• Published 4th Jul 2018
  • 25,490 Views, 4,199 Comments

The Power of Freedom - Greatazuredragon

Having long grown utterly bored with the destiny the gods had decreed for him, Ganondorf decided to take matters into his own hands and escape to a new dimension where he could be free. Even if that would mean turning into a pastel colored pony.

  • ...

XXVIII - Shock and Awe

Shock and Awe

Deep in the center of the city of Unicornia, within one of the tallest towers of the mighty city, stood a pony known throughout the entire nation. He was a white-coated stallion with a vibrant forest-green mane. Clover was his name, though most ponies knew him as Clover the Clever.

The title had been bestowed upon him, alluding to his great intellect and keen mind. Granted to the once-in-a-generation genius that had managed the nigh impossible feat of receiving the acknowledgment of Arch-mage Star Swirl and becoming his apprentice. Given to the peerless mind whose management skills had managed to impress the crown itself, and so he was given the position of Princess Platinum's direct aide.

And yet, standing within a small but very well-stocked kitchen deep within Star Swirl's tower, tired eyes intently stared at the teapot that had just started to whistle and spit out steam, and Clover couldn't help but muse that a truly clever pony would have managed to avoid ending up as basically the caretaker of a bunch of very high-maintenance and self-absorbed individuals.

Yet, here he was...

Letting out a barely audible sigh, Clover staved off the coming headache with the long practice painfully given to him during his tenure as the Archmage's apprentice. This was by no means the most demeaning or irritating chore his master had ever given him, nor was it the oddest. But it was definitely near the top of the list.

Alas, his master had spoken, and so Clover diligently grabbed some of the tea leaves that were his master's favorites and proceeded to make tea for him and his guest. A guest who had, but minutes ago, soundly trounced half the Celestial Guard in open combat with nothing but a slightly annoyed look to show for it. A guest that had nearly overwhelmed him even as he put every bit of his magical might and knowledge to use. A guest that had matched spells against even Star Swirl himself!

Letting the tea leaves settle for a moment, Clover sighed again and proceeded to check the biscuits he had put in the oven, and seeing they were done proceeded to remove them from it and put them on a decorated plate. Star Swirl hadn't directly asked for them, but Clover knew his master well enough to know that appearing with only the tea and nothing to nibble alongside it would get him a disappointed look and an order to correct the issue.

Truly, the things he had learned under Star Swirl's tutelage were many and varied!

He let out another sigh as he arranged the tea and biscuits on a silver tray. Clover knew he was being unfair and that it was more the tiredness and aggravation of everything that had happened these past few days speaking than anything else. His arcane knowledge had expanded by leaps and bounds ever since Star Swirl had started to teach him, the old pony going so far as teaching Clover several spell matrices that no one else but the archmage himself knew! Being his apprentice was a tremendous honor and Clover was deeply grateful for it!

Yet, that didn't change the fact that his master could be downright aggravating at the best of times...

The fact was, Star Swirl was a once in a millennium genius. The Archmage had invented over half the spells that most war mages used regularly these days, and drastically improved the efficiency of the remaining half. He was a peerless caster, the pinnacle of magecraft as unicorns knew it, and a genius spell crafter. And, much to the detriment of Clover's continued mental health, Star Swirl was perfectly aware of those facts.

As his master once bluntly stated to a noble, who had since made himself scarce from court, it was not hubris if you could actually back it up. And Star Swirl could more than back up everything that was said about him, and more.

Sadly, that meant Star Swirl had a massive ego, that was a fact. But he could not only live up to but actually surpass everything his ego could boast about. And therein laid the problem, for Clover's genius master could barely fathom the troubles the ordinary mage had while trying to learn their craft. And the less said about the troubles of the everyday pony regarding the mysteries of magic, the better!

