• Published 4th Jul 2018
  • 4,543 Views, 200 Comments

Gundam Build Fighters: EGs - PoisonClaw

Sunset and her friends are introduced to the world of Gundam Models, or "Gunpla".

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Build 07

Canterlot High Vs. Crystal Prep, Begins! Fight 1, Rainbow Dash Vs. Indigo Zap!

Finally, the day had arrived. The tournament between Canterlot High’s Gunpla Battle Club and rival school Crystal Prep’s Gunpla and Model Club was set to start within the hour. Classes had been cut short to allow students to attend the event, with students steadily filling up the bleachers in the gymnasium where the seven GB Projectors had been set up in a single large flower formation for the event. Despite the fact that many students had no idea what a “Gunpla” even was, they weren’t going to pass up a chance to cheer their fellow Wondercolts on, especially against the likes of Crystal Prep’s Shadowbolts.

Even though new friendships had been sparked between the two schools ever since the Friendship Games, some rivalries ran far too deep to be simply forgotten after a single event.

Meanwhile, in the Gunpla Battle Club room, Luna was preparing to give one final pep talk to the eight students chosen to compete in the tournament. Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Flash Sentry and Vinyl Scratch all waited patiently as Luna took a deep breath.

“So, the day has finally come for our fight against Crystal Prep. As much as I wish we could have had more time to prepare, I’m happy to say that the eight of you have made leaps in bounds in both your building and fighting skills, proving yourselves amongst the best our club has to offer.”

Luna smiled proudly as she looked from one smiling face to another. “As a teacher, a club administrator and a Gunpla fan, it makes me so proud to see how far every member of this club has come since the beginning, and I just want to say that, while I expect you all to represent Canterlot High in this tournament, I hope none of you forget to also have fun out there. Now…” Pumping her fist into the air, Luna shouted, “Who’s ready to show Crystal Prep what we’re made of!?”

Eight fists shot into the air as excited cheers filled the club room.

With nothing more to say, the group set off for the gymnasium. As they were walking down the halls, however, a voice positively dripping with self-assuredness called out to them from down the hall. “Why, Vice-Principal Luna, how nice to run into you here.”

Making a face like she’d just bitten into an onion, Luna took a deep breath to collect herself before turning to face the speaker. “Hello, Principal Cinch,” Luna replied, trying her best not to make a face in the presence of the woman. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Principal Cinch sneered at the group, turning her nose up at them as she looked from one to another. Behind her were four Crystal Prep students, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, Neon Lights and Sunny Flare, the sour looks on their faces making it clear that they were just as tired of Cinch as everyone else.

“Why, I thought it might be good for my students to see who they’re up against. Although, if this is the group you intend to compete with, then it might be more humble just to surrender now and save yourself—”

“Save it, Cinch,” Luna cut her off, crossing her arms over her chest as she aimed a glower at the woman. “I think you’ll find that my students will be more of a match for yours.”

“Hmm. We’ll see…” With that, Cinch pushed passed them and strode down the hall, disappearing around the corner moments later.

“Don’t listen to that blowhard,” Indigo Zap said, grinning as she walked up to the group and held her hand out. “Cinch may only care about winning, but we’ll make sure she doesn’t pull anything this time. Promise!”

“Seems somebody learned their lesson from last time!” Rainbow said as she walked up and shook Indigo Zap’s hand. “Don’t expect an easy time, though. We don’t plan on holding back, right, everyone?” Glancing over her shoulder, she was met with nods in return.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Indigo replied with a grin. “We better get going before Cinch sends her hounds after us, but looking forward to meeting up again on the battlefield, Dash!”

“Same,” Rainbow replied before the two groups parted ways and headed in opposite directions towards the gym, arriving in time to watch Principal Celestia take the stage.

“Thank you, everyone, for coming out to show your support for this event,” she announced, getting the gathered student’s attention as she continued. “Today, we will watch as two teams go head-to-head in the latest of spectacle sports straight from the East, Gunpla Battle! From Canterlot High, let me introduce our very own Gunpla Battle Club!” A cacophony of cheers filled the auditorium as Celestia gestured to the right of the room where the competing club members stood, fellow club members cheering the loudest to offer their support.

“And facing off against them…” Celestia began once the cheering had died down, “...is Crystal Preps very own Gunpla and Model Club!” The bleachers containing the visiting Crystal Prep students erupted into equally deafening cheers for their fellow students.

Once more sparing a moment for the applause to die down, Celestia stepped aside as she gestured to off stage. “And, announcing the brackets for this tournament, allow me to introduce our presenter, Fluttershy!”

