• Published 16th Aug 2018
  • 1,192 Views, 57 Comments

Hogwarts' Rivals - ColtKit Productions

The Wizarding World is in a bad way Post Voldemort. They must turn to magicals beings for help. Classic "CMC go to Hogwarts" story, but with a twist. They are sorted into different houses. Can their friendship survive?

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Ch7: Goblins

Celestia smiled as she made small talk with the Overseer, ruler of the Goblins. They were sitting at her casual meeting room. The goblin didn't look particularly comfortable, sitting on the fluffy pillow on the floor. Still, his respect for ponies outweighed the indignity.

Equestria may be rich in gems, but they had always had a shortage of metals. While the dragon lands were filled with metal, they weren't particularly interested in letting the ponies mine their territory for a resource they saw no value in.

The Goblins had various mining and smelting operations, though gold was their major export. They also had mastered the art of turning bauxite ore into Aluminum and were selling that for near nothing to the muggles... but Ponies saw it's true value.

After Celestia returned to Earth, she made sure to contact the new Overseer and resume the trading agreement they had a thousand years ago. Various metals (such as copper and aluminum) in exchange for magical gems and crystals. There were laws against privateers trading gold for them, given that would greatly disrupt their economy.

Magical stones were all but worthless in Equestria. Yes, they were used for power, but they were so common that wasn't an issue. However so many necessary metals were in such abundance on Earth, muggles used something as extravagant as Aluminum as disposable containers for soft drinks.

Both Goblins and Ponies had something common place to themselves, but that the other greatly desired.

While their creatures exchanged their goods, the Goblin Overseer was looking at the pony with an increasingly calculating expression. He clearly wanted to ask something but was worried it may be taken as disrespectful.

"The Goblin Nation lost a lot of power after you evacuated Earth plane." He finally said. "You could have easily stayed in touch with the various magical races well refusing trade with the wizards." he accused.

Celestia sighed, "We are not perfect. Our leaders can be just as selfish as any other civilization... innocence is the shade of ignorance and, like children, my ponies can act impulsively and greedily... Starswirl was tired of being refused access to wands... He tried to steal the secrets... There was a Duel between himself and Merlin... The aftermath was a political nightmare. War seemed inevitable, we chose exile instead. We are lucky the wizards chose to forgive us and invited us back."

"If their was war, the magical beings would have supported you." insisted the Overseer.

"We ponies may be capable of defending ourselves, but we haven't a taste for it. We didn't want any creature getting hurt on our account, much less dying. Our mere presence was causing overwhelming tension for your world... but what of you?

"Goblins are so skilled in metallic Alchemy and crafting. You even created pocket dimensions for each of your metal workings and connected them to your 'Gringotts' buildings... which made moving your banks difficult without severing the connection to your various dimensions."

The Overseer grinned, "You found a way though."

Celestia smiled back, "My unicorns are taught interdimensional physics as a popular elective. We might not be as good at it as your creatures, but near all our buildings have it to a degree... though Time Ponies remain masters of the 'Bigger on the Inside' enchantments when compared to both our creatures." She took a sip of her drink, "However, my point remains... Why didn't you inherit the role of shepherding all the creatures? The wizards may have had their wands but you goblins were far more knowledgeable and respected. From what I have seen, the wizards have taken many of your enchantments and slapped their name on it... what occurred that your creatures would allow that?"

The Goblin sighed, "You overestimate yourselves. War happened without you, several in fact. If you had stayed, our world would not have suffered so much as it has.

"For a time, Merlin united the muggles and wizards, even brought in magical creatures into his kingdom. Unfortunately, after his puppet King died, everything went to hell. Without King Arthur to keep the muggles in check, they went after all magical life. It wasn't a war so much as farmers attacking the 'demons' that lived nearby.

"A Powerful wizard promised protection. My ancestors were stupid enough to listen... in exchange for his 'protection', he demanded a blood oath of loyalty."

Celestia couldn't stop herself, her regal demeanor fell as she let out a gasp.

The Overseer nodded gravely, "We are bound to this wizard's bloodline, all his descendants... which currently make up most of the family's of the Wizengamot, due to how inbred wizards are.

"But for generations we were enslaved to his direct descendants. He, himself, used us as Canon Fodder and the attack hounds for his Orcs... we used to have a blood feud with the Orcs, due to their treatment of us, despite both of us being this families property. However they made it up to us and then some.

"A rogue group of them assassinated the last Goblin King and his family... They left no one who knew the secret of our oath. Then they gave themselves up, so that they might die honorable deaths... and with their blood, we forgave all Orcs... they did everything right... by our own laws and code of honor, and asked for nothing in return, not even mercy... they have grown into an honorable people... saving an enemy, well knowing it would cost them their lives for justice sake... Since then, Orcs and Goblins have been the closest of true Allies."

"What were their names?" Celestia asked.

The Overseer shrugged, "I have no idea. Their names were stricken from history as part of their punishment. They were buried in an unmarked, mass grave, declared traitors to the Goblin King... and harold as heroes by every Goblin child since. We at least know where the grave is, a temple was built over it. All young goblins are expected to make a pilgrimage their to pay their respects to the Nameless."

The Overseer smiled. "Luckily, we have kept this secret ever since, so the wizard's direct descendants have not understood enough to claim the title of 'Goblin King'." The Overseer gave a predatory smile, "If not for fear of how her descendants would rule. I would consider telling the newest descendant her birthright. The wizard had a squib child, whom the orcs missed due to being cast out of the family. Recently that family line regained their magic and returned, but they are unaware of the title waiting for them to claim."