In Star Swirl's eyes, if a mage struggled to learn a new spell he only had to apply himself harder. After all, he himself had done so with no trouble at all. Laziness must be the only possible explanation for them not mastering it. And so, the fact that they failed to learn what he considered 'basic spells' was, simply put, insulting. All the while ignoring the fact that most war mages barely managed to learn said 'basic' spells...

The only pony Clover had ever seen Star Swirl show any respect to was the late King Bullion, an extremely strong war mage in his own right and a superb administrator and politician. And to a far lesser extent, Clover himself, the Archmage's apprentice and someone lauded as a once-in-a-generation genius in his own right. Well, as far as saying that 'with enough work, we may turn you into a half-decent mage' was a show of respect. But since that was the 'friendliest' Clover had ever seen his master address anyone save the late king, he would take what he could.

The friendliest Clover had ever seen his master address anyone save the late king before today, that is...

As he busied himself finishing the jasmine tea his master preferred, Clover had to fight back a shudder as his master's jovial voice reached his ears through the door that led to the lounge right next door, years of hard-earned instincts screaming at him at how unnatural that was.

He had never heard his master sound that cheerful and upbeat, and that made something deep within him want to run and hide.

"Clover, you are safe!" Princess Platinum's voice came from the opposite door, breaking him from the growing panicky spiral his thoughts had been turning to. The ruler of all unicorns had just rushed into the tiny kitchen, a relieved look on her features before she seemed to realize that and quickly hid it behind her usual royal facade. "We mean, we are glad to see that things seemed to have resolved themselves in regards to the earlier altercation. We trust that Star Swirl managed to contain the situation?"

"In a manner of speaking," Clover replied while inwardly cringing, wondering if inviting the intruder to tea could be counted as such. The unknown war mage was no longer rampaging and taking down unicorn soldiers like newborn foals, so an argument could be made that Star Swirl had contained the situation, after all.

Princess Platinum stared at her aide for a long moment. The princess knew Star Swirl since she was a young filly, after all. And so could easily hear what Clover was not saying.

"Clover, what did the Archmage do in regards to the rogue war mage?" the white-coated princess asked him. Letting out another small sigh, Clover wondered how best to word his answer, before another bout of jovial laughter once more entered the small kitchen as if in answer to the princess's question.

A very odd look overtook her features, as Platinum clearly recognized the laughter, and yet her mind seemed unable to reconcile it with who the owner of said voice was. The platinum-maned mare walked past Clover's very tired-looking form, approached the door of the lounge, and peeked inside.

For a long moment, the princess stood there unmoving, her back towards Clover as she simply stared. Then the ruler of all unicorns slowly started to move backward and away from the door until she was standing right next to her trusty aide, shocked disbelieving eyes fixed upon the door.

"Clover, Star Swirl is smiling," Princess Platinum urgently whispered to the green-maned mage. Her blue eyes were still locked upon the half-open door that led to the lounge where his master was entertaining his guest.

"I know," Clover whispered back with a resigned sigh, head hanging low.

"No, I don't think you do!" Platinum immediately shot back, wide eyes turning toward him, the urgent tone never leaving her still whispering voice. "Clover, he is not smirking, or grinning, or even condescendingly sneering down at somepony,

"Clover, he is honestly full-blown smiling!" the princess whisper-shouted, an edge of panic entering her voice.

"I know!" Clover whisper-shouted back as he grabbed the plate with the tea and biscuits with his magic. His own hard-won patience started to fray after this latest blow against it.

And so with a final sigh, he ventured forward into the lounge in order to deliver the requested tea, all the while thinking that, yes, a truly clever pony would have never gotten himself tangled in this mess.

The first thing that Wonder Bolt noticed as he slowly recovered his senses was the smell. It was a harshly clean antiseptic smell that all pegasi on the Armada eventually came to know during their years of service, and did their very best to avoid experiencing, if they could.

He was in a sick bay.

That fact was confirmed further by the, somehow, soft but hard surface he was laid upon. Soft enough to allow adequate rest, while somehow being just hard enough to not actually be comfortable, making it so one wanted to get up as soon as possible.

