• Published 19th Jun 2018
  • 3,324 Views, 115 Comments

I Hear the Stars - Whinifree

It can be said that what Tempest’s old friends did was cruel. Contemplating everything, Tempest is left wondering if she’s really any better, and if it’s time to return home.

  • ...

I Hear the Stars

With her armor glinting in the sun’s rays and her saddlebag hanging along her sides, Tempest stood upon the path with the forest behind her. Completely ignoring the surrounding hills and other forested spots, she gazed down the road.

There it was: a quaint little town about one-third the size of Ponyville, situated under a clear blue sky and basking in the radiance of the morning sun.

"Home...." Tempest took several deep breaths. “Up until a few months ago, I never imagined I would ever see this place again. I didn't want to. I wanted to forget it….”

Grubber, who was standing at Tempest's side and clutching the shoulder straps to his backpack, glanced up at her.

“For a good while I did,” continued Tempest, her tone somber yet fearful. “But even after over twenty years, being back here... I remember it all so clearly. It looks much like it did when I lived here. The cobblestone roads, the houses with those—”

She paused and started to laugh. “Those stupid pointed roofs! Seriously, I never understood what the 'point' of that was.”

Grubber chuckled and grinned. “Uh-huh. And what about local desserts?”

Tempest looked down at the road a few moments longer, then turned to Grubber. “Hey, Grubber, listen... I... I was actually thinking this morning it would be best for you to sit this one out.”

Grubber's eyes widened, but Tempest held up a hoof before he could speak.

“I know, I know. It's nothing against you, but this is my hometown, and it's been so long since I was here. After everything that's happened, I just have a feeling this is something I must do alone.”

“Are you absolutely sure about that?”

“Yes. Sorry for the short notice on it. I promise I'll get you some extra samples of those local desserts.”

Several moments passed by in silence. Grubber frowned and stared at his feet before nodding. “Okay….”

Tempest smiled. “If things work out then I would be happy to introduce my sidekick, uh, I mean friend, my friend to the town. If things don't work out, then at least this way you will be spared the residents' wrath, and we'll never speak of this again.”

Grubber looked back up at Tempest. “Friend? You truly consider me your friend?”

Tempest maintained her firm smile and nodded. “I probably could do a better job of showing it. I am glad you're with me.”

A sly grin appeared on Grubber's demeanor. “You going ultra-soft on me or something?”

Tempest sneered. “Oh, stop before I drop you, little man. Don't think I won't.”

The two shared a hearty laugh.

“Well,” said Tempest, returning her attention to the town. “It's time.”

“If there's any problems,” cautioned Grubber, “just remember to show them the letter from that Princess what's-her-name.”

“Her name is Twilight Sparkle, and I will. Wish me luck.”

With a last look at Grubber, Tempest began her trek down the road toward the town. Her pace was slow, and her gaze never strayed from the first set of houses that acted like a front gate to the settlement. Her breaths got deeper as she got closer and closer. Soon, she was able to see various ponies of all kinds meandering to and fro along the streets, carrying baskets and bags and standing by market stalls. Some of them wore outfits that reminded Tempest of those she'd seen at Rarity's boutique back in Ponyville. She recalled Rarity offering to make her a brand new outfit before she left on her journey, but she had declined, saying that she felt most comfortable in her armor.

Suddenly, a small gold ball bounced across the street and a group of fillies and colts went chasing after it.

Tempest froze. Every memory of that day over twenty years prior invaded her mind all at once. Her heart hastened, and sweat began to pour down her face as the joyful laughter of the foals echoed in her ears. She planted her gaze squarely on the group of foals as they bucked and levitated the familiar ball every direction. But most especially, she planted her gaze upon a unicorn filly who looked exactly like her old foalhood friend Glitter Drops. Tempest was focused so intently on the foals that she barely even noticed the ball bouncing toward her.

“Runaway ball!” cried one of the colts.

Tempest snapped out of her daze just in time to grab the ball in her hooves, and she stared at it while holding it against her chest plate. Cheers reached her ears, and she looked up to spot the entire group of foals looking at her. They were the Glitter Drops look-alike, a unicorn colt, an earth pony colt and filly, and two pegasi fillies.

“Good catch, Miss!” beamed the earth pony filly as she bounced up and down. “Our parents would be really mad at us if we lost another one!”

With a look of confusion and surprise clear upon her face, Tempest maintained her grip on the ball as several of the foals approached her. Each of them had the same inquisitive look Tempest did.

“Haven't seen you around before,” said the unicorn colt. “Are you new in town?”

“Duh, obviously she's new in town,” said one of the pegasi as she hovered in the air.

The earth pony colt started walking circles around Tempest. “Where'd you get that cool armor? I want some! And what happened to your horn?”

The Glitter Drops look-alike gave the earth pony colt a fierce glare. “How rude! Don't ask her that! That's none of our business.” She sighed. “Come on, everypony. Don't crowd around her like that. It's not nice.”

Tempest rubbed her shattered horn and glanced between them, meeting each of their gazes. After a few awkward moments of silence, the strength finally returned to her voice. “Hello.”

The foals all beamed and returned the greeting.

“Actually,” said Tempest, “since the story is a matter of safety that might save your life someday, I wouldn't mind answering the horn question. Let's just say I learned the hard way, a long long time ago, not to trespass in an ursa cave.”

The foals went wide-eyed and gasped.

“That same incident is also how I got this scar over my right eye.” Tempest pointed to the scar.

“I've heard stories about ursas,” stated the earth pony colt. “I'm glad you weren't hurt even worse than you were!”

The others all nodded and voiced their agreement.

Tempest smiled. “So am I. Lesson learned. Anyway, I believe this belongs to you lot.” She held the ball out in front of herself.

“Thanks!” The Glitter Drops look-alike took the ball in her hooves, then looked back up at Tempest. “Say, what's your name, Miss? I’m Fizzle Twist!”

