• Published 17th Jun 2019
  • 1,508 Views, 42 Comments

Princess of Infinity - Echo 27

The search for immortality leads into the most dangerous place in the world- another universe.

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XVII: Aeternum

Celestia struggled. There had to be a way to break free and stop this. No statue could possibly have this much strength to hold her down, keep her entombed until shadow at last claimed her. She would not go this way, would not go gentle into the goodnight. She would fight, fight, fight! And Ford-

“Ford!” she cried, nearly in tears from the effort she had already given. No amount of wriggling was enough to break free of the statues’ grip. In truth, every movement she made seemed to only worsen her condition. She could not even find a means of moving her hands about, leaving them pressed hard against the stairway floor!

She knew full well that to simply give in and accept it would be suicidal. Ford had sacrificed himself in the hopes of buying her time to reach the gateway and destroy it- seal Sombra and his army of Blightmakers before they could ever travel out of this one, solitary space in the Palace. Stop them here, and the rest of the universe would never have to know his hand.

But for Ford to try and seize the Stone from Sombra alone-! It was a move born out of pure desperation, what was he thinking? Even if she believed that she stood no chance against Sombra in this state, for him to be left to fight alone was suicidal. She had to find a way to save his life before it was too late. Sombra will toy with him. Wound him and mock him, let him be slain after agony has been lain on him-

Celestia pressed hard and found her arm had been loosened. If she could simply move her hand free, then she would be able to break free-

Wham! The statue took her in its grasp and slammed her into the earth with excruciating force, the sudden impact enough to knock her breathless. Left stunned, the stone golem only increased its grip around her frame, squeezing until she felt that her insides would burst if even the slightest modicum of pressure was increased-

She wanted to scream out in frustration, but was afraid to exhale; if she did, her bones may well crack. She needed to find a way to break free from this golem’s grip before it was too late. But her hands were still held bound to her sides, pressed downwards into the earth…

Celestia’s mind clicked. It was an idea- a longshot, but one worth trying. It would have to be a potent blast, rock did little to aid as a conductor. But if it worked, if she could guide its purpose and movements, it would be enough. She closed her eyes, forcing herself to concentrate. She felt the storm within her, giving it strength and shape until the winds raged, and the storm pulsed with power. There, as the crescendo was reached, she opened her eyes and pressed her fingers hard into the ground-

The world around her flashed with a dazzling brightness as lightning pulsed, pouring into the unfeeling, polished stone of the stairway beneath her, traveling through the rock and into the stone statues that held her down, their every limb pulsing with energy as electricity turned them black. She felt the heat of the lightning within them as it traveled, burning her own skin from the sheer strength of it, the grip of her ironshod captors finally began to loosen-

Her vision was turned hazy by a sudden showering of dust and splintered rock as the stone guardians disintegrated, their form turned into a multitude of infinitesimal particles that paraded before her eyes. She rose to her feet with immediacy, ready to finish whatever was left only to find withered husks of stone that lay where they had once been-

A sudden coldness rushed through the air from below and enveloped her, pressing against her with the force of a gale. A pulse of faint, pale, light the color of fire raced through the stairway and forced her to her knees as the strength within it rushed through the world and into the open skies above.

She froze; that strength had been distinct, and so potent! But it had been as though it were an ethereal fire- something that could not be of Sombra’s making. Something had changed.

Celestia raced down into the depths, cutting through stone walls that had been set to block her. She was running out of time.

He felt himself slowly come out of his emptiness as though waking from a dream. There was no pain with his awakening, merely a strange heaviness that weighed upon his mind and body, like when one awakes from a deep slumber. Even when he opened his eyes and saw only the dimly lit darkness, he at first did not give it the thought that anything was amiss. It was only when he felt the overpowering sensation that he was being watched did he begin to let discomfort enter his mind, and the eeriness of it awoke him from his reverie.

Saber Ford was up in an instant, recalling at last what had transpired: their escape from the Prison, Sombra’s awakening, his ensnarement by the Void-

Ford looked up from where he lay and laid eyes upon the colossus that was Sombra, the great Lord of the Deep down on one knee as he studied the mortal Man that had been brought to him in this sunless cell-

He stood rigid as he faced his foe, unsure of whether or not he should try to strike before the attempt was made in kind. Ford possessed no weapon of any kind, no shield with which to defend himself, no armor to guard his flesh. He was here in the depths of what could only be known as Hell with no means to defend himself.

