• Published 6th Jul 2018
  • 1,768 Views, 340 Comments

Harmonic Fellowship - Sun Sage

Rarity's made it home, thanks to all the friends she made on Earth. But they weren't the only ones to find Equestria...

  • ...

19. Revelations in C Major


Celestia turned, pausing in the hallway to smile at her former student. “Better, Twilight. Another ten, maybe fifteen years and you might say my name without it sounding forced.”

The younger princess barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and Celestia chuckled inwardly. The day she can finally roll her eyes at me for a comment like that, we really will be friends at last. “So was it practice, or…?”

“I get that you want to talk to Raven alone first, but before you do… there’s something you should know about her,” Twilight replied, looking down and away, clearly nervous.

“Should I need to know that she’s a Changeling?”

“...Yes, well… but you clearly already do?”

“I do, Twilight, yes. Diaphonie was quite open with me.”

Twilight nodded. “And you say ‘was, so…”

“So I know she left my service six months ago to help the Changelings who didn’t follow Thorax but that also didn’t want to return to Chrysalis. She informed me at that time that she had a replacement in mind.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “And she… didn’t give you the replacement’s name?”

Celestia smiled serenely. “Twilight... of course she did.”

“Oh that’s a relief! Or… is it? I mean, after everything she’s done, and you still… with her…? N-Not that I’m judging or anything! I’m not, and-”

Celestia leaned down, nuzzling Twilight before hugging her gently. “It’s alright to worry about me, Twilight. Heavens know I’m not perfect, and maybe what I’m involved in right now is a mistake that will get me hurt.”


“But I’ve recently been reminded by a very good pony, a much better pony than me, just how important it is to forgive those who’ve wronged us, and give them a chance to do better.”

“...But I learned that from you! And it’s not the same! I’m not… involved with Starlight… or Discord, or Trixie, or Sunset, or any other reformed anyone!”

“Really? Unfortunate; I’d heard differently about Starlight.”

Twilight snorted. “Please. False rumors. And I’d have to pull Trixie off her first.” Her eyes widened and she flushed as she seemed to remember who she was talking to. “Umm… err… I mean…”

Celestia laughed a deep musical laugh. “Oh, my dear, dear Twilight. I do so cherish these rare moments of candor from you! I confess I look forward to the years ahead far more than I have in centuries, because I have you and the others in my life now.” She nodded decisively. “But, whether it lasts or not, Raven is also a big part of that. And I need to speak with her alone for a bit. I’ve kept her waiting long enough.”

“Alright, ...Celestia. Just, be careful, okay?”

“I promise, Twilight. I’ll signal you when you can join us.”


Celestia coolly, calmly, and collectedly entered the room where her marefriend waited patiently.

Raven looked at her from her place on a large couch across from a coffee table, appearing somewhere between hopeful and apprehensive. Like somepony expecting an explosion… one that might be streamers and confetti… or just fire, everywhere.

Celestia was over fifteen hundred years old. She had seen things most ponies wouldn’t believe. She had literal centuries of political experience and had at least dabbled in practically everything else since her humble beginnings leading ponies even before the first Oni war. Even in the direst of straits, she was unlikely to be fazed.

And so… “YOU’RE CHRYSALIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!!?!?”

Raven blinked, mane blown back as the Royal Canterlot Voice nearly overturned the couch. She chuckled nervously. “Heh. Um… surprise? Tia. Heheh... hmm.. Heheh… heh… hahahahaha! Oh sweet Mother Above, the look on your face!” Raven pointed a hoof, covering her giggling mouth with the other. “Oh, I wanted to tell you myself but this? Worth it! And now I have something to get revenge on that little purple meddler for.” She blinked. “The… other purple meddler. Mulberry, not… lilac? Whatever pony color.”

Celestia stared wide-eyed at her revealed (albeit not literally) ‘lover’. “I… actually she didn’t. I told her I knew, that Diaphonie told me. But it was obvious if Twilight was worried… well there’s only one Changeling she’d worry about, and so…”

“Yes, yes, obvious deduction at that point.”