A hush fell over the crowd as Fluttershy stepped into view, more than few hearts melting at the site of the demure girl. Dressed in a leaf green dress that ran past her knees, pink boots and with a pink bow wrapped around her waist, Fluttershy looked the very image of an idol standing on stage. To up the cuteness factor even more, she was wearing a pair of felt cat ears poking through her silky hair, small white flowers woven delicately into her hair.

More than a few males and even some females in the audience had to clutch a hand to their nose to hold back a nosebleed.

Gulping, Fluttershy steadied her nerves as she took the mic from the principal and raised it to her lips. “Um… hello, everyone,” she greeted, the auditorium going dead quiet as she spoke. “I know this is a tournament, but I just want to wish everyone good luck in the fights ahead, and hope that everyone has fun no matter who wins. With that, we’ll draw lots to determine the brackets for this tournament, starting with… oh my…” Fluttershy seemed confused as she noticed the competing Crystal Prep students were missing a few members. “Uh… if I may ask, where are the—”

“Unfortunately, two of my competing students will be a bit late today,” Cinch said as she stepped into view, scowling as several students from both sides booed at her presence. “I have already notified Principal Celestia of this matter and have agreed that if they do not arrive in time for their scheduled fight, they will be swiftly disqualified. Please continue while we wait for them to arrive.”

“Oh… al-alright…” Fluttershy stuttered, as she shied away from the icy woman. Taking a box filled with numbered slips from Principal Celestia, she called up the sixteen competing students one after another to draw a slip, wherein Celestia would jot the drawn number down in a notebook.

“Before I announce the first bracket, allow me to quickly go over the rules,“ Fluttershy announced. “All battles will be one on one battles with a time limit of fifteen minutes. Should there be no clear winner by the end of the time limit, either by knocking your opponent’s Gunpla from the arena or when a Gunpla is unable to battle anymore, then a quick sudden death match will be held. Now, the first battle of today... will be Rainbow Dash from Canterlot High versus Indigo Zap from Crystal Prep!”

“Yes, I’m first!” Bolting up to the projector, Rainbow placed a hand on hip as she watched Indigo Zap step up to her side of the projector. “How about that? Looks like we get to square off after all. Must be fate.”

“Eh…” Indigo Zap remarked with a shrug of her shoulders. “I don’t believe much in fate, more in happy coincidences. Still…” Grinning, she crossed her arms as she regarded her opponent. “Hope you weren’t lying before, cause you’re gonna need to bring your A game if’n ya want to stand a chance against me!”

“Hey, that’s my line!” Rainbow retorted back.

[Gunpla Battle, Combat Mode Startup. Model Damage Level, Set To B. Please Set Your GP Bases.]

As the pair set their bases, they couldn’t help but lock eyes from across the projectors, the matching confident smirk on each other’s face announcing loud and clear to their opponent, “I’m going to win.”

[Beginning Plavsky Particle Dispersal…]

In a shower of blue particles, the projector displayed a barren desert landscape, sand dunes dotting the field as a fierce breeze blew a steady flow of sand through the air.

[Field 02, Desert. Please Set Your Gunpla.]

As Rainbow Dash set her Arios Gundam onto the base, she looked over at Indigo Zap’s Gunpla, raising an eyebrow at what she saw. “Really? That’s what you’re fighting with?”

Indigo Zap’s Gunpla was, in a word, bulky, covered in heavy, thick armor around the machine’s arms and legs, its head tiny by comparison even with the squat helm it was wearing. Strapped to the Gunpla’s shoulders were a pair of equally bulky beam cannons and in its right hand it carried a massive beam bazooka.

“Hey, don’t go underestimating the Virtue!” Indigo quickly retorted, eying Rainbow’s remodeled Arios Gundam, the once orange machine now painted a familiar sky blue color and armed with additional missile pods on its back, as well as a long-barreled beam rifle in-place of its regular weapon. As the cockpits formed around the two fighters, Indigo Zap chuckled under her breath. “This’ll be fun…”

[Battle Start!]

“Rainbow Dash, Gundam Arios Dash!”

“Indigo Zap, Gundam Virtue!”


“Hmm… this’ll be an interesting fight,” Twilight mused from the sidelines. “Both Gundams are models produced by the private organization Celestia Being, and couldn’t be more opposite in terms of design. Where the Arios excels in speed, the Virtue is superior in sheer firepower and defensive capabilities. Rainbow Dash is going to have to be cautious in this fight.”