Tempest furrowed her brow, giving Fizzle Twist a quizzical look. That’s a rather peculiar name for a filly who looks just like my old friend. Could she...? No, she couldn’t, could she?

The other foals all gave Tempest the same curious stare as they waited.

Anyway, what do I say? I know I told Twilight and the others what my name is, but I've been Tempest Shadow for so long that it feels more like my real name than my actual real name does. At the same time, there's no way these little ones haven't heard all about certain recent events, and all the trouble that I caused. Will they run away if I tell them I'm the Tempest that nearly caused Equestria to fall to ruin?

“Uh, Miss?” asked Fizzle Twist, her sweet voice laden with concern. “I've never heard of somepony having to think when being asked their name before. Is there something wrong?”

Tempest looked down into the filly's purple eyes. A few seconds later, her smile returned and shook her head. “No, little one. Nothing is wrong.”

“So what's your name then?”

Before Tempest could answer, a cheerful voice called out from down the road closer to the town.

“Ah, we have a visitor!”

Tempest and all the foals looked in the direction of the call, spotting a yellow unicorn mare with a white mane and tail approaching. She wore a tan polo shirt and she had a bag slung over her shoulder. Her cutie mark was two overlapping stars that each had a smiley face.

“Welcome, Miss Tempest!” She stopped just behind the group of foals and gave Tempest a small bow.

“You... you know who I am?”

“I saw you at the Friendship Festival talking with Princess Twilight, her friends, and those other visitors from beyond Equestria.”

Tempest's heart quickened. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the foals giving her odd looks and she swallowed hard.

“Looks like you've already had a welcome of sorts from the little ones,” the mare continued. “Permit me to introduce myself. I am Well Wishes, the mayor of this small town. Everypony here just calls me Mayor Wish.”

“You're Tempest?” asked one of the pegasus fillies. “Commander Tempest? The Commander Tempest?”

Tempest's ears fell flat against her head. She frowned and closed her eyes. Turning her head to the side, she let out a sigh and nodded. “Yes….”

The foals started to murmur to each other.

“I was at the Friendship Festival with my dad,” said the earth pony colt, frowning at Tempest. “You led that attack on Canterlot.”


Suddenly, the colt's tone brightened. “Then at the Songbird Serenade concert, Princess Twilight said you saved her, her friends, and all of Equestria at the last second!”

Tempest's eyes shot open and she gazed upon the beaming faces of the foals.

“Way to turn things around like a boss!” the earth pony colt continued. “Anypony that Princess Twilight says is cool is cool in my book!”

“Most admirable indeed,” said Mayor Wish, keeping her warm smile. She then looked at the foals. “Why don't you little ones go play while I show Miss Tempest around town.”

They nodded and walked several yards away. Pausing, they looked back at Tempest and waved.

“Bye, Miss Tempest!” they called out in unison like a school class before resuming their play time.

Tempest could not resist the urge to smile and she waved back. “Bye. It was nice meeting all of you.” As the foals departed, she just stared at Fizzle Twist.

“Foals just have this uncanny way of lifting others' spirits, don't they?” asked Mayor Wish. “Probably all that youthful energy.”

“Yes,” replied Tempest. “Yes they do, actually. As soon as you mentioned my name and they recognized it... I thought I was done for.”

“I don't blame you, but I assure you that you have nothing to fear. Not with Princess Twilight vouching for you.” Mayor Wish held her right foreleg out to her side invitingly. “Shall we walk?”

“That's very nice of you to offer. But actually, I already know my way around this place.”

Mayor Wish gave her a look of confusion. “You do?”

Tempest nodded. “Yes, and there's more.” She paused, looked down at the ground and rubbed her foreleg.

“Is everything all right?” asked Mayor Wish.

“That actually remains to be seen. The truth is, Tempest isn't my real name. My real name is….”


Several moments passed by in complete silence. Finally, Tempest took a deep breath and looked back up at the mayor. “You see... my real name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist, and I used to live here a long time ago. In fact, this is where I was born.”

“Did...” muttered Mayor Wish. “Did you say your name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist? The Fizzlepop Berrytwist that disappeared over twenty years ago?”

Slowly, Tempest nodded.

The mayor went wide-eyed as she gazed at Tempest. Finally, she gasped and put her hooves over her muzzle. “Oh my goodness! There's a whole missing ponies file on you in the town records.”

“Yeah, I figured there would be. I left because I was overcome with anger and sorrow about losing my horn, and the friends that turned their backs on me when I needed them the most. But I've come back in the hopes to put that all behind us and make a new start with them. And with my parents.”

“I'd be honored to assist you!” Mayor Wish beamed and nodded enthusiastically. “So, what are your old friends' names?”

“Spring Rain and Glitter Drops. Are they still around?”

The mayor's demeanor suddenly dampened and she looked down at the ground.

Tempest furrowed her brow. “Is that a no?”

“Well... yes for Spring Rain, and... no for Glitter Drops.”

Tempest frowned. "Did she move?"

Mayor Wish closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then glanced back up at Tempest with a deep frown upon her face. “I'm very sorry to tell you this, but she passed away.”

Tempest's eyes widened and a deep pit opened up within her stomach. Her first, last, and every moment with Glitter Drops cascading into her psyche all at once. “When? How?”

The mayor was quiet for several moments and just stared into Tempest's eyes. “Five years ago," she said somberly. "Complications from foal birth. Poor Spring Rain... Glitter's husband and father of the child... was beside himself with grief.”

“They married?" asked Tempest.

Mayor Wish nodded. “He didn't leave the house until Glitter's funeral several weeks later. And there's one more thing you should know: You've already met their daughter. Her name is Fizzle Twist. Spring Rain said they named her in honor of the friend they wronged so many years ago….”

