• Published 30th Jul 2012
  • 16,761 Views, 405 Comments

Geoverse Part One: To Friend Is Human - GeodesicDragon

After being shot, I ended up in a new world and eventually found love with one of its inhabitants. But Fate had other ideas in mind for our fledgling relationship...

  • ...


I opened my eyes to find that I was looking at the plain white tiles I had come to associate with hospitals; the smell of disinfectant reaching my nostrils soon corroborating my theory. I tried to breathe a sigh of relief, happy that the girls had gotten me to safety, but the pain was just too much.

Haywick is gonna kill me for being back so soon, I thought. But at least this time I won't be in the hospital for three months.

"Unidentified male found with gunshot wound in James Street," a voice said. I tried to look around, but found that I was unable to move for all the machines attached to me. "Take it easy, pal." The same voice soothed. "You're gonna be fine."

It didn't take me long to realise that the voice had said 'James Street,' instead of 'the Everfree Forest.' Furthermore, the doctor's voice sounded nothing like Haywick's.

The trolley slowed to a stop, at which I felt several bodies crowding around me; I looked up to see several faces looking back.

Human faces. My eyes widened, and I gasped in shock.

With a collective grunt I was transferred onto a bed, the doctors shouting for various medicines as my mind drifted back to Equestria. I was sincerely hoping that the girls had used the Elements of Harmony to their full effect.

With nothing else to do in the meantime, I lay back and let the wonders of modern medicine work their magic on me.


I woke up slowly, my eyes fluttering in the light, and looked around to see that I was still in the hospital. The window was open, and the sounds and smells of the outside world were filtering through.

I soon realised that I wasn't in Equestria, I was actually back on Earth. The door opened and a doctor came in; he walked over to me with a small smile on his face. "Ah, you're awake," he said. "I'm Doctor Hardwick, and I have to say that you are lucky to be alive. Another inch to the left and you'd be dead."

I stared at him blankly. "How long has it been, Doctor?" I asked. "Since... since I was admitted, I mean."

"A few days," Hardwick replied. "Why?"

"I dreamt that I was in a whole other place," I said, a smile spreading on my face. "It all seemed so real; to my mind, it was though I had been there for nine whole months."

Hardwick nodded. "Sounds to me like your mind created this world for you as a sort of defence mechanism," he replied, scribbling some notes on a piece of paper attached to a clipboard. "Not to worry, though, you'll be up and about in no time. I just popped in to check on you, but since I can see that you're awake, I will let you get some more rest." He left the room, closing the door quietly behind, leaving me to fall back onto the pillows.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you like that, girls," I said aloud. "But, now that I'm back, I am going to keep the promise I made to Twilight... and do my utmost to finally make a new friend."


I sat in the gallery, sweating profusely and crossing my fingers while hoping for the best. Derek stood in the dock, looking intently at his shoes, while another man stood up holding a piece of paper.

"Mr. Foreman," said the judge. "Has the jury reached a verdict?"

"Yes, Your Honour, we have," replied the foreman. "We the jury find the defendant, Derek Adams, guilty of attempted murder."

I suppressed a cheer.

"Thank you, foreman," the judge replied as he turned to Derek, who was standing with a shocked expression on his face. "Given that your attack was completely unprovoked, as well your history of violence, I believe you are a danger to the public. I sentence you to seven years in a secure mental health facility, where you can get the help you need." He pounded his gavel.

I punched the air in triumph, watching as Derek was led away; he saw me sitting in the gallery and looked at me with anger in his eyes, before his face dissolved into a look of remorse. A single tear rolled down his cheek as he was taken out the room.

I stood up and left the courtroom, deliriously happy with the turn of events. But As I danced down the hall I collided with someone, sending us both tumbling to the floor in a heap.

"Hey, watch it!" said the man I'd bumped into, standing up and beginning to collect the papers he had been carrying.

"Sorry, I just got a good result in a case and I wasn't looking where I was going," I said sheepishly. "Here, let me help you with those."

I started picking up some of the papers and handed them to him.

"Thanks," he turned to leave, but his eyes remained focused on the gaming t-shirt I was wearing. Before I went to Equestria, I had been afraid to wear one because of what people might think — but then I remembered something that Twilight had said to me.

"Would you listen to yourself? You've got a negative opinion of yourself, simply because somepony else does!"

These words were my mantra. By wearing this t-shirt, I was announcing to the world that I didn't give a fuck what they thought of me; that I was who I was, and proud of it. As I thought about this, the man whom I bumped into finished looking at it.

