• Published 29th Jul 2018
  • 3,825 Views, 87 Comments

The Dragon's Guide - Undyne Devotion

My name is Elliot I was left alone at a Fantasy Con where I found a stranger with a guidebook, now I'm stuck in Equestria as Elora from Avalar helping a small purple dragon find his destiny.

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The Everfree : Timber-tantrum.

Everfree Outskirts.

A small filly was super excited to be able to join her brothers on a camping trip this weekend, sure it was just in her backyard with a healthy amount of smores on the horizon but it was with her family and that was the real adventure.

Her Daddy had told her to collect some sticks for the bonfire tonight, yet even with an abundance of sticks in her yard she wanted something special. Colts at school had told her the Everfree sticks were cursed, if lit on fire would never cease to burn. Such sticks would be perfect for a night of sweets and treats, her red bouncy pigtails swaying side to side with each step she took.

The small beige filly spotting a small stick near an old bush, she quickly dashing over and snatching it up. A small saddlebag on her backside bulging with fancy sticks, her lime green eyes sparkling brightly spotting another branch off in the distance.

It was quite large for a twig and would burn nicely, the filly gave a proud saunter over and bit down on the stick with her teeth. It seemed to be stuck inside a large overgrown bush, the filly pulled and tugged with all her might.

A loud snap filling the air as she fell backwards onto her flank softly, the large stick in her mouth proudly as she stood up. Only to gasp in sudden horror, the large twisted shadow of a Timberwolf standing up from within the bush, eyes glowing a devilish yellow.

His tail was missing from his backside, snapped off from the base while his eyes were locked onto the child in attack mode. The filly sheepishly giggling held out the tail to the monster, only to have it snap mighty jaws towards her.

She dropped the tail on the ground and made a dash for it, too bad it wasn’t in the direction of home. But instead deeper into the twisted woods of horrors, only known as Everfree Forest.

“Owww my head!” I gave aloud groan aloud, delicate slender fingers running through copper locks of hair in a daze.

The world was spinning out of control at the moment, I was at what seemed to be a large opening within a forest of some kind. The trees towered like mountains high above, though not filled with lush green growth but twisted nightmarish branches that blotted out the lovely blue sky.

The damp grass was a mixture of moss,dead leaves and dirt as if nature wanted to make home here, yet felt too frightened to do so. The air held a heavy sense of dread that wafted high above, simply being in this place was sapping away my will to live.

I gave a soft soprano cough aloud my throat on fire from being so dry, I crawled on my hands and knees towards a faint sound of pouring water. Large puffy tail swaying on my backside with each movement, I could feel small but strong deer like ears twitch atop my head.

The sound of crisp flowing water so close now, I felt as if I could hear it pouring back into the earth for miles on end. I felt myself lift my head gently into the air, my nose felt flat but sensitive the scents of this world pouring into me swiftly.

The scent of fresh water was near, I clutched a beaten book under my arm and lifted up to wobbly hooves. Dragging myself across a thorn filled path I made my way deeper into this forest, spotting a large boulder overgrown with moss near a dead tree. A gentle moan escaping my lips as eyes spotted a trickle of fresh water pouring from underneath, creating a small puddle of drinking water before me.

I pulled myself to the puddle falling to all fours again, gazing deeply into the clear water before me. Large green eyes batted long dark lashes, freckles softly caressing the bridge of my doe nose and spreading across apple shaped cheeks. Copper hair framed my soft features like a photo while full pouty lips were dry and cracked from dehydration, I kneeled to the cool puddle swiftly before my tongue gently began to lap up the nourishment.

It was almost like my private paradise while I lapped, eyes closed enjoying a cold drink given freely by mother earth. The sudden sound of a rustling in the bushes catching my attention and breaking me away from my drink, green hues kept an eye out for any danger while I clutched the book near to my heart.

Under a small patch of dead brown leaves I spotted rustling, I could feel my strength returning to my body though my mind still felt like a misty haze. I gently clicked hooves across the earth and gazed down to the leaves, kneeling down before it with a loving smile across my lips.

“You don’t have to hide, I won’t hurt you.” I spoke in a sweet tone of voice, trying my best to sound soothing.

“You are friendly?” A small pink pony like creature spoke up in such a tiny voice, poking out from under the foliage cutely with delicate features.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” I asked with a gentle tilt of the head, my smile giving off a glow of warmth.

“Forest is full of monstrous creatures! The breezies must hide, no creatures usually can understand us!” The tiny breezie gave a soft squeal aloud in anxiety her antennae twitching side to side, fluttering up to the air on clear delicate wings.