The second thing that he noticed was that his everything ached. Muscles he didn't even know could get sore were screaming at him in protest over the abuse they had been put under. But, considering what exactly he had been attempting to do last he had been conscious, and exactly under what circumstances, he probably should have felt lucky he could even feel his muscles screaming at him right now.

Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the plain white walls of a cloud-building. But oddly enough, when he turned his head to the side he saw shelves and closets filled with medicinal supplies, and when he turned it to the other there was a small desk and a door. Nowhere in sight were the dozens upon dozens of packed cots that were common for the sick bays destined for the lower ranks of the Armada.

In fact, his current dwelling looked suspiciously like the private sick bays reserved for the higher officers amidst the pegasus forces.

Shaking his head clear of such useless thoughts, something he immediately regretted since it made him feel like a burly earth pony was hitting him on the head with a mallet, Wonder Bolt started to assess his current state.

He was covered in bandages that had a faint herbal scent to them, and once again considering his screaming muscles, he could easily guess their purpose, but nothing seemed to be broken. He had his full range of movement, even if moving caused a new wave of protests from said aching muscles. He was deeply tired and his magical reserves were lower than he ever remembered them being, but he didn't think he was at risk of immediately collapsing.

That would have to be good enough.

With a grunt of effort, Wonder Bolt pushed himself out of bed and started to slowly walk towards the door, not trusting using his wings to hold his weight at the moment unless he really had to.

He needed answers. The last Bolt remembered was managing to somehow deliver his explosive payload to the heart of the wraiths' blizzard, and then darkness. And by the great winds, there was no way he was staying in a sick bay if his brethren were still fighting the beasts!

Opening the door with a small grunt of effort, the azure-coated pony was greeted by the far more familiar sight of a large expansive room, filled to the brim with cots tightly packed together, several of them with pegasi suffering varying levels of injuries, while the medics of Armada rushed all around as they treated their patients.

He briefly looked backward, to the private room he had been placed in, and then looked at the unused cots clear in the room, before he brushed off the mystery of why exactly he had been mistakenly placed in an 'officer's only' room as inconsequential. He had far more important things to think about.

He couldn't hear any sound of thunder or lightning, but considering how well-insulated and protected the Armada's sick rooms were, that meant nothing. A pegasus could unleash an entire thundercloud but meters outside the room and the ponies within would barely hear it. And, considering how deeply entrenched into the cloud fortress said rooms tended to be, second only to where the young ones were kept in times of crisis, the battle may well still be raging at the battlements of Pegasopolis.

"Sir, you really shouldn't be out of your bed!" a young-looking doctor stated as he swiftly flew to his side, while an odd sort of silence filled the massive room as several eyes landed upon Bolt's bandage-wrapped form, those eyes filled with something Bolt couldn't really identify.

Also ignoring that oddity, Bolt pushed onwards. Considering how vehemently Bolt's muscles seemed to agree with the young doctor's words, he was probably right, but if there was something that the azure-coated pegasus had recently learned was at times you had to be able to outstubborn such paltry things to get things done.

"Report, how fares the battle!" Bolt asked far more harshly than he had intended due to a sudden spike in pain as his muscles disagreed with his current course of action.

"Sir, after the destruction of the storm's heart our troops managed to deal with the remaining wraith attacking forces!" the doctor promptly replied while falling back into a salute. Wait, what? But before he could focus on that odd fact the doctor continued. "Afterwards, considering the approach of the main force of the enemy, Colonel Winter Gale organized his forces for a delaying action while the remainder of the Armada with the help of the Storm Caller set forth to sail the inner citadel of Pegasopolis towards Unicornia, sir!"

Bolt simply stared at the still-saluting young doctor, trying to make sense of what he had just heard for a moment before a simple word found its way toward his mouth.


