• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 747 Views, 7 Comments

The Road to Us - BoredAuthor817

Sunset and Wallflower take their family on a little tour through Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Sunset placed a stack of steaming pancakes on the table. “Okay, everybody eat up. We've got a big day ahead of us.”

“Where're we going?” Even asked.

“Well,” Sunset took a seat, “we're gonna start at the palace. Then, we're going to visit Grandma's school.”

Rose's ears perked up. “The magic school you and Princess Twilight went to?”

“The very same.”


Gallet greeted the family at the castle gates. “Good morning!” he smiled. He hoofed Sunset the passes for the palace tour.

“Wait,” Rose turned to Sunset, “you're not gonna show us around?”

Her mother smiled. “Believe me, the tour guides are far more knowledgeable of this place than me. Plus, there's also a lot of Equestian history that I know very little about. Consider this an overview. I'll give you the in-depth, behind-the-scenes tour once we're done.”

They waited a short while in the courtyard for the full group to be assembled. With the addition of four more tourists, they were ready to begin.

Once again, Wallflower and Sunset strayed to the rear. The foals, however, stuck as closely to the guides as possible, listening to all they had to say. Sunset watched with pride as they absorbed the history and culture.

She felt a nudge from her wife. “Just look at our little scholars. Historians in the making!”

Sunset gave a light laugh, followed by a saddened sigh. “I just want them to know where they came from. Even if I can't answer their questions about my ancestry, I can tell them where their roots lie.”

“Well,” Wallflower nuzzled, “I think this is a great start.”

The two shared a quiet moment together before Wallflower poked her wife. “Hey, remember the prank we used to play?”

Sunset smirked. “Do I ever! I can still recall their confusion. The thought that they'd lost two ponies somewhere in the palace!”

“It was so cruel! Surprised we got away with it.”

“I told the captain of the guard beforehand. Otherwise, we really would have gotten into trouble. Besides, I know you enjoyed the excitement.”

“Only because I knew you did. Just hiding by itself would have been fine. But, join a group just to disappear a few minutes later?”

Sunset leaned closer. “Oh, but what we did...”

Wallflower chuckled. “You did know all the best spots.”

“When you grow up here, you learn all the best spots. Though, you're the only one I ever took to them.”

“I'm sure you've said that to all your lovers.”

“Well, yes. Because you are all of them.”

Wallflower stopped with a frown. “I didn't know that. How is it I don't know that?”

Sunset shrugged. “Probably because we never talked about it. Not nice to talk about your exes when your dating someone else. And, once you're married, they don't matter anymore.”

“But, what about Flash Sentry?”

Sunset winced as old, painful memories flooded in. “Flash doesn't really count. Yeah, we 'dated', but we both later agreed it wasn't love. Looking back, who knows what we were. We barely even made it to first base.

“Besides,” she nuzzled, “I never brought Flash to Equestria.”

Wallflower blushed as she resumed her walk. “You're, um, all my lovers, too.”


Their tour concluded, Sunset guided her family through the castle's private wing. She showed them her old bedroom, which was now a guest room. However, her study remained the same.

Filled with wonder, Rose browsed through her mother's book and artifact collections. She squealed with glee as she surveyed the various charts and maps. “Where did you get all this?” she asked.

“I was more a hooves-on student” her mother smiled, “I traveled throughout Equestria to perfect my magic. What you see here are some things I picked up on my adventures.”

“You think I could go on such adventures one day?”

Sunset froze, remembering the dangers she faced. Though fun for her at the time, now, as a parent, she wouldn't dream of sending her daughter on such missions. She knew her wife shared the apprehension. “Maybe, one day, when your older.”

Much older” Wallflower quickly added.


Wallflower had suggested it would be nice to have a picnic lunch at the park. It was a bit of a walk, especially with three little ones, but was well-worth it.

They rested by a small playground at the end of the park. Stardust and Honey were elated to run around and release some pent-up energy. Rose, however, quietly resided herself to one of the swings.

With Wallflower settling back to watch the foals, Sunset took Even to help her procure some food.

Much to Canterlot's surprise, and dismay, Pony Joe's Donut Shop had evolved from coffee and breakfast pastries, now providing soups and sandwiches for later-dining crowds.

With sandwiches for lunch, and donuts for dessert, Sunset and Even rejoined the family.

The foals seemed to be having an easier time eating sandwiches than their dinner. In result, less food was lost to the ground.

“Did you come to this park, mommy?” Stardust sipped her drink.

Sunset nodded. “Almost every day.”

“Was the playground here then?”

“There was a playground, though not this particular one. However, I would come here to study, not play. Actually, I spent many a time reading at a picnic table, just like this one.”

Stardust had a realization. “Woah...We could be sitting at one of the tables you sat on!”

Full, Stardust and Honey wanted to play some more, and quickly ran back to the playground. Seeing their younger siblings have fun, the older two decided to join in, and soon, all four were having a wonderful time.

Sunset threw the trash away as Wallflower curled up under the shade of a nearby tree. She laid down next to her, pushing her as she stretched out. She chuckled lightly as Wallflower pushed back.

“Well?” a nose pushed into her mane, “Isn't this what you always wanted?”

Sunset looked up to see the children running and jumping on wood and metal ramps, bridges, and slides. “It's not grass, but I suppose it'll do.”


