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She became aware in the woods. She has no memories, her senses are disturbingly vague. Her body is injured- and unfamiliar. She's found, of course- that's the whole point of the story.
So, where did she come from? Why is it so hard for her to avoid breaking things? Can Equestria survive her attempts to start a new life? And how on Equus is she so good at Hoofball?

Tags may be updated as the story progresses.
Inspired, in part, by Azure Memories.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 150 )

This chapter was extremely vague

So the doctors think she's dead but she's still alive

Yes, it was intended to be. I actually wrote it some week or so ago- but, despite being just over the 1k-word threshold, I believed it too vague to fit within FimFic's policies for related-to-Pony-at-time-of-submission. Besides, I figured it was also too vague to keep people's attention on its own.

Yes. I'm not entirely certain, just yet, just how long I want that to last. (We're talking minutes to hours, unfortunately- they're going to have to walk in on/run into her at some point).

I'd say a few minutes because she's still in the hospital and people are gonna bump into her
Half an hour at most

That's prettymuch what I'm thinking right now- as long as it takes for the next pony to enter the room, possibly a little longer if she manages to be lucky/unlucky by being out of sight at that moment. I'm not sure how much time I want to give her to explore the room before they return for her corpse- or what part of it she should be exploring when they return.

Well I can't really give you anything there because that is up for you to decide

Yes, yes it is, but I'm always open to suggestions. It's probably the biggest advantage to the publish-immediately approach... which I find, unfortunately, to be vastly outweighed by the disadvantage of critical plot existence failure (Or Conflict Killer Contrived Coincidences down the line. Why can't writing be easy...?

Because then we wouldn't learn from our mistakes

Ok we ran into rainbow dash but I still don't know what's going on

I have to ask, who saw this coming?

Absolutely nobody

When in the mlp timeline is this anyways? Also I think you may need to add the main 6 tag soon

Good point.

As for when in the timeline, I'm not sure. It's clearly after Twilight's ascension- but beyond that, I haven't pinned down... I do know it's before Tirek; our main character meeting him is one of the events I plan to use for further character development.

is Tirek part of 'the terrible'?

Nah- ‘the terrible’ is a remnant of the past she doesn’t remember. It willl be revealed, down the road.

ahh ok... look forward to seeing what it is

Hey! My feed has failed me again! Well, I am reading it now...

XD Duly noted!

I was wondering how many chapters I'd sneak past you.

Why would the doctors have left the ... whoever ... alone when it was "dead"?
Normally they stuff you in a bag, right? (I'm not actually sure...) :twilightoops:

For that matter, there are wings, but she seems to have healed magically if that bit about straightening the wing means what I think it did...
This might get interesting! :pinkiegasp:

Okay, this took me longer than it should have, but I revising my guess from "secret alicorn" or "shadowcasting pegasus" to "ponified Bolo" ... not that I have any idea how you actually manage to do the latter. (In my case, it involved a ritual to summon Nightmare, who was actually Masada possessing Luna, and grabbing the main personality instead. Cue a bit of protocol futzing and some spec downloads...
I'll say that I have a scene planned on reverse-engineering magic that should be nice and awkward, if I can write it AND GET TIME (aargh). Go read the Sparkgate crossover by Samarkand and reference the reanimation bits. :D
The bit about trajectories was the hint I needed; nanites can be confused for a healing spell, after all.
I still should have guessed, given your tendency to write Bolo stories. :derpytongue2:

Rainbow blinks, looking up at the green one. “What?”

Mute: the inability to talk due to your vocal cords not being fully developed

I wonder just what material she pinned that tail to? Did they go silent because she actually interpreted Twi's instruction, because she won, or because there's now a pinhole in a steel beam or similar (I think this was pre-Alicorn Twilight, so it likely wasn't crystal, though...)?

I also wonder when Twi will realize that she perfectly followed the instructions... and that her calculations were off? :D :pinkiegasp:

You're forgetting they're in Sugarcube Corner right now, right? And Twilight is referred to as the one with both wings and "pointy thing"...

They probably went silent because she actually did interpret Twi's instruction... and came anywhere close to accurate. Seriously, you close your eyes and move your outstretched hand, on a plane perpendicular to a line angled fifteen degrees to the right of your heading, ten centimeters to the right, fifteen up, and five forwards, and see how close you get!
... I know I could never do that with any kind of accuracy.

As for Twi's little problem, she may never know. This time.

True, true. And yes, I did forget that it was in the Corner, not the Crystal Monstrosity.

It's going to be so funny whenever she does find out her calculations are off. This will probably be followed by asking our protagonist if she wants a job at the library, I suspect.

Mm, good point.

And by the way, I'm undecided as of yet as per exactly where I want her to live. Thoughts?

She is a pegasus, right? How about the cloud house with Rainbow?
I don't think anything gets set there much, she's already helped Dash out, so a favor would be reasonable (and she could meet/bunk with Scootaloo as well, depending on what you do with that bit of fanon), and lastly the whole thing about subtly thinking that solid clouds are just wrong but not knowing why would be hilarious.

Yes, she is a pegasus... And that's some good ideas, thank you.

