• Published 25th Jun 2018
  • 2,913 Views, 74 Comments

Simulacrum - Rated Ponystar

After Princess Celestia's mysterious death, Twilight mentally heads into the past to find out what killed her teacher. What she finds out changes everything she ever knew about the Sun Princess

  • ...

The Goodbye

When he was a colt, his mother took him past this hospital a few times whenever they went on walks together. He once asked what the big scary building was and she responded it was a place for very sick ponies in the head. It was only years later that he learned the proper word for the place was “Asylum”. He had never been here before in his life, even during his patrol hours as a guard. It always caused his spine to shiver whenever he walked past it. Even now as he walked up the stairs to the entrance as dozens of guards saluted him there was a part of him that wanted to run away. A lot of the guards were as stern as they could be, but there was rage in their eyes. They were there to guard someone who had, by all rights, been somepony everyone looked up to until a few days ago. Now more than half of them wanted to take their spears and shove it down her throat.

Some looked ready to sleep right there on the spot. It was only just last night they were able to finally stop the last of the riots. Many just wanted to see her dead for what she had done, but Princess Luna was determined to have a trial. All week he had been dreading this, but those who knew the truth told him it had to be done. He didn’t want to do it, but he had no choice as he was the only one who could get even a word out of his sister. If she didn’t agree to take the deal... then there was no choice but to go to plan b.

For the sake of Equestria.

Walking through the halls, he kept getting looks of pity from both the guards and the staff as he walked by. He hated it. He had been getting it all week and he still hated it. Stil, it was better than the death threats and accusations. He had to send Flurry Heart and Cadence back to the Crystal Empire because it was getting to be too much and his daughter was asking questions he couldn’t honestly answer. She didn’t know why her Auntie was being a bad mare like everypony said. All he could hope for was that when this was all over she would remember the good parts of her Aunt rather then what history would teach.

Upon entering the top security wing, he was scanned three times, checked for weapons twice, and asked a code word that Princess Luna had given him personally. A place like this normally had tight security due to the fact that there were very disturbed and violent ponies who wouldn’t hesitate to hurt or kill others. But everything changed a week ago when Twilight was admitted into here because of what she had done. It was clear that the truth had broken his sister, who he had to admit wasn’t always the most stable of minds at times, but he couldn’t fully blame her. Every Captain of the Guard was told the truth of Princess Celestia and what happened a thousand years ago. He was angry, dismayed even, but over time he accepted it. For the sake of Equestria, he kept the lie going and passed on to the next Captain of the Guard when he left for the Crystal Empire.

When Celestia’s... clone for lack of a better word finally died, Shining Armor sighed in relief. At last the lie was over and both Luna and Twilight would rule Equestria together. Princess Celestia’s wishes had finally been meet and it would be a new beginning for Equestria.

Yet his sister had been so damn stubborn and everything was now threatened to fall apart. The truth was still hidden for now. The real body of Princess Celestia had been burned into ashes by those who knew the secret and the entire castle was destroyed in Twilight’s rampage. The only good thing to come out of that situation was there was barely any evidence. The only thing left preventing the truth to be known, and the entire country falling into chaos, was his sister who was locked in chains and a straight jacket behind the biggest and most powerful anti-magic prison the place had. At least three magic inhibitor rings were required to keep Twilight from even using telekinesis.

“Are you sure you want to go in alone?” The head doctor asked, using his magic to unlock the runes of the door.

“Yes,” Shining answered.

“... She still hasn’t said much,” he said, shaking his head. “All she kept saying was ‘It’s a lie’ over and over again. What lie could cause one of Equestria’s greatest heroes to snap and kill over two hundred creatures?”

Shining Armor didn’t say anything to him. He just looked at one of the other doctors and guards that came with him. Those in the know like him. They were only there if plan b needed to happen. Taking a deep breath the prince went in, closed the door, and quickly activated privacy spells just in case. Once he was sure they were going to be unheard, he turned to his little sister who looked like she had been through hell. Her mane was in such a ruin that her former friend Rarity would have a heart attack just by seeing it. Her coat was still decorated in the magical burns from her fight with Princess Luna who had barely survived against her sister’s insane rage. If it wasn’t for Discord stepping in, they might not have been any other Princess to rule Equestria, but he himself was determined to even kill Twilight at this point for what she had done. It was only by the promise that justice would be delivered that kept him from enacting his revenge. She was thin too, like she hadn’t eaten in two week, and her eyes were bloodshot to indicate a lack of sleep.

