• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 4,464 Views, 241 Comments

Snowed In - malikvamp

AJ and Rainbow get stuck together after a freak snow storm. Alone. Humanized; Appledash.

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Chapter Five

Snowed In- Chapter Five

Montgomerey was the man’s name. The knife weighed heavily in his hand; heavier then he knew it should. Montgomerey stood alone in the small cabin’s living room, each breath a stabbing pain in his lungs as his shoulders rose and fell heavily. He’d lost more blood then planned. Maybe he went a little bit too far with the whole ‘faking his own injury’ plan. Maybe he went more than a little too far. Montgomerey’s plan was falling apart, and the dizzying sensation in his head was doing little to help.

He needed sleep, and recovery. In his current state there was a chance that, even with his favored weapon, he could lose a confrontation with his prey. Looking around the small room, across the crimson-stained carpet and blood bathed counters, Montgomerey knew that he had lost much more blood then planned.

The nauseating sensation that swam through his head was doing little to help. So much planning, all leading to this moment, and his plan was falling apart. He needed to lie down. To rest. To re-plan.

His hands shook with anger as Montgomerey came to the conclusion that he had lost- and to himself none the less! He had been foolish. But there was still time. The blizzard outside pounded angrily against the Apple Family cabin, and showed no intention of loosening any time soon. Time was in his favour. There was no way the authorities would dive into a blizzard like this, right?


A sly, crooked smile formed across Montgomerey’s face and he dropped the knife back into its cupboard, and turned back to his temporary room, his body shaking violently. He longed for the hunt; the screams and the struggling; but now was not the time. For now he would rest, in happy anticipation of what was soon to come.

After all, his ‘saviours’ had nowhere to run. All they could do was unconsciously await their pending doom.
. . . . .

Applejack’s heart beat like a thundering drum against her chest. The moment the bedroom door had closed behind the two friends, they had stopped dead in their tracks; time for second guessing.

The farm girl took a deep breath in. Then out. No; it was now or never.

Tightening her grip on Rainbows hand she took a step forward, towards her welcoming bed. Then another. And another, her closest friend in tow.

“Wait,” Rainbow’s voice cut the deafening silence like a hot knife through butter, and once again Applejack was frozen in place, heart planning its escape from her chest. “Applejack… what are you doing?”

Now or never, the farm girl thought, taking another step forward, ignoring the question and pulling a reluctant Rainbow forcibly. In the darkness of the room she could only make out shapes, but lucky for her, she had memorized the room after many years of experience with it. The way the roof had a slight curve to it, and how, if left alone for too long, the room would acquire a faint smell of pine. The way an old family photograph hung lopsided above AJ’s desk, and the exact placement of each and every creaky floorboard, which there happened to be quite a few of. The way her bed would fold around her when she dropped onto it, like an old friend giving a goodbye hug.
In truth, she couldn’t answer Rainbow’s question, for she had no answer to it. Applejack had no idea what it was that she was doing. Her heart raced, and each step forward felt like she was wearing lead boots, her mind spinning with unanswered questions. Now or Never.

Applejack had reached the bed, and with another quick tug of Rainbow’s hand the two fell onto its heavenly embrace; Rainbow had fallen on top of her friend.

“Kiss me?” Applejack whispered, a begging tone to her voice.

Neither girl could see one another, neither did they feel the need to. Body language gave their thoughts away. Applejack’s fingers scratched along Rainbow’s back, the latter too confused to move at all. Instead, the rainbow-haired girl just hung her shoulders in defeat.

“Applejack…” Rainbow began to pull away.

Immediately a pair of soft hands wrapped around the back of Rainbow’s head, diving into her hair hungrily and pulling her back down on top of her friend. “Please?”

“Stop,” Rainbow commanded, and Applejacks grip loosened slowly before her hands slid out of the rainbow mane, and flopped onto the bed beside her lifelessly.

Once again the room was bathed in silence. Rainbow Dash remained above AJ, her eyes desperately trying to adjust to the lack of light. For what seemed like a lifetime they remained like statues, simply waiting. Then, abruptly and loudly, a sniffing broke the silence. Rainbows stared in awe as Applejack stifled further outbreaks of emotion. Slowly, carefully, the athletic girl shifted her weight onto her left hand, and placed the other upon AJ’s cheek. The farm girl happily moved into the warm touch, pointedly facing her eyes away from Rainbow’s own.

