• Published 30th Jul 2012
  • 1,657 Views, 6 Comments

Scrapbook - Magicolt808

The Apple family take a trip down memory lane.

  • ...

The Letter

Applejack sat in her family's orchard, waiting near the fence that ran the length of it. Her eyes sparkled with a simple brilliance, just like the apples on the trees she held so dear. The day was late but the sun still stayed high, beaming down on the orange mare. She was not phased however. She had her hat to shield her and she had a new found happiness that could not be broken.

Her parents were finally coming home.

Oh she could see it now. She could just see their old truck rumble down the road and come into the driveway. She had it all planned out too. She was going to let them park, get out, and give them the biggest and tightest hugs they have ever received. Everything was going to be perfect. Or so she thought.

Over the hill that the road went over, she could see the mailmare, Ditzy, fly down the trail, coming towards the orchard. Applejack quickly walked up to the mare and greeted her with a simple hello. Though Applejack’s greeting was filled with cheer, Ditzy’s expression was not.

“I’m so sorry.” Ditzy said flatly before departing quickly after she had jammed a letter into Applejack’s hoof..

Applejack followed the mare with her eyes until she was out of sight. Ditzy had always been a strange one, but that was strange, even for her. Never the less, Applejack opened the letter and began to read it with a cheerful tone. That is until the letter progressed and the news became more clear.

Dear Apple Family

We are sorry to inform you that Mr. and Mrs. Apple have unfortunately passed away. While they were returning home from Marizona, the two were struck by a carriage that was being steered by an intoxicated driver. The mortician said that they died on impact so there was no suffering. Again we are sorry for your loss and our condolences go out to you.

Sincerely, Ponyville Police department

Applejack grew silent with every word she spoke. Her breath became ragged and her heartbeat began to accelerate. She couldn’t believe what she was reading. How? How could she wait five years for their return for it to be shattered before her eyes? Tears began to stream down her face and moisten the dirt beneath her hooves. Without another word, she turned around and walked back into her house.

Whenever Applejack entered the house, she would gently close the screen door behind her. But not this time. As she walked in, she let the screen door slam itself shut, startling Big Mac, who was eating an apple on the couch while reading a book on Quantum Mechanics.

“What's the matter sis?” asked Big Mac, obviously startled by Applejack’s appearance.

Applejack didn’t respond nor did she look up to address her brother. Instead she just tossed the letter over the couch and let it flutter into Mac’s hooves. Big mac picked up his reading glasses and put them on to read the letter. His eyes grew wider as his eyes panned across the paper, but his expression remained blank and stern. When he was finally finished, he put the letter down and got off the couch. Applejack looked up just as Big Mac wrapped his hooves around her neck. Applejack felt the warm embrace and let her tears roll out, letting them stream down Big Mac’s back.

“Everything is goin’ ta be alright.” Big Mac cooed as his sister’s sobs echoed throughout the house. Her cries were loud enough to wake Granny Smith, who was in the middle of her afternoon nap.

“What in tarnation is going on?” Yelled Granny.

Applejack looked up at her brother and nodded. They broke loose of each other and Applejack walked up to Granny slowly and tenderly.

“Granny...Ma and Pa are gone now.” she said slowly and softly.

Granny didn’t say anything. She just let out a small sigh and walked back into her room. From behind the door, her soft moans echoed into the silent hallway. Applejack looked back at her brother who looked at her at the same time. Their eyes locked and they knew what had to be done next.

“Let’s wait fer her ta get home from school.” said Applejack, flatly.

The two sat on the couch together in silence. The occasional look towards the door would happen but other than that, no movement was done. The sound of three laughing fillies was heard outside and ended the silence. When Applebloom entered with the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Applejack and Big Mac were waiting for her.

“Uhh...Applebloom? We need to speak to you privately.” Applejack said nervously. “I’m sorry Sweetie and Scoots. Applebloom can’t play taday.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo Both said, “Awww.” at the same time but left to go play at Rarity’s boutique.

“Wuss wrong sis’?” Applebloom asked, clearly upset her day’s plans were disrupted.