"It is something you have to see to believe I suppose," a posh yet familiar voice came from Bolt's other side. Turning around he saw the cream-coated form of Colonel Shake Spear calmly walking toward him, a small bandage on a forehoof and his ornate spear at his side.

"Colonel, Sir!" Bolt promptly saluted, while doing his best to hide the grimace he wanted to make due to how little his body enjoyed doing the sharp motion.

"Now, now, if anypony earned a temporary reprieve from all these formalities it is you," the Colonel jovially said with a small shake of his head that caused his golden curls to swing. "Glad to see you are up and about, Bolt my boy!

"I must admit you did worry us somewhat with your latest stunt," Shake Spear continued, waving the doctor away with a wing-shake and leading Bolt out of the sick bay. "Even if it was a most fortuitous one for the defense of our dear home!"

"I apologize for any worry I may have caused, sir," Bolt replied, not really sure how to react. That was not helped by how basically every pegasus they passed stopped what they were doing to offer the Colonel escorting him a salute in respect.

"Think nothing of it, my boy," the colonel promptly replied as they crossed another corridor that ended up upon an open courtyard. "Now, for your earlier question.

"As the good doctor was saying, thanks to your intervention the attack by the beasts was thwarted with minimal losses. Alas, considering the approach of the enemy's main forces, a very unique approach was taken to ensure the well-being of our kind."

With those words, Shake Spear gestured with a wing towards the very windy courtyard. For a moment Bolt simply took in the scene before him, not really understanding what he was seeing.

Dozens of Spring Shower's teams of weather pegasi were flitting one way and then another amidst the oddly strong wind currents, adjusting what looked like large planes of solidified clouds in what looked like an attempt to better capture the blowing gale

At the center of it all was a green-coated figure that Bolt would recognize anywhere. Link calmly played his flute while what looked like a miniature hurricane screamed but hooves away from him.

Looking to the side, Wonder Bolt saw the land down below, the scenery passing by at speed. And so he realized what both the doctor and the colonel were talking about.

It was as if a small hurricane had been summoned and then bound to the very center of the pegasus citadel, its mighty walls having been repurposed into massive white fluffy sails that were capturing the gale force winds produced by the bound weather phenomenon. They had turned the whole structure into the equivalent of a massive fluffy sail-boat that was soaring through the heavens fed by hurricane-force winds.

As he took in the impossible sight, he mused that one day, he would learn to stop being surprised by the impossible stuff that Link could apparently pull out of seemingly nowhere, but today was not that day.

A wall of clouds so dark it made one believe that once more the Celestial Spheres had gone out of control, turning day into night. A wall of dark clouds so vast that it seemed to hide the very horizon. A vast wall of dark clouds, that if left alone would herald the end of everything they had ever known.

As she flew in place amidst the freezing winds blowing from the north, that was what Fierce Breeze and the rest of the scouting force under her command had borne witness to.

"The great winds protect us, it's getting bigger, isn't it?" the pegasus soldier to her immediate right frightfully whispered, a shiver running down his body that had nothing to do with the biting cold.

"Quiet, corporal! If I ever have need of your useless prattle I'll ask for it!" Fierce Breeze harshly admonished the pegasus who had just spoken before his words could damage the group's morale any further. "Now keep your mouth shut and eyes open! We do not want to be surprised by any wraiths scouting ahead!"

"Ma'am, yes ma'am!" the three pegasi that composed their scouting party replied as one, earning a fierce nod from the pink-coated sergeant.

But even as she turned her head back towards the far horizon, sharp eyes scanning for threats, she had to fight back the curses that wanted to spill out of her mouth. The corporal was winds-damned right.

The horizon-spanning storm was somehow even bigger than it had been yesterday. Worse, its clouds were darker and thicker, the freezing gales coming from it were even colder, and to top it all it was advancing even faster than before!

"We have to report this back to the caravan!" the sergeant declared after a few more minutes, making sure there was no more new information about the threat they could gleam. "Move it, soldiers, on the double!"

