• Member Since 15th Mar, 2016
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Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna fap | The Death Writer | Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lewdchapter

Comments ( 56 )

*See's the snuff tag*

lol With that PFP that comment feels ironic

now that's edgy

Sweet, hope you do more of those with the Sparkle Family

Nekon #6 · Jun 18th, 2018 · · 2 ·

all those dislikes lol. Why can't people read fucking tags before starting reading a story?

The Headless Rainbow is strong in this one

They usually *only* read the tags.

well that was horrible

eeyup, exactly what i awaited :D

Well, that was a bit of a letdown, no salty comments to chuckle at.

Right? I don't even know why I bother sometimes...

Great! Top-tier parenting skills and 100% in-character.:rainbowwild:

I loved it thanks for the amazing gorey end

looking at the tags...I knew it was going to be awful.
it was WORSE than I was expecting.
*starts a slow clap*
good job.

Seriously demented in all the right ways.

Sorry but you pushed this WAY too far. I would be okay with even mild rape and I love domineering parents but doing it like this is just sick even for me. Did you really have to go that far with Twilight?

And yet here is a comment at the"end"of the story😼

I want to raise a point about the spoiler box (first off, I did read it, and am not just reacting to the tags). You make reference to 'snuff', with I presume is a reference to Twilight's death at the end of the story. However, I am not sure this qualifies as snuff; the American Heritage Dictionary defines snuff, particularly snuff films, as "a movie in a purported genre of movies in which a person is actually murdered or commits suicide". However, since Twilight is not a real person, I think that the reference is unneeded. Child murder, yes, but not snuff.

As to the story itself...wow. That's gonna make a mess of Equestria's future!

By that logic, killing someone in a book isn't murder, because they're not real people. By that logic, there's no rape or violence in any of my stories, because they're not real people.

Don't try to make unnecessary, not to mention stupid, semantic "corrections" in some attempt to look or feel intelligent. Your comment here, in fact, shows the exact opposite.

I understand that you don't agree with what I say, but there was no need to be so rude about it.

Some would say that trying to pointlessly correct a writer is very rude in of itself

If you don't mind me asking, what did you feel was 'pointless' about my correction. I was only trying to offer some constructive criticism.

Well, besides the fact that you're objectively wrong, your suggestion doesn't really add anything to the story. And that's not even getting into the fact that I'd get into some hot water if I didn't tag my shit properly.

I'm done with you. If you don't have anything actually worthwhile to contribute, leave your thoughts at the door.

In which case, I shall leave and bit thee fairwell.

Y'know I didn't mind the first half with the domineering parents and it only being shining. Then it became un-fappable. But I started and had to finish.

I admire your tenacity

Yes he did...for the sake of the fap

To me that gore moves it from fun sadism to just sick cruelty.

Everyone has there opinion and what they like and you know what they say "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all"

Most, if not all, your stories are commissions, right?

Nope. Roughly 22 out of 51 stories are commissions, and that's not accounting for the multichapter stories of mine.

Why do you ask?

Also, this is a bizarre place to ask

Oh. Well. I Just thought that this must be a comission and that's why you wrote it.

Nope. I wrote this for fun.

All of my commissioned stories have a line in their description that say who commissioned it, and they all reside in my bookshelf Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, in case you're curious as to what else I've written for money

How can anyone want shit like this? I can understand forbidden fetishes like incest, but this goes way too far past the line.

I don't understand how anyone could want pineapple on pizza, but those weirdos definitely exist.

Everyone's "line" is different. My line is a bit further than yours. That's all there is to it


Essentially you can put on pizza any combination if toppings that work in other situations. For that particular person.
Pinapple can be only on white meat pizza, otherwise it doesn't work. Pinapple is sour-sweet.. so it's not for everyone, but pinnaple or orange plus chicken is from what considered classic eastern couisine.

I don't really understand what this is supposed to mean, but my pizza thing was what we call an allegory. No one cares about the actual pizza, it was just an example to make an idiot understand a simple concept.

Also, why do people feel compelled to add their two cents to literal years-old conversations that don't involve them?

Well, I continued an allegory.

The element doesn't mean as much as combination of them and its value depends on consumer.

I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or not


"The line" around comfort zone is though blurred in some cases and have odd kinks. It may expand, but slowly, but it easily can contract. It's all based on expirience. And even things that are within "the line" may not work if presented wrongly which can sour things up.

Ooop... a pun.

You are wildly overcomplicating it.

Some people like things that other people find gross. It's literally that simple

I thoroughly enjoyed this. I hope you make more. Maybe add a the gangbang rape and torture of foals. A little sick yes. But I find pleasure in the twisinting stomach turning feeling from stuff like this. :twilightsmile:

Probably won't be doing anything like this again. Sort of been there, done that at this point

Oh well. I tried atleast. Thanks for responding

Oh,the part of abusing baby Twilight is what l can't bear with:raritydespair:

It's so interesting to me that new people are still reading this garbage.

This is probably the worst, most bleak thing I've ever written. It's reprehensible from like second 1.

I don't recommend anyone read any of this, least of all the Twilight scene.

It is literature, after all.:twilightsmile:

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