“Applebloom. Ma an Pa are gone now. They went to Heaven.” said Applejack oddly. She was not used to giving this kind of talk.

“Wh-Whaaa?” whimpered Applebloom.

“Oh Applebloom! I’m sorry. I know you barely knew them but they loved you so much.”

“Applejack?” Applebloom asked.

“Yes Applebloom?”

“What did they look like?”

This question caught Applejack off guard. She could imagine her parents as if they were right in front of them. She could see her mother, Apple Taffy, her caramel mane and her red coat. She had her mane tied up just like Applejack’s but with small bows, similar to Applebloom’s large one. Then she could see her father, Apple Cider. His dark brown coat and black mane were cut short but were concealed by his hat that now belonged to Applejack. Their detail was so real to Applejack and she couldn’t believe Applebloom didn’t know what they looked like. Even if they left when she was a year old.

“Well Applebloom, ya see...umm...uhh...” Applejack stammered

Applejack looked over to Big Mac for help but to no avail. They stared blankly at each other and at Applebloom, trying to find the words to make it easier for Applebloom.

Their awkward silence was interrupted by a small giggle and then a loud snort coming from Granny Smith’s room. The three siblings walked into the room to see what was going on. When they entered, it seemed like all the tension had gone away. There, Sitting on the bed, was Granny Smith, holding a scrapbook in her hooves, the pages stained with some tears.

Granny looked up at them. “Cmon in. I was jus lookin at some pictures I had of all of ya with yer Ma and Pa.” she said sweetly.

The three gathered behind her and looked down at the tattered scrapbook. Some of the edges of the pages were brown and the spine was bound by a simple piece of string. The photos inside were in the same condition. But the way it was presented was rustic and magnificent.

“Who’s that Granny?” asked Applebloom.

Granny Smith giggled. “ Why that's yer sister!”

Applebloom looked up at her older sister, who blushed at the sight of her being a foal in diapers.

“Hey!” Applebloom exclaimed, “She’s wearing my bow!”

“Yer not the only one who can make a bow look good.” Applejack winked.

The family laughed and giggled. As each photo went by, they could see the transformation it took them all to get to where they are today. They saw applejack transform from a tiny foal, to a beautiful mare. And they saw Big Mac grow up from a scrawny colt into a full fledged stallion. Applebloom couldn’t believe her eyes and her mind raced with so many questions for them. But only one question stayed in the front of her mind.

“Where’s Ma and Pa?” she asked.

Granny smith smiled softly. “There was only one picture they wanted of them in their scrapbook. And it’s right here.” Granny flipped the page to reveal a sleeping foal in the hooves of a beautiful mare and a handsome stallion along with their children and Granny.

“Is that...” Applebloom started.

“You? Yes it is.” said Granny.

“But why did they only take this picture of themselves?” she asked.

Granny looked down a bit but still kept her composure. “Because they knew they wouldn’t live to see you again.”

“Whaaa?” said Applebloom in shock.

“They said they were getting old and they knew they couldn’t live their whole life on the farm. So they left, trying to see the world. This here photo was taken at their going away party. They told me if anything were to happen, I would have to raise you all to take care of yerselves. Well. It looks like I did a pretty good job at that.” she smiled.

The three siblings all hugged their granny just as the moon had reached its peak. The light shown down on the orchard reflected off of the apples and made them shine with a simple brilliance. Much like the ponies that held them so dear.

Comments ( 5 )

It was nice :twilightsmile:

Happy ending. Good job. Thumbs-up for you.

dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Redheart_gasp.png D'aeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


...okay *gasp*

WHAT? I NEED A BETTER D'AWFACE! GIMME DAT D'AWFACE. NOAAW! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_RageFace.png

...okay.. *GASP*


*sniff* Good d'awwface son, good d'awface. My ears hurt. :twistnerd:
Wait NO! DON'T DO IT PLEASE NO! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_RageFace.png





Sorry Royce for the late reading. Well, all I can say is that you did an amazing job with this fiction (as always:ajsmug:) And that I'm glad to see you writing once again!

1161589 I googled it and I had no clue who the credit went to. Sorry about that. But could you tell me what you think of the story?

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