With their prior sightings, it was believed that the storm would hit Unicornia in a matter of four to five days, and with the civilian caravan now less than a day from the unicorn capital that would have given them some time to prepare. But now... now she would give it two days if they were lucky, one if they were not.

As she started to put forth every bit of speed she could as they flew back towards the others, a freezing gale hounding every moment of their journey, Fierce Breeze doubted that luck was on their side.

Author's Note:

Greetings one and all.

Sorry for the long silence, things have been hectic, but are thankfully getting better. I got myself a new job, but sadly that means I have to move to another city for said job, and getting everything ready for the move was a major chore. The move should be on the 10th of next month, so afterward I should have more time to write.

Thanks for the patience, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comments ( 54 )

Truly, the things he had learned under Star Swirl's tutelage were many and varied!

Clover is having a ROUGH day.

As his master once bluntly stated to a noble, who had since made himself scarce from court, it was not hubris if you could actually back it up.

That's, not an unfair point.

Laziness must be the only possible explanation for them not mastering it.

Ah. One of THOSE guys.

He was deeply tired and his magical reserves were lower than he ever remembered them being, but he didn't think he was at risk of immediately collapsing.

But you're ALIVE.

They had turned the whole structure into the equivalent of a massive fluffy sail-boat that was soaring through the heavens fed by hurricane-force winds.

Weird, innit?

The horizon-spanning storm was somehow even bigger than it had been yesterday. Worse, its clouds were darker and thicker, the freezing gales coming from it were even colder, and to top it all it was advancing even faster than before!

Windigoes are an insidious foe. They forment and feed on hate, fear, anger, all the little unpleasantries, forcing them up to the surface, in a never ending cycle of "food".

The move should be on the 10th of next month, so afterward I should have more time to write.

Things happen. Take your time.

Always thrilled to see a new chapter. It wasn’t what I expected, being more aftermath than progression but still enjoyable.

Thank you.

Huh, it updated. HOLY SHIT, IT UPDATED!!!! I hate moving. Good luck
Yes, Clover. Yes Princess Platinum. He is smiling. HOW could he not? He's the equivalent of a master carpenter that normally has to be content with having to burn off sections of wood and a couple of chisels that should have been scrapped DECADES ago, that was just handed a fully stocked and staffed Carpenter Hall. He's not going to be tripping balls, he's going to be tripping the circuit breaker of Times Square from that for days.

Huh, Commanding Officers that actually give a damn about the people under them, ESPECIALLY the ones that pull their butts out of the fire. SUPPORT him Bolt, those like him are to few.

Will be waiting for then next update, when ever it comes out

Good luck on moving and your new job!

Very good, not bad, I like it. Well, I hope you'll do fine at your new job.

I feel like Bolt got another promotion he hasn't been told about yet.

Yeah Clover, it's funny how many 'highly prestigious' positions seem to be jobs that no one else would want....

Wow, the windigoes are really ramping up. It's almost like there's a massive source of negative energy that's supercharging them. Hmmmmm.

Great to see another chapter. Good luck with the move!

Thanks, and happy to hear you enjoyed the chapter.:heart:
You are welcome. :twilightsmile:
Pretty much, yes. :trollestia:
Indeed, you hit the nail pretty much on the head. :eeyup:
And thanks.
Thank you. :pinkiesmile:
The guy just pulled out a very visible very heroic deed in front of all of his peers, saving them all in the process. It probably won't affect his social standing. :trollestia::yay:
And yeah, odd how the ghost horses seem to be having a feeding freenzy. Weird. :moustache:

wildarms #8 · Saturday · · ·

Thanks so much for an amazing update.

Cool new chapter

Wasn't it already hinted at that Demise' hatred and the Windigoes might be in a feedback loop with each other? Or was that just something commenters were theorizing about? It's been so long I forget.

We’d have to wait for the authors confirmation. I’m I’m 99% the curse is at least super charging the windigos.