As the last piece of news was revealed to her, Tempest's ears fell flat against her head, her mouth hung slightly open, and her eyes began to water. Her legs suddenly felt heavy, like they had become anchored to the spot on the road where she stood. The feel of the breeze in her mane was lost on her. In an instant, every shred of resentment that had built up in and plagued her wounded heart for over two decades melted away.

Mayor Wish extended her foreleg out to her side invitingly again. When she next spoke, her voice was barely more than a whisper. “Come, I'll show you to their house.”

The mayor’s voice pulled Tempest out of her impending stupor. Her legs unlocked, and she joined the mayor’s side as she was led into the town of her birth. Tempest wasn’t able to move very quickly, as every step she made felt like her legs were clapped in chains and dragging a solid iron ball. Staring at the ground, she didn't notice the looks she was getting from other townsponies, including the group of foals she'd met earlier.

The foals started to approach. Spotting them, Mayor Wish shook her head and waved at them to stay back. The foals stopped several yards away, each one with their gaze fixed on Tempest, and all with concerned frowns.

“And...” uttered Tempest, her voice trembling. “And my mom and dad?”

“They're still here, but they don't get out much anymore from what I've seen." She tapped her hoof to her chin in thought for a moment. “Although, I do sometimes see them behind their house late at night.”

Tempest glanced over at the mayor. “What are they doing?”

Mayor Wish hesitated for a moment before returning the glance. “Just staring up at the sky.”

Another weight fell upon Tempest's heart and she looked back down. “I think I know exactly what they're doing….”

Spring Rain's house was like any other in the town: small with a roof that was wavy around the edge and rose up into a cone in the center. There was a window next to the front door which gave a partial view into a modest living room. Mayor Wish had departed, leaving Tempest alone before the door.

Tempest’s earlier sorrow had lessened enough that she wasn't crying anymore, and her ears stood upright. She took a deep breath and gently tapped on the door several times.

“Coming!” called a muffled voice. A moment later, the sound of hoofsteps came from within and got louder.

This is it... thought Tempest, taking another deep breath as her heart pounded in her chest and the door opened with a soft creak. There he was: the turquoise unicorn with a blue mane and tail and red eyes from Tempest's memory. The sight of him made Tempest smile.

“Afternoon, Miss,” said Spring Rain. “What can I do for you?”

“Afternoon,” replied Tempest. “You're Spring Rain, right?”

“I am.” He furrowed his brow. “You know my name? You're looking for me?”

Tempest nodded. “I am.”

Spring Rain began to stare at Tempest inquisitively, keeping his brow raised. “Forgive me, but you look familiar somehow. Do I know you from somewhere?” He then noticed Tempest’s broken horn and his eyes widened.

The lump in Tempest's throat prevented her from replying right away. She swallowed it and took another but lighter breath. “You might have heard of me as... um... as the Commander Tempest who was involved in the recent Storm King invasion. But many years ago, I was known by another name.” She paused as sudden wetness in her eyes blurred her vision, but she quickly wiped it away. “Way back then, you and I were best friends, along with a mare named Glitter Drops. Then, one day I lost my horn, and I left town soon after.”

“Fizzlepop?” uttered Spring Rain. “Fizzlepop Berrytwist?”

Tempest gave him a warm smile and nodded. “Hello, Springy."

Spring Rain rubbed his eyes then stared at Tempest. After a few quiet moments, Spring Rain’s eyes began to water. His ears drooped, and sitting down on his hindquarters, he slouched his shoulders, hung his head and stared at the ground. When he spoke, his voice was sullen. “I thought I’d never see you again….”

Tempest didn't reply.

“It didn't take long for Glitter Drops and I to realize what we had done.” Spring Rain continued to stare at the ground. He sniffled and wiped his nose with his foreleg, while tears fell from him and made soft pat-pats on his front porch. “But you were already gone by the time we figured it out. We searched for weeks, but we couldn't find any trace of you.”

Again, Tempest was silent and she sat down on her hindquarters. Her smile turned into a frown.

“Fizzlepop... what Glitter and I did to you was absolutely unforgivable, and we're more sorry than we can ever say.” Suddenly, Spring Rain burst into tears. “Sweet Celestia, it’s really you, isn’t it? You’re really here. You’re not gone forever. Glitter... she wanted to….” His voice faltered, giving way to a heaving sob.

“I'm sorry...” he muttered between choked gasps. “I'm so sorry!”

As Spring Rain's sorrow poured out before her like a tidal wave, Tempest recalled all the terrible things she had done during her time as a servant of the Storm King.

He's clearly been carrying this guilt for a very long time, she thought. And was afraid he'd never get a chance to make things right. And poor Glitter... she died thinking the same thing. Ohh. I can't bear to see Springy so despondent. What was that thing again that Princess Twilight did with her friends after being reunited with them?

Tempest put her chin to her hoof and pondered. A few moments later, she reached over to Spring Rain and wrapped her forelegs around him. The moment she did this, a gentle flame flickered within her spirits. Her frown changed back into a smile, and her own eyes beginning to water as she held her distraught friend in her embrace. Curious, Tempest glanced down at Spring Rain’s cutie mark which was three raindrops over a patch of grass.

Eventually, Spring Rain's anguished cries softened. He backed up just enough that Tempest broke the hug. He lifted his head, revealing his tear-stained face, and gazed breathlessly at her with wet and heavily-reddened eyes.

“It's okay,” said Tempest, her own eyes still wet. She kept a hoof rested on Spring Rain's shoulder. “I’m not mad anymore. I forgive you, you and Glitter. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, and I came back because I wanted to put all that behind us. I want to be friends again.”

Spring Rain levitated a tissue from inside the house. He wiped his face, then his eyes, and finally his muzzle before tossing it into a trash can in the living room. “You... you mean it?”

“I do.”

Spring Rain's sobs stopped completely. Wiping his eyes again, his ears stood back up and his smile returned. “Thank you….”

Spring Rain had invited Tempest inside. Not paying attention to the time, they sat there at the living room table, telling each other their stories and sipping apple cider.

