• Published 3rd Sep 2018
  • 4,695 Views, 101 Comments

One Last Ride - Hasty Revision

Spike is growing up, slowly but surely. Age comes with benefits but some things get left by the wayside. Especially when it starts to hurt somepony's back.

  • ...

One Last Ride

The summer sun was just passing its highest point when Twilight walked out of the quill and sofa shop with a brand new batch of quills in tow, and her number one assistant flapping along at her side, trailing a lengthy scroll behind him.

“We are way of ahead of schedule!” Twilight beamed as she put the new quills into her saddlebags. “Don't you just love it when a plan goes smoothly?”

“Gee, I'm not sure.” Spike smirked. “It happens so rarely. I dunno if I can really have an opinion on it yet!”

Twilight rolled her eyes but didn't lose her smile. “Oh come on, Spike, it's not like we get into some big mess every time we step out the door.”

“That's how it usually starts.”

“I think you're exaggerating.”

“I'm just saying...” Spike swerved directly over her, plopped himself down on her back, and shrugged. “Weird stuff happens to us.”

“Oof!” Twilight sagged under his weight and straightened her legs with a bit more effort than usual. “You're getting too heavy for this.”

Spike rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. “Heh heh, uh, sorry about that. In my defense, I did eat a big pile of rocks for breakfast.”

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes good-naturedly while she broke into a trot off towards the castle.

“What's next on the list?”

Spike ran his quill down the list past numerous checkmarks and saw that they were all the way down to the triple checking of the checklist. He rolled his eyes and checked it off. “That was it. Just back to the castle.”

“Wow! We really are doing well!”

“Y-yeah, I guess so. We got done nice and, er, fast.”

“Is something wrong?” She shot a look back over her shoulders. “Did you think of something we forgot to put on the list?”

Spike looked down at the end of the list. It hadn't been the longest one they'd done, not by a long shot. That checklist from the time Twilight had freaked out about missing a friendship report was a whole third the length of this one longer. The less said about the list for the Friendship Festival the better. And the school. Sweet Celestia, the school's construction checklist had three volumes. Still, he could think of one thing that applied to this list that made it unique.

“Yeah. Sorta." His voice lost a little volume and almost all its enthusiasm. “'Give Spike his last ever ride',” he said as though reciting from the list. “Just another minute and we can check that- whoa! Er, Twilight?”

Twilight's gait had dropped from brisk trot to dead stop in one second flat. She stood stock still in the middle of the road like she'd just walked up to the edge of a cliff.

“Twilight? Are you okay?” Her magical aura took hold of her saddlebags and lifted them just off her back. A small flash of light and sizzle of magic and they were gone. “Uh, where did-?”

“To the castle,” she said. “I don't actually need to carry them all the way there. Besides, there's nothing perishable in them.” She made a sharp right turn and trotted off down a side street that lead as directly away from the castle as possible.

“Where are we going?”

“The castle. Eventually. We're just taking the scenic route.” A twinge of guilt twisted in Spike's gut. Why couldn't he have just kept his mouth shut?

“Is this because of what I said? You don't have to--”

“Yes,” Twilight said shortly. “Yes, I do.”

“But there are still things to do at the castle. What about the evening checklist?”

“Forget the checklist!” Her voice had an edge to it that she normally reserved for a crisis or at least a moderate freakout.

“Forget the-?” Now Spike knew something was wrong. Twilight Sparkle did NOT skip out on a checklist. “Look, just forget I said anything, okay? It was stupid. You don't have to do this for me.” Twilight's trot slowed to a walk and finally to a stop.

“Spike.” The edge was gone. She sounded almost… wistful? “I'm not doing this just for you.” Spike swallowed nervously. Twilight was acting like she was really upset. He hadn't meant to make her feel so bad. It wasn't like it was her fault he'd hit this growth spurt.

“Then… why are you doing it?”

“Don't you get it? If this is your last time riding me that means that-” her voice caught and she had to clear her throat before she could try again. “If this is your last time riding me then that means this is my last time carrying you.”

A lead weight landed in Spike's stomach. He hadn't thought of it that way. He hadn't even thought she would mind.



“I… I'm gonna miss this, Twilight.”

“Yeah. I'm gonna miss this, too.”

Spike blinked against the stinging in his eyes.


He straightened up and set his jaw. Not like this.

“Well? What are we waiting for?” he said. Twilight looked over her shoulder into his now determined eyes, her own just starting to shine with tears. “You're right, Twilight. Forget the checklist!” He held it up and blew a bright green flame over it that reduced it to ash. “Forget everything!” He tossed the quill aside. “It's just you and me so let's go! Just like old times.” He grinned at her fiercely, showing just about all of his pointed teeth.

Twilight stared back for a moment until a smile crept across her muzzle. “Yeah. Yeah, why not? Just like old times!” She looked forward and ducked her head low.

