• Published 12th Jul 2018
  • 698 Views, 21 Comments

Another Day in Ponyville - AnOrdinaryWriter

Everything is alright in Ponyville. It seems that way, at least.

  • ...

Story 1

Not too much was happening on the streets of Ponyville. It was moody, which was unusual, yet calming for those who were outside. White covered a large part of the town. It was mid-December, and Cloudsdale had come by to deliver fresh snow from its factory. The gentle, cool winter air made the current snowfall waver on its quest to join the white piles of fluff on the ground, which was almost blinding as a result of the afternoon sun that shone brightly on Ponyville’s landscape. The windows and doors on all the houses were sealed and smoke emerged from their chimneys, ascending into the beyond and adding to the beautiful scenery of the season. The snow wasn’t too high yet, and ponies didn’t have a hard time making their way to their destinations.

“I’m so excited to show you what I’ve created, I believe you’re going to love it,” Rarity said to her yellow Pegasus friend Fluttershy, by her side. Rarity wore a grey scarf bundled up against her coat, made with a comfy yarn and a touch of gems at the hands of her own crochet skills. Meanwhile, Fluttershy simply wore a hat with colors of nature and small designs of different animals. The two were walking by a row of shops to the train station headed for one of Rarity’s boutiques.

“I’ve chosen a nature theme specifically, so I’m looking forward to your opinion on the new dresses I came up with.”

“I’m sure they’re gorgeous, Rarity. Everything you make is absolutely beautiful,” Fluttershy replied in her passionate, soft voice.

Rarity chuckled. “Thank you, Fluttershy. You always have nice things to say.” The Pegasus smiled at her response and looked back towards the road to make sure they wouldn’t be hitting anypony.

“And while we’re there, we can look at the dress I prepared you for the New Year ceremony.”

Fluttershy looked back at Rarity enthusiastically. “Really? What does it look like?”

“It’s a bit like the one I made you for the gala,” she explained. “It has a lot of green and fits in with the whole nature theme. I even sewed in a few designs you might like. I also made one for Twilight and Pinkie Pie, but I haven’t quite gotten started on Rainbow Dash or Applejack’s.”

“Oh my, all this work you’re putting yourself through…” Fluttershy said, sounding almost worried. Rarity was indeed one of the best dress designers in Equestria, but she didn’t want Rarity to go through too much trouble.

“Fluttershy dear, has there ever been a time I haven’t been able to handle a situation that had to do with dress making?”

“Well—I mean… kind of,” Fluttershy stammered.

“Okay, I’ll admit I’ve had my little episodes before but don’t you fret, it’s all my pleasure. After all, I have a whole two weeks to work on your outfits, so I’ll be fine.”

The yellow pony’s smile returned. “In that case, thank you Rarity, I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”

The two friends happily trotted down the lane. The snowfall had died down, and only a few falling flakes showed themselves here and there, and Celestia’s sun cast a faint warmness on them, which fought off a bit of the cold temperature. The duo spotted young foals playing in the front yards of houses having snowball fights and building igloos or snowmares, much to their enjoyment. The train station was in the distance, coming closer slowly as they went.

“I’m so excited for the ceremony,” Fluttershy said. “I’m going to take part in the music, did you know? Miss Feathers is going to have a solo at the middle of the piece.”

Rarity looked at her quizzically. “Who’s Miss Feathers?”

“She’s the newest addition to my animal collection. She’s very sweet, but can be a bit aggressive once in a while.”

“So, Angel Bunny version two?”

The yellow mare giggled. “Well, yeah you could say that.”

“I’m very happy for you, Fluttershy. I’m super excited myself. I made the dresses for the ceremony. I actually created them a couple months ago on my spare time, so they have to be washed before they can be worn.”

“That’s great Rarity!” Fluttershy said joyfully. “And I believe the rest of our friends also have a part in the ceremony—huh?”

Fluttershy noticed a tickling sensation on her shoulder. She took a quick peek ahead to make sure she wouldn’t accidently run into anyone, and then looked down. A long hair was stuck in her fur, writhing against her coat from the breeze.

“What’s wrong, dear?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing, just a hair,” Fluttershy replied, and swept the purple hair off her shoulder, continuing to pace forward alongside the white unicorn.

“You were saying?” Rarity said.

“Huh?” The Pegasus asked before remembering where she’d left off. “Oh right. I believe Twilight is giving some sort of speech, Applejack is giving out apple pastries… I’m not exactly sure what Pinkie Pie is doing, but I know for sure Rainbow Dash is going to be participating in the Wonderbolts air show!”

Rarity gasped in excitement at the Rainbow Dash part. “Really?! How did I not know of this sooner?”

“I think she wanted to make it a surprise, but from what I know, she’s going to be performing a Sonic Rainboom after the first half of the show!”

Rarity couldn’t contain her excitement. “This is just marvelous! This is going to be the best New Year ceremony in Ponyville history!” She was practically screaming at this point. “I can’t imagine how Rainbow Dash feels! Her in the Wonderbolts show, I can’t wait to see—”

“Um, Rarity?”

The unicorn’s voice halted at Fluttershy’s words, and she looked at her friend. It was then that she finally noticed they had reached the train station, only everyone there had been staring at her, wondering what all the screaming was about. Rarity blushed in embarrassment and let out a quiet chuckle.

“We’re here.”

“Right, right,” Rarity said.

The two heard a low rumbling noise which grew louder and louder until suddenly a large, colourful train came into view, screeching as it slowed to a stop beside everypony at the station. The doors slid open and ponies began stepping inside.

“There we are!” Rarity said. She looked around quickly to her left and to her right. Almost everyone had looked away, but few still had their eyes on her. “Now let’s get on the train before I die of embarrassment.”

The two passed through the entrance and took a seat. Once everypony had gotten on, the doors closed, and the train accelerated down the railroad and into the distance.

Author's Note:

I should probably mention now that this story takes place around season six-ish, maybe a bit toward the finale. Just in case there's some confusion in later chapters.

I also advise that you pay close attention to each chapter. As pointless as one may seem, there is at least one important detail in each chapter that can be used to piece together a secret that won't be revealed until the very end of the story--this chapter for instance. So in case you missed it, re-read the chapter and attempt to spot it.