With the initial pleasantries of being reunited with an old friend having been done away with, Tempest cradled her mug of cider between her hooves and peered silently at her reflection. She took a deep breath. “The mayor told me what happened to Glitter….”

Spring Rain’s frown returned. He and Tempest both looked over at a picture frame on the mantle above the fireplace. It was a picture of his and Glitter’s wedding day.

Tempest glanced back at Spring Rain. “I’m very sorry for your loss.”

Countless tears ran down Spring Rain’s face as his gaze lingered on the photo. After what seemed an eternity, he grabbed another tissue, wiped his eyes, then nodded at Tempest.

“She also told me about your daughter.” Tempest’s expression brightened a little bit. “I can't even begin to tell you how flattered I am that you and Glitter named her after me.”

Spring Rain sniffled and chuckled. “We didn’t even have to think about it. We wanted to do something to honor your memory. Now, it’s a little awkward, but I’m glad you appreciate it. We really missed you.”

“Turns out I actually met her on my way here and didn't even know it. She was playing with her friends—I assume they're her friends, anyway—and they turned into a little welcome party for me.”

“Yup, those other little ones are her friends all right. They also go to school together.”

“The mayor happened by and sent them off to play some more before I could tell them I'm actually from here. She was as shocked as you were when I told her who I am. That conversation led to me learning about you, Glitter and Fizzle and now here I am.”

“It sure is great to see you again, Fizzy,” said Spring Rain. “Um, can I still call you Fizzy?”

Tempest chuckled. “I suppose, but don't call me that in front of another friend of mine—a hedgehog by the name of Grubber. Since this is my first time back, I asked him to wait for me by the forest just outside of town.”

“Not in front of the hedgehog. Got it.”

Tempest glanced outside, noting that the day had turned from a promising morning into a bright and sunny afternoon.

Spring Rain noticed the change in Tempest's gaze and canted his head to the side. "Something you need to do, Fizzy?"

“I still need to find my—” She paused.

Spring Rain gazed at her curiously.

“M-my parents...” she stuttered. Tempest gave another pause, then swallowed hard. “It was wonderful seeing you again, Springy. Sorry I can’t stay longer, but I promise I'll be back again, and I'll write to you during my travels.”

Spring Rain nodded, rising to his hooves and accompanying Tempest to the door. He walked with her outside and stood by the doorway, on the path leading to town. He looked down for a second, then straight into Tempest's eyes and took a deep breath. “Please do visit again. And I’d love to hear all about your adventures. I'm sure Fizzle would love to hear about them as well!” Without warning, Spring Rain threw his forelegs around Tempest.

The sudden motion caught Tempest by surprise, but she smiled and returned the embrace, patting Spring Rain on his back.

After a few moments, Spring Rain broke the embrace and beamed. “Before you go, there’s something I'd like to give you. Wait here.”

He disappeared into the house, leaving Tempest alone in front of the open doorway. It wasn't for long, though. Spring Rain returned moments later and held up a small gold ball in his hooves.

Tempest's eyes widened. “Is that—?”

“Yeah... Glitter and I didn't play with it much after you left, but we kept it as a reminder of the horrible mistake we made in valuing it over you.” Spring Rain gave Tempest a pleading gaze. “I get this thing probably holds nothing but bad memories for you, but will you accept it as a token of a new start? Will you accept this as a symbol of the eternal friendship of you and Glitter and me—our true friendship?”

Tempest stared at the ball while all the memories of that fateful moment replayed in her mind. All the while, she was deathly silent.

“Please...?" asked Spring Rain. "It would mean a great deal to me for you to have this. Glitter wanted you to have it as well.”

I hoped I'd never see that accursed thing again, thought Tempest. I’ve half a mind to take it just so I can zap it until it explodes into a thousand pieces. But after being reunited with Springy, and hearing all of the stories, doing that would probably hurt him pretty badly. I certainly don't want to put him through any more suffering than he's already been through. Maybe he's right. If my friendship with Springy can be repaired, maybe this tiny thing can be remade into something good as well.

Spring Rain frowned and looked down. “I understand….” He let out a sigh and shook his head. “It was foolish of me to think you'd ever want to look at this thing again, let alone carry it around with you. I'll just—”

Like a flash of lightning, Tempest reached out and snatched up the ball in her hooves.

Spring Rain jumped a little and gazed up at Tempest wide-eyed.

Tempest peered at the ball for a moment, then gave Spring Rain a playful grin. “I accept,” she said before stuffing the ball into her saddlebag.

Spring Rain's bright smile returned. “Hey, would you mind if I walked with you to the town square on your way to meet up with your folks? That way, I could at least introduce you to my daughter and the rest of the town.”

“If the mayor hasn't already beaten you to that. Sure, I'd like the company, but don't give me any more mushy stuff along the way. I'm going to get plenty of that from my parents, no doubt.”


Side by side, the reunited friends proceeded down the road toward the town center. They didn't talk as they went, but both wore a bright smile upon their countenance that was matched only by the brightness of the midday sunlight against the clear blue sky.

As they entered the town center, Tempest's good spirits once again gave way to uncertainty as she spotted a crowd of ponies gathered in front of Mayor Wish. The group of foals from earlier was there as well. The mayor was speaking to the ponies, and they were all focused intently on what she was saying. However, it wasn't the townsponies that had really caught Tempest's attention.

Tempest froze. She spotted an earth pony mare with cherry-red fur and a pink mane and tail whose cutie mark was a cherry atop whipped cream. She spotted a violet unicorn stallion with a green mane and tail whose cutie mark was a grapevine with a single bunch of grapes attached. She heard the mayor speak their names, and though she was far enough from the crowd that the sound wasn’t fully clear to her ears, in her mind, the memory was clear as crystal.

Mom... Daquerry.

Dad... Concord Groves.

