• Published 29th Aug 2018
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Those Forty Years - Spell Writer

After being trapped in the past by politics and new responsibilities, Twilight finds herself as the adopted mother of Luna and Celestia. This story is about those 40 years she took care of them. Sequel to My Faithful Student by me and FadFreaky

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Unity 9 - Show Me

"No one was on my side. No one. Not even my own brother. Do you know how that feels, Twilight? I just wanted a single friend. One. Sure, I liked the guy a bit. He was nice, pleasant to talk to, and easy on the eyes. But I did put my work first! I mean, I did my job to get the hero to that point! So what if I enjoyed a festival?" Unity grumbles aloud to herself.

Twilight sighs a little. "I don't think that was the problem, though. Wasn't it just because you interacted with the major actors in the world?" She says quietly. "Sometimes, rules can be unfair, but they're there for a reason."

Unity shrugs. "Probably. But they never bothered to explain it to me or my brother. It was just something that they assumed we already knew. Mom and Dad never taught us anything about the job. We showed up, Mom and Dad gave us basic instructions, and then they left to explore the cosmos! We weren't even a thousand years old at that point!" She says with a glare at the memory versions of her parents. "We haven't even seen them since then. No visits, no letters, not even a stupid magical sending spell!" She says as she kicks over the table in her memory out of frustration. The table flickers for a moment before it returns to its initial position.

Twilight sighs a little as she watches Unity's frustration. She feels for the spirit in some way. After all, she does remember how it felt to be written off by her close friends back at her brother's wedding. Twilight's experience with it was minimal, however. She had no frame of reference for being treated so poorly because of her position. Being the princess's student, then a princess herself, and finally the Queen of Equestria meant she had more ponies that preferred to brown-nose rather than oppose her through most of her life. "That doesn't mean you have to take it out on all of us. Even some of your children don't agree with you. For Faust's sake, you even encouraged them to do so." She says with a frown.

Unity sighs a little as she looks up into the dark void, the memory spell finally fading away little by little. "I know I'm doing the wrong thing, Twilight." She says with a quiet mumble. "I just don't care anymore. Making a world of pure harmony is all I want now. I want to do it to show everyone that harmony and good aren't supposed to be all about sacrifice. That even heroes and their supporters want some recognition." She giggles a little. "Why are the good guys always expected to do things out of the kindness of their heart? Because it's necessary?! Every world, every story, always has someone thrust into the hero thing because something horrible was going to happen, or something horrible happened to them!" She says as she gets in Twilight's face. "Even you didn't have a choice. You got yourself involved in saving your mentor, yes, but that was her entire plan from the start! In all the timelines, all the universes that you've seen, tell me. Twilight Sparkle. Tell me honestly. Did Celestia ever actually NEED your help?" Unity growls out as she glares at Twilight with blazing eyes. The memory spell suddenly rebuilds itself as the scenery shifts.

Twilight steps back and raises her head, looking down at the angry spirit. "I don't know." She says honestly. "Maybe? But does it matter in the end?" She says softly. "It's what I chose to do. Sure, I didn't sign up for the aftermath. I mean, saving Equestria every thirty seconds gets exhausting, and Tartarus, I'm getting way too old for this." She laughs, Twilight just smiling as she hijacks the memory spell. Scenes of her and her friends fighting against the various villains shine in the background. "But how about I teach you a lesson about heroism for once? Since you wanted to be one so badly." She says with a smile. "Your parents clearly didn't teach you what you needed to know. What kind of pony would I be if I didn't at least educate you a little bit." Twilight says smugly as the scene shifts to her and her friends relaxing at a picnic.

"Being a hero, yes it comes with ups and downs. It's something that will consume your life and take it places where you never wanted it to go. You'll have to fight and uproot your life over and over to protect ponies and, in your case, creatures that may never even care or recognize your efforts. Honestly, it's a pretty awful deal." She laughs a little to herself. "Even I've gone through a phase of questioning why I still do it. After all, my daughters would be even better at it than I am." She smiles and sighs.

"So why? Wouldn't it just be easier to fix everything at once rather than playing the reaction game? I mean." Unity shifts the memory spell to the reappearance of the Crystal Empire. "Destroying the Empire would have prevented the chaos of Sombra." She then moves the scene again. "As morbid as it is, destroying my brother's statue would have been prudent, too! And don't get me started about the Storm Kingdom!" She says with a snort. "So WHY? Why put everyone in danger when we could fix everything?! Why let monsters go free or try to fix their problems? Why not just have the elements blast them apart like they did Sombra?!" She says with a glare.