Sombra did not move from where he knelt, his crimson eyes fixated on this mortal being as though the sight of him fascinated him. No sign of any emotion was revealed, not even the slightest trace of anger could be seen in his magnificent figure. All Ford saw was a watchful master, seemingly intent on studying every inch of his miniscule foe.

“Well?” Ford said, raising his voice in the hopes of calling out a challenge. “What do you wait for? Do you think I will just give myself to you?”

“I watch you. I do not truly know what you are,” Sombra replied, his voice so guttural that his words were little more than an animalistic growl that echoed across the rock. “I have suspicions, theories- but no evidence that would be concrete. Nothing to confirm my suspicions.”

“Suspicions of what? Do not waste my time with idle chatter, demon!”

Sombra chuckled at Ford’s anger, amused by what energy he gave to continue on standing. “Do you not fear me, mortal man?”

“I fear nothing but failure of my duty,” Ford replied, his voice nothing less than pure ice. “What can you do to me that would make you worthy of my fear?”

Sombra laughed all the more loudly. “Truly, no mortal like you have I ever met!” he declared, rising to his feet. “I wish to know more of you, to confirm my suspicions and discover what you truly are. Come, fearless one- I shall throw my sword to the side, and we shall see what you are made of!”

The great blade disappeared into the ether and Sombra stood at fullest height, opening his arms wide in preparation for the beginning. His limbs became tense, the vast muscle beneath his powerful frame starting to quiver. His whole body started to tremble as though beset by a seizure, the mighty Umbra becoming wracked with his endless writhing.

“You call yourself her protector, do you not?” Sombra called, though his voice seemed to emanate from the very air itself. “Her great defender, the faithful knight in service of his beloved princess. Well come, noble knight- come and face your dragon!”

Sombra gave a great scream and his skull split into seven pieces, his neck growing in breadth as he fell to his knees, his arms and legs becoming bulky and deformed, feet and hands transforming into the elongated grasps of a great beast, each digit sprouting vicious claws that sank into the earth. From his back grew out vast folds of skin that were transfigured into outstretched wings of armored leather, barbed by sharpened hooks that seemed to illuminate the world with their cruel shine. A great sweeping tail erupted out, forked and sharp as a blade, slamming into the ground with the force of a crashing tree and sending the world to trembling. The many separated pieces of his skull grew and grew until great eyes of fire flashed within each, the flesh and bone transfigured with serrated teeth within a mouth that breathed smoke and ash into the world, a crown of horns upon each head in twisted mockery. The great Dragon lay before the world, magnificent and terrible in its power, unleashing a multitude of screams into the coliseum that housed the dead. And there stood Saber Ford, his challenger who lay defenseless against him.

The Dragon’s many heads looked about the coliseum before laying eyes upon Ford, sizing him up with immediacy and finding him inadequate. With a hiss that could only be seen as derision, it gave a great cry that shook the world and rushed towards him, mouths outstretched in the hopes of the kill-

Ford knew he had few options. With no weapon or powers to call his own he was not only defenseless, but incapable of even fighting back. No blow by his own hands would he win this battle- but if he could lure Sombra away from the Stone, he might be able to sneak past him and smash it into pieces. It was a gamble, but he would have to try-

Crack! The Dragon’s outstretched claws slammed into the earth before him and it was only the swiftest of instincts that kept him from being slashed into pieces. Ford leapt from where he stood, trying to keep himself free of the beast’s clutches-

A great sweeping shape came rushing towards him and he knew it was the creature’s tail. He fell to the ground, feeling its pressure cut through the air just above his head, the force enough to brush against his skin with impunity-

The Stone flashed in the darkened light. Was it exposed? Ford leapt to his feet and tried to make the rush-

Sharpened claws slashed the air before him and Ford was sent flying back into the coliseum wall, the blow momentarily stunning him as his breath was forced from his lungs-

The Dragon did not hesitate, charging towards its prey with its many jaws snapping, eager for the taste of flesh-

Ignoring the agony that poured over his already staggered frame, Ford escaped the beast by force of instinct, diving underneath the many outstretched jaws and feeling the thick saliva fall all around him. He could see the Philosopher’s Stone just ahead of him, just beneath the beast’s raised tail-

He felt the weight rush through the air before he saw it. Ford dodged the blow but was knocked back by the force of it, the Dragon’s body slamming into the earth and sending him sprawling. Sombra knew his intent full well, and would give no quarter.