Don’t know about the feed back loop of them effecting the curse tho.

Enjoy the move

Thanks for the wonderful update! LOL Wonderbolt still dpoes not quite get that his reputation is starting to REALLY climb. As is his rank ill wager lol. I look forward to seeing Zelda and Starswirls conversation and what had him laughing so. I can imagine Platniium's expression being something along the lines of O_o lol.

I wish you luck with your move and hope all goes well with it dood! :twilightsmile:

Sorven9 #15 · Saturday · · ·

Hooray you updated I absolutely love this story. It's great to see how you portrayed ganondorf and the rest of the crew and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Grahf #16 · Saturday · · ·

best of luck on your move and new job

Asolem2 #17 · Saturday · · ·

And so with a final sigh, he ventured forward into the lounge in order to deliver the requested tea, all the while thinking that, yes, a truly clever pony would have never gotten himself tangled in this mess.

Probably not no :trollestia:

"Sir, you really shouldn't be out of your bed!" a young-looking doctor stated as he swiftly flew to his side, while an odd sort of silence filled the massive room as several eyes landed upon Bolt's bandage-wrapped form, those eyes filled with something Bolt couldn't really identify.

I believe it's called "respect" or maybe even "awe" :trollestia:

"I apologize for any worry I may have caused, sir," Bolt replied, not really sure how to react. That was not helped by how basically every pegasus they passed stopped what they were doing to offer the Colonel escorting him a salute in respect.

Oh Bolt buddy, they're not just saluting the Colonel :trollestia:

As he took in the impossible sight, he mused that one day, he would learn to stop being surprised by the impossible stuff that Link could apparently pull out of seemingly nowhere, but today was not that day.

Apparently not :trollestia:

Thanks for the patience, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

No problem and I did :eeyup:

Worry not, it's a joy to see this updated.

Take the time you need, ensuring your own stability is more important.

Happy to hear you liked it. :twilightsmile:
The Curse is feeding the Windogoes, yes. Specially since like it was state in the story Ganondorf's way of stopping the curse from affecting him too much is dump all that magically charged hatred into the atmosphere. :moustache:
Yeah, he is in for quite the shock. :pinkiehappy:
Happy to hear you enjoyed the story so far.
Thanks. :pinkiesmile:

Hope the move goes well. I know what those are like. They're not fun. :applejackconfused:

And for you tropers in the auditorium, this story has its own page now. >^_^<

OPMew #21 · Sunday · · ·

He's back WOOOOOOOOO!!!! (Or she)
Glad you're doing okay

You have returned from your long sojourn. It is good to hear from you once more. To be frank, this is by far my favorite Zelda fanfiction.

May you reach the end of the story in your own way.

Btw love legend of Zelda twilight princess will be my forever love more or less very realistic take on the world

Why do I get the feeling Winter Gale has been converted into a Windigo, and his cold hatred is now feeding/fueling the Windigo's storm front. That, or maybe his worthless brother, Wind Shriek/hot gas/whatever his name was.
It may also be Demise that now fuels them. Instead of a raging inferno, it's as cold as the 9th circle of hell.

Thank you for the update!

I just checked my list of things I track and I was this and I could be heard saying yeeeaaaasssss. I amused myself with this. I know what I'm reading at work tonight.

Boldish42 #26 · Sunday · · ·

What's better than an update to a great story?

Eroraf86 #27 · Sunday · · ·

Clover's description of Star Swirl's opinion of "normal" beings makes me feel several distinct emotions.

On the one hand, any expert/mentor whose response to another's shortcomings in comprehension or skill essentially boils down to "git gud lol" needs to be slapped. Repeatedly. And then be made to write a 500-word essay on exactly WHY their attitude is inexcusable for someone of their position. I believe Zelda would be the ideal candidate for administering said discipline, should the occasion arise.