“Oh! Well I can hear you just fine, how about we find a way out of here together?” I asked yet instead of a reply was given a quick flutter towards myself, the breezie gently darting into my hair hiding away.

“Be swift odd one, The Timbers be angry today!” She gave a soft shudder as I let out a surprised giggle, looking towards a crooked path wondering what a Timber could be.

Memories were still fuzzy as if I were walking through a dream, I remember a bright light and a feeling of floating before the haze set in my mind blocking off flashes of the truth. Though the flashes were swift I did have a growing memory of a land full of summer flowers, where the streams were clean and the skies always a pure baby blue.

Yet other memories set inside another world were slowly pushing out of the abyss.

I held the guidebook under my arm waiting till a clear path to look it over, this forest was full of twists and turns the sense of being watched strong sending a shiver down my arched backside.

“So where is the odd one from? You not a pony but something else.” The breezie gave a sly question, poking out of my hair as her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“Avalar, It’s a world far off from this place...far from home.” I gave a soft sigh aloud the name coming to me like a light in the dark, the world of eternal summer becoming more clear as memories were washing over me.

“Avalar? Sunny Breeze never hear of it.”

“You’d like it, it’s always summer in my homeworld.”


“Well my land is split into three areas, each based off a season of nature. My home was in the land of the summer, though I do have family from Autumn Plains.”

“Wow! Sounds really lovely odd one.”

“Elora, Sunny.” I gave a soft giggle, the small creature giving a beaming smile of joy. Her tense little frame becoming calm, nestling deep in my hair.

“Well Elora I’m...a TIMBER!” She gave a loud scream as I blinked in confusion, a large wooden wolf pouncing out from behind a moss ridden tree.

“A Wolf?!” I gave a squeal aloud in a girlish tone, this wicked monster snapping wooden jaws at me in blind anger.

It stomped forward as I flashed a weak smile to the creature, a part of me hoping it might calm its tortured soul. Yet deep inside those burning yellow eyes were a dark abyss, I wasn’t sure it could feel anything beside anger.

“Aroooo!” The monster snapped jaws and bared fangs, I gave a loud scream before galloping off down a open path to the right.

My hooves stomped across branches and dead leaves of this wicked place, my legs though graceful were moving me faster than I thought. That was a godsend since the wolf was on my fluffy tail, snapping the air around its snout in a frenzy.

“Good wolf! Please leave me ALONE!” I gave a loud scream spotting a old stump up ahead, pouncing onto the wooden base with power flinging high into the sky and grabbing onto a nearby tree branch.

The monster running up to the base of the tree I bounced into, my slender body pulling itself onto a large rotting branch. My heart was racing wildly in my chest, eyes gazing down to the wolf desperately clawing on the tree shaft.

“Serves you right! Now shoooooo!” I gave a soft squeal while standing up on the branch, the wood giving way below me as I smashed down to the world below.

“Arooo!?” The wolf yelped aloud in shock, my round plot smashing onto the head of the creature. The body of this odd wooden wolf exploding into many pieces around me, I could just blink confused sitting atop the pile of wood that was once my attacker.

“Hehehe, oops?” I stood up and shook off my tail gently, the fur poofing out into a cute bouncy style.

At least the chase was over now as a sigh of relief escaped my lips softly, green hues gazing around the silent but still forest. My heart was picking up pace swiftly as a sense of dread began to sink into my soul, the small creature in my hair poking her head out in trembling terror.

“Timbers are surrounding the goat…” Sunny gave a soft whisper as the air suddenly became stale and the world around us switching to that of an ice cold chill.

“I know...I know.” I gave a soft giggle aloud nervously while my mind raced for an answer to this predicament I found myself in.

I took a simple step backwards my hoof crunching against a dead twig upon the grass, a sharp crunch lifting high into the air as it almost seem to echo around myself. The scenery exploding to life with no warning at all, I could just release a shrill scream in horror before five Timbers came rushing towards us.

I was quick on my hooves to pounce against a nearby rock, doing my best to leap towards the tree branches once more. The clash of wood echoing with a pop as the creatures collided yet swiftly swung back up, my own luck fading as I missed a tree branch and smashed into a nearby bush.

I could feel the snap of jaws at my bushy tail as I galloped off deeper into the woods, the clash of wood chasing me filling the once silent forest. My lungs were on fire as the howling of these monsters grew ever closer, my mind was growing blank as a sudden wall of trees came into view ahead.

“C’mon!” I gave a loud scream in horror, the path blocked off by towering wood and twisted brush that showed no sight of clearing up.

“Goat is dead! Sunny must live!” My small friend exploded out of my hair and high into the sky, catching a ride upon a soft updraft into the leaves above.