He was glad his parents decided not to come visit all this time, they were already heartbroken enough by what had happened. Reporters and prosters alike had come to ask the same question every creature from all corners of the earth were asking.


Why did Princess Twilight do it?

“Twily?” Shining Armor asked, getting her attention as she stared at him. Not with the warm kind eyes that he saw his entire life, but one of broken heartbreak and rage. A rage that held nothing but hatred for her and everything around her. “It’s me, Shining Armor.”

“... Liar...” Twilight whispered, narrowing her eyes. “Liar. You knew. You knew.”

“Knew what, Twily?” Shining Armor asked, but he did know the answer.

“Knew that she was a fake. A copy. Everything was a lie. Everything for a thousand years was a lie!” Twilight growled, spitting on the ground.

Shining Armor sighed. “Yes. I knew. I’ve known ever since I became Captain of the Guard. It’s required that we know.”

“Who else knows?” Twilight demanded.

“Grandpa knew since he was a Captain as well,” Shining Armor wished he was here. He had been his hero growing up and could use his advice. “A few noble families, like the Bluebloods, also knew, but have been key in making sure it stays quiet. Starswirl the Bearded knew the moment he saw Celestia when he returned. He sensed the spell’s after effects on her. He recognized the spell and she told him the truth. He agreed to keep the secret.”

“Another betrayal,” Twilight muttered, a tear dripping down her eyes. “I’m running out of heroes to worship.”

“Twilight, it wasn’t a betrayal,” Shining Armor said, shaking his head. “It was just a necessary evil for the sake of Equestria.”

“Buck Equestria! How many lives have been taken since that...thing became the ruler of our nation?! Hundreds? A thousand?! Were they innocent or guilty?! How many have died to keep that secret or prevent it from being known?! Hay, I bet you're really here to kill me!” Twilight shouted, nearly foaming from the mouth.

“... If I have to, yes,” Shining Armor said with great reluctance. He wasn’t going to cry. He already did that the moment they brought the casualty list. His sister had gone from Equestria’s biggest hero to its biggest villain. “Even if I don’t want too, too many want you dead, Twilight. Do you know how many creatures you killed? Not just ponies, but others who lived in Ponyville, including students at your academy!” His sister didn’t say anything, she just looked down but he couldn’t tell if it was in anger or shame. “They’re burning your books! Tearing down your statues! Protests are everywhere demanding you be hanged! Several countries are even demanding it or they’ll go to war! DIscord is threatening to unleash everything on us because you killed Fluttershy!”

“... Do you think I care at this point?” Twilight muttered, raising her face again. “I’ve been thinking a lot since I got locked up in her. Doesn’t it seem convenient that I was sent to deal with threat after threat, problem after problem and challenge after challenge for years and suddenly I become an Alicorn Princess? I happen to find five ponies who happened to live in the same town who share the perfect personalities for the ultimate items to defeat evil? I happen to be given a dragon egg at the age of six that I help raise who eventually helps dragons become allies to ponies? I have to go and do everything while Celestia and Luna are up there ruling despite having the wisdom, power, and experience superior to me?”

“What are you saying, Twilight?” Shining Armor asked.

“I’m saying my entire life is a lie, Shining,” Twilight growled. “Not just because I was taught by a fraud who lived on the deaths of subjects, subjects to a princess who had been dead for a thousand years, but every part of my life, one way or another, seemed to be guided into this supposed ‘destiny of mine in becoming an alicorn Princess. I went back in time, Shining, I saw the real Princess Celestia die. I saw her give the conditions to the clone. I was nothing more than an objective to be neutered and groomed until I was at perfection. I was a tool nothing more.”

“Is that really what you think?” Shining Armor whispered in disgust. “You thought that she didn’t love you? Even if she was a clone of Princess Celestia she still felt and acted like her. That love wasn’t artificial it was real! She loved you like she loved Luna, her own sister! She thought of you as family!”