“Of course. ...Why didn’t Diaphonie tell me?!”

“Would you have given me a chance if she had?” Raven replied with a raised eyebrow.

“A chance… you mean you had planned all along to…” Celestia blinked, looking away before rallying and recapturing Raven’s gaze. “Is… is anything we’ve shared… real?”

Raven’s eyes softened, and she smiled. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant ‘at all’. By all rights I was a wanted criminal; I could no longer even hide behind ruling a foreign power. They’d all abandoned me… rightfully, as I was unfit to rule. I see that now.” She shook her head. “You wouldn’t have… or maybe, knowing what I know now, you would have at that. I’d never have believed it then.”

Celestia chuckled. “You’re familiar with Starlight Glimmer.”

Raven’s eyes narrowed and her ears shot back. Celestia could swear she heard a growl.

“Well, she’s guilty of crimes at least as bad as yours, to be generous about it. And she’s an Equestrian citizen to begin with. And it’s just as well we didn’t throw her in Tartarus, all things considered.”

“Respectfully disagree.”

“Naturally. ...Can I join you?”

Raven tilted her head. “You mean that?”

“I think you know I do. Or have my feelings for you fluctuated without my knowing?”

Raven shut her eyes, taking a deep breath. She laughed a stress releasing little laugh. “You ponies really are unbelievable. Please…”

Smiling, Celestia joined Raven on the couch, wrapping a wing around her as the smaller mare leaned in, cuddling against her with a shuddering sigh. “So… hungry…”

“I don’t doubt, given what you’ve been through. I’m sorry we couldn’t get you out of there sooner.”

“No… that any of you came for me at all was more than enough. Not that I blame them, but none of my former hive came to look for me after I ran off. You’d think they’d at least worry a little but… apparently I didn’t inspire that sort of loyalty.”

“Shh… no need to dwell on that. You aren’t alone anymore.” She nuzzled the top of Raven’s head, just behind her horn, and planted a gentle kiss.

“I know…” She snorted. “You’re still thinking of me as ‘Raven’ in your head, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” Celestia replied plainly, “Though it’s more to prevent a slip of the tongue in mixed company than any other reason.”

“Hmm.. your tongue is fairly slippery…”

“Behave, this is Twilight’s guest room.”

“She has plenty of them,” Raven replied, nibbling on Celestia’s neck. “Messing up one won’t matter.”

“Raven,” Celestia said, firmly but not unkindly. “Not now.”

The Changeling/unicorn sighed dramatically. “Fine. But you’re denying me a more filling meal here. I’m so hungry…” She looked up at Celestia with wide, teary eyes.

It didn’t quite have the desired effect as Celestia burst out laughing. “Oh come now! You can’t expect me to adjust that quickly! I’ve known you now-”

“You certainly have-”

“Hush. For six months… and I’m willing to… mostly… keep my thoughts to that. But that doesn’t mean I can just… I need a little time for that.”

Raven nodded. “I get it. Really, I do. I’m not blind to those sorts of things… not for nothing I picked a wedding for my first attempt at a takeover.”

Celestia winced. “Must you?”

“Well, I was planning to distract myself with delicious fun, but look at me respecting your boundaries! Such lovely… shapely boundaries…”


“Whaaaat?!” Raven grinned up at Celestia, showing teeth that were just a bit too pointy to belong in a pony mouth. “Oh! Actually I have a real question about that time.”

“...If you must.”

“How did I beat you?”

Celestia blinked. “You… gorged yourself on so much of Shining Armor’s love that your power exceeded even my expectations… and limitations.”

“Yes, yes, and frankly I was surprised too, but… come on. You move the sun… and I’m coming back to that in a minute, but… how could you not just… fry me?”

“Setting aside that even at that moment I didn’t particularly want to kill you, and possibly everypony in the room?”

“Oh please, like convection’s a real thing.”

