• Published 6th Aug 2018
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LEGO Equestria Girls: Starlight Glimmer's Misadventures - Chronicler06

Starlight Glimmer spends time with each of her new friends in the Lego World.

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Kung Fools Fighting

Kung Fools Fighting

Starlight Glimmer was very excited that Princess Twilight had given her permission to stay in the Lego World for a few more days to learn more about both friendship and some things that made this alternate universe so special. Sunset Shimmer and her friends — who just so happened to be alternate versions of Starlight’s friends in Equestria — had enthusiastically agreed to each spend some time with Starlight and share with her some of their favorite things about living in the Lego World.

Starlight had already formed a strong bond with Sunset, so it was only natural that she would start with the fellow native from Equestria. It didn’t take long for Sunset to decide what they would do together, so after a plane ride to Lego City and a taxi cab ride to the edge of that city, they now found themselves walking across a bridge towards a large dojo on a hilltop.

“So why have you brought me here?” asked Starlight.

“Like I said on the way over,” explained Sunset, “my friends and I are part of an organization known as the LEGO Team. Sometimes, we’re called in to go out on a mission somewhere to deal with some sort of problem.

“Kind of like how my friends are sometimes called away by the Cutie Map to solve friendship problems?” asked Starlight.

“I suppose you could say that,” noted Sunset with a shrug. As they began climbing up the stairs towards the dojo atop the hill, she continued, “I don’t know about what your friends have to deal with, but for our missions from the LEGO Team, we often find ourselves needing to fight off a bunch of bad guys, so if you ever happen to come back to this world someday and find yourself joining us on one of our missions, then you’ll need to learn the basics of hand-to-hand combat. It’s like hoof-to-hoof combat, except, well…” She smiled as she held up her hands. “…obvious difference.”

Starlight nodded in understanding, then asked, “So how good are your combat skills?”

Sunset chuckled and remarked, “You should ask Princess Twilight about how impressed she was when she first saw my combat abilities in action. Even though I was mostly self-taught, I still needed a little help learning some of the basics. Take it from me, Starlight, learning how to fight with these…” She held up her fists. “…is a whole lot different than using your unicorn magic.”

“So I’m guessing this is where you learned to do just that, right?” asked Starlight.

“Exactly,” confirmed Sunset. Her smile fell as she then confessed, “Though considering that it didn’t take long for the old me to become one of the most wanted criminals in the Lego World, I just hope that we don’t get kicked out as soon as they see me walk through the door.”

By this point, they had reached the top of the stairs and now walked through the open gateway into the dojo’s front courtyard. Starlight looked around and saw some people wearing white robes, presumably some of the students who trained here. Some of them were making slow and steady poses, while others were swiftly smacking their arms and legs against some training dummies.

“The guy who runs this place is Barry Smith,” explained Sunset. “Plumber by day, kung fu master by night.” She then glanced up at the partly cloudy midday sky and added, “Though I guess that old analogy shouldn’t be taken literally in this case.”

Sunset and Starlight reached the other side of the courtyard and walked up a few steps to reach the front doors of the main building. Sunset stopped in front of the door, sighed, and then pushed it open and stepped inside. Starlight followed her inside and they soon found themselves in a large room with a series of mats covering much of the floor, some short tables along the sides of the room near the windows, paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling to provide illumination, and a large gong at the far end of the room. Within this room were a few more students who were doing many of the same things as the ones who were outside.

As they began walking across the room, Starlight glanced around and asked, “So, uh… how do we get started?”

Sunset walked up to the gong and replied, “We’ll need to call in Barry for that.” She picked up the mallet that was resting on a nearby rack, then used it to bang the gong once.

As the deep ringing of that gong went out, all of the students in the room suddenly stopped what they were doing, cleared away everything on the mats, then sat down on the floor along the sides of the room. Starlight looked back at them in confusion, then turned forward again just in time to see someone step out through a doorway behind the gong. This minifig wore black pants, a purple vest over a black shirt and with a wrench in his pocket, no hair on his head, and sunglasses on his face.