“Oh there’s a pony I really want to be associated with! I saw how the first sacrifice was done.” Twilight then glared at him. “I saw what Luna really had done that day. It wasn’t just a simple argument and a fight with her sister. She killed ponies. Innocent foals were dead. Unicorns had to sacrifice themselves to keep the day and night going. She murdered her sister... and I was manipulated into saving her?! And she’s ruling the kingdom?!”

“It was Celestia’s wish...”

“SHE MURDERED CELESTIA! SHE’S A USURPER!” Twilight shouted, her horn glowing bright black for a second before the rings glowed and forced it down. “However you want to put it, Shining Armor, she murdered her own sisters with dark magic and killed her! And you hide that! All of you hid the truth! The truth that Equestria has been lead by a fake for over a thousand years while supplying her with the lives of ponies like some kind of primitive tribal culture sacrificing others to their god! I wish I never saved her in the first place!”

“Is that why you tried to kill her when she came to stop you?!” Shining Armor shouted, now getting angry. “Can’t you see what you almost did?! You could have left Equestria without any leadership and could have lead to the downfall of our entire society! Nobles would be fighting in the streets to claim the throne! Nations would seek to take over us at our weakest! We would be divided like the days before Equestria was made! It would be chaos, Twilight! Everything we did, everything Celestia did, was for Equestria’s continued existence!”

“A nation built on lies is a false nation,” Twilight whispered. “Nothing more and nothing less.”

“... Does that mean your friendship was a lie? Is that why you killed them? Starlight? Spike? All those creatures in Ponyville? Creatures and ponies who loved and respected you? Did you even think about what their final moments were when you killed them?”

“... I didn’t mean to kill them. I just... I was so angry... so furious and confused... but I guess it doesn’t matter. It was all a lie,” Twilight muttered, but he could see tears coming down her face. “My friendships. My adventures. My bonds.... All lies via manipulation to see me rule by the orders of a dead princess and her clones double.”

“No, they weren’t, Twilight,” Shining Armor sighed, shaking his head. “Those were real. Maybe you were pushed into those situations, but the feelings and lessons were real... and now you’ve ruined everything you once had.”

“So then kill me already,” Twilight huffed, glaring at her brother. “I know I’m doomed. Nopony can get away with this. And like you said, every creature is calling for my head! But know this when I am on the gallows I’ll tell the world the truth! I’ll tell them everything I saw and from there the world will know that the so called greatest ruler in the world was nothing more than a machine that ran on innocent blood!”

“Twilight, I don’t want you to die...” Shining Armor closed his eyes and prayed his sister would take this deal. “Those of us who know the truth know that we still owe you for saving us. If you agree to keep quiet, we can fake your death and send you somewhere where you can live the rest of your life in peace. All you have to do is swear, on a blood and magical oath, that you will never return nor reveal the truth. Do this and you can live, Twilight. The world will think you’re dead but you will live.”

“... No,” Twilight said, with a tone that clearly meant this was final. “I am going to tell the world the truth and nothing will stop me.”

Shining Armor closed his eyes. He didn’t want to do this, but it seemed he had no choice now. He loved his sister. Would always love her, but it was clear his sister was gone. She died the moment she learned the truth. A truth that couldn’t be shared with the world. Not then. Now ever.

“I’m sorry, Twilight. The world will never know...” Shining Armor turned to the glass window and nodded, the door opened and the four Royal Guards with doctor entered. Already he had the syringe ready. “Hold he down and inject her... it will be quick won’t it?”

“She won’t feel a thing. The organs will be undamaged as well.”

“Good, we will need them. Bring her body out the back as planned.”

“... I guess this is goodbye, Big Brother.” Twilight said, lowering her head for the last time.

“Yes... goodbye, Little Sister.”

He turned away and made his way out of the room. He didn’t hear anything from his sister as he rushed as fast as he could to an abandoned room, throw up in a trash can, and cry his eyes out.


Two weeks after the trial the execution was about to begin. It had been the fastest trial with his... sister confessing to murdering Princess Celestia in her efforts to seize the crown for herself. That she had planned to do so since she became an Alicorn in an effort to rule Equestria on her own and become its queen. Her friends found out about her plan, confronted her, and she killed them all. They would be remembered as heroes while his sister was to be remembered as Equestria’s greatest traitor.