On the OTHER hand, that same "I can do it, so it can't be that hard" mentality resonates with me in a rather peculiar way: I've been on the receiving end of that for most of my life. I'm several forms of neurodivergent (autism, ADHD, anxiety, Tourette's), and I've always struggled with remembering to do stuff I don't like or care about, not because I'm lazy or I chose to forget, but because part of my ADHD is a devious dynamic duo known as interest-based attention and executive dysfunction—simply put, if it doesn't evoke a dopamine response, my brain literally does not care. My whole childhood, my parents would quip, "You can remember all the stars in the sky; surely you can remember to clean your room," or similar comments from people whose brains aren't chronically dopamine-starved.

But the worst part is, I can also empathize with Star Swirl, because I've also been guilty of the same thinking. I was fortunate enough to grow up with lots of books, like encyclopedias and field guides, and parents who fostered and encouraged my curiosity and penchant for asking questions and finding answers (most of the time, unless I was questioning the purpose of silly things like etiquette and proper attire). Suffice to say, having recently received my Ph.D. in astrophysics, I've gotten pretty good at "doing my own research" (the Earth is round and orbits the Sun, the Moon landings were real, humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor, jet fuel doesn't need to melt steel beams and anyone who claims otherwise has never seen or heard of a blacksmith, and vaccines don't cause autism or implant mind-control microchips). So when I see people on the internet, or on the news, or in real life, embracing the latest conspiracy theories and telling their critics to "question everything, do your own research, and come to your own conclusions" while blindly following their favorite cult leader (politician, tech/crypto bro, new-age spirituality guru, or otherwise) and uncritically proclaiming their every word and deed as gospel, it's very easy for me to respond with the exact same anger and dismissal I so despise when it comes from those in a position of authority, responsibility, and privilege.

Phew, sorry for the rant. I guess what I'm trying to say here is, you've managed to successfully portray both sides of the neurodivergence/ableism coin in so few words, and I'm genuinely impressed (and somewhat unsettled) by how strongly Clover's thoughts about his mentor resonate with me. You are a very clever individual indeed.

Jomama #28 · Sunday · · ·

Ah, it's the last remaining FIM story so good that I drop everything and read the moment I get the notification.
Good luck with your move!

all that magically charged hatred into the atmosphere

ooooooopsss! XD

RXSlime #30 · Sunday · · ·

Good luck with your new job. Hope the move goes well 👍

My compliments to the chef of this delicious words soup. Would consume again.

I love how Star Swirl is, from what I've seen at least, near universally depicted as an asshat who does not understand how to socialize and the only reason anyone tolerates him is because he's just too useful to have around.

blake0831 #33 · Sunday · · ·

Yes! This story updated! Wohoo!

The guy just pulled out a very visible very heroic deed in front of all of his peers, saving them all in the process. It probably won't affect his social standing. :trollestia::yay:

Suddenly, I see a running gag where WonderBolt was blissfully unaware of his new rank, constantly his mind and attention being diverted sway from the question, until...

WonderBolt: Wait. Since when I'm a Colonel?

Subordinate: *Looks at WonderBolt strangely*: ...that's was quite some time ago. How did you not realize...?

WonderBolt: ...I thought I just a gofer for the other Colonels?

FTKnight #34 · Sunday · · ·

Don't worry about the delay, I have known people to wait months or even years for a story to update. as long as you are alive and healthy We should be happy to wait for your updates, I know i am. far to many great stories end not because they are done being told but because we lost the writer. so settle your affairs and return to noramlcy we can wait.

Reese #35 · Sunday · · ·

Sorry about the hecticness, but glad things are getting better; good luck with the move and the new job!

And thanks for writing; I did indeed enjoy the chapter. :)

Just in time. I needed something to read.

Alas poor Bolt, taken before his time. Clearly he got a field promotion for acts above and beyond the call of insanity but no one has yet informed him of it. So now he's up and about while being blissfully unaware of the fate that awaits him. You know, mountains of paperwork constantly getting interupted by subordinates needing him to make this or that decision. Oh and let us not forget suddenly having to deal with a host of suitors after his little stunt.