"So," he said nonchalantly. "You're a gamer?"

"Yeah," I replied with a smile. "PC and PS4 mostly."

"PS4 is my favourite too." he held out his hand. "I'm John."

I took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, I'm Geo."

"That's an odd name," John replied, raising an eyebrow.

I laughed. "Yeah, it is," I said. "Truth be told it's a nickname of mine, but I liked it so much I used the Deed Poll laws to legally change my name from 'Chris' to 'Geo.'"

"Cool." John smirked, then he hesitated for a moment. "Listen, I don't normally do this, but you seem like a good guy. I've gotta get back to work now, but if you want to go for a drink one night... then maybe we can talk about our favourite games?"

"Sure," I replied, writing my mobile number on a piece of scrap paper he offered me. "Call me when you're free."

"Will do, mate," John replied as he turned around and began running down the hall. "Catch ya later, Geo!"

I smiled and left the courthouse, happier than I could ever remember. As I walked home, I looked up at the sky and recalled the dream I'd had about going to Equestria.

Twilight would be proud of me, I thought to myself. I made a new friend – well, at least I think I did – just like I promised her I would. I stopped walking and looked at the pavement, a single tear landing on the concrete below. I miss them all so much — but knowing that it was all something my mind conjured up makes it harder to bear. I resumed walking. But that doesn't mean I still didn't learn anything from my experience, because I have a chance to make a fresh start... come hell or high water.

The heavens opened, and the rain cascaded onto the streets.

And I'm going to make damn sure that I take it.


I sat back on the sofa, raising my arms in triumph. "I win again!" I shouted, a smile on my face. "You owe me twenty quid, John!"

"We didn't shake on that bet." John laughed. "So it doesn't count!"

I stood up, grinning, and went to the kitchen. "Want a beer?" I called through to the living room, where John was swapping games.

"Yeah, mate, cheers!" he replied. I grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge as well as a couple of packets of crisps. I took them back through to the living room and tossed one of each to John, nonchalantly aiming for his head. "Cheers, Geo."

"You're welcome, mate" I replied, just as there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it; don't even think about cheating while I'm gone!"

John grinned. "No promises!" he said jokingly. "I'm only teasing, Geo, I could never cheat on you." He batted his lashes at me.

I rolled my eyes and went over to the door, opening it to find a delivery man with a parcel. "Delivery for Geo," he said. "Sign here."

I signed for the parcel and he handed it to me. "That's it, cheers, have a nice day." With that, he was gone.

I closed the door and looked closer at the parcel, which had the logo of the hospital I was at in the top left corner. Underneath that were the words 'PATIENT PROPERTY.'

"What is it, mate?" asked John from the living room.

"It's from the hospital," I replied. "Apparently, I forgot to claim something of mine, and they're returning it to me; I just can't seem to recall having anything on me when I was admitted."

John paused the game and came to the door. "That's nice of them," he said. "Maybe they've made a mistake and sent you someone else's stuff? If so, stick it on eBay and make yourself a few quid!" He chuckled at his own joke before noticing the glazed look on my face. He clumsily patted me on the shoulder. "Mate, that's all in the past now; you're okay, and the bastard who did it is behind bars."

I smiled. "I was just glad I could talk to someone about it," I said. "I'm also very thankful that you didn't think I was a complete loony when I got to the part about the talking ponies."

"It's like the doctor said," replied John. "The whole thing was likely a defence mechanism your mind came up with; you're also my best mate, so why wouldn't I believe you?" I smiled, and John raised his hand. "Mind you, the bit about falling in love with one of them was a bit weird — and I certainly didn't need to hear about how the two of you took each other's virginity." He paused for a moment. "Come to think of it, you're still a virgin since it was a dream."

I responded by flipping him the bird. "Fuck off."

"Hey, I'm just saying!" John defended. "Maybe we can go to Amsterdam at some point... if you feel like it, that is."

"Can we get back on topic, please?" I rolled my eyes. "Those ponies taught me a lot about friendship, John; If they could see me now with you, I'm sure they'd be proud... especially Twilight."

"I'm sure they would," he replied. "Now, what's in the envelope?"

I smiled, opened the envelope and peered inside; all I could make out was a piece of paper. I took it out, unfolded it and read it.

Dear Geo,

Enclosed is the property you had on you when you were admitted to our Accident and Emergency department. Should you feel that anything is missing, please contact me as soon as possible.

