at Thorax, who was standing beside an excited Pinkie. The drummer was rambling about the kinds of things that Thorax liked- all for the party at her place.

“Yeah. Who couldn’t love ‘em?”


Later that night, the party ended. Thorax- in her female form again- finished off the last of her banana cake.

Raspberry dropped on the couch. Pinkie cleaned up after the party. Raspberry offered but Pinkie insisted. Raspberry stayed by Thorax’s side.

Thorax stared down at her plate. Raspberry took note of the stray white icing on Thorax’s green hand.

“You’ve got some on your hand.” Raspberry told her.

Thorax turned her hand. She spotted the icing, humming. She wiped it on the plate before tucking it aside.

Raspberry bit her lip. It was quiet again, in the living room. Last night was quiet too. They still fought.

Raspberry settled to being allowed on the couch. “...so-”

Thorax tilted her head. “Yeah?”

Raspberry bit her lip. “...did you like the party?”

“Pinkie’s parties are great.” Thorax replied. Her tone was flat, vague and distant. She was looking at the plate like one looked at the black void of space.

Her stomach spun. The awful feeling danced up her chest into her throat. Raspberry kept forcing herself to calm down, trying to have some semblance of peace. Thorax wouldn’t need to feel Raspberry right now.

Thorax leaned back on the couch. Raspberry copied her. Thorax’s head fell back on the cushion. Raspberry couldn’t look away from her face.

She hadn’t changed much, or anything really. Sure some parts were smoother, or longer, but everything looked the same. Broad shoulders, only slimmer. Her arms and legs lost none of the muscle. Raspberry even spotted the same little half-scar below the ear. Thorax was never allowed to use electric razors since. Raspberry loved the curve of Thorax’s face. The slope of her nose. The way Thorax sat when in deep thought. Every part of Raspberry’s Thorax was amazing.

The pajamas were nice too. A clean nightgown. Matching pajamas from Pinkie Pie. Thorax wore one in soft baby pink, while Raspberry wore a soft green. Long sleeved, long legged, frills on the edges, and two big hearts on the chest. It made them look like a couple.

Her hand moved closer to Thorax.

Thorax shifted on the couch. She moved her arms up, cuddling herself.

Raspberry slowly moved her hand away.

“You liked it?” Raspberry asked.

Thorax signed. Raspberry winced. “Yeah.”

“I know you didn’t want...a party.” Raspberry played with the frilly cuffed sleeve. “I tried-”

“Pinkie talked to me about it.” Thorax said. “I told her I wanted a small thing. So it’s what I got.” Thorax nodded her chin towards the empty plate.

Something in her chest settled at that. “You like banana cake best. Do you remember the fight you and Lilac had, about if the cake would be banana or banana nut?”

Thorax did laugh. A beautiful, warm giggle. The same timbre as Thorax always did when giggling. “She burned off my eyebrows.”

Raspberry giggled to match. “And apologized.”

“For a month.” Thorax laughed. Her hypnotical, endearing laugh that Raspberry never wanted to lose. Because of how Thorax placed her head, you could see the laugh shaking the smooth expanse of her throat.

A perfect moment.

There was still a fight going on, still souring the bond between them. Raspberry would need to fix it soon. But for a moment, Raspberry watched the love of her life laugh.

The moment ended. Thorax dropped the laughing smile. “Time for bed.”

Raspberry sobered her joy. “Right. Yeah.”

“So you sleep upstairs again?”

“I slept on the couch.” Raspberry could feel her cheeks warming up.

Thorax scrunched up her eyebrows. She looked down at the couch they were on. “No you didn’t.”

“Yes I did.”

“No. You hate sleeping on the couch, especially alone.” Thorax stated. She sat up. Her bright purple eyes locked on Raspberry.

Good thing she was sitting down. Raspberry’s legs were jelly.

“Morgan.” Thorax leaned forward. Raspberry- Morgan- whichever. She would answer it. Thorax leaned close enough for their noses to touch. “Did you sleep last night?”

She could only stare. Her purple eyes were such a bright shade- like the aurora borealis.

“Morgan.” Thorax prompted.

“I waited for you to come back.” Morgan hadn’t realized her eyes were watering, not until she felt tears on her new nightgown. Her head spun with the bombarding feelings. “B-Because- I don’t know-”

Thorax sighed. She pulled Morgan in for a hug.

“-what I did. I can’t- I don’t know-”

“Shh, Shh.” Thorax brushed her fingers in Morgan’s hair. “Time for bed.”

“-but you’re mad!

“Yes. But that can wait until we sleep.” Thorax assured her.


Thorax always assured Morgan. Every time, all the time. Thorax could always make Morgan right again.

Morgan never wanted Thorax to leave.


Mr Pie found two girls asleep on his couch. Both of them curled up under a blanket, tangled up together on the small couch space. One girl wrapped her arms around the other, the blanket framing her arms and legs squeezing the other girl.

He assumed it was to keep from falling off. He would talk to Pinkie about it later. If the girls were staying another night, Mr Pie would need to offer better accommodations.