In the days leading to this day, he had seen the once unsure and sorrowful Princess Luna filled with conviction and purpose. She was acting like the ruler her sister always wanted her to be, yet filled with rage that the one she trusted most had betrayed her. Shining Armor was among many who asked she be named “Queen of Equestria” in order to show that she was taking her role seriously. She agreed, but only if her sister could be also called “Queen” postumetly. Nopony challenged her on that.

Ponies and creatures alike had gathered to throw food and insults at...Twilight who was escorted down the streets in chains. His... sister was covered in so much food that they had to clean it off her before placing her head before the execution block. He was grateful his parents decided not to come nor did his wife or daughter. He would be there to represent them and see this task done. He turned to his left where Queen Luna and other rulers of Equestria waited for justice to be done with stone cold faces. Even King Thorax was glaring at Twilight with disgust over the death of his best friends Spike and Starlight. Beside them were the families and loved ones of all those who died in the “Ponyville Massacre” as it were. Some were in tears. Others were in anger. A few just stood there in silence.

Eventually, Queen Luna raised her hoof and every creature went silent. Shining Armor didn’t bother listening to the speech. He just wanted this over and done with as... Twilight just lay there ready for her death. The blade that was to take her life had been donated by Discord who was watching somewhere, but Shining Armor didn’t know where. He had heard that he been plan on leaving this world. Try to find another world where another Fluttershy was. He wasn’t Discord’s biggest fan, but he would wish him his best in his efforts. He turned his gaze towards Sunburst, who was wearing all black, and the students who were there to support him, especially the six who had saved them all from Cozy Glow. They had promised to keep the school going in honor of their teachers. Only it would no longer bear any remembrance to Twilight. She had been so proud of that school too.

The Royal Guards began their drum roll as a priest offered... Twilight her last confession but she turned him down. She made no other comments or statements just like she had been ordered. Just stared at the crowd with an emotionless expression.

Finally, Queen Luna lowered her hoof and the blade came down as seconds later... Twilight’s head came off.

There were no cheers. No cries of sorrow. Just a long silence as Twilight’s head fell into a basket and her body went limp. To the world around Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle The Traitor, had died.

But the truth was his sister died a while ago and her ashes were scattered into the wind.

This entire execution was another lie.

A lie to keep his nation going.

Author's Note:

Didn't expect that ending did ya? Sorry for such a late update. I was the one who was suppose to update it and it slipped my mind... yeah I suck at memory sometimes. Hope you enjoyed the fic.

Comments ( 28 )

Such as sad ending. I wish the truth had come out as it was in my opinion preferable. I agree with Twilight Equestria was founded upon lies and I am very surprised Discord wasn't in on the truth.

Okay, that ending was a complete depression. Twilight went completely off the deep end. I am not sure I like how it ended. By that I mean no offense to your writing at all, it is great as usual, just not something I personally enjoy myself.

I liked this ending, although I wish there was an alternate one where the truth was revealed.

aline1 #5 · Jan 4th, 2020 · · 1 ·

It is extremely rare that a story's ending makes me wish I never read something but this story has managed it.

The Endings just so dark depressing and unpleasant it just ruins the rest of the story for me.

Couldn't they go back in time and just stop her before she commits these murders?

I never understood the appeal of stories like this.

First thing this is a well written and interesting story. I have to give you top marks for this.

The ending made me feel hollow, I get it and this is the sort of situation I hope would never happen. So good job in writing an effective story. [+like + add to Dark list.]

The art for this... Is that Ogham? It's what it looks like at least. Or is it more a take on Icelandic Staves like Vegvisir?

It's the logo for Fallen Empire Records. I saw it online and thought it looked cool for the fic

Slowly realizing exactly how horrifically wrong everything went was one of the most excruciatingly soul-sucking experiences I've had this year (granted, the year's only a few days old, but you get what I mean).

I can't in good conscience give this a like—maybe later, but not now. It feels... wrong, for lack of a better term.

But for what it’s worth: Kudos, man. Kudos.