Doctor Hardwick.

I put a hand in the envelope and had a feel around, my fingers eventually touching something cold. Taking a hold of it pulled it out and looked at it — only to fall onto my knees, clutching it in my fist.

"Geo!" John panicked. "Shit, are you okay? What is it?!"

I opened my shaking hand to reveal a gold necklace — with a small purple gem attached to the end.

I clutched the object closer to my chest; John tried to take a closer look, but all he could see were four simple words.

My Heart Is Yours.

The End

Comments ( 113 )

Tis a good rewrite! WIll the sequels also get a rewrite or was it for this one part?


Just this one. I don't think the sequels need a rewrite, to be honest.

Alrighty! I didn't think they did either, but I figured I may as well ask al lthe same! :)

2029898 what there are sequels arter i first finished it at school i was yelling FU***FU***FU***FU*** IT CAN END LIKE THIS and everybody in the room gave me the middle finger and said shut up the fuck up tony


:eeyup: There are five sequels. :rainbowwild:


A few things don't make sense.

Okay, let's see.

You acknowledge the horror of the last two episodes of the 2nd series but you don't acknowledge Family Appreciation Day?

What does that have to do with anything?

You suggest humans were commonplace in the pony world during the existence of Equestria?

And that's a problem because...?

You have Celestia taking the 'it's hostile until proved otherwise' rather than 'indifferent until proved one or the other'?

You didn't read the story properly, otherwise you wouldn't have said that. Read the chapter again and you will see that there is a reason why Celestia is taking this stance.

I fail to see the justice.

And I fail to see the point of your comment. Most of what you are saying doesn't even make sense. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking.


This was my first story. I didn't know any better. :facehoof:

"PS3 is my favourite, especially Killzone 3." he grinned and held out his hand. "I'm John."

Bro fist. I have the same exact game & system

Well done on the rewrite. Gaps have bin filled and many thanks for the story:pinkiesmile:

First time I read this, which is ... [checking your profile for my comment] 12 weeks ago pretty much, though I didn't get around to comment for different reasons.
Hm, oh well. When you did the rewrite I pretty much instantly decided that I'd reread the entire Geoverse when you're done, and, here I am, after some hours I've read the first part in the series, heh :twilightsmile:

Thing is .. I really like your apporach here, but I can't point out what I really like the most.
What I mean is, you are writing all the characters well in character. Geo is also well-described and pretty much everything the reader needs to know about him is there, toghether with an interesting and well-written personality.
The storyline is interesting too. Let's forget that I've read the series once (I've not yet read Season of Adventure, it'll be the final step of this 're'read :twilightblush: ), and say that Geo got randomly transported to Equestria through beeing shot. Such an act of violence lead him to such a peaceful world, heh, almost poetical and stuff like that :twilightsheepish:
And, then the story with earlier humans in Equestria is a nice touch, and, evenmore that Twilight gets intimidated by Geo early on when she thinks she'd upset him.

So, summing things up, I cant put my finger on anything that I like the most in this fic, but, it's all in all a really greatly-written story. Therefor, this story is liked and faved since the first read. ^^

Now I'm off to recall what happens next ;)


"The humans had claimed the territory Equestria was founded on as their own, and they saw our presence as an invasion. They declared war on us and began a campaign to drive us out. Many lives were lost over the next few years, but the humans were no match against our warriors. The day came when they attacked what is now Ponyville. The fighting was fierce, but we held out. When it was all over... the humans had been completely annihilated."

Did you ever stop to consider that the battle might have taken place on the land Ponyville was built on? Or maybe that a town existed there, but was destroyed during the fighting and Ponyville was built in its place?


This was my first story, so of course there would be issues like the ones you mentioned.

i found the story seemed to start flowing better in the later chapters... but that's still good.:pinkiesmile:
i'm really curious thou, i added this to my favorites, all other favorites are fully read, and i just finished reading this, and it says i have 21 unread chapters and this story has 12... and it only brings up this story... is it somehow counting deleted chapters?:unsuresweetie:


Thanks for your comment. Glad you liked it.

As for the problem you are having, I honestly can't help you. I've had it before as well, but it usually fixes itself.

... usually.


I'm British.

'nuff said.

You know how to write a story that punctures my heart with a bullet filled with the beautiful poison called feels.
I :moustache: you a question: Y U NO FEATURED?