Sunset placed the mallet back on its rack, then turned to the guy who had just entered and gave an uneasy smile as she greeted, “Hey there, Mr. Smith. I, uh, came here with Starlight Glimmer, who wishes to learn the basics of kung fu, much like I did when we last met a few years ago.”

Starlight smiled awkwardly and waved at the guy who she now knew was the owner of this dojo.

Barry Smith stared at Starlight for a moment. He neither smiled nor frowned, and his sunglasses obscured the rest of his facial expression. After a moment of silence, he finally nodded and — speaking with a British accent — replied, “Very well.”

Starlight and Sunset turned to each other and smiled.

Barry walked up to Starlight and said, “Before we start, you must first listen… to this.” He suddenly held up a CD.

Starlight raised an eyebrow and asked, “What?”

Sunset rolled her eyes as she sighed and grumbled, “Right, that silly initiation.” She turned back to Starlight and said, “Just roll with it so we can move on to the good stuff.”

Starlight was still confused, but took Sunset’s advice and nodded in agreement.

“Please, have a seat here,” instructed Barry as he inserted the CD into a player device and picked up a set of headphones connected to it. “Sit down as if you are preparing to meditate.”

Starlight sat down on the floor, rested her hands in her lap, then took a deep breath and slowly exhaled as she closed her eyes. She felt the headphones slip into place on her head, and soon began to hear a calming female voice.

“Welcome to ‘Learn Kung Fu While You Sleep’,” began the audio content of the CD. “Relax… You are now completely relaxed…” The audio then suddenly switched to a wild mess of rapid smacking and grunting noises, as if a huge brawl had just broken out. Starlight was so startled by the sudden and unexpected change of tone that she fell onto her back. “The end,” finished the audio voice.

Starlight stared up at the ceiling with wide eyes and was breathing heavily from the unexpected adrenaline. She threw off the headphones and asked, “What… the heck… was that?”

Sunset stood beside Starlight and looked down at her with a smile as she remarked, “Yeah, I still don’t understand it either.” She reached down and grabbed Starlight’s arm, then pulled her up to her feet. “But now that that’s over with…” She turned to Barry and asked, “Shall we?”

Without saying a word, Barry smiled and extended his arm out toward the floor of the dojo’s main room.

Sunset guided Starlight out onto the mats.

“So what are we doing next?” asked Starlight as she followed Sunset.

Sunset smiled and replied, “Now, these students are gonna try to take us down onto the floor, and we need to do that to them before they get that chance. They’ll start by attacking one at a time, then they’ll go up to two, then three, and will continue to get more difficult the longer we keep going.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?” asked Starlight as they stopped in the center of the room.

Sunset grinned and remarked, “For now… just watch and learn.”

One of the seated students stood up and began rushing towards Sunset. Sunset stood her ground, and once that student reached her, she simply stepped to the side and stuck her leg out, tripping him into the air and sending him to faceplant against the mat.

“Seriously?” asked Starlight with a raised eyebrow and a tone of disappointment in her voice.

“Not every fighting move has to be super awesome,” Sunset pointed out. “Sometimes, even the simplest of moves can provide the best results.”

Another student came charging towards Sunset, but once he got close, Sunset crouched down, grabbed both of his legs, and flung him over her shoulder, causing him to flip through the air and slam onto the mat on his back.

“Look deep within yourself to find your hidden potential, Starlight, and you will triumph over your enemies,” advised Barry from the sidelines. “What also helps is throwing them around.”

“Like this,” quipped Sunset as she suddenly grasped the arm of an incoming punch, then spun around and flung that student directly towards another incoming student, sending them both collapsing to the mat.

“Wow, Sunset,” remarked Starlight with a smile. “You make this look so easy.”

“Try not to get too cocky,” responded Sunset. “It’s your turn.”

Starlight frowned and raised an eyebrow, then turned around and suddenly noticed another one of the students was now charging directly at her. Gasping in shock, her first instinct was to hold her arms out in front of herself, which resulted in them grasping each other’s hands and shoving against each other. Starlight stumbled a couple steps back, but quickly found her footing and was able to hold her ground. However, she lacked the raw strength necessary to directly shove him back, so they both stood in place, struggling against each other. The student eventually broke the stalemate by swinging a leg out to knock one of Starlight’s legs out from under her, sending her flopping down onto the mat on her back.