Tempest didn't notice the sidelong glance that Spring Rain gave her, and his reassuring hoof touching her shoulder through her armor barely registered in her senses. A few moments later, the mayor pointed in Tempest’s and Spring Rain’s direction and the crowd of ponies looked over. Tempest’s parents wasted no time in starting their approach. As they came closer, Tempest’s heart pounded in her chest. She took labored breaths and sweat rolled down her brow.

The other townsponies stayed back, and Tempest's parents stopped a couple yards in front of her, gazing up at her with eyes wide and mouths hanging open.

Being taller than most ponies, Tempest had to look down in order to meet their eyes. The tightness in her chest grew worse and her breaths escalated to near hyperventilation.

Everypony's eyes remained on Tempest. Spring Rain joined the townsponies who were watching from a distance. There was silence throughout the town center as she and her parents kept their sights locked on each other for what seemed like an eternity.

Tempest swallowed hard.

“Mama...” she said. “Papa...” Enough with the suspense. Stop staring and just get over here already!

“Fizzlepop!” shouted Daquerry at the top of her lungs.

Suddenly, the two rushed forward and threw their forelegs around Tempest, one immediately after the other, nearly knocking her over in the process. Bursting into tears, Daquerry buried her face in Tempest's neck just under her chin, while Concord rested his head on her shoulder plate.

Tempest let out a gasp from the tight embrace. All other thoughts were pushed out of her mind as her parents' touch and the sound of their voices made her heart soar. But at the same time, their anguished cries made her heart come crashing back down. She frowned, her ears fell flat against her head, and she sat down on her hindquarters and returned the hug, wrapping her left foreleg around her mother and her right around her father. Allowing her tears to come freely, she closed her eyes and let her head rest between theirs.

And now it's my turn... thought Tempest as she hugged her parents even harder. The crushing weight in her chest gave her brief pause before she found the strength to speak again.

“Mama... Papa...” she muttered. “I'm sorry.”

They did not reply.

“I'm so sorry!” cried Tempest as loudly as she could through her choked whimpers.

“Why did you run away?” asked Daquerry between loud sniffles.

Tempest opened her wet and reddened eyes, but instead of wiping the tears away, she blinked until her vision cleared. She spotted Spring Rain frowning and gazing down and away. Then she noticed Fizzle Twist gazing up at her father worriedly and hugging his foreleg. Tempest closed her eyes again and just focused on her parents. “I wasn't thinking straight. I was angry.”

Concord gently patted Tempest on her back. “Not a single day has gone by that your mother and I haven't missed you and hoped you'd come home.”

“I lost count of the number of nights we couldn't sleep because we were wondering where you were,” said Daquerry. “Whenever that happened, we'd come outside and stare up at the sky. Sometimes I'd see your face in the stars, and hear your voice.”

Everything went silent again save for the trio's whimpers, until finally, those sounds also faded.

“Mama, papa,” said Tempest, “what I did to you by running away like that... I can never be forgiven for all the pain I've caused, but I want to try anyway. I want you in my life.”

“What is this nonsense about how you can't be forgiven?” asked Concord, giving Tempest a kiss on her right cheek.

Daquerry shifted positions so that she was able to plant a kiss on Tempest's left cheek. “Of course we forgive you, sweetie! Yes, we were angry and hurt, but really, all we ever wanted was for our baby to come home.”

Slowly, her parents’ comforting words filled Tempest. The anguish coursing through her began to dissolve, and was replaced by an all-consuming warmth. Her tears continued to fall, but instead of frowning, Tempest now found herself smiling as she lost herself in her parents' loving embrace, and them in hers. In that moment, nothing else mattered. All was right with the world.

“Mama... Papa...” whispered Tempest sweetly. “I love you.”

“We love you too, sweetie,” they replied together just as tenderly.

With warm smiles—and some also with tears rolling down their face—the townsponies merely watched. Spring Rain picked up Fizzle Twist and held her so that she was sitting on his foreleg. Fizzle Twist beamed and wrapped her forelegs around her father's neck while keeping her gaze on Tempest.

Eventually, the trio broke their embrace. They stepped back just enough that they were still in reach of each other and they gazed into one another's loving eyes.

As more of their daughter's tears fell, Tempest's parents started to watch them with an odd curiosity.

Tempest blinked a few times and stared at them in confusion. “What are you two staring at?”

They beamed up at Tempest.

“The way the sunlight was reflecting off your tears as they fell,” said Daquerry, “for a brief second, I could see a rainbow.”

“So could I,” stated Concord.

Tempest grinned and chuckled. “You two sure you haven’t been listening to too much Songbird Serenade recently?”

The mayor took a single step forward. “Welcome home, Fizzlepop.”

The townsponies began to cheer and the sounds filled the air.

“Thank you,” replied Tempest, sniffling and wiping her eyes dry. She smiled brighter than she had ever remembered smiling in her entire life. “Thank you all so much.”

Tempest undid the strap on her saddlebag and set the bag aside. She reached into one of the pouches and pulled out a small camera. “Can somepony please take some photos of me and my family?”

“I will!” Spring Rain gently set Fizzle Twist down and started to approach.

Tempest put her hoof up in a defiant fashion and grinned at him. “Oh no you don't, Springy. I want you in the photo too. You and Fizzle Twist.”

Spring Rain and Fizzle Twist both gave Tempest a surprised look, but it quickly went away and they smiled brightly before standing beside Tempest's parents. Fizzle Twist wrapped her forelegs around her father's foreleg again. Spring Rain leaned down and gently nuzzled his daughter's forehead.

Tempest glanced at the mayor. “Mayor Wish, will you take the photos?”

“I'd be honored!” She levitated the camera over to herself.

“Now,” said Tempest, “if you will all wait here for a few moments, there's someone else I'd like to be here as well.”

“Another friend of yours?” asked Daquerry.

Tempest nodded. “He’s waiting for me out by the forest. Hang tight, everypony.”