This wasn't good enough for that honour. However A Season Of Adventure has been featured four times, if that's any consolation. :twilightsmile:


You've never heard of applying pressure? :twilightoops:

Well that's incredibly pessimistic. And ignoring the immense amount of good done by humans. And all the awesome things we've done. Like, you know, wiped out dozens of diseases, sent people to the moon, figured out ways to save lives from most everything that's killed us, made infertile people fertile, and, well, sending a space craft outside of the solar system.

But hey, we're just evil, horrible beings who only want to kill.

I don't really have a comeback to this. I could play the 'first story' card and say that of course I would overlook a few things, but then I remember that I rewrote it. Thus I could have addressed this issue, but I didn't.

Secondly... The characters seem really wooden so far. Little more than cardboard cutouts of what they should feel like. Might just be me though.

*reads other comments* Yeah, it's just you. :twilightsmile:

You rewrote this? Damn, wish I could remember my comments from before.......Oh well, time fore new ones then!

2416369 Oh well, I'm only 238 selim away....Monday it will be 72 selim. I shall have a drink for the both of us!

No, don't rewrite the others!! I already know what happens.!!!


The bullet had nothing to do with it. The sequel explains everything.


You're right — RD isn't brash. But she is brave. And picking up an unknown and potentially dangerous creature... well it doesn't get much braver than that.


I'm guessing you're not British? Because we have this thing called the Deed Poll law, which allows you to change your name. But I mention this in the Epilogue anyway. :twilightsmile:

I might have tried to give this a shot but the moment you named the character after YOUR USERNAME I ran away as fast as I could. Fucking seriously? You didn't even try to name your main character? That just comes off as lazy. Plus each time the name appears I completely cringe. Just seeing "Geoverse" makes me want to pull my hair out now.

Even if you shorten it to Geo I still know where it comes from. That and I just think of Geodude from Pokemon. It's annoying.

Not to mention the truckload of cliches and absence of character development. And personality.


1) I only ever use my username once.
2) Once again I find myself bringing up the Deed Poll laws. Geo is British, and said law allows you to change your name.
3) Pardon me for trying to be original.
4) Insulting me isn't going to get you anywhere.
5) No character development? That's what the sequels are for. This was my first story, so of course there would be a lack of that.

So I just finished this, at the end the first thing that went through my mind was "OH MY GOD DUDE".

This story is fantastic.

2658608 Dude this song fit so fucking well.

Fifteen Scootaloos and the Scootaloo Seal of Approval.



Sir, If I were anywhere near where you live, I'd treat to a beer, so we discuss this in great length, but as it is, I must say this:

The story overall was more then nice, even though I didn't like the end too much. But that is just me and I know that there are more parts of this series out there, and I will get right to it, cause I want to know what happens.

Sincerely yours VisualPony


The rewrite should hopefully address this issue.


This story is set after the end of Season Two, so Changelings won't be making an appearance. :raritycry:

Comment posted by Therisinghero deleted Feb 2nd, 2014

this is one of the best stories I've ever read and the best part is that I'm reading this over again this is such a great story it deserves to read more than once btw have you ever thought of getting your stories narrated and up on youtube I personally would like to see and listen to that


This is one of the biggest complaints I get about this story, but you'll be pleased to hear that the rewrite will hopefully fix the issue once and for all.


They didn't have access to the same level of tech that we have today. Think of them has having access to the same technology the ponies in FiM do (in other words, not much).

They were just really good at farming, that's all.

Re-reading this only a week after the first time.
I love this story.

3909887 I've re-read this story at least 4 times. :twilightsmile:

What? It's good! :pinkiehappy:


Implying you only get those things in the USA.

3959319 USA isn't known to be very friendly. Case in point: The majority of the vids and hate on the internet.

*flinches when he sees the last few lines*






Prior to the rewrite, the humans of old Equestria were enemies of the fledgling pony nation. But since I got a ton of complaints about this, I rewrote the story so that they were always friends instead.

But since I'm not finished with said rewrite, some chapters will still refer to them as enemies — and thus not make a lot of sense. Apologies for the confusion, and I promise to have it fixed as soon as possible. :twilightsmile:


Having never been shot myself, I can honestly say that I'm not sure what it would feel like. Hence my lack of any description regarding the actual wound sustained.

But then again, this is a story — so if I want to bend the rules of reality, then I can. :twilightsmile:

Though I suppose I could do a minor rewrite to add in a few more details...

(This is neither a thought out or hate-filled response.)

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