I'm sorry, but this is garbage. Twilight had no reason to start killing everyone in Ponyvile. She would've gone after LUNA, not her friends. Her friends had nothing to do with the lie, so Twilight killing them is stupid and pointless. Twilight would want to protect her friends from the lie by destroying Luna and Canterlot as they were symbols of the lie. It seems like a stupid plot convenience you cooked up to keep Twilight from spreading the truth for the sake of a tragic ending. You trust randomly slapped in "Twilight randomly kills everyone" so you can give her a bad ending. I just can't fathom why Twilight would slaughter the six ponies (and dragon) she loves because of something Celestia, Luna, and some ponies 1000 years ago did.
And that really annoying part about this is that you could've kept you depressing ending without having Twilight kill her best friends. Just have Twilight destroy Canterlot and try to kill Luna, but is stopped and locked up away from her friends. Then Luna, Shining Armor, and the Bluebloods could make up the lie, secretly kill Twilight, and publicly execute the clone. It would've been even better than your garbage Diablos Ex Machina because it would've heightened the whole "conspiracy" themes you had going on.
And don't try to give an excuse like "Twilight went all emotional and crazy" because that doesn't fly. Twilight would aim her magic at the CAUSES of her pain, i.e. Luna and Canterlot. NOT HER FRIENDS. I'd strongly suggest editing this chapter and getting rid of that stupid "Twilight kills the ones most dear to her even thought they did nothing wrong" plot point, because it ruins what once was a really cool story about well intentioned lies and government conspiracies.
Seriously, I kinda think Twilight was in the wrong here, anyway. They had no choice! They needed to make the clone! The clone was still a good pony and did good things. Twilight was stupid to throw away her blessed life like she did just because some ponies 1000 years ago did what they had to do.

This WAS bad writing. Twilight had no reason to kill her friends. Luna, yes. Her friends, no. This ending was garbage.

I'm not changing the ending. Sorry you don't like it though, but that's fine. I figured the ending wasn't going to be to everyone's liking. But I like it and so did Hailstorm so I'm keeping it in.

That was one hell of a grimdark ending... i liked it, but I'm also pissed Twilight killed my boi Spike and my Girl Starlight along with so many others...

I could understand Twilight being upset apon discovering the truth, but nothing could ever justify what she has done... good riddance to the violet bitch both times around.

I can understand the dislike towards the ending of this for most, it doesn't surprise me really. But I'll tell you the reasoning behind this end. Not expecting it to change minds but I'm going to say it just because why not.

Keep in mind in the show- Twilight once watched Celestia get hurt in battle against NMM and broke down into tears despite it being a vision of the past. In this, she very much goes through something worse. She watches Celestia die, finds out Luna is the cause, and then finds out to horror that not only is the one that she mourned a clone, but she's been kept alive on the blood of ponies for centuries and its all one big government plot to keep this a secret because of what it would mean and how it could tear apart the nation.

That's quite messed up, especially to digest after your mentor's death. Although upon finding out that her mentor was never really alive in the first place, things start to spiral out of control quickly.

Twilight Sparkle has proven she can be very animated, especially when her anxiety and neuroses gets to her over the insignificant things. Spike for all the jokes I've seen made at his character's expense is a foil to Twilight. He exists to virtually keep her from doing dumb stuff when she's heading in that direction, and in the show you kinda see him do that a bunch of times. In this case, she went on this journey alone. None of her friends were there, there was no spike here, and she couldn't rely on the princesses cuz well she was trying to solve the source of why Celestia died.

Finding out your government, one which you are now seen as a part of, has lied for centuries and been performing a lie to the point of sacrificing innocent lives to comtinue it is something to be disturbed over. Twilight, who tends to have 100 thoughts rushing through her mind when her anxiety picks up would have had a bad reaction to this- especially when the one in the center of it all is someone she considered herself being so very very intimate and close to outside of her own family.

Her reactions of disgust, outrage, denial, shock etc they are all things that when I was reviewing this concept I considered- would she really kill her friends over something like this? And after thinking about it, I agreed with the approach to this despite the darkness of it all.