Hopefully he's at least high enough up the chain to have a supply of strong drink on hand.

Poor Bolt has no frame of reference for what is happening. :trollestia::scootangel:
Many thanks. :twilightsmile:
The bizantine chaos of the Zelda Timelines are always fun. :moustache:
Indeed, that was a nice surprise. :heart:
And thanks.
Yeah, I really liked how that scene developed. :pinkiehappy:
I plan to, thanks for the patience. :twilightsmile:
My personal favorite will always be Ocarina of Time, but yeah the more 'grounded' setting of Twilight Princess was very good.

I must admit to some Ragnarok inspirations to how Demise is interacting with the Windigoes, freeze the land and burn the skies. :trixieshiftright:
In spirit, yes. Her current body is that of an young adult though.
No worries, in a way I am flattered that I managed to create such a strong response. :twilightsmile:
Thanks. :pinkiehappy:
Indeed. :eeyup::trollestia:
Thanks. :pinkiesmile:
The chef apreciates your words. :heart:
Yeah, guy has an ego the size of a mountain and very little patience. But his intelect and magical ability are the real deal.
Yeah, something like that can easily happen, yes. :rainbowlaugh:
Thanks. :heart:
You are welcome, and thanks.
Bolt suffering from success. :trollestia:

Very happy to have a new chapter. Good luck with your move and new job. Moving stinks, but if the job is worth it, it has to be done. Everyone else covered the great things in this chapter. I really can't add anything other than I look forward to the next installment, and this one was worth the wait.

What a delight!

Thanks for the new release, even working through real-life obstacle after obstacle.
One wouldn't know it from the undiminished chapter quality.
You didn't have to do that, but you did anyway.
I'm very grateful.

Uprooting ones life to move else where does tend to be a chore. At least the pegasi can move their city. Glad you got this out and I look forward to more in the near future.

Update YAY!:rainbowdetermined2::heart:

Aw, ponyfeathers. Given your 'recent' postage rate, I suppose this'll be the last we can expect of this masterpiece for the next 5-8 months, eh? That is majorly disappointing. I don't normally like reading stories that feature (almost exclusively) OCs, especially in such a vague and undefined time era as the Windigo attack and the first Hearth's Warming tale. But you've managed to craft a truly magnificent story here with characters that I'm starting to genuinely like. So, knowing that we won't get more updates anytime soon is SUPER depressing and disappointing.

Wagooigi #44 · Monday · · ·

Welcome back have seen the recent Zelda news?

Wonderful chapter and good luck with your new job!

Thanks. :heart:
You are welcome. :twilightsmile:
Yeah, being able to fly your house everywhere would be real convenient. :ajsmug:
You are actually in luck. Unless something goes majorly wrong I should have far more time to write after the move, so the next update. shouldn't take nearly so long.
Happy to see you enjoyed the story so far.
The new Echoes of Wisdom game? Indeed. :heart:

Gavier #47 · Monday · · ·

it's alive!!!!

best of luck on your move :3

Colonel winter gale is really.interesting, and it's a shame that we probably won't see him again.
He was an antagonist for fully understandable reasons, but is painfully logical, and when he realized his mistake, he was fully capable of updating his beliefs, and adapting to new circumstances. And in the end, he recognized that he is less valuable than any of the other colonels and decider his life, and his soldiers, were worth sacrificing, instead of Shakespear.

It's a shame he will almost certainly die. I suppose it might go a different way, but it seems unlikely. It honestly feels like if he was around long enough, he might end up, if not liking, then respecting the other races due to actions in the war, because he can't really lie to himself due to his nature. The possibility of character growth there is significant.

Blewfire #49 · Monday · · ·

Glad to see another chapter. I so much enjoy this story. Sorry about having to move. I move couple months ago and I am still unpacking.

A delight to see this return!

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