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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 104 )

Going to point out you can't call something consequences free if it results in some one being pregnant.

That's a consequence.

My question is just how much the birth rate has gone up? Cadance may have done this so she can sleep around more freely.

Chapter 2 (published tomorrow) goes into that with a bit more detail.

Well, yeah. But maybe a desired one?

Shining had better knock her up by the time the day is over. Otherwise, he's perverting the very reason his wife enacted the holiday!

Well, since Shiny didn't clean off his cock before it was put back in Twilight, this means there's still cum on it and now in her. Guess he forgot about that.

So birth rate is in decline so the answer is inbreeding?

All chapters contain perfectly accepted and consequence-free infidelity and lots of raunchy anthro pony sex!

Why that sounds—


Oh, well, never mind then. I prefer my ponies with hooves and my humans with hands. The rest of you have fun, though.

I'm curious as to if you have the whole thing planned out, or if you're accepting suggestions for pairings for future chapters.

so its like the purge minus the killing and more sexier

We’ll get into that a bit more in the next chapter (from Princess Cadance’s POV). She may have had some ulterior motives for the whole thing.

Heh. It’s in the impregnation group for a reason!

Inbreeding is always the answer.
What’s gone wrong with American politics? Inbreeding.
What should I have for breakfast? Inbreeding.
What’s 42 times 5? Inbreeding.

If it makes you feel better, these anthros have got hands. *shrug* Well, at least I have plenty of full-on pony stories for you as well. And even a few humanized ones.

I have 4 chapters planned out (and 2 fully written). That will probably be the full extent of this story, unless my Patreon supporters ask for more chapters/pairings.

The best kind of purge.

That was the other thing I was considering.

Honestly, the first chapter doesn't really have much story. It's mostly just a paint by the numbers Twilight and Shining incest story with meh clop at best, and things I think are supposed to be funny but are really just awkward. Add to that a distinct lack of knowledge on how open relationships work, what with that being ignored, and this 'Sharing Day' concept taking all the bite out of the kinks and characters and this is just boring, and straight bad in places like the AWFUL exposition at the beginning. I would have thought this was a non-con story with how forced it was.

But yeah, not a good or exciting story really, even for those looking just to get their rocks off, with a bleh at best concept. Downvote, and I recommend you just pass on it.

Heh, wow. Harsh.
But it’s good to get criticism! ^.^ That’s rare these days, and it’s still very helpful when it comes to improving future stories.

I'm looking forward to the Pinkie Pie x Mr. Cake chapter. It's of my favorite pairings, but there's so little of it on this site.

Heh, that one might be quite a while though... I haven’t written it yet.

Not bad, nothing amazing either, but pretty decent, normal Twicest. Love the idea, perfect excuse for random fucking. Clop was, again, decent, if a bit average, but still fairly hot, and with plenty more in store for later. Not really much to say about this so far beyond that, good set up, decent overall work to start it off.

Heh, I’ll really have to spice up later chapters, I guess. This one seems to have everyone yawning.

This has promise. I like the idea of sharing, since I do stories for swinging, so I know I will keep track of this story. It has promise but it will depend on how well you deliver with the other chapters.

>Consequence free infidelity
Unless it's illegal in Equestria unlike in much of the western world, a politician saying it's consequence-free, that it "isn't cheating", means absolutely nothing, and I certainly doubt there wouldn't be any hard feelings. If you're running the story on a logical disconnect, leave it in the story, not the description.

They can always just get abortions if they want. :twilightsmile:

Last I checked, that too was a consequence. Sweet Celestia, OP. :twilightoops:

It makes me sad to know how little of a good person you are.

:rainbowlaugh: Lighten up, guys. What? We can’t joke about it?
If there’s something you can’t joke about, then there’s something that has power over you.

It isn't cheating if all parties consent. Nineteen years in a fully open, and poly relationship here, we all have lovers outside the relationship too. No hard feelings, no "cheating" because everything is above board.

Truth > gut reactions.