Twilight started the journey more or less alone. When Starlight and Spike offered her support she sort of brushes them off in the beginning. In the end she has to deal with this adventure on her own and handle the answers on her own.

The state she was in even when her friends found her and she finally has physical evidence to prove what she was denying herself to be true, sold everything. As she once said before: "I don't believe anything I can't prove." She falls back on that in this by looking through the castle for the place where everything happened.

And in the end she got her proof. But she wasn't ready for it. Not after the fact, if you'll recall, she took the potion and went on this mission for the purpose of getting some closure or answers. Instead she found something much worse. And if she were to be in enough of a frenzy, if she were inconsolable and beyond herself with a cocktail of emotions I'm certain she wouldn't recognize she might be harming the very ponies she cared about till it was far too late.

Besides, if she had told the truth Luna would have been in the very same position, if not things possibly getting worse with Luna driven mad by grief or trying to end her own life when the truth came out. Something that would also throw the whole system into question even more.

I definitely did not expect this ending coming.
Honestly, I don't like it. But oh well.

Well, this sucked. Big time.

Oh, I don't mean it in terms of literary quality (though it could have done with less telling and more showing), but just what it makes me feel.

Twilight's my favorite pony. I can't take much of seeing her suffer.

And this... this threw me for a complete loop. Like, come on, did anyone see this coming? Twilight gone insane beyond words and killing so many and destroying so much...

I never expected this.

And it was oh so much more intense for its shock.


Rest in Peace, Twilight, and maybe, in the distant future, may your name be cleared and your honor restored. At least as much as it can after what happened.

I'm sorry. :ajsleepy:

Well, no, I certainly didn't expect this (I'd forgotten Twi cracking at the end of the last chapter, but now I remember thinking she'd just break down and need a hug for about a year). But then, this is one of your stories, so I should have figured it wasn't tragic enough yet.

Still feels like a bit of a leap (her magic's not that out of control, understandable nervous breakdown or no), and ultimately this mostly feels like a lore dump with a classic grimdark ending tacked on, but eh, it worked for Lovecraft. I never voted, and I don't care enough to either way.

Nation built upon a lie is still a nation, one that has kept the overall peace in the world for centuries. And like Discord once said, ”sometimes a lie, is easier to take”...
Good story IMO. Keep it up.

So they made Twilight clone just to execute it? They still have the book and willing soul to sacrifice themself for that?

Good story. One question, was Luna in on the Simulacrum plot at the end, or was it just the royal guards who knew?

And I'm guessing that with the clone(s) dead, the secret will die once all the guards do.

Enjoyed the first 5 chapters, and was hoping for an ending that was at least a confrontation with Luna and revealing the truth to the rest of the Mane 6 (Starlight and Spike as well). This, however, turned my upvote into a downvote, and I’m revoking my favoriting of this story. Twilight wouldn’t do this. She would never kill her friends, or even any of Ponyville’s citizens. She might go a little crazy and lock herself away from the world or get into a big shouting match with Luna, but she would never do this. Frankly, this ending was character assassination to Twilight, and a profoundly poor narrative choice that ruins what was otherwise a well-written, emotional story.

I think so, yes. The had to have a trial and execute her publicly, while guaranteeing her keeping her mouth shut during it. That alone is worth the sacrifice to maintain the lie. The assasination plot added to her confession to explain away to the public's lingering questions of Celestia's sudden (and otherwise unexplained) death. Tying up all the loose ends, pinning them all on the (clone) scapegoat as a bonus.

All this stemmed from Celestia's mistake of hoofing over the book of the Simulacrum, to her ponies a thousand years ago. They abused it, and it's power. That power inevitably finding its way into the nobles hooves down the line.

Makes ya wonder how many other puppets they've made over the years? Luna, Cadance, mages, goverment officials? Would Shining replace Cadance if need be? He didn't have much trouble doing his little sister, how much more difficult would it be for him (ethically) to replace Cadance in order to save face? It's "for the good of Equestria" after all...

The rabbit hole has no bottom!

I think you underestimate the damage that a psychotic break can do.

...Thank you, that was really a horrible and disturbing story... :P

Worth reading, in a strange and twisted way, but not necessarily something I'd do if warned ahead of time. I'm going to have trouble sleeping now...

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