Sunset led the way to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

As they approached the steps to the prestigious school, Rose could barely contain her excitement. This had been a dream come true. Ever since her mother had told her about Equestria and the different pony tribes, she had always imagined herself as a unicorn; wielding the magic of the land, learning from the most powerful and wisest mages.

Upon entering the school, they went to the main office where they were greeted by one of the senior professors.

“Moondancer!” the children smiled, happy to recognize a familiar face. They ran up to the bespectacled unicorn.

Professor Moondancer greeted the children, glancing a smile up to the adults as they approached. “It's been a long while. How are you all doing? Enjoying your time here in Equestria?”

“It's a really strange place” Stardust said.

Moondancer laughed. “I could say the same about world!”

Straightening up, she handed a carded string to each of the family members. “These are your visitor passes. Just a reminder, classes are still in session. As for this little bird,” She gently grabbed Stardust with her magic and pulled the hovering pegasus down to the adults' eye level. “Keep to about this level in the hallways, and no flying is allowed in the classrooms and lecture halls.”

“Yes, ma'am” the filly nodded.

“Speaking of lectures,” Moondancer continued, “there's a transfiguration demonstration scheduled for this afternoon. It's meant for the fourth years, but all are welcome to join. It starts in about an hour.”

“Large lecture hall?” Sunset asked. It was where such events were usually held, but she wanted to be sure.

Since the hall was on the other side of campus, it was decided to go there first before exploring the rest of the school. As they made their trek, Sunset glanced around at the buildings.

“This place has grown so much since I was a student. We used to have just the one building, plus dorms. Now, it's nearly double.”

A couple students had already congregated in the seminar room. Many of them appeared to be younger students, anxious to see what laid in store for them in upcoming years.

Not wanting to be a disturbance, the family took their seats near the back of the hall.

Even looked around with interest at the groups of students. “Flare is a student here too, right?”

“One of our top students” replied a stallion, approaching the group.

Sunset's face lit up. “Professor Magnus! Kids, this is an old professor of mine.”

The senior pony snorted. “Oh, come now, Miss Shimmer,” he playfully pouted, “No need to be so harsh.” He quickly returned with a smile. “What brings you all here?”

“Oh, just showing off my old stomping grounds.” She was taken aback when the professor laughed.

“I remember the last time you did that, you had this lovely filly on your arm.” He took Wallflower's hoof, like a proper gentlecolt. “How've you been, my dear? Seems like I haven't seen you since you reined my wildest student.”

“Well, you know,” she glanced slyly to Sunset, “gotta keep her in her place.”

“Indeed, you two are coming up on what now? Twelve years?”

“Fifteen” Sunset corrected.

Magnus was shocked. “Has it really been that many? It seems like yesterday I was celebrating your wedding!” He looked to their foals. “Well, certainly seems you two have made quite a good business for yourselves. But, don't tell me this is little Evenstar.”

“Even” the colt replied, raising an eyebrow. “You know me?”

The professor let out a light laugh. “Practically since day one! Such a tiny, little thing you were!”

Even blushed as his siblings giggled.

“I take it you're doing the demonstration?” Wallflower asked.

Magnus nodded. “Every year. Which reminds me,” he checked the clock on the back wall, “I'd better go finish preparing. It was great seeing you!”


The presentation started late, something Sunset joked was the usual of Professor Magnus. The old teacher quickly garnered the foals' attention. They marveled and awed with each transfiguration. Rose, especially, paid special heed to the instructor's every word.

Wallflower smiled, making a quick glance to the children. It made her happy to see them so interested. They knew so much about her world, it joyed her to see them learn something of Sunset's. She suppressed a giggle as her ear was tugged.

“You remember when you used to sneak me into your lectures?”

“I remember you attended so many they thought you were a student.”

“If I remember, I was pretty good one.”

“One of their best.” Another laugh suppressed. “The looks on their faces when the realized the truth!”

“Brought me back to my early days at CHS. Good times.”

“Until it almost got you banned from campus.” She playfully gabbed her wife's side, “You're lucky they let you attend my graduation.”

“Well, after all I did, least they could have done is give me an honorable mention.”

“You just have to have everything, don't you?” A muzzle brushed against hers.

“Not true. I have you.”


It was late when the family returned to the house. Spending the rest of the afternoon walking around the school, and the subsequent walk home, had worked up quite the appetite. Along the way, they picked up takeout from The Tasty Treat.

Wallflower and the kids laid out dinner while Sunset put an exhausted Honey to bed.

Even took in a spoonful of curry. “Food still all seems weird.”

“You'll find the same thing back in our world” Wallflower smiled, “Different places make the same foods differently.”

“We really have to leave tomorrow morning?” Stardust asked.

“Not too early” Sunset replied, “We're catching the eleven o'clock train. We'll have brunch here before heading out.”

“I'm excited to go to Neighagra Falls” smiled Rose, “I've been looking at pictures of it and it looks absolutely stunning!”

“I wanna go over the falls!” the younger sister yelled.

“Not a chance” Wallflower quickly vocalized.

“There are many restrictions” Sunset said, “You'll need to grow a bit before they'll let you go anywhere near the platform.” She smiled as her wife whispered into her ear:

“I still don't know how you got me to do it.”