Ford tried to gain his footing again, but remained bound to the earth as he dodged blow after blow, each miss more minute than the last. Slashing claws tore at his flesh and grazed skin, cutting through his clothing and slowing his speed. He would need to gain some kind of advantage soon or else he would certainly be caught-

A great weight pressed into his back and he fell, the nose of the Dragon’s heads finding him and sending him sprawling into the dust, not enough to stun him but more than capable of staggering. Ford tried to rise to his feet and had only just stumbled to his knees when the beast was upon him again-

Slam after slam against his tired body pushed him across the floor like a children’s toy, his bones screaming out their displeasure as his mortal frame was pushed to its limits. Ford was suddenly allowed a moment’s peace, hearing the Dragon’s chittering cries that sounded akin to mocking laughter. He turned to face his foe-

Wham! The Dragon pressed into him and forced him into the coliseum wall, the blow so mighty that he was left staggered and Ford wondered if his ribs had been shattered. He opened his eyes, seeing through stars and pinwheels-

The great sight of the Dragon’s head filled his vision and he had nowhere to turn. Ford tried to run but his body failed him-

Serrated teeth found flesh and cut down deep, slicing through skin and blood and bone as Ford’s hand was clipped from his body, the Dragon’s teeth consuming his arm all the way to the elbow. Ford screamed in agony, falling to his knees as a gush of blood erupted from the dismembered limb, painting his world red and sending his mind aflutter from the sudden rush-

The Dragon mocked him, its cries of laughter echoing across the coliseum until it seemed as though all the world laughed at his injuries, mocking him for his failure. Satisfied with its fun, the Dragon crept with its many mouths outstretched, prepared to deal the fatal blow at last-

A sudden flash of light, pale and faint in the midst of the encroaching darkness. From the severed limb came an outpouring of pure Light that ignited the world in an explosive dominance, the lost limb suddenly restored by a hand of crystalline whiteness that glimmered more fiercely than even the most magnificent jewels, a sword of hardened fire within its hand that burned hot in the midst of the blackness-

The Dragon gave a sudden shriek of shock and tried to back away from its suddenly well-armed prey, but momentum sent him pouring straight into the now-armed foe-

Ford gave a cry of rage befitting the magnificent warriors of ancient days and took his blade in both hands, instinct consuming him as he cleaved through the darkness until he found the scales of the Dragon, slicing through the outstretched neck of the central head and sending it flying into the nether realms, the injured beast reeling back as it screamed out its agonies-

Ford charged forth, his blade of fire burning brightly as he chased after his fleeing foe, leaping onto its back and plunging the sword deep into its spine, piercing through flesh and bone until it punctured through the belly below-

The Dragon shrieked violently, its remaining heads writhing madly as the indescribable pain of fire and light bore through it. Ford was thrown from his perch atop it and he watched as the Dragon crashed to the ground at last, twitching madly as though catatonic, the blade disappearing from the world as though it had never existed. Ford’s crystalline hand disappeared the moment the battle was over, leaving little more than a ragged stump that began to spurt blood wildly yet again.

Ford lay there stunned, trying to make sense of what had just occurred. He had done it, he had fought back- and perhaps even won! But as he watched the Dragon’s twitching grow more violent he knew it was not so; it would take far more than that for Sombra to be vanquished. The Stone was out of reach, but not for long.

As Sombra’s body began to reform, Ford took to his clothing and began to tear it apart, forcing it around his severed arm in the hopes of staunching the flow. He could feel the shock beginning to wear off and the pain would only increase all the more as he tried to mend himself. He would have to be quick-

His mind flickered: a flash of light. A roar of fury, eclipsed by the sound of blades clashing, and a great force around his own throat. Ford looked at his disfigured arm and saw how it bled; whatever had dwelled within him, lad lain dormant all his life, had come to his aid in the moment of utmost need, when it seemed as though his fire would be extinguished. He understood now.

Ford let the wound remain open, his blood pouring out onto the ground at his feet and he watched as Sombra regained his form, knowing that his final moments were before him. Tonight, after millennia upon millennia of existence, his life would at last come to an end.

