• Member Since 13th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen May 8th


No longer doing stories.



This story is a sequel to A new form

After having been killed by Chrysalis and brought back to life, Twilight asked Daybreaker for her hoof in marriage. To which Daybreaker agreed. But a villain thought dead comes back to try and stop the wedding.

Ready for round 2?

That picture is the closest thing I could find to Twilight x Daybreaker.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 58 )

And we're off! I really hope to see more flashbacks of Daybreaker's past after Twilight's death, that's gonna the selling point til Chrysalis arrives.

Glad you went through with making a sequel. I like how the flash backs show how she ruled after Twilight's death. I look forward to your next chapter.

here lies the queens sanity, body as soon as someone sweeps up the dust


I have something extra special for the second chapter. It's the first day of Daybreaker ruling without Twilight, a lot happens because I tried to make it emotional as I wanted to show how Daybreaker was during her first day without Twilight. She handles it as well as you'd expect her too..... Terribly

Somehow I love this "Without Twilight, Celestia turns into Daybreaker" concept. There is another story going on titled "A Student Once Lost", it goes basically around the same characters, but with a different storyline. Anyway, please continue. :)

I believe that the only way Celestia can turn into Daybreaker is if someone close to her were to die right in front of her, like Twilight because her and Celestia are really close so if you were to kill Twilight, then Celestia would turn into Daybreaker out of despair and revenge. But that's just how I see it, there are many people that portray Celestia turning into Daybreaker in different ways, mine and Chiefs999 is only one of many possibilities.

Even though you are writing a much better Twilight x Daybreaker you still like my story and read it, even though mine is nowhere near as good as yours. This just proves that you don't have to write a long story to make it good. I believe that its not about how good you write but how you tell the story.

Comment posted by fanreader999999 deleted Sep 17th, 2018

Oh yes, I overlooked some details. In your (and Chiefs999's) stories Celestia turns into Daybreaker after Twilight is murdered and she couldn't protect her. Maybe a simple break-up, or an alternate universe without Twilight ever being born wouldn't make her Daybreaker, but still consideraby less happy.

I 100% agree with that. How you tell the story is by far the most important at least in my opinion. World/story creation really gets me going :twilightblush: I look forward to seeing what extra special thing you have planned.

But people don't get that, they always want stories that have perfect writing and perfect grammar. They don't understand or choose not to understand that some of us writers have trouble with writing and grammar (my self included). I remember reading stories that have terrible writing and grammar, but the story they told was amazing and moving. It's also really nice to know that you get where I am coming from about this and agree on that its not about the writing but the story you tell.

Sorry for rambling:twilightblush::twilightsheepish:

well thats sad

What were those idiots thinking asking to be her new student!? It was less than day, that Twilight was killed!?

*Edit: replaced sunset with student*

As long as it doesn't affect them, the nobles don't care what happens to anyone else. And what do you mean by sunset? I never once mentioned her.

Welp, for 2 years it did

It will be explained in another chapter but over the course of the 2 years, Daybreaker got multiple requests from ponies to be her new student. It got so bad to the point that Daybreaker destroyed the school to shut them all up

Its fine, just make it exciting & dark

*Laughs evilly* You have no idea how dark i'm going to make it.

You know i wonder where spike is?

He left to join the other dragons about 10 years ago

Sill wasn't twlight and him pretty close? So he should at least pop up in the wedding and maybe a flash back
Edit just saw the fact you updated the story to a complete. Never mind

I tried to write him in multiple times, but every time I did he felt out of place. So I took his character out entirely. Sorry

Sequel sounds good, always enjoy a good Daybreaker story.

This was a very good way to end this, shame that it didn't show more of Daybreaker's violent reign, but still a great story nonetheless.

There will one (possibly) final sequel to this that tells what happened after Twilight and Celestia got married. It's not a confirmed sequel but if people want it then I will write it.

I would love to see another sequel showing Celestia's regrets to her time as Daybreaker

"You are so pathetic Chrysalis." Daybreaker said behind Chrysalis.

How did she do that?! :applejackconfused:

When Celestia turned into Daybreaker, she stopped holding back. Her power borders on the level of a god, and her speed is immeasurable.

One more question. Is Twilight's death just a dream?

No. I would recommend reading 'A new form' that story sets up for this story. It tells you what you need to know


what do you think about the twist ending?

I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you, but i'm glad that you like the twist ending to my story and there will be one more sequel to this since people want it. The sequel will revolve around Twilight and Celestia after there marriage and have Celestia come to terms with her actions when she was Daybreaker. BUT. There is a twist.

I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you. There will be one more sequel to this since people want it. The sequel will revolve around Twilight and Celestia after there marriage and have Celestia come to terms with her actions when she was Daybreaker. BUT. There is a twist. Also on a side note, did you like the twist ending.

Thats fine, I forgot about my comment too and yeah the ending was done well

I have other projects that I am working on that moment, but I hope to have the sequel out between now and the end of the month. I am also having a major case of writers block, so everything is backed up at the moment. Please forgive me.:fluttercry:

The (hopefully) final sequel is completed, released and it is one chapter long. I'm sorry for that, but I think I conveyed what I wanted in the chapter.

The basic story concept continues to be enjoyable, but I hope that in the future you will try to make your plot points more believable. I mean, when Daybreaker blew up the school, that was totally dishonoring Twilight's memory, but she's literally insane with grief so nonsensical behavior is fine as long as it's consistent. Chrysalis is also insane to pick a fight after what happened last time, but it's fine, she's allowed to go insane with the desire for revenge. But the nobles, come on, the nobles. She turns them to ash when they don't stop asking about replacing Twilight as a student and they still don't stop asking—I mean, no matter how stupid they're supposed to be there's still a line past which I can't suspend my disbelief.

"Hey, why don't you move the grave you literally just built for your dead lover whose death turned you into a hair-trigger-tempered lunatic! Nothing bad could possibly come of this request, and I do not have worse foresight than a toddler."

It's a little weird that Luna doesn't seem to have any problem with these murderous tantrums, but that's a minor problem in comparison, which is amazing by itself.

All the points you made, I've thought about before. So later down the line I will fix and add what's needed, but not right now considering I have other projects that I am working on.

Luna doesn't agree with what Daybreaker was doing, but didn't do anything about it because she would rather not have a repeat of what happened over a thousand years ago and have to possibly fight her sister.

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