“I don’t think that’s the term you wanted there.”

“Answer the question!”

Celestia looked down at her, before sighing softly and smiling. “Ponies just… assume I control the sun.”

“Uh… because you do?”

She shook her head. “I’m just a mare pulling a cart. I can pull it fast or slow, in either direction-”

“Good imagery.”

“...Right. Point is… yes I’m strong, to be able to pull that cart… but it doesn’t mean I can hit you with it if you annoy me. And it’s a bit more complicated than even ‘pulling it’. I’m not just grabbing it with telekinesis. Granted it’s quite small compared to a typical main sequence yellow dwarf, it would still be laughably impossible to move that way for a single pony. At least… as easily as I do it. I can’t rule out the possibility that Twilight might be that strong one day.”

“Scary. ...So you’re saying you can’t channel the sun to smite your enemies?”

“Afraid not. ...Is this the point where you turn on me?”

Raven grinned evilly… for a second, before kissing Celestia on the lips, gently. “I’m not feeling up to it right now. I need more love to be strong again first.”

“I wonder where you’ll get that,” Celestia muttered, returning the kiss.

“Who knows? A Changeling’s life is hard.”

“Clearly.” She leaned in for another… and then pulled back, grinning. “Oh dear, but I just remembered I promised Twilight I’d let her know when she could speak with both of us! We’ve kept her waiting too long and she’s probably fretting that you’ve knocked me out or something.”

“‘Or something’ was the plan,” Raven muttered. “...This is because I never told you who I am, isn’t it?”

“Maybe a little,” Celestia admitted, lighting her horn to signal-

-Twilight, who appeared in a flash of light almost immediately.

Raven blinked away the mild flash burn to her retinas. “Swear she must’ve had that half-primed.”

“Are you okay!? She didn’t… oh… heh… don’t you two look cozy?” Twilight spun around, a splash of embarrassment coloring her muzzle.

“I imagine we do,” Raven replied, smirking.

“If it bothers you, Twilight, we can-”

“No, no, I’m fine. It’s good, actually!” Her eye twitched as she turned back to face them. “I mean… after hearing you yell her identity, in clear shock, loud enough to shake the castle… but I see that’s all resolved now.” Twilight grinned, slightly manic. “And it should be! Because you knew who she was, you said. So why you’d yell using the Royal Canterlot Voice sounding shocked… I can’t even imagine!” Her head was tilting slightly as she continued to rant…

Celestia grinned sheepishly. “Luna got Honesty, so…”

“Oh, I’m sure she did, but I think we should talk about-”

“The sun!” Raven cut in, breaking Twilight’s rhythm.

“What?” Celestia and Twilight asked at once.

“Twilight Sparkle mentioned something a bit odd to me earlier. ...She asked if I knew why you ‘needed’ to control the sun. ...And I realized I never really thought about it, but...”

“Uh… if you didn’t know about that then you didn’t know how she did it either… how did you plan to do it while she was in a pod?”

“I… well… shut up!”

Twilight snickered, sitting on the rug and lighting her horn. A tea set appeared, complete with a pot which began magically heating. “We don’t need to tell Spike I can do that, by the way. So then.. Celestia. Perhaps you can tell… Raven, here-”

“Yes, Sparkle, trip over my name every time, that won’t be awkward at all.”

Twilight gave her a withering look. “-About our artificial star.”

The former queen did a double take from Twilight back to Celestia. “Artificial? But… what happened to… it can’t have always…”

Celestia smiled that old, old smile of a teacher with a story to tell. “No… it wasn’t always so. We had a normal star once…”


“It’s over,” Admiral Jun said quietly. “...And now I know why Sidera ordered us off her ship. She’s crashed it into the dark of the moon. The damage was too extensive.”

“Is… is she alive?” General Celestia asked.

“She is,” her sister confirmed, walking onto the battlements from the war room. Her gaze was skyward. “I can still hear her, through our connection. ...She’s cursing in many, many different languages at once. Unfortunately, we have a larger problem.”