“Empty your mind,” advised Barry, “as you would a radiator before replacing it.”

“What?” asked Starlight in confusion.

“Ignore him,” argued Sunset as she grabbed another student and flung him back towards the sidelines he came from. “He’s trying to distract you, and that’s part of the lesson. You need to learn to ignore random background events, or at least the ones that will never provide you with anything useful.”

Starlight carefully got up, then turned around and saw one of the students charging towards her. In an attempt to follow one of Sunset’s examples, she stepped aside and grabbed onto the student’s arm, but when she tried to throw him down, she instead found her strength overwhelmed. The student yanked her backwards a few steps until she finally lost her balance and she collapsed to the mat.

“Your movements must flow like water through the copper pipes of your intent,” advised Barry.

Starlight groaned as she sat up, then slowly got up on her feet. She glanced over at Sunset and watched as she did a low roundhouse kick, tripping another student and sending him spinning through the air before he hit the mat. Starlight sighed in frustration, then noticed one of the students currently standing was facing away from her, so she decided to charge at him with the hope of using the element of surprise to her advantage. She attempted to shoulder ram him, but he heard her coming and reacted quickly by stepping aside, grasping her arm, and using her own momentum to toss her halfway across the room and hit the mat face-down.

“Your body must be in peak physical condition,” advised Barry, “like a boiler which is regularly serviced.”

Starlight rolled over and shouted, “Your plumbing analogies aren’t helping!”

“What did I just say about ignoring background events?!” Sunset called back as she swung her arm out, smacking another student across the neck and sending him down to the mat flat on his back.

Starlight groaned in frustration as she stood up again. “Well if you’ve got any better advice, I’m all ears!” she sharply responded. Before she could get a reply, she heard a cry of attack behind her and turned around to see one of the students about to strike her. She barely dodged the swinging arm, but then the other arm swiftly swung at her and she was forced to dodge that one as well. He continued to wildly swing at her, and as she kept dodging swipe after swipe, she gradually began stepping backwards.

“Dodging’s not good enough!” Sunset finally responded. “Figure out how to block and counter their attacks!” Another student jumped into the air with his foot aimed right at Sunset, but before that foot could strike her chest, she swiftly grabbed it in midair, then flung him backwards, sending him flipping through the air before he hit the mat on his face.

After dodging a few more wild swipes at her, Starlight decided to try Sunset’s advice by using her left forearm to block yet another strike, then grasped her opponent’s fist with her right hand and tried to force him back. However, he had greater strength, so he rather easily used the tangled lock between their arms to fling her aside and send her spinning around a few times before she hit the mat once again.

“Remember,” spoke Barry, “a journey of ten thousand miles starts with a single, erm, phone call to a travel agent.”

Starlight ignored the pointless advice as she stood back up again. She glanced around and eyed another one of the standing students, so she immediately rushed him. He saw her coming but didn’t move quickly enough to avoid getting knocked down to the mat on his back. However, he then curled in his legs and quickly thrust them outward, not only allowing him to jump back onto his feet, but also causing him to kick Starlight halfway across the room and send her tumbling along the mats.

“If a tree falls in a forest and lands on you, does it hurt?” spoke Barry. “Yes… a lot. It really, really hurts a lot, actually.”

Starlight was face-down on the mat. She groaned as she slowly pushed herself up onto her hands and knees. Just as she was about to push herself upright, one of the students suddenly kicked her in the rear, sending her back down onto her face. She quickly rolled over and furiously shouted, “Hey, no fair! I was still getting up!”

“Then learn to get up faster!” Sunset shot back as she held another student in a firm grip with her right arm wrapped around his neck and rubbing her left fist across his scalp — essentially giving him a noogie. “In a real fight, the bad guys won’t hesitate to kick you while you’re still down!” She then swiftly unwrapped her arm from around his neck, sending him spinning around and leaving him disoriented, giving her the chance to raise her leg and give him a strong kick to the chest that sent him flying across the room.

