• Published 20th Jun 2018
  • 873 Views, 5 Comments

The Synthesizers - Wiz Ahmad

Silverstream and Smolder set out to enjoy their new toys, and team up with Scootaloo to create a team called "The Synthesizers", discovering a whole new world of creativity, freedom, fame, and adventure.

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Smolder Lays Out the Strategic Plan

“Welcome class!” Rarity began, pulling out a small box of chalk. “Today’s going to be a rather different session, as Smolder is going to be doing the explaining and I will elaborate. She’s come up with a method of planning out your daily routines and how to handle creative ideas.”

With a brief glance of pre-approval from Rarity, Smolder grabbed a stick of white chalk and stepped up on a stool in front of the board.

“Let’s face it, we all have got incredible creative ideas at some point or another. The challenge is – and a question I’d like to ask you – how do you manage all those ideas and thoughts? Remember, they’re all vibrant and bubbly within, eager to rush out and be implemented.”

For a moment, everyone fell silent. It really did appear to be an eye-opening question. However, a little changeling hoof was soon raised.

“You can always write down your thoughts and ideas,” Ocellus suggested. “That way, they stay in a form that’s readable and thus understandable, so you can sort of… reinstall them into your mind.”

Yona was next, her hoof to her chin in a somewhat excitable manner.

“Yona thinks to recite them quietly from time to time, so they don’t get lost.”

Another student then had his turn.

“How about sharing said thoughts and ideas with a friend? That way, they can be more easily understood and even be shaped into a form that’s easy and fun to remember and implement. Not necessarily a set of mnemonics though.”

Smolder’s eyes widened in amazement. Her friends and fellow classmates had been pretty sharp at rationalizing and deducing, but yet here was a little colt she’d never met before and he had the most elaborate and well-rounded answer.

“Well done to you,” Rarity declared with a smile. “That’s exactly it. It isn’t one definite answer, but rather several components combined into one complex answer.” She pointed to the little colt. “You have provided the largest and most vital of said components.”

“Alrighty,” Smolder began, drawing a long thick line across the board, then a thinner, vertical one to the far left. “Let’s break this all down into proper, easy-to-understand components. First, on the left here, we’ll list out all our thoughts and ideas, just like Ocellus had suggested. What should I add?”

“Pen rotation.”


“Study group!”

“Forward jump!”

“One-handed underhand ball throw!”

“And mine, one-foot balance hop, and jumping with the object. Good job everyone,” Smolder proudly announced, a big smile on her face as she joyfully raised her arms in congratulation. Then to the right of the vertical line, she drew four large circles, then four smaller ones filled in a little.

“Now that we have all our thoughts and ideas listed out, we can then work out the various times of day when we can discuss and possibly implement them,” Smolder explained. “These little circles represent when we wake up in the morning, when we have lunch, the end of school, and before we go to bed. The corresponding large circles represent groups.”

Catching on to the concept, Rarity then stepped in, and Smolder passed her the chalk stick. “Now in each group there will be a number of you who will then discuss and share, as was stated previously – ”

“And take notes,” Ocellus quickly added.

Rarity gave her a disapproving look, but smiled slightly. “Yes, Ocellus. Notes too, can be taken to assist. Once these group sessions can be held, the organized ideas and plans from them can be formatted – that is, placed and arranged in a certain manner.”

Smolder then continued, pointing to the third column with the chalk stick. “And then, here, we create a list of the exact time slots and locations we’ve decided on to implement our ideas and plans. Again, in an ordered manner. And that, is it. We can recreate this with some big paper later if you wish, Ocellus. I hope you all enjoyed this session and look forward to hearing positive, productive results from Rarity and the other teachers.”

“Thank you, Smolder!” a row of young fillies cheered from the back row, causing the little dragon’s mouth to form a little gasp of surprise. But she maintained her composure and humbly stepped off the stool, before Rarity wrapped her hoof around her.

“My word, Smolder that was a very impressive planning strategy! You’re quite an intelligent dragon.”

“When you’re away from everything you’ve come to know and have nothing but a board with wheels, interesting things happen up here,” Smolder replied, pointing to her head.

Rarity chuckled heartily. “True that. Well now, on to your next class.”

“What’s a one-foot balance hop?” Ocellus inquired as they all walked down the hall.

Smolder glanced at her with a smug smile. “You’ll see soon enough.”

Author's Note:


What do you think of Smolder's strategic plan? Leave a comment!
Sorry this one is short - I had little time (and sadly, motivation) to write it.