• Member Since 27th Jun, 2012
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I write pony words. Millions of them. Some people actually think they might be worth reading. I am very thankful for that. Also, I have a Patreon now?


This story is a sequel to The Storm and the Scorpion

The Storm King has been defeated, his former subjects are recovering, and the world is being rebuilt, trying to erase all evidence of his tyranny. The new chaos god, the sister of the Equestrian prince Antares, has left Equestria in an attempt to heal from the events of the war, and with the help of her friend, the former seapony Princess Skystar, she travels the world, hoping to find the peace she seeks, even if things do not go the way she hopes.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 42 )

Oh, this is gonna be gooood!!!

"If you're not talking, you're not swimming!"

I believe this sentence has one too many nots in it.

I'm really loking forward to seeing Kristen's development and seeing how she handles her brother.

I love how one story branched out into several different timelines. Bronywriter, you've shown a lot of flexibility in the worlds you have created from that one story. Always a pleasure reading!

I'm a little overwhelmed with all the spin-offs to the original story, so how do I get here?

Not a Brony -> Alicorn Princess -> Prince -> Storm and Scorpion -> Wanderings?

"We'll send her back a note," she said, waving her talons. "Besides, it'll be a lot like when I helped Twilight and her friends against the Storm King!"

But... She didn't, though? Twilight and Co. were locked up for the last book.

I would love to read more of these two! They have good chemistry, and I see a lot of potential world(re)building with them.

Yeah, I just started a job with a ton of free time (as in, I'll probably only do work work on the average day for maybe an hour out of a ten hour shift) so I should get a ton more writing done.

Is it fair for me to call Kristen....a little naïve.

I can understand her concerns about what her brother is doing and has become, but I think she is ignoring the extenuating circumstances: a war that nearly led to the destruction of one's kingdom would drive anyone (anypony) over the edge.

Yeah, for sure, but at the same time, it is her brother, and they are pretty close in age, so they were raised pretty much at the same stages at the same time. Practically twins. Seeing a person she knew so well turning into that would be hard.

Oooh a new chapter, now this is welcome surprise.

Kristen is showing her age and in for a rude awakening, when the things she do to help backfires. Becuse they most likly will backfire in some form or way.

Oh my.. I’d forgotten about the end of the storm king.

Glad to see more of this

"I mean, your brother is n't just letting all of them be in charge of themselves, right?"

Extra space in the "isnt'".

Isn't there an example on Earth of what this is a bad idea?"

Why this is.

I' can take good care of us.

Errant apostrophe.

I understand that connection all to well. My brother and I were 15 months apart but we never did anything with without the other being present. We had fight but we always forgave each other. The longest amount time we went without an apology to each other was an hour.

Now I fully support TD’s annexation, I’ve played enough war games such as Civilization, Total war, the Endless series, and Galactic Civilization in my life, to know that I am an imperialist warmonger with a heart of gold. Even if it takes two-three generations for the resentment of Klugetown to fade, their descendants will be better off then their predecessors. If TD can bring wealth, security, healthcare and education to these people why shouldn’t he. Things were likely to get better on their own in this twin or the bad lands unless someone intervened.

Kristen just doesn’t see the bigger picture, that’s okay she young. And it’s good she has her opinions, TD needs someone in his life to ground him.
But I would like to see her response when asked if things in Klugetown would have been better for the inhabitants and their children if Equestria hadn't intervened?
Because what’s more important the happiness of the current inhabitants that have lived their whole lives in squalor or the happiness of their descendants who will more than likely grow up with Equestrian standard living conditions?

The craziest part, though? The craziest part was the locals. Before they all seemed like there was anger bubbling underneath their auras. They looked like they were going to get in a fight at any moment. I would know: they threatened to kill TD and I when we where here last. Now they all just looked kind of... broken. None of them had any sparks of life in their eyes. They looked like zombies just kind of going through the motions of day-to-day actions.

The problem is the Equestrians way of 'helping' the people of Krugetown is to kill the culture and turn it into yet another pony city, with no regard as to what the natives actually want or need.

Yeah, this probably isn't what she was wanting to hear. It wasn't what I wanted to hear either

Are you sure about that?