Not wanting to rusk further humiliation, Starlight quickly got back up on her feet. Once she targeted one of the students, she once again tried to make the first move by charging right at him. As she was about to land the first blow, the student simply knelt down and made her uncontrollably roll over his back to once again land face-down on the mat.

“When fighting, your mind must be relaxed,” spoke Barry. “Relaxed… Did you leave the oven on?! It doesn’t matter, it’s electric. Relax…”

Starlight groaned as she rolled over onto her back, but didn’t even bother trying to get back up as she grumbled, “Am I really this helpless without my magic?”

Sunset glanced over at Starlight and stated, “From one Equestrian to another, I think your main problem is that you haven’t quite broken through a certain psychological barrier.”

Starlight sat up and raised an eyebrow as she turned to Sunset and asked, “And what’s that?”

“This is the Lego World, Starlight,” Sunset pointed out. “Here, they say that the only limit is the imagination.” She turned her attention towards one of the students and prepared to make her next move. “Never assume anything is impossible.” She and the student then charged directly at each other, but once they came together, she leaped into the air, flipped forward as she flew over him and grasped his shoulders, then continued flipping forward to swiftly fling him across room. As she landed perfectly on her feet, the flung student slammed directly into two other students and they all collapsed onto the mats.

Starlight stood up again and glanced around, eventually finding yet another student looking firmly at her. Once he began to charge, she decided it was time to go all out with a rather crazy move and began to charge directly at him. Just when they were about to come within striking distance, Starlight suddenly leaped into the air, somersaulted right over his head, then once she began to fall behind him, she swiftly thrust both of her legs out against the student’s back, kicking him clear across the room. Starlight landed on her hands and pushed off the floor to flip forward one more time to finally land on her feet, while the student slammed into one of the tables on the sidelines and smashed it to pieces upon impact.

“Nice one, Starlight!” praised Sunset excitedly after watching that incredible move. “Now you’re getting it!”

For the first time since she began the training session, Starlight smiled. “Hey, I guess I am,” she remarked, somewhat surprised that her crazy move had actually worked. I guess crazy things really are possible in this world, she thought to herself.

Starlight turned around to see what had happened to the student she had struck down, and the carnage she saw made her smile fall, especially since that student wasn’t getting back up. She turned to Barry and worriedly asked, “Uh… is he gonna be okay?”

“Not to worry,” assured Barry. “Hardly a week ever goes by at this dojo without someone getting sent to the emergency room.”

“That’s not exactly reassuring,” muttered Starlight uneasily.

While some of the other students tended to their fallen classmate, Sunset walked over to Starlight and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t take it too personally,” assured Sunset. “Everyone knows that joining a dojo always comes with the risk of getting seriously hurt. All you can really do here is just keep going and hope that the next time you seriously hurt someone like that… it’ll be one of the bad guys who deserves it.”

Starlight couldn’t help but chuckle at that remark. “I suppose I can live with that,” she admitted.

“Good,” acknowledged Sunset with a smile and a nod.

As they were speaking, two of the students dragged their fallen classmate out of the room, while the rest of the students returned to their starting places on the sidelines of the room.

Seeing the students were ready to continue with training, Sunset turned to Starlight and asked, “Do you wanna keep going, or…?”

Starlight smirked and remarked, “After I just pulled off my very first awesome fight move? Why stop there?!” She turned to the surrounding students and raised her fists. “I say bring it on!”

Sunset grinned as she also turned to the surrounding students and raised her fists. “And I’ll be right beside you the whole way,” she added confidently.

As Starlight and Sunset resumed their combat training, they both knew that whatever future adventures they might have in the Lego World, one thing they were sure of was that they could always depend on each other to help win the day.

Author's Note:

Much of this short story was largely inspired by a particular level in the game Lego City Undercover. (In fact, much of Barry Smith's dialogue is taken directly from that game.) Of course, I made sure to add in some original content here and there (such as the frequency of injuries at the dojo). Anyway, I decided to have Starlight's activity with Sunset involve combat training so that, at a later point in this series when I might be able to bring back Starlight, she will have at least some idea of how to defend herself against enemy attacks.