Real shame the story seems to have caught the attention of the downthumb crew. (the idiots on this site that downthumb because 'wafiu/subject/just to downthumb)

Considering that Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle both seem to be exceptional specimens, who likely have fantastic genes, a little inbreeding isn't likely to do much harm as long as it doesn't go on for numerous generations. In fact, if their genes are free of any 'risky genes' (such as ones requiring specific, affected, genes from both parents to activate any number of genetic conditions), there shouldn't be any risk at all even after a a dozen generations. After all, you can't make worse what isn't there in the first place. And since this is fiction, it's 100% possible to make that the case.

Why can't everyone in Equestria just be poly? They could love and have sex with as many people as they want and they wouldn't have to wait for a holiday.

Oh, so you prefer bestiality. Okay.

Heh. No, I just prefer ponies with ponies or human s with human s. Ponies with hands just weird s me out.

I prefer a humanoid form in my clopfics. Anthro, EqG Human, or regular Human all work for me. Horse on horse is just weird to me, especially the anatomically correct ones. Although, I don't seem to have the same problem with dogs, weirdly, as long as the dog is on the giving end.

Man, everyone's getting on the incest bandwagon these days. I trust in your authorial chops, so we shall see.


While you may be correct about the letter of the term, the spirit of it definitely is not applicable to Equestrian ponies. Sapience makes all the difference.

Eh, it’s okay. I’m a clopfic author ... often of some controversial subjects. I’m used to it. :twilightsmile:
I barely even care about upvote/downvote ratio anymore.
What I care about is: how many people read it?

With enough incestuous generations, even with perfect genes to start with (and nobody has perfect genes), there’s still the problem of mutations. Any random gene mutation has a high probability of getting expressed (instead of a low probability), and most mutations are harmful.
This effect may be why some highly-inbred societies/royal families have genetic diseases unique to that group -- it started as a mutation in one of their ancestors.
(Though, not all mutations are harmful. Some are beneficial. Incest might serve as a natural turbo-mode for evolution when a population gets too small or too isolated, helping it more quickly find beneficial mutations that may bring the population back from the brink of disaster.)


Why can't everyone in Equestria just be poly?

Because then getting to have sex with someone other than your wife wouldn’t be as special. ^.^

Oh, so you prefer bestiality. Okay.

Kinkshaming? In my comment section? What has the world come to?
Let me tell you, young whippersnapper, I have half a mind to write an publish an actual bestiality story, just to spite the lot of you!


Man, everyone's getting on the incest bandwagon these days.

Well, it’s a pretty fun bandwagon. At least for brother/sister or sister/sister incest, I think. Parent/child incest still kind of creeps me out, and I generally don’t like it.
Maybe it’s because I didn’t have a sister when I was growing up, which can leave my fantasies of how awesome it could be to have one un-tarnished by the realities of what having sisters is actually like.

I trust in your authorial chops, so we shall see.

^.^ It’s good to have a reputation ... and it’s more than just follower count. I do think the second chapter is better (and it’s published now), so I guess we’ll see.

While you may be correct about the letter of the term, the spirit of it definitely is not applicable to Equestrian ponies. Sapience makes all the difference.

Sometimes I wonder how far that could bend, especially with some of the most intelligent species we have around ... dolphins, orcas, the great apes...
Some of them, when educated, are able to communicate in some degree of detail with humans. You can have a conversation with them...

Sex doesn't have to be special. It can just be a way to waste time, just like any other activity. What matters is the relationship those involved share. Remember, there's a difference between the terms "fuck-buddy" and "lover".

Also, I never said it was a bad thing. I would be a hypocrite if I did. I never even implied I thought it was bad. But it is weird. We're fapping to candy-colored cartoon horses that are sometimes humanized. We're all weird.


We're all weird.

Can you imagine being *shudder* normal, though? :pinkiesick:

A bestiality story has been in my ideas list for a while now... If I only had like 3x the amount of time and energy, maybe I’d get to it...
As for everyone being on the incest bandwagon... *looks at your most recent fics* Well, it certainly looks like someone is!

Well that is too bad, I kinda now want to see how Cadance and her husband explain away the fact that he knocked up his sister and she has the next Crown Prince with a common farmer.