The ponies all watched as Tempest exited the town and made her way down the road toward the forest. They didn't wait more than ten minutes before Tempest returned with Grubber walking by her left side and twiddling his fingers.

Tempest beamed. “Everypony, I’d like you to meet Grubber.”

“‘Sup, ponies!” said Grubber as he waved.

The townsponies smiled and waved back.

“He’s been my literal sidekick for many years,” continued Tempest. She suddenly wrapped her foreleg around Grubber and held him gently at her side. “Coming back here has made me realize that, for as long as I’ve known him, I’ve treated him rather poorly. That ends today.”

Tempest looked down at Grubber. “I am truly sorry for all the grief I’ve given you over the years. I declare you are my sidekick no longer. You are my friend, part of my family even... as I should have seen you from the beginning.”

“Yeah you’ve totally gone soft on me.” Grubber sneered up at Tempest. “Boss friend.”

Tempest snickered. “Now then, it’s family photo time!”

With the introductions out of the way, Tempest and the others all gathered close together with Tempest in the middle. Daquerry and Grubber stood by her left. Concord, Spring Rain and Fizzle Twist stood by her right.

“Take six in total,” said Tempest with a bright smile. “One for me and one for each member of my family. Actually, scratch that. Take seven.”

Holding the camera midair with her magic, the mayor nodded and moved the camera directly in front of her face. “Here we go! Big smiles!”

Tempest and the others all held perfectly still as the camera clicked and flashed seven times. Once it was over, she took the camera back and placed it in her saddlebag next to the gold ball and several rolls of parchment. “Thank you, Mayor.”

“My pleasure!” She beamed and nodded again.

“Who's the seventh photo for, sweetie?” asked Daquerry.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Everypony’s eyes widened.

“You know Princess Twilight?” inquired Spring Rain.

“If not for her and her friends, I'd still be lost. She taught me everything I now know about friendship. And that's not the only thing she showed me.” She looked over at Grubber. “Grubber, take a letter.”

Grubber set his backpack down and pulled out a quill, an ink bottle, and a roll of parchment. He undid the lid to the bottle and dipped the quill tip in the ink. “Ready!”

Tempest cleared her throat while everypony else watched her. “Dear Princess Twilight, I have decided that my travels across Equestria are being put on hold until further notice. I have returned to my hometown and been happily reunited with my parents and friends, and I have lots of catching up to do with them. Sadly, my old friend Glitter Drops is no longer with us, having passed away several years ago from giving birth to her foal. But her memory lives on in my other friend Spring Rain and their daughter Fizzle Twist. The filly is actually named after me! Isn’t that cool?! As soon as I can get it developed, I will be sending you a photo of me and my family all together. Tell your friends and the other Princesses that Grubber and I said hi! Best wishes, Fizzlepop Berrytwist, a.k.a Tempest Shadow.”

Grubber finished writing, set the quill down in the ink bottle, rolled up the parchment and blew on it. The parchment suddenly transformed into a puff of smoke, then shot off through the air in the direction of Ponyville.

The townsponies all gasped and watched the smoke fly away.

“Whoa!” cried Fizzle Twist. “How'd you do that?”

Grubber glanced at her. “Magic parchment from the Princess's own supply. It's enchanted to expedite itself back to the one who enchanted it.”

“We're using it to keep Princess Twilight informed about our travels across Equestria,” said Tempest.

A wide smile formed on Fizzle Twist's face. “That's so cool!” She then glanced up at Tempest. “Say, since mommy and daddy named me after you, can I call you Auntie Fizzlepop, or Auntie Tempest?”

“Well, I don't know about auntie.”

“Okay. Then Fizzlepop or Tempest? Earlier, before the mayor interrupted, which name were you going to tell us?”

“You can call me either one you want. Maybe auntie someday. Maybe.” Tempest grinned and ruffled Fizzle Twist's mane, to which the filly responded with a gleeful giggle. Tempest glanced up at the assembled townsponies. “Everypony can call me whichever name they want.”

“And what about your cutie mark?” asked Concord. “What is my all-grown-up daughter's special mark?”

“Ooh yes!” cried Daquerry. “Please show us your cutie mark!”

“I was about to say the same thing,” said Spring Rain.

With everypony staring at her with an excitable gleam in their eyes, Tempest let out another chuckle. “Okay.”

That very evening, Tempest, along with her parents, Grubber, Spring Rain, and Fizzle Twist sat outside behind Concord and Daquerry’s house. A gentle breeze blew across the area, causing the wind chimes by the front door to sing along with the birds and crickets in a soothing chorus. Silently, they watched as the sun sank below the hills far to the west, and the light of the day shifted to the serene darkness of the night. The town's streetlamps buzzed and flickered on one by one, casting a gentle yellow glow along the roads. In a similar fashion, stars began to appear in the sky until the whole of the heavens was covered with the twinkling lights. The group turned around to the east just in time to see the moon reveal itself. As it rose higher, a perfect reflection of it could be seen in Tempest's armor.

Tempest sat still between her parents, beaming as they leaned against her sides, put their forelegs around her back and rested their heads against her shoulders. She wrapped her forelegs around them in a return embrace. “Mama, papa, now that I'm back, I actually remember doing this as a filly. It's as perfect now as it was then.”

Grubber yawned. “It'd be better if I had some—”

“Sponge cake,” interjected Tempest.

“Right. Some awesome chocolate sponge cake with double-chocolate frosting.”

Tempest grinned and rolled her eyes.

“Fizzlepop,” said Daquerry, “I wasn't kidding when I said that I really could hear your voice and see your face every time I was out here at night. It didn't matter if it was all in my head or not.”

“All that mattered was the memory of our baby girl,” stated Concord.

Tempest let out a contented sigh under her breath. “And now I can make new memories. Happy memories.”

“And when you start to feel lonely,” said Fizzle Twist, “you can just look at the stars, and they'll remind you of us!”

