• Published 27th Jun 2018
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Apples, Oranges, and PokeHearts - Tohshi

Seven friends find themselves in Equstria following an accident. Far from any part they have seen from the show, they as a group must adapt to life in a far mountain village complicated by having turned into Pokemon.

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Gone is the Old

“You guys still at that game?” asked Zack. He was rather annoying with his constant questions about our game. I also didn’t like the way he looked at me like I was some sort of creep or out to get him. Not that he would ever admit to being afraid of me. “Like, hasn’t it been a month already?”

“That is how these games normally go,” said Ty. They were sitting on their chair with their feet right up next to their butt and their knees at their chest. They had just flipped to a new page and were gathering dice to roll.

“Zack,” said Robert. “Look man, if you want to play you just have to ask.”

I kicked him from under the table and he shot me a look. I knew what it was. That I was supposed to play nice, and he was right. It wasn’t entirely Zack’s fault that he had internalized the bullshit about trans women. He wasn’t from around here anyway and the middle of the country where he came from wasn’t known for its niceness to queer people. I smiled at Zack hoping that he would go away but preparing myself for him joining our game. Besides, he would probably only play one session and then leave.

“Sorry about that,” said Kristen. She had just exited the bathroom and hurried over to her seat next to Emily. “Really need to drink less soda.”

“Only just a bit,” said Emily. “So are you joining us today, Zack? Kinda need to know if we’re taking a break to get you up to speed. Cause I need to run to the store.”

“And she means it,” said Robert. Robert had short, scruffy hair that he liked to gel up and spike. Today, however, it had looked like he had woken late and his hair was a messy tangle. “Don’t offer to go with her unless you want to literally run to the store.”

“I jog,” said Emily. “Not run. Better for your knees that way.”

I giggled and held my fist out for her to fist bump from across the table. Still, I looked up to Zack who looked rather scared of Emily for some silly reason. Maybe it was that she could probably beat the shit out of him. No matter how much iron he pumped. My eyes glanced over his biceps that showed through his t-shirt. Bad brain, no dreaming over hot guys.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll just watch today,” said Zack. He sat down with his absurd stack of comics and pulled one out to read while he listened. At least he was polite and was buying things. The store could use it. Aaron, the owner, had it rough and Zack was easily making a dent in keeping the place open. For some reason, he had decided that every single comic that had his favorite superheroes in it needed reading and, over the last two months, he had been rather prolific in acquiring them. I didn’t spend too much time at the game store, not at all.

“Hey guys, I got to run out the trash,” said Aaron. “Watch the store. Be back in a few.”

“Yep,” I yelled at him from the back of the store.

“So anyway, you guys were about to delve into the murky depths of Shadoverse to acquire the gem of power,” said Ty. “The portal ingredients are ready and you have done your research. The time is upon you to step through into another world. One filled with dark monsters and fallen heroes turned against the light.”

“A tad dramatic there,” joked Emily.

“Oh give them their fun,” said Mary. “I for one love your descriptions. Now do go on.”

“As I was getting to,” said Ty. “The portal opens up and from it shadowy mists start pouring through. Steeling yourselves, you walk into the dark portal. As the last of you crosses its threshold, the portal closes behind you. Slowly, your eyes adjust and it is only then that you notice that you are surrounded. A teeming horde of undead smell your flesh and turn to have their latest feast. Roll initiative.”

There was a bunch of dice rolled and a number of yelps of happiness. Emily had rolled very well and would be going first in combat. Robert looked rather sad by that but shook his head and looked at his dice. There was a decent chance that he would have new ones next week.

There was a loud crash outside pierced by a loud squealing of burning rubber. The whole building shook. I could hear shouts from outside. Ty had jumped under the table and Robert jumped to his feet. Zack, being the idiot he was, was splayed out like something was about to hit us, blocking out the space in front of Mary. Slowly, I crept toward the door not knowing why I was so anxious about a car crash. Still, something was wrong, and a gust of wind blew in through the door. It smelt foul, like rotten eggs. What could that be from?

It hit us in a second. There was just a flash and some pain, then nothing. For a moment, I could hear faint whispers of someone talking to me. They seemed to be apologizing. Was it that buffoon Zack? At least he wasn’t dead, or at least I hoped.

I couldn’t tell you when the light became darkness. My head hurt and I couldn’t help but wonder if you could feel pain while dead. A wind blew over my body and I felt a shiver run over me. Well, whatever this afterlife was, it sucked so far. I slowly opened my eyes, though my vision was blurry. I was in some sort of forest. The trees seemed huge to me, as did the bushes that sat near their bases. There was a howl that rang through the night, followed by two more. My eyes were finally coming into focus and I could see the leaves on the trees.