From beside her, Sunset snickered lightly. “Rainbow Dash? Careful?”

Twilight sighed. “Point.”

On the opposite side of the room, Sugarcoat deadpanned, “She named her Gunpla after herself… How childish.”

Like a blue blur, the Arios raced through the sky in jet mode, as Rainbow Dash scanned the surrounding area for the Virtue. “Where did she go?

“Who’s hiding?”

From in the distance, twin streams of plasma lanced through the sky, forcing Rainbow to swerve rapidly to avoid being taken out from the first assault. Flying a corkscrew around the twin blasts, Rainbow finally spotted the form of the Virtue hovering above the desert sands.

“Doesn’t matter how powerful you are if you can’t hit squat!” Morphing to fighter mode, the Arios Dash raised its beam rifle and fired off a shot, the beam bouncing harmlessly against a barrier of green particles encapsulating the Virtue.

“Ha! Doesn’t matter how fast you are if you can’t break through my shield!” Gripping its handheld cannon, the Virtue returned fire with a single mega particle blast, forcing the Arios to once more maneuver around the beams.

Rainbow winced as she narrowly avoided being taken out by another volley of plasma beams. “Shoot, gotta figure out a way to bust through that shield!” Morphing back to jet mode, the Arios sped higher into the air as it released its load of missiles, the missile pods falling aside as a wave of particle laced missiles homed in on the Virtue and exploded violently against its shield.

“Sorry, Dash, but a few missiles aren’t gonna be enough to bust through—”

From the smoke, the Arios Dash slammed into the Virtue’s GN Shield, bolts of feedback jumping from the point of contact and through up bursts of sand into the air. A battle cry ripped free from Rainbow’s throat as she pushed her Gunpla with all her might, the Arios Dash responding in kind and cutting through the field to slam into the Virtue hard, pushing it back. Flipping up and over the Virtue as it morphed back into its fighter mode, the Arios skidded across the desert from the momentum as it raised its rifle and took a shot at the Virtue’s back, nailing a clean shot on the Gunpla’s left shoulder cannon that swiftly took it out of commission.

Whipping around to retaliate, the Virtue fired a beam from its bazooka, only for the speedier Gunpla to easily dodge the haphazard shot, zigzagging through the sand and making it difficult to get a clear shot. Indigo Zap cursed under her breath as another shot took out her remaining shoulder cannon, a flash of blue out of the corner her only warning as she dodged out of the way, the blade of a beam saber missing the Virtue’s head by a hair’s width. Firing a blast from her bazooka, Indigo finally managed to drive Rainbow Dash back, securing her a moment to catch her breath.

“Looks like I underestimated her,” Indigo muttered in-between panting breaths, her eyes locked onto the Arios as it charged at her. “I’m gonna have to get serious if I want to win…” With a flick of her wrist, a jolt of energy coursed through her Gunpla, the armor plating shifting as it rose up off the Gunpla’s frame. “Cast off!”

From the sidelines, Twilight gasped before calling out, “Rainbow, watch out!”

Her warning came too late, however, as the Virtue’s armor flew off in large pieces, several which slammed hard into the Arios Dash and sent it careening back from the impact.

“It… it shed its armor?!” Rainbow exclaimed as she drove her Gunpla’s feet into the sand to slow herself down, digging trenches in the sand before coming to a gradual stop.

“Where did—” The hairs on the back of Rainbow’s neck stood on end, her instincts screaming at her as she whirled around in time to narrowly avoid a swipe from a beam saber, only to have a heel driven hard into her Gunpla’s torso and sending her rolling against the desert floor. Wincing, Rainbow struggled to pick herself back up as she got a good look at the armorless Virtue.

Now devoid of its armor, the Gunpla looked like a skeleton of its former self, not helped by the almost solid white coloring of its frame. Hanging down from its head were twin bangs of red cables that could be mistaken for hair at a glance, as well as a longer braid of cables that flowed from the back of the Gunpla’s head to past its waist and blew in the desert breeze.

“Nice job managing to dodge that, Rainbow,” Indigo congratulated her as she readied her beam saber. “But your luck’s run out. I’ve yet to lose after needing to reveal my Gundam Nadleeh.”

“Well, there’s a first time for everything!” Rainbow countered as she raised her beam rifle and fired off a shot, only for the armorless Gunpla to avoid it with speed almost on par with her own, quickly shortening the distance between them as Rainbow missed one shot after another and sliced straight through Rainbow’s weapon, forcing her to leap back to avoid the explosion. Before she could fully catch her bearings, the Nadleeh leap out from the cloud of smoke and clocked the Arios Dash clear across the head with a metallic clang, sending it reeling before swiping down and slice the Ario’s arm off at the elbow.