Before Applejack could react, Rainbow Dash ran her thumb just below the girl’s eye. It was wet to the touch.

“You’re crying.”

“No, Ah’m not.”

“Yes,” Rainbow lowered her head to meet Applejack’s, their lips momentarily brushing, causing the blonde to inhale sharply. “You are.”

Applejack once again turned her face to the wall, mumbling under her breath. She couldn’t see it, but Rainbow was about 20% sure that a red hue had filled the farm girl’s cheeks.

“Don’t you grumble at me,” Rainbow flicked Applejack’s nose playfully before rolling from her position above the girl, and pulling her best friend into a tight hug, Applejack now on top. Somehow Rainbow managed to get the two of them beneath the blanket covers, both happily accepting the new wave of warmth. AJ couldn’t help but notice how close Rainbow’s lips were to her ear, and the way Rainbow’s breath danced across her neck each time the girl exhaled. “Apples, are you okay?”

“I-” Applejack paused, unable to lie to someone she cared for so dearly. She tightened her hug around rainbow, burying her face into the other girl’s nape. “No. I just… I wanted to make you happy- and- I thought…”

To AJ’s surprise, Rainbow chuckled lightly, her chest’s bouncing causing AJ to bounce with it. “Do you know what would not make me happy?” She didn’t give Apples a chance to answer. “A one night stand.”

“Ah wouldn’t-”

“Are you sure?” Rainbow’s hands playfully traced Applejack’s spine, slowly lowering to her waist. “You’ve been under a lot of stress lately, and people tend to do crazy things when under the influences of stress.” Rainbow wrapped her fingers around the base of AJ’s t-shirt. “Don’t get the wrong idea,” with a quick tug Applejack’s shirt slid easily up, revealing her bare back to Rainbow’s wandering hands. “I’d really like to, but… It’s different for me.”

Applejack’s eyes shot up to meet Rainbow’s, her brows crooked unhappily. “How so!”

“Because,” Rainbow kissed the other girl’s forehead with a slight giggle. “I’ve had a crush on you for a while.” Applejack was definitely blushing now. “I know my feelings for you are very, very real. But… it’s possible that you’re just looking for an escape, with all that’s going on. You said it yourself; it was a nightmare that provoked you into kissing me, right?”

AJ looked away sheepishly, before muttering quietly, “that part was a dream.”

The two welcomed the silence for a moment, but this time it was neither awkward nor hated. Instead, Applejack took the time to once again tunnel her face into the crook of Rainbow’s neck, taking a deep breath in. It was clear that Rainbow didn’t wear perfume or false scents at all. What Applejack smelled was pure Rainbow Dash, and the farm girl loved it. It reminded her of… a campfire. Warm, chasing away the darkness of the night, and giving off an aura of peace. Laying there in Rainbow’s arms, Applejack felt there was nowhere in the world she would rather be.

“My point is,” one of Rainbow’s hands found its way into Applejack’s golden hair, soothingly massaging the girl’s scalp, while the other continued to map out AJ’s lower back. “I don’t want you to do something you may come to regret one day. Even if a good majority of me is shouting to take advantage of the opportunity and make you moan my name all night long.”

Applejack’s cheeks practically radiated red in the dark, her heart skipping a beat. Not fair, Rainbow. In a momentary act of blind revenge, AJ bit lightly on Rainbow’s neck, hoping for a pained yip, or ‘ouch’ in response. Instead, Rainbow’s hands tensed, holding Applejack tight against her as a muffled moan escaped her lips.

“Not kool, AJ,” Rainbow sighed, “it’s hard enough to resist ya already.”

Again, silence, most welcomed. Their eyes were finally adjusting to the light, and Applejack could just make out some of the details of Rainbow’s body; thin, muscular, perfect.

“Rainbow,” AJ found herself kissing the girl’s neck again. “Ah’m sorry… I didn’t mean to tempt you. Thank you for thinking about me and all, but… will ya make me a promise?”

“Depends on the promise.”

“When ‘all this’ is all over,” Applejack wondered what ‘all this’ was, “if Ah still wanna give us a shot, can I?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow smiled warmly. “I’d like that.”

“Thank you.”

It was as if a heavy load had been lifted off of their shoulders as the two held each other contently. Like a chapter of a book had come to a close, and the next adventure would await until morning to show itself. Of course, as Rainbow began drifting to sleep, she realized the world just couldn’t be so kind to her.