"May I ask who you trust so much you would consider them worthy of such an honor?"

Normally the Overseer would not consider doing so... but this was an Alicorn, and out of them their was none more trustworthy then Celestia. The Overseer smiled, "The current wizarding Minister, Hermione Granger."

Celestia chuckled, "Yes, I have had the privilege of meeting her. I imagine she could do wanders for your ponies."

"She actually robbed one of our vaults once. Thinks she got away with it. She doesn't realize how stubborn we goblins are. It took a few months but we were able to trace the theft back to her." He laughed, "Truthfully all she had to do is ask and we would give her everything in all our vaults. If we had known she was the thief at the time, it would have saved us a lot in property damage. It became a closed matter as everything we own and guard is technically her's anyway... it didn't hurt she used the item to help defeat the last dark lord."

"Lord Overseer!!!" a junior goblin screamed in clear panic, "The Goblin King!!! A new Goblin King wishes to claim the throne!!!"


The Overseer growled as he saw this new "Goblin King". It wasn't Hermione Granger. It wasn't even a wizard.

"Lady Necro," The Overseer sneered.

The scarred unicorn smiled behind her plague mask. "Overseer." She acknowledged.

"By what way do you lay claim to the Goblin nation?" The Overseer did his best to remain calm. To not show how royally "peeved" (as the ponies would say) he was.

"By way of conquest." Lady Necro took a human skull off her necklace.

Celestia stiffened, "You... killed... the Minister?"

Lady Necro looked up at her, as if she hadn't noticed the Princess. She stayed quiet for several moments... before Answering, "No, this is the skull of her eldest daughter." As she passed it to the Goblin to inspect.

"Granger's daughter has not reached her majority." The Overseer sneered, looking at the skull, "She has no claim to the throne, as of yet. It would appear you killed a child for-" He stopped, taking full account of the skull, "This skull is 17 years of age... and bares the mark of the Goblin King on it's soul..."

"How is that possible?" Celestia eyed the unicorn suspiciously, "May I inspect it?"

Lady Necro smiled behind her mask, "I was hoping you would."

Celestia's horn glowed, as did the skull. She scowled herself, "This skull is indeed Rose Weasley... from 6 years in the future." She glared.

"There are no laws for any crimes committed beyond recorded Time." Lady Necro reminded.

"Because there has never been a powerful enough mage to cast the spells, who also had a willingness to abuse them so thoroughly."

Lady Necro shrugged as she took the skull back, "By way of Conquest, I claim the Goblin throne."

The Overseer sneered, but got down on one knee, "I acknowledge what is already your's... My King..."

"Good." Lady Necro nodded, "Then my first act as Goblin King... is to release you from my service."

The Overseer stiffened, looking up at her.

"You are no longer bound to my family line..." Lady Necro insisted, "It's what Rose would have wanted." then she turned... and began to leave.

Celestia stopped her, "So you killed an innocent to free those under her claim?"

Lady Necro eyed her, "I never said I killed her. Only that I claimed her soul after the fact. It still gives me the right to claim what was her's, by Goblin law."

The Overseer continued to stare at her, "By Goblin law... you are right... it is yours to claim. We never made rules regarding Time Travel being used to subvert Way of Conquest."

"I'm aware. Now if you will excuse me," She whipped her robes, and left the room.

Celestia was still a tad bit confused. Regardless she looked at the Overseer and asked, "What now?"

"Now?" The Overseer grinned a feral grin, "We take back what's ours."


Rose ate her lunch, pretending not to notice Sweetie Belle chose to sit with them, instead of choosing between her friends.

Applebloom and Scootaloo sat at different tables, as to not cause another fight between their new friends... the house rivalry was getting to them despite the first night's feast.

Diamond was reading a copy of the prophet, an emergency addition. Rose decided to finish her sandwich before she read her own copy.

"How bad is this?" Diamond frowned, looking at the paper. "Surely there are other banks."

To that, Rose casually looked at the headline... and went numb. Snatching up her paper she read "Vaults Reclaimed, All Wizards denied access to their vaults by ruling of the Goblin Overseer".

Comments ( 11 )

that had to be Hermione

Nope, Time Travel spells exist in both the Harry Potter and MLP universe. This is kinda foreshadowing who Lady Necro is. Is a Mystery

"There are no laws for any crimes committed beyond recorded Time." Lady Necro reminded.

I am pretty sure Twilight and Doctor Whooves would have something to say about that that.

Is Lady Necro supposed to be Sunset? In both of your Harry Potter stories you are broadcasting exactly the same multiverse, and character motivations.

I mean should I really say it? I really find it retarded that the humans restrict salt from ponies until they turn 17. You know it's just sodium and potassium right? And ponies need that to stay healthy.

It really is stupid.

It's a running joke, as well as a popular headcanon, based on a joke from the episode in "Over a Barrel"

Leaving my guess for Lady Necro: Diamond Tiara


Close but not quite, but your on the right track.


Thank you, I'm glad you thought so.


There is nothing wrong with needing a crutch. Although some cruel people think we should be ashamed for them. Which makes it hard to accept the necessity. We shouldn't have to be embarrassed.

I wonder what the future will hold for the CMC

I hope you will continue this great story.

Plan to get back to it eventually

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