“HEY! Come back you coward!” I screamed out in defeat as I slid to a stop in front of a large oak tree, the five creatures growling in union as they formed a circle around me.

I swallowed hard as my back was soon against the wall of wood, my eyes catching no glimpse of escape at all. If I was going to escape this it would be by my own wit and valor, I clutched the book tightly in my hand and gave these monsters my best warrior glare.

“Leave me be or be destroyed...your choice!” I screamed at the top of my lungs in a girlish tone of voice, the Timbers simply licking their jaws and continuing forward.

“Nothing ever chooses to just leave…” I gave a lighthearted giggle as the Timber on the right lunged forward at me like lightning.

My scream echoed around the empty space as I swung my book blindly at my foe, popping him upside the back of the head before he went tumbling to the ground in a loud thud. The far left monster gave a large pounce, my body doing a quick spin as my hind hooves lifted and bucked him back behind his friends.

“I’m doing it! I’m actually doing it!” I gave a loud squee in the sky as all five suddenly lunged at once, catching me off guard as I fell back to my butt.

I winced in pain a pair of jaws biting deep into my arm as I let out a scream, a second monster clenching horrid jaws down on my thigh and pulling side to side wickedly as I howled in pain. I could feel these monsters tearing me apart as a third bit down on my shoulder, blood trickling down my chest as I could feel tears running down my cheeks.

“Help!” I gave a loud scream knowing I had to fight back, I used my strength to fling the Timber off my shoulder sending it crashing into a tree.

My leg twitching to life as I used my spare hoof to kick the second one off me, he swiftly lunged again in reply only to have my hurt hoof to lift up and crack his skull open. An explosion of wood showering onto me as he met his end, the one on my arm snapping for my neck before I stuffed his mouth full of old book.

He quickly spit it out only to have a headbutt to the face, muzzle and skull exploding to pieces around the cramped clearing as he collapsed to the dead grass with a thud. The last three full of rage and vengeance, forming a kill position before me as my body felt weak.

I gently collapsed down to the grass in defeat, bleeding from open wounds as my new found power left as quickly as it had come. I was open for a swift killing, my tail wrapping around my slender frame ready for the end to come.

Two of the Timbers rushed forward in hunger, I winced in place for the attack to start. Yet instead could feel a blaze of wild heat explode before me, I opened my eyes to see a mighty purple dragon smash down to the ground in front of me.

By mighty I mean small, like really small with cute tiny wings protruding from his little backside proudly. I could just scrunch my nose up in confusion as a torched Timber fell to the ground in a pile of ashes, his friend pouncing onto the dragon who swiped a powerful tiny claw upward.

The Timber flopping backwards like a wet fish before lunging blindly forward, the dragon smirking and stepping to the side just as it smashed powerfully into the largest tree in the forest. Twigs spilling onto the ground in pieces as a loud chuckle escaped the dragon’s lips, his large green eyes locking onto me.

“Hey! I’m…” He gave a loud scream as I flung my book at top speed towards him, the dragon ducking just in time as the old tome crushed the last pouncing monster in the face. His head exploding into a mixture of twigs and branches, the body falling to the ground in defeat.

“Spike.” He spoke from his belly on the ground confused, I could only fall to the ground with a large thud my energy spent.

“Spike! Is everything ok?” A soft spoken intelligent voice spoke up as I could feel the world fading away around me, the tiny dragon gazing to me in interest.

“Yeah I’m ok Twilight, I think we found a goat?”

I wanted to call him a dork so bad, yet could simply find the world fading to black once more.


The filly was shivering in fear beside the large bonfire in her backyard, she had been chased through The Everfree for what felt like hours this afternoon. That was until Twilight Sparkle herself had saved her, using her magic to make quick work of anything chasing her.

Though several had been destroyed, she knew the tailless one was still out there waiting for the right moment to strike and claim her tail as his own! She clutched a small stick in her hooves alone, a marshmallow topping the tip as she waited for her brothers to return with the chocolate for the smores.

Unknown to her the yellow eyes watched her from the shadows, she was far too lost in her thoughts to hear the soft wooden steps of paws on the grass. A towering shadow of a Timber soon behind the helpless child, she could only turn around once feeling warm breath upon her neck.

The filly screaming aloud in horror at the beast behind her, The Timber opening its jaws wide ready to strike swiftly. A large wooden tongue licking the child on the cheek playfully, the filly simply blinking in confusion at the moment before handing the wolf her stick.

He held it between his paws near the bonfire and gently sat down beside the small pony, toasting his marshmallow over the flames before panting cutely in place. The filly shrugging a small bit in place, picking up a new stick and topping it with a new white mallow.

The chocolate couldn’t get here soon enough.