“On your mark!” Spike began. Twilight pawed at the dirt. “Get set!” She shifted her back legs, digging in her hooves. “Go!” She reared back with a whinny, kicking her forehooves and flaring out her wings. The moment her hooves hit the dirt she was off like a shot. Spike hung on tight, laughing like a young foal having his first piggyback ride.

Tomorrow he'd have to start walking beside her. Tomorrow he'd have to start acting his age before he gave her back problems. But today, just for one last afternoon, he could be a silly little kid for a little longer.

If only it could last forever.

Author's Note:

Just a little something that came to me this week and actually got to a state I'd call finished. The number of stories I have in horribly incomplete, un-publishable states is infuriating. That said, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

Comments ( 101 )

An absolutely beautiful slice of life.

Very sweet.

The title reminds of a song from Hamilton musical. "One Last Time"

PiMan #4 · Sep 3rd, 2018 · · 1 ·

Incidental spoilers for "Molt Down".

Spoilers entirely revealed by the story's picture?

“Forget the checklist!”

And that's how we know this is a fanfic.

Seriously though, a nice bit.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

I can't say I've heard of it. I hope it's a good association.

...Yeah, I probably should have thought of that. In my defense, it was well past midnight in my timezone when I decided to post.

It could happen. Maybe. Possibly. I also considered her hastily drafting a new checklist on the spot.

Regardless, I'm glad you liked it.

I simply love this story!

Thank you, it's nice to see it's going over well.

Don't worry about it too much. Most fanfic readers who aren't up to date on episodes were probably spoiled around the time the episode came out thanks to so many new/featured stories using his wings as a cover image.

You're right, I forgot about one possibility...

Another great little piece you did! Liked it! :twilightsmile:

Thank you. I didn't expect this to get so much attention with how simple it is.

Wow, straight to the choke hold. Twilight doesn't mess around.

I suppose that's true. Honestly, if someone is trying to avoid spoilers, going to a fan fiction site is probably the worst possible thing they could do.

I'm probably going to Tartarus for this. Great (and sad) story.

My story ideas seem to be leaning a bit sad recently. This one isn't as sad as that song though. At least, I don't think it is. Did I go overboard?

It is tempting to answer with another song, in this case Metallica's Sad But True. :) Well, considering growing up in "Wonder Ponyland" aka Equestria is probably still a bit less hard than growing up as a human on earth, you may be right.

Well, he is a dragon in a country of ponies. That might increase the difficulty a little. The events of his birthday for example or the fact that he's always one sneeze away from destroying somepony's property. He'll have to walk on eggshells when he grows up.

Seriously, I often think Twilight is pretty much Spike's adoptive mother.

I've never been able to quite pin down how I'd define their relationship. The best that I've been able to come up with is that it's complicated, occasionally rocky, but always there.

Which I guess is the best case scenario one could reasonably hope to call "family".

Mommy Twilight stories make me smile.:twilightsmile: I know you didn't explicitly state this to be such, but that is how I see it. Excellent work.

This was a great little story. I like seeing the sweeter side of their relationship. I always pictured Twilight hoovering between Spike's mom and Spike's older sister. I know she calls him her Number one assistant and he does a lot of work, but chores are something all kids do in their life. I also know loving parents will at times call their child their number one helper or something along those lines every so often when their kid's helping them with something. :twilightsmile: :moustache:

A happy little story.
I like it.

Much like the show itself, it's open to interpretation. I'm glad you liked it.

Thank you. It looks like it can be read as either happy or sad. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

well, yes. It's quite sad at the same time.

His "number one assistant" title always felt like that sort of affectionate nickname to me. Like it started out as a game to fit quality time with him into her busy study schedule one day and then stuck. Thanks for reading.

Short and lovely.

This comment could be a story all it's own.

I'm glad you liked it.

Also, nice avatar.

You might have a point there. I'm sure someone has already explored that sort of theme somewhere on this site.

Tomorrow, the world continues.

But, tonight, the world ends. :pinkiesad2:

Aw! That was really cute.

A few years later, maybe Spike can return the favor by carrying Twilight around for a change.

I'm glad you liked it. Also, I'm tempted to try writing that now. That and about a thousand other things that refuse to get finished.

"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine."

Song reference aside, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.

But today, just for one last afternoon, he could be a silly little kid for a little longer.

That line reminds me of this scene from Recess School's Out.

As kids we all wanted to grow up faster, yet, as adults. We all want to return to the simple and innocent days of childhood.

One last adventure before the world catches up with them. If only they could stretch it a little further. This was a lovely piece.

awwwwwwwwww :applecry: that was so sad, yet so cute at the same time

OH yes! It's the best musical ever created. You should definitely watch it.

Hi ho, Twilight, Away!:twilightsmile:

A sweet and fluffy piece. It's quite lovely. :twilightsmile:

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