Though... Dash probably doesn't know she was helped. Yet.

Hm, true. I didn't consider that part.

Zapper.exe has shut down due to being too dumb, please wait for the program to reboot.

I've never seen someone pull a "Robin Hood" with Pin-the-tail. Arrows, yes; my dad has done it several times. But that? Lol.

I think someone's getting carted off to Twi's lab now. :D

Didn't she learn to talk a bit fast? Was that for plot reasons, or because you thought that a (Bolo, presumably -- and with no memory) could learn to pilot a meatform that quickly?

Presumably, since she knows how to use each muscle, she has only to know which muscles to use. After studying so many ponies talking, it's not hard to figure out which muscles are used to form the speech- though creating the sound is the hard part... The part she had to guess at. As for the accuracy of that guess, it was pure luck. (Honestly, some of the other options she could have discovered could get gross.)

As for the lab, that'll be after she cools off a little. She's positively furious nopony gave her a break from little miss overly-precise-to-the-wrong-spot. Besides, no matter how off-putting her guest of honor is, Pinkie probably wouldn't allow that in the middle of a party.

Well, we don't know what sort of parties Pinkie has when she's not being spied upon from another dimension.

But the argument with Pinkie could in itself be amusing. :D

10 bucks says you have wrighters block again

Oh, awesome! Where do I cash the check?

... Yes, this story is frozen on writer's block (No G or H- a writer writes, the Wright brothers invented the airplane). Sorry about that!

On the flipside, though, most of that is because I haven't any ideas for what to do next- do I skip to the end of the party, or do I find some other party event for Last One to enjoy?
The first just doesn't feel right... and the problem with the latter is that I can't think of anything. Of course, there's also more options, probably- if you've any ideas, feel free!

I think you should skip to the end and have pinkie (or another pony) give the last one (you need a better name for her) a ponyville tour, or something like that.

or you can keep the party going and have her play hoofball like the description says

Hmm, that's a good idea. Thank you!

:pinkiehappy: Oh and the Hoofball is a later development, for some hours/days/weeks/whatevers in the future. Possibly before Twilight's initial examination, but probably after. (Said examination having no results, presumably) I plan the hoofball event as the part that clues everypony in to her... uniqueness.

Hundreds of jaws are hanging as they stare at the scoreboard. Celestia is lowering her Sun now- but, with half of Ponyville, at least three professional Hoofball teams, and over a hundred Royal Guards as backup, Team Cutie Mark has scored a measly ninety-seven points.

how many player does Team Cutie Mark have now? Vs just Last One?

I could not stop laughing throughout this chapter, nice work :pinkiehappy:

wats this crossin over

Well, they had 50 Ponyville adults and 30 youth, and that was before the Princesses joined with "over a hundred" Guards and a few professional teams... So, guestimate something like 250-300, possibly a lot more? Honestly, I'm not sure- but they needed more.
Thank you, thank you! I daresay this scene is worthy of the story description's why-is-she-so-good-at-hoofball question... XD Honestly, I'm wondering how. Even with a Rainboom, in order to achieve fourteen million points in one full hour, she'd have to be slamming the balls into the goal at an average rate of about four thousand balls per second. Supersonic or not, that's pretty hard. That is, of course, assuming my assumptions on the rules of the game hold, and that a ball entering the net equals a point.
This story is a crossover with Keith Laumen's Bolo-verse. Note that, while related characters (Last One) have already appeared, the crossover itself has not been fully revealed yet and likely won't for several chapters. That's intentional.

Let's not forget she can ricochet shots at high speed, and at the probable speed of the balls, most of the players are moving slow enough to be only good as walls, which she can ricochet off of multiple times from the net.

You know, I'm getting curious. With my previous comment's estimated ball rate of 4k/sec, with an approximate 8.5" diameter on the ball...
If we assume the balls are entering the net in a single-file line and touching each other as they do so, not to mention somehow simply disappearing, they must be traveling at a speed of 34k inches/sec... or about 2k miles an hour- so, approx. Mach 2.5. She should really be having difficulty. Yes, I know, debunking my own story... But hey, it's fiction.

some one should buy Last One some ice cream as a reward for becoming the single greatest Equestrian Hoofball Player & Team

XD Probably. And, since Pinkie was mentioned as part of the game, you can bet it'll make the welcome-to-Ponyville party look small.

... She might have to wait for tomorrow, though, everypony- except Last One- is too tired out. But something small today is definitely on the agenda.

This last chapter was gloriously silly. I enjoyed it. :D

Sorry I've been away for a bit. I found this, which is apparently the literary version of "the song that never ends" except without the repetition. My goodness, it's friggin' hilarious. You would not believe the sheer insanity (and number of shout-outs) that occur as the implications of some of that tech get rolling.

Scroll down to the next post for the start of the story, and use the arrows on the top/bottom right to navigate. If you hit the next arrow on the FIRST post, you get download links instead. Of course, at 3k a day and some million+ words, it may take a while to read. I haven't completed it, that's for sure...

Honestly, I think this chapter makes more sense than all the other chapters... probably help that the main character knows what things are now

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