Around me were a number of strange creatures. One had a black long thing of hair, wait, that is a mouth. I didn’t know what to think of the strange thing that seemed taller than me. Next to them was a pink thing that seemed to be shivering, though I couldn’t really see any form to it. A bit off from them was two foxes one red and the other white with a hint of blue. Their tails bushed out like crazy and then I saw that they had more than one tail each. Hanging from a tree was a pair of stubby legs that were kicking, trying to free whatever it was that was in the tree. It managed to succeed and fell from the tree branch. It sort of looked like a cross between a teddy bear and a cat, yet it was definitely moving. A blue and black cat stumbled out of one of the bushes. They looked almost drunk. There was something in the bottom of my vision and I looked down. Where my hands should have been were two flippers with three fingers each. I panicked and looked away, thinking that if I just ignored it my hands would come back. The thing in my vision came with and I went cross-eyed to see it. It took longer than I wanted to admit but that was my nose or, well, snout. It wasn’t pretty, but I was screaming.

<Woah there,> said the thing with two mouths which, strangely enough, looked the most human of all of us. <I don’t how there is a Popplio standing before me but hey we will find your trainer.>

<Uh I don’t think we have one,> said the pink blob which was still giggling. <Look so I’m gonna say my name and you all are going to do the same cause like I think I may know what happened.>

<Alice,> I said.

<Zack,> said the two mouthed creature.

<Emily,> said the cat bear.

<Mary,> said the white fox.

<Kristen,> said the red fox.

<Robert,> said the blue cat.

<And I’m Ty,> said the pink blob that seemed to turn around and revealed a rather cute face on it. <So don’t ask me how but when we got blown up somehow we ended up as Pokemon.>

There was a howl that seemed closer to me but I felt like there was bigger problem. Some how we were those weird kids' creatures. From a game. How? Why? I felt like screaming again.

<So did we die and end up in Pokemon heaven?> asked Mary. <I mean, it's sweet that I get to be a Vulpix, but like is this a coma dream or did we really die back there?>

<A coma dream we are all in?> asked Robert. <I don’t really want to think about the whole we could be dead thing, but like why would Zack be in my coma dream?>

<Nice butt,> said Kristen. The red fox put her paw to her mouth and stifled a laugh.

<What?> said Zack.

The howl was super close this time and every one of us looked in the direction it came from. I could see the strange pink blob that was Ty seem to melt into a puddle. They weren’t liking the idea of what that could have been from. Maybe it was a wolf Pokemon that would be friendly but I couldn’t help but wonder what wolf Pokemon ate in the wild. It wasn’t a pleasant thought.

<Why are you sitting there, lets get out of here,> commanded Zack. <Like, if that is a Mighteyna then we don’t want to be here, and if that isn’t then we really don’t want to be here.>

<Uh, not to put a hamper on this, but I have a tail, not legs and the puddle, well, is a puddle,> I said. I was trying to pull myself along, but it wasn’t coming fast. There was the rustling of bushes behind me. <I can hear them coming.>

I was trying to waddle along faster as a slightly off looking fox creature ran past. Was that Kristen? They were in a full sprint and seemed scared shitless. Then a second red fox came up to me that definitely was Kristen and put her head under my arm. She plenty bigger than me. Then the white fox put her head under my other arm and I tried to hold on as best I could. I looked over my shoulder to see Emily the cat bear running right behind us and then the blue cat and Zack right behind her. The blue cat scooped up Emily by pressing its head through her legs and she, thankfully, was quick enough to grab a hold. That only left our biggest member running slightly slowly. He kept looking over his back and I looked ahead of us, seeing the strange second red fox blazing a trail. The howling had stopped and honestly, that scared me more. That meant they were right on top of us. I looked to our left, only seeing the passing bushes and trees. It was getting dark and I couldn’t see far.

Turning to look right, a wolf was nearly on top of us. It had gray fur and stood over twice as tall as any of us. I shrieked and let go of the foxes. The two of them didn’t stop running, but I fell to the ground, dragging to a stop as the wolf missed its lunge and went right over me, barely missing the foxes. I struggled to get up and start wobbling away again. I could see another wolf running at us from ahead of us, chasing the strange red fox. They jumped under the other two foxes who had screeched to a halt. The blue cat got hit by a third wolf and rolled past me, missing Kristen. I looked back the other direction to see something horrible. She was in the wolf’s mouth hanging out of both sides. It chomped down and I could see the blood fall from her and hear the crack of bone as she screamed.

