• Published 25th Aug 2018
  • 1,329 Views, 24 Comments

A mission in friendship - narutoponies

When Kakashi senses a strange chakra-like substance being emitted from a certain high school, he sends Naruto to investigate

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Chapter four

Naruto walked down the school hallways. Classes were over, and he was heading to the soccer field. Sunset had left as soon as she could, saying that she had stuff to do, but Naruto knew she just didn't want to stay in the school any longer than she had to. He couldn't blame her, even now that he was on her side, people still threw paper, spitwads, and even books at her. He was able to stop this for the most part after catching all the paper balls being thrown at her and showing everyone that he was not somebody to mess with. However, he wasn't able to be with Sunset all the time, and suspected that whenever he wasn't there, objects were thrown just as much as before. He rubbed his hands together in anticipation as he neared the soccer field. He was going to enjoy crushing that Rainbow Bitch.

She was already there waiting for him when he arrived, and had brought her four friends to watch. She smirked.

"Well, well, well," she said, "Look who showed up. We're just going to have a nice old-fashioned game of soccer." He raised an eyebrow. He hadn't been expecting this, but soccer was probably the sport Rainbow was best at, so it made sense. He could practically feel the confidence radiating off her. Yep, this was definetly going to be fun. She got in front of a goal, and he followed suit. One of her friends threw the ball in, and the game began.

She was good, there was no doubt about that. But he was a ninja, and she was no match for him. She kicked the ball, and it soared towards the goal. She pumped her fist triumphantly, obviously thinking there was no way he'd be able to reach it in time. He jumped up in the air, and twisted around so he could kick the ball. Before she knew what had happened, the ball was soaring into her goal. She stared in disbelief at Naruto. She had underestimated him.

She played with renewed vigor, giving it her all. But it seemed no matter how hard she tried, there was no matching Naruto. He was like a demon, (No pun intended,) kicking the ball at an almost inhuman speed. Her friends cheered her on, even Fluttershy, but there was no way she could win. As much as she hated to admit it, this boy was a lot better than her. Like, good enough to be a professional. Sighing, she made the T.O sign. He stopped imeadiatly, landing softly on the grass next her from his latest jump-kick.

"What's wrong?" He asked tauntingly, "Give up?" She nodded dejectedly. He looked surprised, and maybe a little angry as she started walking away.

"Hey!" he called, "What's the big idea? You can't just walk away and act all sad 'cause I beat you!" she stopped and looked back.

"You don't understand," she said miserably. "My reputation's ruined now. Once word gets out that this happened, I'll be the laughing stock of the entire school!" Naruto raised an eyebrow, not looking sympathetic in the least.

"Well," he shrugged. "You had it coming to you. After all, you ruined Sunset's reputation. And, in my book, you're worse than scum, so sorry if I don't care about you're problems." One of her friends stepped forward. She had pink hair and yellow skin.

"Now see here mister!" She shouted. "You can't treat Dashie like that! It's not very nice to straight up say you don't care about her problems!" Naruto once again didn't look very concerned.

"Who are you to preach about kindness?" He asked, "You're just as bad as Miss Rainbow Bitch over there. You abandoned your friend too." She seemed lost for words.

"W-well what do you know about friendship?!" She finally shouted. "I bet you never had a single friend in your life!" Naruto's eyes darkened, and Fluttershy stepped back, knowing that she had crossed a line.

"You're right." He said in a dangerously calm voice. "The whole village shunned me for something that wasn't my fault. Until I met Sasuke and Sakura. Sasuke knew what true loneliness was like. I thought I hated him, until I thought he was dead. At that moment, I was angry. Beyond angry. Angry at myself, for being too weak, and angry at Haku, for killing him. After that day, I knew that Sasuke was my friend, and so was Sakura." The girls were stunned.

"W-what do ya' mean someone tried to kill yer friend? What type of monster would want to kill someone?" Naruto chuckled.

"Lot's of people," he said, "Let's see... There was... Zabuza, Haku, Itachi, Gaara, Sasuke, Deidara, oh, and I'm pretty sure Iruka Sensei wanted to kill me after I made up the sexy jutsu..." He looked off into the distance, reminicing those happy times. "Well, those were a few, there were a lot more, but I can't remember their names." The girls stood there.

"W-who are you?" Asked Rainbow Dash, "And wasn't Sasuke one of your friends?" Naruto frowned.

"Well, yeah, he was," he said, "But then we had a... small, teensy tiny argument, and that somehow led to him wanting to destroy the village, and then for some reason he wanted to be Hokage? I don't know, my memory isn't the greatest. Anyway, could you maybe forget that I said all that? I'm um... Not really supposed to tell anybody about any of this stuff... So, tell you what, I don't tell anybody that I totally destroyed Rainbow Bitch in soccer, and you keep quiet about me blabbering about all the enemies I've made over the years?" Not waiting for answer, he ran off.

Well that could've gone smoother, said the giant talking carpet, sarcastic as always. Naruto chose not to answer, it was always better when he stayed out of arguments with Kurama, mostly because Kurama was nearly always right. As soon as he was out of sight of the school, he did his signature run back to his apartment.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry this chapter isn't as good as the rest. I had this idea a while back, but it was harder putting into written form than I thought.