The Stone, and the table upon which it lay, was nearly covered by Sombra’s reforming frame, obscured by the might of the great lord. He would need to lure him away from the table as far as he could, a difficult task to achieve- but the moment he achieved it, Ford would have to strike fast. He would never get another chance.

Sombra’s laughter echoed through the coliseum as his colossal form regained its strength, he rising to one knee as he looked on in a vicious sort of triumph. “Truly, you are what I believed of you!” he said. “There is ancient blood within you, the blessing of a long-forgotten promise! The Ciariadhron’s last, great warrior!”

Ford stood there and felt himself begin to stumble, the lightheadedness that came from blood loss growing all the more potent. He tried to keep himself stable and his mind focused, trying to think of how he had even managed such power for that brief moment. What had he done to achieve it?

“Your people is an ancient kind, Little Light,” Sombra declared. “Devoted warriors to the Alicorns in the most ancient of times, back when the world was ending. Do you not remember it, Little Light? The memory that dwells within your blood surely does even still.”

Ford said nothing in response, merely trying to stem the flow from his ravaged arm lest he collapse. Sombra wanted to continue to talk, and he was at his mercy.

“I watched as your fathers swore undying fealty to the Alicorns, forsaking all hope of freedom and safety, all to fight alongside them for that last great battle,” Sombra continued, garnering his sword from the Void and letting it lay in hand. “And the Alicorns granted them gifts and strength in return- power that would make them the greatest warriors who would walk upon the Earth. Even now, when all their blood is spilt and only you remain, all your strength still lies within you, waiting for the moment in which to strike. You have seen it once before, have you not? Remaining dormant save for the hour of utmost need, when the oath of your forefathers must be upheld. You came to love her, serve her, and even marry her. Some would say coincidence? It would have been ruin to the world if you could even resist her- she has always been your destiny.”

Sombra stood there and let the whispering shadows that blackened the floor come to his aid, forming around his body in a darkened armor, holding fast to his flesh until he had somehow grown all the more titanic, his crown of ten horns now gleaming in the night above his crimson eyes that burned with a great, wrathful hatred.

“I watched as your people became fools, and alongside my kin did I slaughter them all. So face me now, Little Light- bring all your fire and strength and wrath against me, with all the power and might you possess! Face me, and I shall finish what was started!”

Ford knew the moment had come. He relinquished his grip upon his arm and let the blood flow freely, allowing the pain to magnify. He had completed one step, but what was next? He recalled his wife, and the measures she took to ignite herself. Closing his eyes, Ford drifted from his own thoughts and reached out to beyond, feeling heat and strength, distant and faint- but growing ever stronger, all the more mighty as its fire intertwined with his own and became as his own blood. For it was his to master, and he alone. The darkened world of the coliseum turned bright with the color of flames as Light poured from Ford’s open wound, enwrapping his frame and solidifying, the wisps of fire becoming hardened armor that was one with his flesh, a great sword that burned hot with the fires of the Sun in hand. The last of his people had come into strength at last.

Sombra grinned at the sight of it. “So, Little Light,” he said. “Let us see what you are.” He gave a roar that shook the rocks and charged-

Ford answered him in equal kind and strode forth with great blade in hand, rushing forward to strike-

Darkness and Fire struck with the clashing sound of steel and the two warriors held fast, neither willing to relinquish even an inch. Sombra’s mighty weapon quivered against Ford’s fire, threatening to be overwhelmed-

Sombra snarled and used his raw strength to break free the two blades, pushing back and taking a lethal swing at Ford’s skull-

Ford parried the blow and swung back, the two ringing out against one another in a flurry of blows, each one mightier than the last. At last when it seemed that their stalemate would last forever-

Sombra’s knuckles flew from his blade and he struck out against Ford, the physical blow rocking the smaller warrior back and staggering him-

Ford felt his fire flicker and he knew he had nearly lost his strength. He was giving this battle everything he had and already he was beginning to falter. He needed to move Sombra away from the Stone soon-

A cry and he looked up to see Sombra atop him, his blade primed to pierce through his flesh and into the earth-

Ford caught the shadowy edge with his own flames and held strong, giving a roar and throwing Sombra aside for only a moment, scoring a vicious cut across the chest that left the darkened lord screaming-