Something in me lit up and my body moved on its own. My scream became choked by water that spat out of my mouth like a jet and blasted the wolf, pushing it back. The wolf, surprised, dropped Kristen to the ground where she fell limply. I waddled up to her nudging her with my long nose. She was still breathing but she was loosing a lot of blood. I stood over her ready to fire off more water if another wolf came close.

I could see Zack fighting off a wolf that had bitten into his shoulder. There wasn’t any blood coming from him and he swung his head, causing the big mouth hair thing to slam into the wood with a dull thud.

The blue cat who, for some reason, I remember that moment was Robert, had gotten to his feet. He looked around, clearly dazed by the blow and then he shook his head. A bit of sparks ran off his fur and he turned to face an oncoming wolf. I didn’t think I could hit it from that far with my water, yet I didn’t need to as Robert slammed into the wolf, who yelped as electricity arced through the air between the two of them.

I looked back to the three foxes, finding that Mary had somehow shot ice at one of the wolves which had ran away yelping. The wolves seemed to be in retreat, but I felt exhausted. Stepping off from over Emily, I let someone else look at her. They were swearing but my head was fuzzy and I couldn’t pay attention to what they were saying.

There was a rustling of bushes nearby and I jerked towards it sending a spray of water that direction. It had gone further than I thought it would but I couldn’t keep it up. A strange pony creature bigger than all of us but smaller than the wolves had shook its head, sending water in all directions. It wiped a fetlock across its face before looking our way. The creature was far more cautious than the wolves had been and it walked slowly up to us. It had light purple fur and dirty gray mane. There was an emblem on its flank that I couldn’t get a good view of. On its back was some sort of cross between backpack and saddle bags.

“Hey there, little critters,” said the pony. “You all don’t look like you belong in these woods. Now I can see that small one there is hurt rather badly. Mind if I try to help?”

<Of course> I said. <Please.>

“I don’t know what you mean, but I’ll take that as a yes,” said the pony. He walked up to us slightly faster than he had been but still cautiously. All of us let him past and backed off as he looked at Emily. He shook his head and started to work somehow gripping things with his hooves and quickly had the bleeding stemmed by a cloth wrapped around her midsection. He gently picked her up and put her into the biggest pocket on his backpack.

“So you critters ain’t from round here,” said the pony. “I need to take your friend to my friend to get them all fixed up. I mean, how in tarnation did a seal make it this far inland. Either way, you lot shouldn’t stick around. Themwolves are still around.”

<Do we follow him?> asked Mary.

<Certainly not letting him just walk off with Emily,> said Ty. <Besides, he seems to think it is safe where ever he is going, so, like, get with the moving. Uh, should I help carry Alice?>

<I’m fine with carrying her,> said Kristen. <You good, Mary?>

<Of course,> said Mary, almost offended. <Come on now, let's get going. That pony thing has gotten a bit of distance from us.>

The lot of us hurried after him the best we could. Really, I was just slowing down the others, but with the three of the Foxes taking turns carrying me, we managed to keep up fine enough. The only one who had much of an issue with it was Zack, but he had only two legs and they were fairly short as it was.

<So, like, I know Pokemon,> said Zack. <And, like, that normally involves getting put into pokeballs. And I can’t be the only one who finds that rather fucking scary.>

<I am right there with you,> said Ty. They were taking a turn carrying me. <But, like, supposedly Pokemon like being in Pokeballs for some reason. Personally, I don’t see why, but yeah. I mean, sure Red’s pikachu was different, but yeah. Thing is, I don’t think we are in the pokeverse. I mean, I didn’t watch it, but there is a cartoon and like it is about ponies and like that pony sure looks like a pony and, so, yeah. Oh and the wolves.>

<Yep yep,> said Marry. <Dear you need to take a few breathers. You are in ramble mood. I mean, if you need to, I will listen, but just letting you know.>

<Fuck,> said Ty. <Sorry. Sorry. Thanks too. I just am a bit stressed. Like, is Emily going to make it. That looked nasty, and this guy sure doesn’t look like he lives anywhere near a real town, or hospital, or, well, anything. Uh, um, yeah I uh, will be quiet now. Sorry.>

“You lot sure are talkative,” said the Pony. “Can’t tell if you understand me, but I ain’t never seen a critter that talks as much as you lot. Maybe you're just stressed. Does seem like the little one is a friend of y’all.”

<I definitely can understand you but I doubt you get me,> said Robert as he walked next to the pony. <Still, you are helping us, and I am, for one, thankful. Not that I think any of us aren’t.>

“Pretty certain you are talking to me,” said the Pony. “So is that your name or just like, the way you talk? You keep saying some form of Shinx. Eh, I be talking to the critters now. Probably best I headed back to town when I did. Don’t want to be loosing my marbles out there.”


