• Published 25th Aug 2018
  • 1,057 Views, 11 Comments

Discord - PurpleWonderPower

Thousands of years after being imprisoned in stone, Discord returns. Seeing the new royal baby, Twilight Sparkle, he curses her to fall into an eternal sleep on her sixteenth birthday. Inspired by the My Little Pony: Maleficent Trailer from the Hub.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Thousands of years had passed since Discord's imprisonment, and Discord was as still as stone, seen as nothing more than a statue in the Canterlot palace gardens. It was terribly boring, and so uncomfortable, too, to be stuck in the same position for so long. There was an itch down on his goat leg, and it was torture not being able scratch it.

Day after day, year after year, century after century, he had stood there motionlessly, watching ponies come and go whilst not being able to move an inch. He would watch them wander around and examine all the sculptures in the sculpture garden, seeing him as nothing more, then wander into the palace labyrinth.

Discord loved labyrinths. You never knew where you were, or even where you were going, and could end up wandering for days, hopelessly lost in the twists and turns. He would occasionally let his imagination run wild and think about the cruel games he could play on ponies who went in. Maybe trap them all inside, separate them, and then use magic to turn them against each other. Then watch the hilarious results. Perhaps he could even do it to Celestia and Luna, and watch them snipe at each other like spoiled brats. Now that would be fun.

Speaking of Celestia and Luna...

Discord's stone eyes caught sight of two tall alicorns striding into the palace garden. He tried to narrow his stone eyebrows. He couldn't, of course, as a statue, but he still tried at the sight of his old nemesis. Luna looked identical to the day she had imprisoned him, graceful and elegant with her night-like appearance, and Celestia was still as sleek and shiny as ever, with her gleaming white skin and rippling coloured mane. As they got closer, Discord could make out what they were saying.

"...And the decorations, I presume?" Luna was saying.

"Don't worry," smiled Celestia, "Everything is under control. We have the decorations, the music, the performances, and I asked the Apple family from Ponyville to provide food. I can't wait to try some of Bright Macintosh's apple fritters again. They're just delicious."

"Then it certainly sounds like the christening will be a great success," smiled Luna.

Christening. That word hit Discord like a hammer to an anvil.

"I'm sure Shining Armor and Princess Cadance will be very proud of their new baby," said Celestia, smiling, "And I'm rather looking forward to it, actually. We haven't had a royal christening in thousands of years."

"I'm looking forward to it too," admitted Luna, with a smile.

"Now enough of this serious chit chatter!" laughed Celestia, waving her hoof, dismissively, "Let's try the labyrinth. It's been ages." She caught Luna's eye. "I bet I can beat you to the centre!"

"You are on," grinned Luna, and they both sprinted over to the hedge maze, neither of them aware of who had been listening the whole time.

A royal christening? Discord thought, in disbelief, watching the two alicorns sprint off into the palace labyrinth, I can't believe it! They're having a party without me! I've never been so insulted in my life!