Admiral Jun nodded gravely, his fingers to the earpiece updating him from the second of their dual flagships, and its commander who’d stayed with Solise. “The sun has been destroyed. Or rather been induced to go nova.”


Jun nodded again… he was a stoic man. “The initial wave of the explosive expansion will reach Equus in minutes.”

“Minutes?! We… but… how can they?” General Celestia sputtered, trying to wrap her head around something so ridiculously terrifying.

The war was all but over; they had won. The Oni had fled the planet, the Demondim had vanished, and the remaining threats were mostly quiet. ...There was a bit of concern about the draconequus that had betrayed both sides twice within minutes of each other and walked away mid-fight… backwards, in the air, wearing wagon wheels like snowshoes for some reason. It would probably work itself out...

“They detonated the main drives of their flagship… after flying into the star at an appreciable percentage of lightspeed. On the upside, the only Demondim ship left is the Clades, and we destroyed most of its systems before it fled. They won’t be able to find their way back. ...Frankly, I doubt they’ll survive the trip. Faster than light travel with destroyed navigation is far from safe.”

“So is sitting on a planet whose star was just destroyed!”


“That’s all you have to say?” Celestia demanded quietly. “This… it can’t end this way…”

It will not, my daughter.

“Solise?” The others turned to her, no more hearing the voice that spoke in her mind than she’d heard Luna’s.

My sister’s ire comes from the sudden necessity of her sacrifice. She will protect your world, as we have pledged. Even now she strengthens her Veil, using the energies of her life force and the remains of her great vessel’s power. Equus will survive. In truth, there is an advantage, in that the Veil is much smaller now. She can move your world, hide it more effectively…

“...For now, but how long will that veil hold in heat? Without a sun, we-” her eyes widened in fear. “The winter will return, won’t it? Their final vengeance…”

Solise laughed softly in Celestia’s mind. My child… I would never ask a sacrifice of my sister… were I not similarly willing. The humans aboard my vessel will not be asked for such. They have already been transported to their return ship, though there will be time for farewells. First though...

Celestia’s eyes went wide. She could feel power flowing into her, and feel similar strength nearby as she could vaguely hear Luna arguing with Sidera over the roaring in her ears.

Forgive us… it’s clear the Demondim believed that, even in failing to harvest the essence of this world’s life for their fell purposes, it would still be worth destroying out of spite even at the cost of their own lives. We never believed they would, or could, go so far. This… is all we can do. Forgive me… the shackles I must place upon you.

“I don’t understand…”

You will. In combining the best of your three tribes in you, and your sister, we have granted you great power, in Harmony with the magic of your world. Your trials will require all of it and more… and I can no longer help you. Sidera’s mind will remain strong, and she may aid Luna in ruling the night. But I… to light your world, I must burn… I… do not know how much of me will remain. It must then be your light which leads them, and me, hereafter… You will come to understand… the truth of the destiny we foresaw for you. Celestia… You will lead them to a new age of peace. Look to Harmony, and its gifts. Not for nothing your world has been worth so much to both ourselves and the Demondim. Grow, prosper, and lead, that you may one day take your place among the stars. That you may meet your allies again, as their world will surely grow in parallel with your own.

“No… I’m not… I was never worthy of this! You can’t… there has to be a better choice! Star Swirl! Or… or… no… just don’t leave us alone…”

Dear child… you will not be alone. She felt the smallest smile on Solise’s lips, so far away. Look to the skies… and remember the friends you will one day meet again. Look to myself, and my sister, who will stand watch until that day. To your own sister, to raise one another to new heights. We see no limits for your world, anymore than we did for Earth. I know you will make us proud.

Celestia gasped as the voice in her mind was consumed… by the fiery birth of a new star.