It took three hours to start to see some sense of civilization. We came to an open prairie that was disturbed in its openness by a large set of young trees. I could see some area that looked like it might be farmland as we crested the small hill that went into the forest behind us. The Sun had set and we walked by the light of a full moon. Thankfully, there was a trail that proved easy enough for us to traverse, even at three wide, though my tail and bottom flippers were more than sore and might have some sores on them by now. There wasn’t much that could be done though.

We had long stopped talking and I could tell everyone was exhausted. I was exhausted and I hadn’t really been doing anything but hold on. It took about half an hour to walk into the town past the orchard. I couldn’t tell what type of trees they were in the dark but I assumed either nut or fruit.

The going got considerably easier as we neared the town, or what really should have been called a village. There wasn’t even twenty buildings to be seen in the place. We entered the place and it looked to be dead with all the lights out. I wasn’t certain they even had lights. The large tower which dominated the center of town was lit, but it was too far to tell by what. Something swooped out of the air and landed next to the pony helping us. All of us jumped and I was dropped to the ground by Mary and Kristen who were trying their best to look ready for a fight.

“Woah there little critters, she's a friend,” said the pony.

“What is with this little pack of yours? Huh, Delver?” asked the dark pony that had flown up to us. She had fur that blended into the night and hair that was obviously a different shade but blended equally well. If it weren’t for her eyes, which shone with Moonlight, one would have easily missed her. There was a sword strapped to her side, and I was far more wary of her having spotted it.

<She, I think, has a weapon,> I said in a hiss. <I’m too tired to fight.>

“I found them in the western forest,” said the purple pony whose name might have been Delver. “Looks like they don’t belong there. I mean, one of them is a hoofed watter critter. There ain't a river around here big enough for one of them, let alone enough to be native.”

<I think we all are,> said Ty. <Look, we are shit out of luck without these ponies. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. That said, if you disagree, go ahead and speak now.>

“One of them is hurt pretty badly,” said Delver. “Figure that Gentle can either help heal it or make its last hours a bit less painful.”

There was a silence for a moment between us. We all knew we had no choice but to trust these ponies. They seemed nice and it wasn’t like they had any reason to be hiding that from us. I was pretty certain that Delver didn’t know we could even understand him.

<I think the silence means we are all on board with trusting them. For now,> said Zack. <God, I am hungry. I hope they feed us. Uh what do we eat?>

<Um there are theories,> said Ty.

<So no one knows for certain?> said Robert. <I mean, how much worse could it get.>

Raindrops started to hit us. I felt revitalized by it, but I could tell by the way everyone was staring at Robert I was the only one. The storm was hard and soon the dirt road was muddy. We were all soaking and the ponies looked no better off. Thankfully, we came to a house that Delver went up and knocked on. There were sounds just barely audible over the rain of someone running down some stairs.

The door opened and a green unicorn greeted us. Her hair was all sorts of messed up but I assumed that was from sleep. Her amber eyes shone in the dark and she seemed to lock eyes on us over the ponies first.

“Hi Gentle,” said Delver. “Sorry for the late house call, but I got some critters here that I figured you could help patch up. One of them, got her here in my pack, got real torn up by one of them dire wolves.”

“Come, come, come in,” said Gentle. She took a step back and there was a glow on her horn and then a light flipped on in the main room. “Uh, set the hurt one here. Uh oh. Come in you little ones too.”

We piled into the room. I was dragged further in and then they backed off. Looking back, I could see a small trail of blood and I flopped over to look at my tail as best I could. Sure enough, I had lost all the fur on me and a decent chunk of skin as well. The blood was oozing from the wounds and I flopped back down on my back, enjoying the feeling of laying down. Not having legs anymore sucked. At least everyone else could walk normally. They weren’t needing to be carried. I couldn’t help the tears that came as I laid there. I didn’t notice when I was picked up gently and only did when placed on the table next to Emily. She was still breathing and I reached out and grabbed her paw as best I could.

“I need you to stay still, okay?” said Gentle. “You must be in a lot of pain. Getting so far from home. Don’t worry, I am going to make you all better. Now, I am gonna bandage your flippers and you need to leave it on, okay? Then I think you need some more water.”

<Is she going to be alright?> I asked.

“I think so,” said Gentle. “ But I don’t think she is going to walk again. But she is strong, she’ll pull through. I’ll make up a nice bed for all of you and get you some food.”