“Ummm…” AJ poked Rainbow’s cheek, causing the rainbow-haired girl to peek one of her eyes open lazily.


“Can we still make out a little?” Applejack nibbled at Rainbow’s neck. “I mean, you already stole my first kiss.”

And just like that, all thought of sleep was wiped from Rainbow’s conscious.

“I stole it?” Rainbow mock angrily pushed Applejack away, much to the latter girl’s sadness. “It was kind of forced upon me.” Rainbow looked down into Applejack’s wide, teary, puppy dog eyes, somehow glowing a beautiful emerald green even in the darkness… “Oh fine. I suppose I can teach you a thing or two.”

“…and can I be on the bottom?”

Rainbow smiled, sliding her hands down to AJ’s hips and maneuvering until she found herself above the farm girl once again. “Fine.” Rainbow preferred being on top anyways.

“And…” Applejack’s voice grew timid, her eyes lowering down past Rainbow’s eyes. “Can I play with your boobs… if you can even call those little mounds boobs…?”

If anyone else had said it, Rainbow would have punched them out cold. Somehow, though, the tone in Applejack’s voice suggested that Rainbow’s body was exactly what she wanted. Rainbow found herself to be the one that was blushing for once. However, the multi-colored-haired girl decided that Applejack didn’t deserve to get an answer- at least, not an audible one. Sitting back onto AJ’s lap, Rainbow sat up tall, and removed her shirt before leaning back overtop her ‘best friend’.


So much for not getting physical.
. . . . .

In retrospect, maybe it wasn’t the best idea, but it was the only idea that they had, and they sure as hell were not going to sit back and wait for the blizzard to clear. The large jeep, white in color, was like a ghost in the night, blending in with the blizzard around it, angry winds pounding against the vehicle as it struggled forward. All around the vehicle the howls of the blizzard filled the night in deafening waves of sound; inside the vehicle not a sound was to be heard.

Behind the wheel was a stone faced Rarity, eyes ever vigilant on the nearly invisible road ahead. Behind her were Pinkamina Diane Pie and Fluttershy, eyeing the landscape in amazement.

“I…” Fluttershy whispered, breaking the stalemate in their unannounced version of the quiet game. “I can’t believe this is actually working.”

Pinkie jumped on the opportunity to speak. “Of course it is silly Willy! No natural force can stand against the power of our awesome friendship! Together, we are un-beatable!” Pinkie, caught up in the excitement of the moment, thrust a clenched fist into the air in a dramatic expression of her feelings.

Even Rarity cracked a grin at her friend’s obnoxious behaviour. Twilight, however, her gaze fixed upon the item held carefully in her hands, did not even stifle a giggle as Pinkie began to rant about the ‘magic of friendship’ or something ridiculous like that. No, instead the bookworm found herself lost in thought as her eyes unfalteringly examined the 9mm pistol, held like a fragile glass figurine in the palm of her hands.

“You can’t stop us!” Twilight’s voice echoed in her mind from a conversation not even two hours prior, taking place between herself and one Officer Brennan. “We’re going after our friends!”

The officer had followed them to the parking lot, and as Rarity’s jeep roared to life, approached them, demanding Twilight spoke to him.

“Stop you?” Brenan’s voice still seemed fresh in Twilight’s memories; still had the hint of a laugh behind it. “No. Help you.” The officer unclipped something from his belt, and held it out to Twilight. His firearm. “It is the least I can do. My job is to help people, and yet…”

He needn’t explain himself. The purple-haired girl understood perfectly. He couldn’t come with them- he was needed at the station- but he felt the need to do something; anything! Just like Twilight and the gang felt the need to ride into the blizzard in search of their friends. Twilight took the weapon, and it felt cold in her hands; the same way she imagined a corpse would.

“Thank you,” the words were still on her lips.

Rarity broke the recollection as she addressed her girl beside her. “What was that, darling? Thank me for what?”

“Rarity…” Twilight glanced to her left, making eye contact with the stunning young woman. Her grip on the pistol tightened, her fingers sliding into the neat grooves. “We’ll find them, right? And they’ll be okay?”

“Of course, darling,” Rarity smiled a smile that could melt a frozen heart, and turned her attention back to the wall of snow before her. “Like Pinkie said… there is not a force in the world that can stop true friendship.”