“Yes I can,” said Tempest, glancing over at Spring Rain and Fizzle Twist. “And yes it will.”

Gently, Spring Rain put his foreleg around Fizzle Twist and held her close. “Fizzle, if your mother was here, that's exactly the kind of thing she'd say.”

Tempest chuckled and glanced back up at the sky. “You don’t need to worry about that anymore. My eyes have been opened. I’ll be just fine.”

Though it was a clear, bright sunny day, Tempest let out a deep sigh. Her ears were flat against her head, and wearing a frown, she gazed at the gravestone that stood before her. She held a single pink rose in her right hoof.

One by one, Tempest’s parents, Spring Rain and Fizzle Twist approached the gravestone and placed a single flower at its base. Concord and Daquerry each placed a pink rose, Spring Rain gave a red rose, and Fizzle Twist put a white larkspur.

Grubber had no flower to give, but he kept his hands together, remaining silent as he stared at the gravestone and periodically at Tempest.

Tempest waited for a moment. Her eyes began to water and she stepped up so that she was in the center of the group, keeping her attention on the gravestone. She kept her pink rose within her grasp.

The ponies all sat down on their hindquarters. Everyone closed their eyes and bowed their heads in quiet reverence.

“Glitter...” muttered Tempest after a few moments. “I know you can’t hear me, but I still want to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for running away. I know you would say it’s not my fault, but I can’t help but feel that it is. I was blinded by my anger and grief. Regardless of what happened that day, I hurt you, Springy, my parents, and everypony else ten times worse by leaving. You and I never even got a chance to make amends or say goodbye….”

Eventually, the pain in Tempest’s heart became too much to bear. She started to cry freely and the tears landed upon the pile of flowers.

Daquerry raised her hoof and rested it on Tempest’s shoulder.

“Glitter, there’s nothing in this world I desire more right now than your forgiveness; to see your smile and hear your voice.” Tempest opened her wet and reddened eyes. Her tears continued to fall as her gaze remained set upon the gravestone. Gently, she set her flower down on the top of the pile. “I leave this pink rose as a symbol of eternal friendship. Though I’ll never see you again, as Princess Twilight and her friends taught me, you will always be in our hearts. You will always be in my heart. I will never ever forget you.”

Several minutes passed before anyone else spoke.

“Glitter wouldn’t have to think twice,” said Spring Rain. His own eyes were wet, but he smiled at Tempest. “She would’ve just been happy to have you back with us.”

“Your father and I knew Glitter well, sweetie,” said Daquerry. “Spring Rain is absolutely right. You don’t need to worry.”

Everypony gave Tempest the same comforting smile. Concord, Daquerry and Spring Rain formed a circle around her and wrapped her up in their embrace, while Fizzle Twist hugged Tempest’s left foreleg. Tempest wiped her eyes and nose with her right foreleg before pulling Grubber into the group.

Grubber rolled his eyes, but didn’t give any indication of protest to the gesture. He gently patted Tempest’s foreleg. “It’ll be okay.”

Tempest gazed up at the clear blue sky, then back down at Glitter’s gravestone. Thinking back to the invasion, she recalled Twilight and her friends being reunited in Canterlot, and the looks of overwhelming joy on their faces as they embraced each other. Tempest recalled how Twilight risked her own life to save her from being blown away by the storm. After a few moments, those memories gave way and Tempest imagined herself, Spring Rain and Glitter Drops as kids. Their voices resonated in Tempest's mind as the three of them ran, laughed and played together in her memory.

“I said it last night and I’ll say it again,” stated Tempest. “You don’t need to worry about me anymore."

Finally, the pain in Tempest’s heart lessened and her tears ceased.

"You know..." said Tempest, keeping her gaze toward the sky, "one of Princess Twilight's friends has this thing they call a Pinkie Promise. They hold it as a vow most sacred. Interesting thing about it, the one who came up with it is actually named Pinkie. I give it to you now."

Maintaining their warm smiles and keeping Tempest in the group hug, the others simply listened.

"My eyes have been opened at last," continued Tempest. "I've been given a second chance, and I will not squander it. I owe it to you, to Glitter's memory, to Princess Twilight and her friends... to everyone. It's my best hoof forward from now on. This I swear; this I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"And I Pinkie Promise to be a true friend this time," stated Spring Rain.

Tempest smiled. "Say the words with me, Springy. 'Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.'"

The two of them said the words of the Pinkie Promise in unison.

"Very good!" said Tempest. "There's also some motions you do with your hoof to go along with the words. But, let's not and just say we did. Deal?"

Spring Rain gave Tempest a firm nod. "Deal!"

Everyone chuckled before going quiet once more. Their attention returned to the gravestone, they had another moment of silent reverence for Glitter Drops, then double-checked the flowers to make sure they were in a neat pile.

Tempest sighed under her breath, and walked with her family back to town.

Author's Note:

My very first one-shot! :yay:!
Thank you much for reading! Feedback is always appreciated!

Comments ( 115 )

a awesome story exultant writing.
every one will be vary lucky to read this masterpiece.

Fizzle Twist’s alt name could be Berry Pop.

Glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

Absolutely superb. I have major issues with the movie, but I can’t fault this at all. Thumbs way up!

I haven't seen the movie, but I know enough about it. The best part about this one-shot is that Tempest does not feel out of character, given her reforming in the end. Having her cry and going through other phases of hurt and comfort is by far one of the best developments for her. And although there's a lot of fan fiction that depict her being chosen to be Twilight's guard commander, she would make a fine soldier. But having her return to her old town was a superb idea and something only a true, sensible fan would come up with.

Congratulations for writing this touching story. I hope it can be looked back upon as the years go by, even if the actual series and the movie fade from our memories.

God, think I just got something in my eye. Takes a lot for a story to do that...