<My peeps. This one understands us,> I said loudly.

<Not so loud,> said Robert. <Some of us are trying to sleep. The weird pony will be here tomorrow.>

The only thing that kept me awake was the pangs of hunger. I laid on the table on my back, sitting with Emily. Her breathing looked less troubled and I hoped she was sleeping well. Gentle had walked into a kitchen and the dark mare with bat like wings walked in after her.

“Hey Gentle, Moonlight, I am going to hit the hay. If you need me, I am gonna be at home for at least a week,” said Delver.

“Oh yeah,” said Gentle. She peaked out of the kitchen doorway. “Uh, thanks. Um, for helping them.”

“You don’t mind if I stick around till you get back to sleep do you?” asked the bat pony who must have been Moonlight. “Been a bit lonely. Punch has been so busy with a project he hasn’t been staying up as late.”

“I, uh, don’t mind, uh, the clutter. Uh, sorry,” said Gentle.

“Gentle, we have talked about this,” said Moonlight. “You take care of what you can and what you can’t, just ask for help with. I know I am not the only one willing to clean up for you.”

“I, uh, it's just this…week…yeah, week, has been really, uh, busy what with the, um, um. thing where you pick plants,” said Gentle.

“Harvest,” said Moonlight.

“Yeah, um, harvest. Here, take this to the big group,” said Gentle. “I, uh, need to, um, get the injured ones. They might, uh, be, um, concerned no, um…defensive! Yeah, and I know I can help them better. Oh, uh, no offense.”

“Gentle, you are the resident animal pony. Of course you know how to do this better than me,” said Moonlight. She walked out of the kitchen carrying a big bowl in one hoof and still managing to walk just fine. “Okay, you little critters. I got a mix of things so hopefully at least some of you can eat some of this.”

There was a scrambling of paws and I had to flop over to see, but the group of us who weren’t injured were all at Moonlight’s feet. I couldn’t really understand why they were acting so much like children, but then again I was really tempted to jump off of this table so that I could get at the bowl too.

<Oh god that smells wonderful,> said Zack. A tongue was licking the lips of his second mouth.

<Yeah it does,> said Mary. <Now lets be as nice as we can and not hog all the food.>

<Oh, uh, yeah,> said Kristen, who was standing on her back paws trying to get at the bowl.

“Gentle, do you have a second bowl?” asked Moonlight. “I think there might be a fight if I only put the one down.”

<We wouldn’t fight,> said Robert. <Or well at least I would win.>

<Yeah right> said Ty. They had dropped their transformation and were just a pink blob again. <I’m the one who can whoop all of your asses. I got you beat on type advantage.>

<There are no ground types in our party,> said Zack. <I think the Shinx does have a chance.>

“Here you go,” said Gentle. “Now, now, little ones. I don’t want any of you fighting over food. I have more if needed.”

<Oh thank Arcerus,> said Zack.

<Since when do you pray to the Pokemon god?> asked Mary.

<Since I became one,> said Zack.

Moonlight took the second bowl and poured half of the first’s contents into it. She lowered the first bowl down before hovering above my group and placing the bowl on the other side of them. With that, she lifted up further into the air and landed a bit of distance away as if she was worried a fight would break out. Thankfully, everyone had their wits about them still and didn’t hog the food.

Gentle came out carrying a bottle and a bowl. She glanced over at the feeding frenzy before stopping at the worktable. Her horn was lit up and the bowl and bottle were floating next to her. I felt a force like fingers rub against my short thick fur and I leaned into it, finding it oddly comfortable. No wonder why pets loved to get pet. Gentle lowered the bowl right in front of my face and then gently lifted Emily in the same magical glow that the bottle was in. Nuzzling Emily, Gentle tried to get her to wake before pressing the baby bottle up to her mouth. Emily seemed awake enough to take the bottle in her mouth and suck. Gentle seemed happy with that. I turned back to my food, which was mostly berries but had what looked like dog food too in it. The berries tasted wonderful and I ate them first. I hesitated at the kibble. I definitely had the teeth of something that ate both vegetables and meat and the kibbles must have had protein in them, because they did smell decent, but it was dog food. I didn’t really want to stoop so low so quickly. But my stomach groaned and I took a bit. They were a bit bland, but edible, and I ate till I was full. Even if I felt a bit shameful for that. With my belly full, it grew harder and harder to keep my eyes open.

Author's Note:

This chapter was proofread by xXDagedXx

Also in case it wasn't apparent, anytime that there are <text> like this it means the characters which are Pokemon are speaking. I will keep this up through out the story even when they aren't around ponies to keep it from being confusing.