• Published 27th Aug 2018
  • 8,346 Views, 45 Comments

Home - SoulDragonWithFlow

A lone human struggles to find acceptance in Equestria, but it turns out he’s not the only one treated with caution.

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Chapter 1 - This Is Not My World

Author's Note:

This is my first serious attempt at fan-fiction writing and is my submission for Scribbler’s BronyCon2018 writing contest. Trouble was, there was a limit of just 4000 words so I had to make it super fast paced (not my usual style such as my stuff on DA). Although I had to remove a LOT of detail to trim this down, a tremendous amount of hard work still went into this so comments on how I did with this new style would be appreciated. :D Brohooves all around, Comrades, and Enjoy!

How many times in your life have you woken up and asked “Am I still dreaming?”

That was exactly the question I pondered, as I sat on the wall, thinking about my place in this world, of my time here and how it came to be that a human ended up in such a strange place.

After waking up in a hospital bed, tied to the frame and my system drugged with god-knows what, I opened my blurry eyes to see several colourful equine faces peering down at me. “I must be dreaming… or hallucinating.” I thought. Unlike a dream or hallucination however, it never ended. After several months it became apparent it was unlikely I would ever get home, and so I had no choice but to scrape together what I could of a ‘normal’ life. As normal as one could get when surrounded by magic and colourful talking ponies anyway. And so here I was, a soldier in the Royal Guard, under Princess Celestia’s request.

“Watch where you’re going, Vampire!”

I was pulled from my thoughts by an angry voice spitting venom nearby. I looked over and could make out 2 equine figures. My shift was almost over, the burning braziers along the wall illuminating the figures enough to make out the left was a day guard, and the other, a female bat-pony night guard.

“You walked into me! You prissy Sunflowers need to open your bucking eyes!“

“Watch your mouth, you disgusting Blood-Sucker! Pack of savages!” The older stallion spat.

“What the hell is your problem with us?! You Canterlot-types have it out for us!”

“We don’t like monsters like you hanging around the princesses!” Reluctantly, I hopped down from the ledge and made my way over. “It’s only a matter of time before Celestia sees you for the murderous blood-suckers you really are! Why don’t you save us the trouble and scutter back to the Hollow where you belong?!”

“Come on, Sir.” I said as I approached, trying to sound reasonable. “She doesn’t deserve that.” In the dim flickering light, I could make out his face; Obsidian Broadsword.

“This doesn’t concern you, Rookie!” He snarled. “Do you have any idea what this thing is?! It’s a meat-eater! A blood-sucker! They’re probably just waiting to sink their fangs into the Princess!” I knew he out-ranked me but decided to stick to my guns, regardless.

“Meat-eater or no, she’s no more a threat than you or I, or shall we take this to the Princesses, see what they think?”

“Shut. Your. Mouth, Soldier!” Growled Obsidian. “Remember your place!” I folded my arms stubbornly, signalling I wasn’t going anywhere. He huffed angrily. “Figures the ape would be a bat-pony sympathiser.” Obsidian looked around for approval, forgetting we were alone up here. “What’s become of our ranks? It’s disgusting!” He stormed off in the opposite direction.

After he was gone I turned to look at the stunned bat-pony mare beside me.

“You ok?” She hesitated for a second before her predatory eyes narrowed.

“What the buck is your problem?! You think I’m some damsel in distress or something?! I don’t need help from the likes of you, Day-Dweller!” My mouth fell open, completely taken aback by her malice.

“I’m sorry… I just… I just wanted-”

“Yeah well don’t! Just… just mind your business, ok?!” With that she shot off into the night, her dark coat masking her almost perfectly against the starry sky. Sighing in defeat, I gloomily made my way back to my quarters.

“Morning shift for the Throne Room will be Iron Gates and Flaming Shield. Aqua Aurora, you and Dayspear are afternoon shift.” Captain Firebloom read from his clipboard. “Thunder Spark, Cinnamon Dawn, you’re south wall.” Then he turned to me. “Oh, and I have a special assignment for you, Probie.” I suddenly gave him my full attention and I noticed a number of other guards now had their ears pricked.

“Sir?” I asked, leaning forward.

“Until further notice, you will be on, ‘Spud Duty’.” This prompted a snicker from some of the other guards. “You’ll be assisting the cooks down in the kitchens.”

“What?! What for?” I protested. “That’s grunt work!”

“Insubordination!” He snapped, checking his clipboard. “‘Disrespecting a superior officer’, ’Failure to comply with orders’, ’Absent from your post without reason’, I think you know the rap-sheet.” Then it clicked; Obsidian. That racist old stallion.

“Sir, I can explain, I-”

“Shut it, Soldier!” Firebloom barked. “I know you’re new, Rookie, but here we follow the chain of command. You have your assignment, get to it!” Sighing in defeat, I saluted.

“Yes, Sir.”