Twilight sighs a little. "Good doesn't exist in a vacuum. If you take away everypony's ability to make their own decisions to create harmony, you're effectively just enslaving at that point." She says with a sigh. "Ponies are naturally inclined towards harmony. We have that benefit compared to other creatures, even on Equus. It's special, but it also makes us easier to manipulate." Twilight says with a glare toward Unity. "We're trusting and loving and don't need some creature to force us to become even more like that. Nor do we want to push that on other creatures, either! Every creature, person, pony, griffon, and otherwise deserves to make their own choices. If they make the wrong choice, that's the bed they've made." Twilight then cuts Unity off as she's about to say something. "HOWEVER, that doesn't mean we can't forgive. Everyone deserves a second, third, and even fourth chance! Sure, at some point, there is a limit. But even you, Unity. Even a creature that's caused no end of undue pain and suffering has some good in you. The reason why the Elements destroyed Sombra is because he wasn't even a pony anymore. Darkness had entirely devoured his spirit and soul." She sighs a little

"Besides, I understand how you feel. It's a scary thing to be a mom for the first time. You don't want anything to happen to your family. But this isn't the right way to go at it!" Twilight says with a squint. "Trust in everypony! We can work through whatever is needed together rather than against each other. The wendigo won't be coming back anytime soon."

Unity closes her eyes. "We both know that Equestria is constantly in danger in the future Twilight. I haven't seen hide or hair of my descendants in any of your memories." She says quietly. "And you've traveled the world time and time again. I... I want to make sure they survive." The memory spell fades away as the pair quietly stands in the field. A breeze passes over them. The pair calmly look at each other as Twilight begins to speak.

"I'll make sure they're safe myself if needed. So please, Unity. I know that you didn't say anything before. But I know there's a glimmer of good in you." She says as she quietly mumbles. "I know there's a piece of you that wants to do the right thing. Someone that's just begging you to stop. If you're willing and listening to me." Twilight mumbles out. "Let's forget about all of this. Let's stop fighting and make Equestria a better place together." Twilight smiles as she holds out her hoof towards Unity. "The right way. As friends."

Unity quietly stands in the field. She was staring at the ground, quietly thinking to herself.

What should she do? Can she trust Twilight? No. She knows she can trust Twilight.

But she can't trust everypony else, not after everything Unity has seen. There's too much she doesn't know. There's too much unknown to believe in something so idealistic. But at the same time. She doesn't want to discredit Twilight, either. "No. But. I will give you a chance, Twilight." Unity says as she suddenly clashes her bare hoof against Twilight's shield. "Show me instead."

Twilight blocks the attack with ease. It's weak, very weak. Unity wasn't even trying anymore. It's almost as if the spirit wanted to lose now.

"Show me that Ponies can protect their own. Twilight, show me you're willing to do what needs to be done. Show me that you have half the resolve of your friend. You better be able to beat me when I'm holding back this much, right?" Unity says as she makes her hoof glow with magic as she continues her assault on Twilight's shield. "Just fight Twilight. I can trust you, but I must see that you can protect everypony. Show me that strength that you've grown with." She says as she flips over the shield and lands behind Twilight. "I know you have it. You've been holding back since the start because some part of you wanted me to go with you." She says with a giggle. "I'm not part of this story, Twilight Sparkle, but I am part of it in the future." She says with a chuckle. "So let's play this out until the end. Come and beat your villain hero."

Twilight's heart drops a little bit. "You figured it out, too, then?" She says quietly.

Unity weakly smiles and tilts her head. "You've been trying to meddle with everything, ya know. I had a feeling you'd try to do something about me, too. But unlike Luna, I'm not worth the effort, Twilight. I don't get to have a chance at redemption. I don't have a place in this world." She dryly says as she lets a tear fall. "The other spirits were right. My parents would be so disappointed with me. I've gotten too deep into this world now." Unity says to herself as she glows her horn gently.

Twilight closes her eyes. "It doesn't have to be this way, Unity. We can figure something out."

Unity shakes her head in response, puffing her chest out. "Don't worry, Twilight. As the spirit of harmony, to defeat the great monster known as Unity. You have my support." She says with a smile as she flies up. "Goodbye, old friend."

As she says that, the rustling and movement of the ground finally reaches them. The small army of ponies, with Celestia and Luna at the front, get to the battlefield. Only to see three large flying machines appear in the sky. Unity is putting on her best evil face. "It's over Twilight! I hope you're ready to take on the combined force of technology several eons ahead of yours!" Unity then shouts, commanding the literal spaceships. "FIRE!" Two ships then fire thin, powerful beams of hot plasma while the third begins to charge up. A loud, piercing noise rang out as it began to charge up its powerful cannon. Twilight's shield quickly enlarges as she protects herself and the ponies behind her.

Twilight grunts. "Unity! It doesn't have to be this way!" She says, "We can still figure something out!" She says worriedly.

Unity smiles. She loved that Twilight was still trying, but this was her destiny. "I'd worry about yourself, Twilight." Under her breath, Unity mumbles wordlessly to herself. "Support approved. Let's give them one last show. Increase bravery."

A surge of energy begins to flow through the shield as all the unicorns in the army begin to support their Queen with their magic. Pegasi, Yak, Griffons, and even a few dragons push on the shield to help with the pressure.

Unity then continues speaking to herself. "Support Approved. Increase will and resistance."