Thank you all much for your feedback. :twilightsmile:

I think I nearly went there myself, but not as much as when I saw Chihiro cry for the first time in Spirited Away...

One, love that movie to death, two, looks like someone is indeed ghosting you and downvoting your stuff for some reason. :trixieshiftright:

I told you, it's because of my unhealthy history here. I trolled bronies in the best way I knew how and it was taken personally. I did so because their community and fandom ruined many lives, more than I am capable of ruining. I wanted to get even with them and make them suffer the same way they inflicting suffering upon each other and people outside the fandom. And like I said, I have two suspects when it used to be one.

Well uhh, that explains your user blurb. :twilightblush:

You mean my latest blog? Yep. Just like your story's tagline. Cruel. Heartless. Unforgivable. :twilightsheepish:

Hehe. Well in any case I'm glad you enjoyed the story and all that. :twilightsmile:
Thankie very much! :pinkiehappy:

Oh yeah. If anything, there's still plenty of good fan fiction here that I still come back to read every now and then.

Seriously. I'm on here all the time!

I try not to be so often.

I may have a little bit of an addiction. :twilightsheepish: But that isn’t to say I spend ALL my time here.

I'd be here a little more, but I have a life going on.

Helps I'm on summer vacation from classes until next semester starts in August. I also work at my college's bookstore so I'm not being a super lazy one. This summer though I am tryin to get more horse words done while I have the extra time. Working hard on my epic and I have one story I want to have done in time for Halloween.

I strongly suggest putting real life ahead of fan fiction stuff here, unless you're able to juggle everything around as I used to in art school.

I am juggling it quite well actually.

Oh good. You should be fine then. Good luck!

Thankie, and you too!

Tempest is weird.

Fuck you, this was beautiful.

Like this if you cried reading this fic. Beautiful. Just beautiful!

Meme came out blurry, apologies.

*wipes tears from eyes* Wow. This story was really, really good! I know the whole "Fizzlepop Comes Home" thing has been done to death and back by this point, but this...this was heartwarming on a whole new level.

Interestingly enough, there was actually another story where Spring Rain and Glitter Drops were depicted as a married couple. Except that story portrayed them and the entire town as a pair of unicorn elitist jerks who we weren't supposed to feel sorry for in the slightest.

And Spring Rain's daughter...awwww. :)

10/10. I'm putting this in my favorites.

Well done, Whinifree. Well done.

Are you sure it isn't just blurry because of the tears being shed? :)


I know the whole "Fizzlepop Comes Home" thing has been done to death and back by this point

What? That too? I thought her becoming a member of Twilight's personal Royal Guard was also overdone.

Well, what I mean is that it's been covered so much that it's not exactly a unique topic anymore. It's not like people are gonna say "Ugh, another one?". You can still put your own spin on it. It's just that there are quite a few of them now.

Then again, there are quite a few stories for practically every possible scenario this fandom of ours can come up with.

Thank you all for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :heart::twilightsmile:


Very awesome. But a very weird character.

Do you think you could elaborate on what you mean by "weird"?

This is... spectacular. I cannot put proper words to how well it was done.


A physically scarred and crippled child turned unconventional military/combat savant that conquers her own people in the hopes of being cured (to say nothing of her turnabout/redemption) ; in a kid-friendly, "lets all be friends!"-cartoon?

Its like the movie writers read one too many "badass character in Equestria, goes around doing badass things in attempt to get home"-fimfiction stories.

10/10! i really want more grubber!

Glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

It’d be cool if he and Tempest and other characters from the movie got cameos in the tv show.

MJP #40 · Jun 20th, 2018 · · 15 ·

yah, tempest cause you turning evil because of disfigurement is totally not offensive to people who have lost limbs:trollestia::trollestia:

lol JK:trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

I think it would make more sense for Tempest to be a Canterlot guard

It wasn't just losing her horn, ya know. It was also that her friends left her life as a result of her accident, ya know. Man, you're fucking sensitive.

In that case, she'd be way better than Twilight's piece-of-dick brother.

Look, it's important to remember that a unicorn without a horn is just an earth pony with a shotgun on its head... which is admittedly kind of awesome, but it's hard to pick up balls that way. Being an earth pony is the worst, clearly. It's amazing more of them don't turn evil, or maybe they do, and are smacked down by one single unicorn.

Just... the worst.

Since I finally finished it I can give my opinion.

Firstly, I’m happy to see Tempest getting such a sweet but sad story. Tempest coming home to meet the foal of her two best friends when they were kids, find that one had passed away, and reuniting with her family and becoming a part of her old home once more.

Secondly, each little meeting, every interaction she has with everypony really made me feel for her and seeing that she wishes to stay it really brings joy and happiness to me.

Third, Tempest giving her old friend the pink rose as a symbol of eternal friendship. That part made me tear up, knowing I’ve lost a friend a year ago but couldn’t do anything for her.

Overall, this story is easily one of the top ten stories I’ve seen with Tempest in it. Great job with it. :twilightsmile:

*literally bawling* OMG, so sad, and so happy! Is this what sappy was supposed to mean? Well, it can't be had, that's an article. F*CK! Mixed emotions! :applecry:

I loved this story. So sweet yet so sad! It's great!

Agreed. This story was great.

And the five people who down voted this masterpiece need to...OPEN UP THEIR EEYYYYYYYYYYES!!!

I'm sorry.* It just popped into my head, and it was written before I could do anything about it.

*I regret nothing. :)

Comment posted by Jade Dawn deleted Jun 21st, 2018

*sigh* Another one who thinks that Shining was manipulated to say those nasty things. Call me whatever, but I don't think he was brainwashed at the time. And even if he was, Twilight's friends went along with it and didn't regret it either. So whatever the case, Shining Armor is still a dick brother and the episode itself is one of the worst I've ever seen. Friendship lessons are played way better in Yu-Gi-Oh! and Kingdom Hearts, plain and simple.

End of my rant.

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