Her audience was quiet, so Celestia continued a bit. “It was funny I’d mentioned Star Swirl… with everything thrown off by our previous sun exploding-”

“As would happen, sure…” Raven muttered vaguely, sounding stunned. It wasn’t every day you learned that your sun was the remains of a powerful alien being and her ship, burning in their own inconceivable power, unceasingly.

“Luna and I had to learn how to use our magic in whole other ways… specifically moving the moon and sun so as not to cook or freeze half the world. The Veil mitigates those effects somewhat, but a lot is on our withers. Controlling the weather became more important than ever at that time… it wasn’t until much later we learned that it only became necessary to begin with thanks to the draconequii and Demondim’s early efforts. Star Swirl helped a great deal, as at that point he knew more about magic than anypony, even if Harmony was never his strong suit,” She chuckled fondly, remembering those days. “He wasn’t too impressed with me at first-”

“Can relate,” Twilight added darkly, taking a sip of tea.

“-Called me ‘an earth pony foal with a fake horn glued to my head’.”

“You’re kidding,” Raven responded, chuckling.

“Not at all… and given what we had to learn he might as well have been right. For a time, it took a whole team of unicorns working in unison to move the sun and moon properly. Luna and I helped, but it was months before we could do it on our own, even with the advantages Solise and Sidera had left for us.”

“So… when we first saw Flurry Heart… That’s what you meant about never hearing of alicorns being born?” Twilight asked.

Celestia nodded. “While the draconequii ascended past the mortal limits of magic use with urgings from the Demondim, regrettably down dark and unstable paths, the Seraphim led us to a more harmonious response. On our own, neither Luna or I is a match for Discord… or Kirin, for that matter. But together, and with the magic of the planet itself supporting us…”

“To be fair, Celly, I think you’ve gotten a bit stronger than you realize. You just aren’t using it in any fun ways.”

Twilight didn’t even blink, but Raven started violently at the new voice coming from the corner. Celestia smirked, resettling her wing around Raven and gently holding her from bolting. “Hello, Discord.”

The draconequus was a fair bit smaller than usual, and for some reason had rabbit ears jutting from his head alongside his horns. Other than that, he seemed no worse for wear as he drank from an upside down teacup. “Hello everypony… or ‘ling.”

“Feeling better?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, mostly. And since ole Sunbutt was lecturing on how her star works, I thought I’d mention how draconequii don’t.”

“Um… alright?”

“We just do whatever we want!”

Twilight rolled her eyes, lit her horn, and took another drink.

Celestia raised an eyebrow, sniffing lightly in the direction of Twilight’s cup. “Is that… whisky I smell?”

“...Might be.”



Discord chuckled. “Now now, she’s an adult, Celly, have to let her make her own choices. Much as we all did! I chose Chaos! My absolute virtue! The definition of my magic and my very being. And as long as I stay true to it… well I don’t fade away to nothing, basically.”

“Thought so,” Twilight muttered. “Fluttershy mentioned that incident. ...And before you get upset, it was to make sure we didn’t try to push you into behaving too much. You nearly died trying to impress her.”

“Err… yes well… just sort of slipped my mind, is all.” Discord rubbed the back of his head with his lion paw. “Hah, just a prank, really.”

Twilight grinned at him. “Pranking Fluttershy? Right… congratulations on fooling no one.”

“So what does this mean for Kirin?” Raven interjected.

...Causing Discord to grimace, and look unusually serious. “Unfortunately nothing. He chose power… specifically martial might, as his virtue.” He shrugged. “Maybe if you can get him to choose, of his own free will, to become a pacifist, he’ll fade away. ...Good luck with that.”

“Just beating him isn’t enough?”

“Well, to death, sure. We aren’t invincible. But he won’t just fade away from losing a fight or it would have happened already. It’s the same for me… boring as that is. The Elements stopped me from pursuing Chaos for over a thousand years, but when I escaped I was none the worse for wear. That’s because I didn’t choose to stop; my virtue, my magic, and my life all stayed strong.” Discord flexed comically.