Twilight then feels a surge of energy flows through her. Reminiscent of when she used the rainbow form against Tirek for the first time. All that power and energy from friendship and magic. The shield cracks and breaks, but the surge of magic suddenly restores it to pristine condition. Twilight mumbles, "I'll find a way to save you, Unity. One day."

Unity smiles quietly to herself. "Okay. Final Support. Unlock the power of friendship." She says as she uses the last bit of energy, she has to empower Twilight and the other 'heroes' fully. A smile creeps on Unity's face as she sees Celestia and Luna quickly crash towards their mom. The trio glowed brightly. "Yamato cannon. FIRE!" Unity shouts, the final machine blasting a firey plasma ball into the shield.

The shield wildly sparks and shudders under the weight of the attack. Unity yelling out, "DO IT TWILIGHT!"

Twilight closes her eyes. "Two friends in one day." She scoffs at herself. "This is gonna take some therapy." She then glows her horn as the shield hardens, the plasma from the machine quickly being absorbed into the barrier as heavy vibration rings outwards. The pulse knocked Unity out of the sky and launched her far away. The pulse continues to ring out as it destroys all the flying shiplike machines, each cracking and shuddering as they fall apart in fiery explosions, disappearing into sparkly magic. A loud, piercing noise rang out, deafening all the creatures in the area briefly, aside from Twilight and her daughters.

Celestia and Luna's jaws drop as they see the spell's result. "Woah. That was. Kinda crazy." Celestia says with a cough. "Can you teach me that?"

Twilight giggles. "Sorry, sweetie. You may be my adoptive daughter, but that was something special that my brother gave me for a rainy day. I can't use it again." She says quietly.

Luna watches the shield slowly fall apart before it shatters into light. "That's a shame. So what about Unity? You think she's well. Ya know?"

Twilight sighs. "She wants me to finish this myself as myself. So. Since I always do this with others. Want to come?" She says with a smile towards Celestia and Luna. The two curiously look at each other before nodding.

Twilight smiles. "Alright." The trio then flew towards where Twilight's spell sent Unity flying. Celestia and Luna were quick to notice Twilight's mood, however.

Celestia would speak up after a moment. "Mom? Are you alright?"

Twilight looks over to Celestia. "Right now? Yes." She says quietly. "But don't ask me again in five minutes."

The trio land at their old castle, the decrepit building still falling apart as a brick lands near them. Even just stepping around it seems dangerous to a degree. Expecting to go inside, Celestia and Luna begin stepping towards the building. However, Twilight takes a sudden turn, instead walking down a natural staircase leading towards the ravine that opened around the castle. The two sisters curiously followed their silent adoptive mother, who began to walk through the gorge for a short while. Finally, the trio arrives at a cave. Twilight sighed a little bit. "Celestia, Luna. I want to ask that you two wait out here. However, I know that you two won't listen. So it's just me asking rather than telling. You're free to join if you like. I won't stop you." She then goes inside the cave without a word more.

Celestia and Luna, of course, enter the cave. They don't want Twilight to fight Unity on her own! They aren't going to let her make that same mistake!

The trio finds Unity in the back of the cave, quietly sitting on a stone. The blast had gravely injured the spirit. Even with an untrained eye, it was evident that she was no threat to anyone. Twilight raises a wing and motions for the two sisters to stop as she walks forward. Unity giggles quietly. "Couldn't convince them, eh? Fair enough." She says quietly. "At least my children aren't here to see this." She says with a giggle.

Twilight smiles softly. "Yeah. I wish we could do this another way."

Unity tilts her head. "Hey. I'm just glad I'm useful even in the future." She says proudly. "Sorry for all the trouble." She says as she stands up. "Alright. Let's not get too sappy. Sides. You have another friend to worry about. One that is worth way more than me." She weakly smiles, grunting as her leg gives out under her. "Hey Twilight. You think that in another life, we were close friends, right?"

Twilight nods as she glows her horn with unrivaled, powerful magic. "Yeah, I do."

Unity laughs a little bit to herself. "Life is so unfair. Why do they get to have all the fun, right? I mean, think about it. There's a version of us out there just having frozen yogurt or something instead of... this." She says as she falls to the ground. Laying on her side. Weakly panting. "Totally unfair."

Twilight grimly looks away. "Alright. It's ready." She says quietly.

Unity grins. "Come on. Not even a response? You're hurting my cold, calloused heart here, Twilight." She says with a cheeky smile. "I'll be watching Twilight. I will be back someday. We can catch a movie and eat some pie then. SOOOO, save me a seat." she says as the spell envelops her. A bright light suffuses the cave, blinding all inside.

When the spell lifts. Unity is gone. All that is left is just a crystalline tree. Gently waiting.

Gently watching over all of Equestria.

Author's Note:

Yeee there's a little bit of Passive Voice here. Trying to use it properly (Because there are times to use it!) The learning process in all.

And yes. Unity is using Voyager, the Enterprise, and a Battlecruiser from Starcraft.

Because she's Discord's brother, she's been to all those worlds where his voice actor was~!

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