Sombra was not one to be left stunned for long, charging forward and bringing his sword down with the force of a hammer, the blow missing but striking the earth so fiercely that it shook the coliseum, flecks of the dome falling around them like stars from heaven-

Ford was there in an instant, leaping out and gaining another savage cut across Sombra’s exposed back, the blade driving deep into his flesh and spilling out the darkened shadows of his coverings-

Ford made quick use of his attack, rushing towards the exposed table as fast as he could-

No!” A great, clawed hand reached out as if from nowhere and pulled him back, throwing him against the coliseum wall with such incredible force that Ford was nearly knocked unconscious by the shock of the blow alone-

Sombra struck again, his shadowed sword slashing across Ford’s exposed chest and raking the breastplate from his body, the fiery mail falling away in a shower of sparks-

Ford did not allow himself rest again, but instead striking out with what force he could manage, his blade yet again connecting with Sombra’s and the two held firm, the ground beneath their feet beginning to tremble from the outpouring of strength that came from the two denizens-

The two made the same move instantaneously, Ford’s flaming fist meeting Sombra’s outstretched hand and the two were knocked back, each staggering until they fell to their knees-

Ford was slower on his feet than Sombra, his eyes darting away from his opponent for only the smallest heartbeat- it had been close, a move nearly spotted. But if he was right, Sombra had no focus on the Stone at all, and had drifted far away from the table entirely. He dared not look again lest he remind Sombra of his position, and he held his gaze. It would have to be now- and quickly.

Ford and Sombra gave another shuddering charge, the lord of the Deep racing forward with blade held high to strike down his foe-

Ford dove between his foe’s legs and swung hard, the strike a perfect hit: a quick, clean cut across the legs and Sombra fell to the ground with a crash-

It had to be now. Sombra gave a scream of rage and reached out to stop him, but Ford had come too far to fail. With one last great cry, Ford leapt out into the air and sank his sword of flames into the table, shattering through the Philosopher’s Stone and destroying it.

The explosion ripped through the air with the force of a dying star, sending both warriors flying. Ford felt the shards of the Stone rip through his flesh and bones, his strength falling away at last. He slammed into the wall and sank down, unable to even find the will to stand any longer.

Sombra screamed aloud again, looking down at where the Philosopher’s Stone had once lay. The priceless, irreplaceable jewel was gone, smashed into ash by his foe, leaving little more than a trail of dust and particles that were swept away into the ether. Even from this distance he could feel it, knowing that the millions of souls and lives he had once held in his grasp were now falling away, never to return. All his preparation, thousands upon thousands of years of planning, had been for naught. He would continue his fight alone forever.

A harsh, gurgling laugh met his ears and Sombra turned around in a blind rage. Ford lay there on the floor, severely bloodied and crying out in maddened laughter. His ribs broken beneath his chest, an arm severed, and his lungs slowly filling with blood did nothing to silence him, instead only seeming to incense his cries. His armor and sword were gone, leaving nothing more than a bleeding, broken man to face him.

“How does it feel, Umbra?” Ford asked, his words barely intelligible over the gobs of crimson liquid that contaminated his lungs. “To fail… to lose. To know that a mere mortal could stop you.” He laughed again, blood pouring out of his mouth and running down his chest in horrendous mixture of his own spittle. “All those years, and none of it mattered. Now the whole universe will be there to stop you.”

A great hand clutched his neck and lifted him high, becoming a vicegrip that cracked bones beneath its grip. Sombra held him fiercely, a hatred so deep within his gaze that it would have been enough to kill the mightiest of men. “Tell me, then, Little Light,” Sombra growled, his wrath so great that the whole world would be put ablaze by its strength. “How shall it feel to die?”

A pair of footsteps came from the darkened stairway, rushing towards the desecrated battlefield with a desperate intensity. A flame held in her hands, Celestia stepped forth from the darkness, her form covered in ash and dust, her eyes wide as she watched Sombra hold her beloved by the neck- unable to do a thing as a great, clawed hand plunged into his chest.

Author's Note:

The world has ended. All that is left at the end of all things is vengeance.
The battle of gods has come at last.

It all ends next week. This story, and my time here on this site. Be ready for the end of all things.

New additions to the soundtrack can be found here: Boop

As always, comments and corrections below. Hold on, friends- it is almost over.