And then sighed. “Twilight… when I betrayed you to Tirek… I was worried I’d gone too soft; that I was weakening.” He smiled, almost the same smile he’d had when Twilight had saved him from the power mad centaur. “I was wrong of course… he only led me to be evil. Chaos… well I never had to look further than Ponyville. All you ponies in this town are crazy!”

“Oh sure, lump me in with the Lyras and the Screwballs… and wasn’t she your fault?” Twilight blinked, tilting her head in thought. “But wait, if it has to be him giving up, and that won’t happen… what you’re saying… this doesn’t help us at all!” Twilight exclaimed.

“...Nope!” With that Discord disappeared in a flash of light as the three facehooved.

“Ugh… what was the point of that? ...Oh forget it. Chrysalis… Raven, whatever.”

“Raven. It might make it easier to get along… not to mention what Tia pointed out earlier: we don’t want to say the wrong name at the wrong time and get ponies worried.”

“Fair enough. ...I need your help.”

“I know. It may seem like you have everything in hoof but the truth is Kirin’s loyalists are likely amassing large quantities of corrupted aetheryte from Hollow Shades, and probably a few other spots as well.”

“What?! When were you planning to mention that?”

“Now-ish?” Raven managed to look sheepish.

“Uuuugh. Great, well, I guess we’ll keep that in mind. But I more meant about your horn…”

Raven’s head tilted in confusion. “...My horn?”

“Back at Canterlot, it was broken off.”

Celestia winced, and tightened her hug around Raven, whose expression slackened into a dreamy smile.

“Focus! My point is… it was broken, and now it isn’t. How?”

Raven shook off the happy haze and raised an eyebrow. She pointed a hoof at herself. “Changeling.”

“...That’s not an answer. I know you can’t just instantly heal your wounds when you shapeshift.”

“That actually depends how much energy we have to work with. Being injured makes shifting more difficult in general, pain being a distraction among other reasons. Healthy cells reconfiguring isn’t the same as repairing damage, but with more energy applied, which is necessary for larger shifts anyway, it can be done.”

“Do you think you could rework that ability?”

Raven’s eyes narrowed. “Into what, exactly?”

“Starlight and I have mostly reverse engineered your communication spell. I already have an idea about remaking this power, and I think with your input it would go much faster. After all, I have shapeshifting spells of my own.”

“In that case, why do you need me?”

“Because a horn, like a mane, or pegasus feathers, is more highly saturated with magic than the rest of the pony. Normally this would mean, especially in the case of a horn, that damaging it is difficult. Unfortunately it means the same for repairing. But you did it effortlessly.”

“Because I’m a Changeling!”

“Which isn’t that different from a pony!”

“Bite your tongue, Twilight Sparkle!”

“Bite my flank, Raven Inkwell! I need your help to heal the horns of Tempest Shadow… and Starlight Glimmer.”

Raven jumped up and away from Celestia, enraged. “You! You actually think I would help… her?!”

“...Yes… yes I do.”

“You’re insane,” Raven snorted derisively.

“Maybe…” Twilight trailed off, smiling at Raven. “But today I saw my beloved mentor sitting on a couch, cuddled up with a former enemy I thought would never find peace. I saw a pony and a changeling… with every reason to hold a grudge… instead holding each other, finding happiness together.”

Raven looked away, face red. Celestia smiled brilliantly at her former student.

“I’ve witnessed more miraculous turnarounds than any pony has a right to see… and maybe I’m as crazy as you and Discord, another former enemy, say I am. ...But I think I’m right this time,” then she grinned, as she noted Raven looking back at her from the corner of her eye. “Besides… Starlight’s a magical prodigy. Imagine the look on her face when you, her greatest enemy since reforming, heals her using magic she couldn’t even conceive of…”

“Twilight, that’s not a good way to-” Celestia began.

“Weeeeell now…. when you put it that way…” Raven cut in, already gloating.

Author's Note:

Another really talky chapter... but I had fun with this one, and we'll be getting back to some more active scenes next time.