It's hard to explain why I get that feeling, to be honest. I know Kristen is incredibly impulsive to begin with, but I can't help focusing on the fact that she asked absolutely no questions about what new rules the council was talking about, or what "staying in line" entailed. Nevermind the whole slavery thing in the last story. Plus, I'm admittedly prone to spite-logic myself and Kristen's musings feels a little familiar.

To be fair, she is the chaos lord. Going with impulses is part of the gig.

Yeah. Just my thoughts, you know? I'll find out eventually so I'm not thinking too hard.

We see the complex issues that result from building a new order post-war.

Let's see how TD deals with things not being so rosy.

That's a scary thought: Equestrians using occupation to enact vengeance.

"I hope not," Skystar said. "I don't think an entire species should be wiped out because of a war."

Ignorance is bliss when she doesn't know of the War of the Triple Alliance, where Paraguay lost up to 90% of its male population. Not species-wide, but good enough of an example.

This story resonates with my inner warlord so much. I’m of the opinion that Kristen is just naive. Granted she does realize that in time this civil unrest will no longer be an issue, I wasn’t expecting her to be that insightful.
I still think Antares is in the right. Just about everyone in Klugetown was an immoral no-good bastitch. Of course there unhappy living in a civilized society, but it’s a better environment for there kids to grow up in then a place that at best practices slavery.

If Kristen really wanted things to improve in Klugetown and wanted get her brother out of the funk she thinks he’s in. Then she should reunite with him that way not only could she...humanize her brother but pester him endlessly until the situation is better resolved.
Now I’ll give it to her that Antares didn’t come out of the war better off, it seems to have given his morality some very sharp edges. but I think her fears over whether or not Antares is still a good person is partly skewing her perceptions of his actions. She can’t seem to see any of his action in a positive light.

"I know, I know, and the Storm Creatures I killed were taking over Equestria," I muttered. "I get why all of that had to happen, but that doesn't make it any easier. I'll remember what happened to Tempest for the rest of my life. I'll always be able to hear her scream and see her face. For TD, though, he wouldn't have given it a second thought. He didn't really seem to care about what he did to the Storm King. It was just something that he had the right to do, or something like that. However he wants to justify it to himself. And that's the entire point, isn't it? all of this, everything I've seen him do in the past few years, it's freaking me out with how he justifies everything to himself. Nothing he does is bad because it's always for the good of Equestria."

I agree, Kristin. Perhaps locking up the Storm King, or giving him a painless death, might have been better.

But snubbing your brother isn't the answer. He is in a lot of pain. At least talk to him before you go on giving him the cold shoulder.

I know I’ve been critical of Kristen’s choices in my past comments. I still think Antares actions are justified in regards to Klugetown, but I do admit how he handled the punishments of certain individuals such as the Storm king, Capper and Verko was harsh.
But as of this chapter, I feel sympathetic to Kristen for the ordeal she is going through.

I feel bad I took so long to read this and I can tell that a lot of work was put into this. Shame there isn’t more comments as their should be.

Damn. This is a little hard to read. Having a friend who came back from the Marines all fucked up, and going through that rough time of reintegration and mental healing by his side with our other friends, days and nights with him where no one said anything and his mood was unstable, it's just like... damn.

Kristen isn't wrong; some of us couldn't take it and had to cut that friend. But I couldn't. I almost see her as betraying TD. But not quite.

How very Starlight Glimmer of them. :ajbemused:

For those confused, I added a bit last chapter about Kristen disguising herself. I felt like it worked out better.

Well, that explains it. You originally wrote it with Kristen as herself, then added in a bit about her disguising herself.

You see, you missed several places where “Scribe” refers to Antares as “my brother” and the local flunkies don’t bat an eye at what became “Scribe” making such an outlandish claim, instead of Kristen just stating commonly known fact. Now I know where that glitch came from. :rainbowwild:

Yay!!!!! So glad to see this once more.

I never get tired of the "my brother may be a god but I knew him before he was potty trained" outlook she has :rainbowlaugh:


Even if I become a billionaire, I still be the goofy kid to my siblings.


Kristen identifying as more Canadian really explains a lot of her feckless naivety

JBL #41 · Jan 5th, 2022 · · · Eden ·

Kristen is what you get when you watch too many superhero cartoons where the hero allows the villain to escape "until next time".

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