Raising her remaining arm, Rainbow was quick to fire off a stream of vulcan fire from her Gunpla’s wrist, forcing the Nadleeh back enough for her to catch her breath.

“Rainbow looks like she’s in trouble…” Sunset worriedly remarked as she watched the battle unfold.

“She still has her trump card,” Twilight said, wincing as she added, “The problem is Indigo Zap has it as well...”

At that moment, both fighters were like mirror images of one another as a grin spread across their lips, their hands twisting to scroll through their abilities. In perfect unison, they cried out, “Trans Am!”

In a flash, both Gunpla became bathed in a bright red light as a shower of particles filled the space between them, a cascade of rainbow-colored energy forming a ponytail behind the Arios Dash to match the Nadleeh’s own locks. In a blink, both Gunpla charged one another, slamming togethering and shooting up into the air, each one trailing particles in its wake.

From that moment on, it was like trying to watch a fight between a pair of shooting stars, as the two Gunpla blitzed across the arena at blinding speeds, leaving two trails of crimson light behind them. As the trails became intertwined, they streaked towards the ground at breakneck speeds before slamming into the desert floor like a meteorite, sending up a dense cloud of sand that obscured the arena from view. Squinting, the audience held their breath in anticipation as the dust began to clear.

The Nadleeh Gundam stood hunched over the Arios Dash, the beam saber in its hand piercing the Arios’s chest.

[Winner, Gundam Nadleeh!]

Cheering erupted from the crowd as the intense battle came to a close. As the holograms dispersed, Rainbow Dash picked up her damaged Arios Dash in one hand as she walked around the projector until she was standing in front of Indigo Zap. Holding out her hand, she met Indigo’s eye as she said, “Good match.”

“Same,” Indigo replied, her voice filled with respect as she shook Rainbow’s hand firmly.

“With that exciting battle, Indigo Zap moves onto the second round,” Fluttershy announced, gesturing to a whiteboard behind her as Indigo Zap’s name moved up the bracket and Rainbow’s name was crossed out. “For the next battle, Rarity from Canterlot High will be facing off against Suri Polomare from Crystal Prep!”

As Rainbow neared the bench where her teammates were waiting, she paused as Rarity walked up to her. Hanging her head, she muttered, “Sorry I got knocked out in the first round. I really let the team down…”

“Fret not, dear,” Rarity said, placing a hand on Rainbow’s shoulder. “You tried your best, and that’s what’s most important. Make no mistake, I will do my utmost to avenge you.” As Rarity approached the projector, she caught sight of her opponent approaching as well, a girl around her age with like pinkish skin and very dark hair tied up into a bun. Smiling, Rarity walked up to Suri and extended her hand out to her. “Here’s to a nice, clean match between—”

Rarity was shocked when Suri slapped her hand away instead, causing Rarity to flinch back at the intense scowl aimed her way.

As Suri turned her back to Rarity and walked away, she clenched her hand into a fist and quietly muttered under her breath, “I’m going to crush you.”

“Hmph! How very rude!” Walking back around to her side of the projector, Rarity slotted in her GP Base, as the particles formed into a space field overlooking the earth.

[Field 01, Space. Please Set Your Gunpla.]

Reaching into her purse, Rarity pulled out her newly customized Gunpla. While the machine still retained much of the Astray’s base frame, such as the head design, new finely polished and slim armor had been added overtop, giving the machine a feminine design as the armor seemed to hug every curve like a fine dress. A pair of diamond blue wings were folded up neatly against the Gunpla’s back, and a thin band of blue fabric had been wrapped around the Gunpla’s neck. Strapped to the hips were a pair of holsters, each with a beam saber tucked inside and finally, the image of three diamonds was displayed on the Gunpla’s chest, with the middle diamond placed over the cockpit.

Setting the Gunpla onto the machine, the band of blue fabric seemed to react to the shower of particles, forming a shawl of blue energy that draped over the Gunpla’s shoulders.

[Battle Start!]

Tossing her curls over her shoulder, Rarity flashed a smile as she gripped the controllers. “Rarity, Astray Glamour! Launching!”

Next Time: Battle of the Fashionistas! Rarity Vs. Suri Polomare!

Author's Note:

Indigo Zap's Gunpla are the GN-005 Gundam Virtue and GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh, both from the first season of Gundam 00.