• Published 4th Jul 2018
  • 366 Views, 4 Comments

Martha and Skits 2: The Cloned Emperor - Zenitram Nadroj

The two worlds of Equestria and Wagstaff City have intertwined and now they're all in a wasteland and seperated from others. Will they be able to get home?

  • ...

When Portals Collide

“Leave Ponyville?”, Ocellus asks. “Are you serious?”

“We haven't made that decision yet.”, Starlight says. “We thought we would consult all of you before talking to Twilight.”

“Gosh. Twilight's gonna rambling for hours if you tell her.”, Smolder says.

“Twi's gonna be sadder than a pregnant cow who's just lost their first born calf.”, Applejack says.

“I'm not sure if my 'cheer up, Twi' party will be able to cheer her up.'”, Pinkie says.

The princesses approach the mare and stallion.

“Starlight, Sunburst, you two made the right choice to consult us before telling Twilight.”, Celestia says.

“Well what are we going to do? Starlight lives in Ponyville and I live here in the Crystal Empire.”, Sunburst says. “We've been separated as foals and it took us years to be reunited.”

“We understand.”, Luna says. “We all know how hard a decision like this is, but it's your choice. You two can stay in Ponyville or live in the Crystal Empire.”

The unicorns look at each other and look back to the princesses.

“Just give us some time, please.”, Sunburst requests.

“You have until the wedding. Don't take too long.”, Celestia says.

“Yeah, some of us can get impatient really quickly.”, Gallus says.

The two unicorns leave the castle and explore the Crystal Empire.

“Starlight, we're gonna have to tell Twilight eventually.”, Sunburst says.

“I just don't know how we're gonna explain it to her.”, Starlight says. “I mean, Twilight has helped me find the true meaning of friendship and took me under her wing. And then I graduated with honor. Not to mention, helped her found the School of Friendship.”

“That's true. And if it wasn't for her, we would have never seen each other again and I wouldn’t have been made the royal crystaller.”

The stallion faces his fiancé.

“The wedding's in two days. We've only been given a short amount of time to break it to her.”, the stallion says.

Starlight sighs.

“You're right. We better tell her today. She's at her castle right now. So we better get there right now.”

Starlight closes her eyes and they disappear. Neighsay appears as soon as they vanish.

“Drat. I missed them.”, he exclaims.

He then notices their residue. He then senses the residue and finds out where they're going.

“They’re heading to Sparkle’s castle. Perfect. That will be better.”

He then turns his head. He faces the consorts who have been brainwashed with their eyes glowing white.

"The princess herself will see that her quote, unquote 'new friends' aren't as friendly as she thought.", he says as he approaches the controlled group. “Come, my friends, we have got a wedding to stop. And the princess won’t know what will hit her.”

He powers his horn and they vanish.

In Wagstaff City, Helen wakes up and looks for her dogs.

“Martha? Skits?”, she calls.

“Helen, come down here, quick!”, her dad shouts.

She gets out of her bed and heads down to the living room. There, she sees her parents in horror watching the television. She approaches her parents.

“Mom, Dad, what is it?!”

“Look. Wagstaff City is being demolished.”, her mother says.

“Demolished?!”, Helen asks.

“Yes. 'Demolished' is when something is being destroyed.”

“And some monster is demolishing the city.”, her dad says.

She looks at the tv and sees on the news that a monster is demolishing the city.

“This is Linda Schwartzman, live from downtown Wagstaff City where a group of people and some sort of monster are destroying the city and enslaving the citizens.”

Helen sees that her dogs and the lion cubs are in cages.

“They got Martha and Skits!”, Helen says.

The news reporter then sees the monster and runs off.

“Back to you, Bob!”

She then gets captured. The anchorman is petrified.

“Oh, my goodness. Well in summation, we're all doomed. I'm Bob Dowelle and this is channel 8 news.”, he says before the news room is destroyed and he and the crew is captured.

“Oh, no. We've gotta get Jake and get out of here.”, Helen says.

They all run up and wake up her little brother.

“Morning, Jake. There's no time to explain. We gotta go now.”, her dad says.

They all head out and get in the car. They drive away and almost reach the end of town. But the monster grabs the car and tears the roof off.

“I have you now!”, he says.

The monster and the goons then go around the city and capture all of the citizens and destroy the town. The monster and the goons all laugh evilly.

“Why are you doing this to us?!”, Truman asks.

“You pathetic low lives have turned my saviors into pariahs. So, I'm returning the favor.”, the monster says.

“Pariahs?”, Carolina asks. “Of course they are. 'Pariahs' are people who have been outcasted by other people because of who they are.”

“They're the evildoers. Not us.”, Milo says. "They actually did things that warrant them to be pariahs."

“Yes. We had a feeling you would all say that.”, Fildgemarker says. “Which is why we are going to turn all of you into slaves to pay for making us look pale in comparison.”

They all laugh, but suddenly the monster senses something.


The monster closes his eyes and feels a presence.

“What is it, Your Majesty?”, Bumblecrum asks.

“I feel some sort of presence. And... no... that’s impossible.”, the monster says.

“What?”, Pablum asks.

“There's an aura. And it feels...exactly like my aura.”

“Huh?”, Weaselegraft asks.

The monster keeps sensing around and opens his eyes.

“It's in another world.”

“Another world?”, the kids ask in unison.

“Now, Your Majesty. We don't have time to be looking for strange things. We have a city to rule.”, Kablooey says.

“No. This creature who possesses the same aura I do is planning to confront me. Well I'm not going to stand around and let them win. I'm putting this matter into my own claws.”, he says as he flies up.

“What are you doing?! Get back here!”, Weaselegraft shouts.

He then stops and looks around for the source. He feels and finds the exact spot.

"There it is."

In the monster kingdom, Keretomatus and his army are about to leave their world when the emperor senses something.

“Wait a minute.”

He closes his eyes and they snap open.

“Oh, no. They're about to open a portal to our world. We need stop them right now.”

He flies up and searches for the being. He then finds exactly where it is.

"I found it."

He prepares to open the portal. The other monster prepares to open the portal. They both raise their claws and snap simultaneously. The portals open but start devouring everything and everyone around it.

"What's going on?!", T.D. shouts.

"The city is being devoured, that's what's going on!", Carolina shouts.

"Devour? But it doesn't even have a mouth."

"T.D., 'devour' does mean eat. But it's one of those words that have more than one meaning. This kind of devouring means to be broken down and taken inside!", Truman shout.

"Well too bad that was the last vocabulary lesson we'll ever take!", Milo shouts.

They lose their grip and become sucked in. Helen holds onto her dogs.

"Martha, Skits, I don't want to lose you two!", she shouts.

They both try to keep a grip on their owner. She turns and sees her family holding on.

"Helen, help us!", her dad shouts.

"I'm coming!"

She inches closer to her family. But she suddenly slips and loses her grip. Her dogs get sucked into the portal.

"Martha! Skits!"

Soon, she gets dragged until her mother catches her.

"I got you, mi hija.", her mother says.

"But, Martha and Skits are gone. I've gotta save them."

Lets go of her mother's grip and gets sucked in.

"Helen!", her family says.

Her dad's finger slips and the rest of her family gets sucked in. As well as the other monster, the slaves, the goons and the animals. In Keretomatus's kingdom, It starts to devour his army as he tries to fly away from it.

"No, I can't fly away. Those creatures are in danger."

He then stops and flies directly into the portal.