Plus I wonder just who those six mares where with Filthy Rich? Also Apple Bloom is still implied to be a minor by the description of her bed so she is right out participating in this day as I doubt those laws would be forgotten on a day like this.


Also Apple Bloom is still implied to be a minor by the description of her bed so she is right out participating in this day as I doubt those laws would be forgotten on a day like this.

Well, Apple Bloom isn’t in an established relationship with anypony, and I don’t see her having a crush on anypony who’s taken, so there wouldn’t be any special reason for her to be having sex on this day opposed to any other day.
For ponies who are single and don’t have their eyes on someone married, there’s really nothing special about Sharing Day. When planning out this fic, it was actually a bit of a struggle to come up with established pairings that could be broken up for a day, because so few of the show’s main characters are canonically paired up. (None of the mane 6 have a partner, nor do any of the princesses besides Cadance.)
(And, anyway, for practical concerns: Fimfic doesn’t allow the portrayal of anthro/human minors in sexual situations, so that definitely won’t be happening in an anthro fic. Being no longer bound by that rule is one interesting new freedom I’ve found in my foray into furry story writing.)


So Sharing Day is not major for those not in a relationship. Nice to know that tidbit of information. That is the saddest drawback of the show, they do not allow for that much growth for their characters by giving the mane 6 the possibilities of someone special in their lives. I guess that is best left for fan fiction and authors like yourself.

Very enjoyable read, thus far, though I might be biased since it had Cadence in it.

Really liked this chapter better than the last one. Big Mac being nervous about Sharing Day makes sense but I am glad was able to help him with that.
Liked the nods to other characters, especially Hondo Flanks and Spoiled Rich, enjoying Sharing Day; wouldn't mind seeing extra chapters about them and the others.

Eh, they kind of played around with FlashLight for a bit...
Ooh, and the whole Trenderhoof thing.
And of course, Spike’s crush on Rarity.

But yeah, it would be interesting to see one (or more) of them get into a real relationship. Maybe not a permanent thing -- it would add a nice level of nuance if we saw one of them dating for a while and it didn’t get railroaded straight to a marriage ceremony* -- but it would be nice to see one of them have a love interest that lasts more than one episode.

*Actually a great lesson for kids, I’d think. As they grow up, it’s important for them to know that the first relationship they find themselves in might not actually be ‘the one’, and that it’s okay to end a relationship that’s not working. I think that if kids learned lessons like that early on, fewer of them would get trapped in abusive and/or dysfunctional relationships later on. I’m not saying they should have an abusive romantic relationship on a kid’s show, just something to break up the hegemony of the way love is normally portrayed in children’s media: “The first person you have feelings for will be your one true love --> you’ll go out with them for a while, never noticing or desiring anyone else --> there may be a few obstacles in the way, but eventually it will of course lead to --> marriage --> babies.” A very important life lesson -- and one seldom taught in kid’s media -- is that not all relationships are meant to last ... and that your very first one is especially unlikely to turn out well, since you haven’t matured or gotten experienced yet and may not have a good grasp of what you actually want/need in a partner.

They’ve kind of played around a little bit with Big Mac x Sugar Belle... And that, maybe, is an opportunity for the lesson I just mentioned. I’d actually love to see an episode about Big Mac and Sugar Belle breaking up -- and not because I hate the ship -- but just to show that relationships don’t always turn out perfectly on the first try.

Cadance: Princess of clopfics. ^.^

It might be fun to do those extra chapters ... but I’m unlikely to find time between all my other projects, unless my Patreon supporters demand it. (Or someone commissions it.)

I do not advocate incest whatsoever, if that's what you think. Incest is like communism: in perfect conditions, both can work. The real world doesn't have perfect conditions.

The second chapter wasn't casual. At all.


I agree with 9068487 , "filly." Everyone's doing it! Why, even I did! (Mostly...)

:twilightblush: I may have done the warnings before writing the fic itself. Sometimes things turn out a little differently.

‘Mostly’? I guess as long as you say “No bestiality” first, to doesn’t count.

Exactly. Hence why I compared incest to communism.

Ya know, if this were set in the same universe as Sex Ed, this problem would have probably never come about... Ya know, instead of a sex based purge.

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