• Published 10th Dec 2011
  • 1,563 Views, 26 Comments

Filly Fantasy VII: Evolution - ChaosknightRB

In the world of Gaia, 5 seemingly ordinary ponies are brought into an elite soldier program run by the multinational corporation known as Sh

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A Fateful First Meeting

Chapter 1: A Fateful First Meeting

It was late in the evening for the bustling city of Midgar. As the day was coming to an end, the sounds of ponies and vehicles of all kinds could be heard in the Shinra headquarters. The building stood to be nearly eighty stories tall in the middle of the city, like a great metal titan that watched over homes of the upper plate from on high. In the headquarters many ponies had begun to leave as the day was closing to an end. The glass walled elevators were filled in seconds as wave after wave of ponies began their decent down to ground level, desperately trying to beat the inevitable rush hour that was already in progress. There was one elevator however that was not going down, but rather up. In this elevator stood six ponies. One was standing near a small control panel wearing a black suit with matching sunglasses. He stood there, expressionless as the other five were nervously looking around. The five had been silent ever since they met only moments ago on the elevator when one decided to break the silence.

"So...how is everypony?" It was a young unicorn who had spoken up in an awkward, yet confident tone. His coat was a lime green and he wore a short orange mane.

"Well I guess I'm...fine?" A stallion with a pink mane and a fiery red coat replied to the unicorn. A moment of awkward silence passed.

Again, it was the unicorn who broke the silence. "Anyone know why we're here?" It was clear he was desperately trying to break the silence. "How about you, any idea?" The unicorn gestured the brown earth pony standing across from him.

He brushed back his chestnut mane from his face. "Something about a blood test is what I was told." The stallion's voice was as serious as his expression when he answered the unicorn. "Didn't really care much for the details. I was told it was important and that's all that matters."

"So you had to take that stupid test too? They were asking everyone in Midgar saying there's some 'disease' going around. Sounded like a load of hay to me." The fourth pony had finally spoken up. He was slightly smaller than the others. "Well since we're all apparently in this together, might as well introduce myself. Name's Freddie, Freddie Underhill." His voice was quite upbeat compared to the others. His relaxed demeanour had a slight calming effect on the ponies.

The unicorn cleared his throat. "I am Velis Foster, apprentice magister of Kalm."

"Oh, I live here." Freddie hastily added to his previous statement.

The last of the five gave Freddie a confused glance. "You live in an elevator?" He was a tall pony compared to the others. His voice had a sarcastic tone as he poked through Freddie's poorly chosen words. This made the others burst out into instantaneous laughter. The grey stallion had a smug look of pride behind his lilac mane. "Name's Trenton. Just Trenton will do. I'm from Junon, a port city on the west coast."

"Guess that means it's my turn." the pink maned pony had decided. "I'm Marcus Dragneel, born and raised in Wutai." Everyone turned to the chestnut stallion in wait.

He hesitated for a moment then followed with, "J-Jackal. My name is Jackal. That's all you need to know."

Satisfied with the response, the ponies began to talk a a bit more casually amongst each other. With only the suited pony and Jackal remaining silent. Time seemed to move at a snail's pace as the elevator continued to rise. Jackal was becoming impatient. Being trapped in a slow moving elevator with four overly talkative ponies was not his idea of a good time. "How much longer is this going to take?" He asked the suited pony.

With as little emotion as possible, he replied "We're here." A small 'ding' could be heard as the elevator stopped.

The steel door opened to reveal a huge laboratory. The room before them was filled with paper-littered desks and lit computer screens. Seven large metal devices lined against the wall to their right. Each was connected to various tubes and had a small porthole four feet from the bottom. Standing in front of the ponies were two others. One was a navy blue earth pony with a black mane. On his back was a sword which was easily larger than anypony there. Standing beside him was another pony wearing glasses and a white lab coat. This one was flax coloured with a golden brown mane. The suited pony gestured to the others to step out of the elevator, to which they complied.

"Evening gentlecolts, my name is Angeal Hewley and this here is Professor Hojo." The navy blue pony greeted them in a kindly tone. "I don't like the idea of forcing you all here, but it seems Hojo needs you for his... experiments."

The group suddenly had a confused look on all their faces. "What do you mean 'experiments'?" asked Velis. As Angeal began to speak, Hojo raised a hoof to stop him then stepped forwards.

"I doubt your little minds would be able to comprehend the work I do, but I will try to explain." Hojo began, "You see I run the science department here at Shinra. In particular, I have been asked to develop a form of living weapon to yet further the enterprise's military. As it so happens, you are all perfect subjects for my final stages of testing. You see it all starts with..." Hojo began to mumble slowly to himself.

"Well I sure as buck don't wanna be part of any of this guy's experiments. What if we say no?" Marcus made sure to ask Angeal, seeing as he was the only sane one of the two.

"Though I'll admit I'm not fond of the idea, I was told to keep you here by any means necessary. Alive wasn't one of the requirements either." Angeal's face became more serious one he finished, making sure to emphasize the fact he could carry out this order with ease.

Velis let out a deep sigh. "So what do you need us to do?"

With that Hojo snapped back into reality as though nothing had happened. "It's quite simple really, see these large containers? You simply need step inside. Now let's hurry, we don't have all day." With a grim smile, he began to open the metal doors of each canister. The inside was completely empty, with more than enough room for a pony to fit. The suited pony began to nudge at Freddie, telling him to get in. Freddie and the others were left with two choices at this point: not go into the creepy metal containers and die, or go into the creepy metal containers and possibly die. They, of course, chose the latter of the two.

Nervously, each pony stepped into their canister. As they stepped in, the metal door closed behind them. The inside began to light up and small humming noises could be heard from all around them. The port hole was at head level so they could see out, or rather so Hojo could see in. With a whir, a humming sound could be heard beneath everyone. They suddenly noticed a strange glowing water was rising from their hooves up, filling the canisters. As the water was filling the canisters more and more, panic began to set in as some began to scream in fear. They could see Hojo was laughing at them through the porthole. And though they could not hear him, what he said next could still be understood by the five frightened ponies. "Goodnight, my precious experiments." And sure enough, the five ponies slowly began to lose consciousness.