• Published 4th Sep 2018
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Pinkie Pie's Enchanted Orphanage: - Ponyess

Pinkie Pie takes over an orphanage in the assumed name Diane Pie. Naturally, she will have to enact a few critical changes. This is the Tale of the girls living there as sisters

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Prologue and Entrance Fee: 1


My parents are dead, and I have no next of kin; I am utterly alone and have none to care for me. I can't say that I had hated my parents, or disliked them, by any means. With that said; this is a sad day and a tragedy to me.

The acting police had taken me to the nearest orphanage. There is little to nothing I could tell you about this event; I had been broken down and devastated. I sit in the back of a police vehicle, with an officer by my right side. It is all routine, what had you been expecting?

If the deaths of my parents had been a crime; they had either overseen me or simply failed to take me, before the police had picked me up to the local daycare center.

When I arrive, I am facing a heavy stainless steel gate. I hear the gate open and the vehicle is continuing to the central main building. I find myself in a garage, where no sun can be seen.

A heavy stainless steel door slides up before the officer opens the door on my side and I step out. I have nothing but the clothes on my back. Maybe I should have had a memento or something personal with me; but I had no such thing with me on the daycare center.

In place of the heavy oaken floor and solid beech-wood panel walls; I am faced with pink plastic floor and pink wallpapers. Little did I know it is not actual plastic or paint; this is smooth rubber in the patron's colour.

There are two doors, to the right and left. The right door in apple-wood is open and invites me to an office. In the middle of the room, I could see a desk in apple-wood.

I am signed in, without any further ceremony. At least, now I do have a home with a roof over my head and food on the table.

Since the heavy stainless steel door on the front is locked and the room is empty; the door facing me as I am lead out of the room is now open. I continue down the short all to a new door.

“Greetings; I am Ellie the Waitress!” a voice pronounces; just as I enter the small room, at the end of the hall.

“Hiya, Ellie!” I mumble in response, with little to no expectation of care of a response.

“Not used to a talking or talkative elevator!” the effeminate voice inquires.

“No, what is the use? I am just a little girl, I am lost and alone!” I respond.

“Consider yourself found; and alone, no longer!” she responds.

I am imagining this, talking to myself!” I ponder.

After about a minute in the elevator, I reach the destination; in the basement, below the din of the city. The door of the elevator slides up and I spill out into an entirely new world, I had never seen.

I step out onto the floor. There is a mate black carpet on the floor and I find myself stepping onto it. Just a moment later, the carpet starts to move along the floor of the very long hall. The carpet stops, before a door on the other end. I continue into the next room. It proves to be a new elevator. Though this is quiet.

After yet another elevator ride, I spill out in the hall before me. Second floor.

One door on my right happens to be open, so I step in. Inside, I find a double bed. The bed closer to the door is apparently not in use, there is nothing on the night stand.

“Welcome home, dear Sweetie Belle!” a voice pronounces, just as I had closed the door behind myself.

“I am, Sweetie Belle?” I exclaim, unsure of everything; “I guess I am supposed to give up the tragedy behind me, and adopt a new life given to me!” I realize.

“Your sister Apple Bloom will be home, soon!” the voice of Ellie points out.

“Is Apple Bloom the name of the girl who sleeps in the other bed?” I inquire.

“Yes, that is quite correct!” Ellie responds; “She will be your sister!” she then adds.

“I never had a sister, and my family is dead!” I point out.

“Sometimes, life sucks; that is when Diane picks you up, to lift your spirits!” the voice responds, in reverence.

“I certainly could use some cheering up, right now!” I respond, with a moan.

“It is a tough experience, when you fall onto the ground; your kin is dead and you are left all alone! I can't change the past, but I can help you change your future for the better!” she points out, matter of fact.

“I am Sweetie Belle, and my sister is Apple Bloom?” I mumble to myself, as I try to see the photo in the frame on my sister's night stand.

There is the face of a little girl, just like me in the frame; only she has sanguine hair, pointy equine ears and a diminutive muzzle. There is also a large, red bow behind her head.

As I pick up the framed photo and incidentally press the name tag at the bottom of the frame, she responds; “I am Apple Bloom, I really hope you are my sister; since I have lived here alone, for a year!”

I hastily put the frame where I found it.

Do I want to be her sister?” I ponder; not realizing how I had pronounced the words loud enough, for Ellie to pick up on my quandary.

“I suggest you go to your wardrobe, and try your new clothes on!” Ellie responds, as if on cue.

“I have a wardrobe, and with my very own clothes?” I inquire.

“Indeed, you do; the wardrobe directly behind your bed!” she enlighten me;

“I guess I could as well see for myself, regardless of if I believe or trust the person behind the voice!” I respond.

Naturally, there are two pairs of doors at the foot end of the double bed. One is marked Sweetie Bell, and the other is marked Apple Bloom. I notice the curious pattern of a little filly on the respective pair of doors; corresponding with the wardrobe belonging to the two girls.

Sweetie Belle is the white unicorn with a purple mane and tail!” I ponder.

“I love her mane!” I squee; with a hint of a giggle, to her voice.

I have a double mirror, glued to the backs of the right and left doors in my wardrobe; just as I have a poster of Sweetie Belle on the back of my wardrobe. The Sweetie Belle on the poster looks like a girl, not too different from myself. On the poster, she is wearing a top and a skirt. Otherwise; the girl is perfectly and completely nude, in the image.

On the bottom of the wardrobe, I have a pair of shoes on the right, and a stack of bright pink socks that appears to be in my size. At first, I had expected the socks to be white cotton; but on closer inspection, they are pink latex rubber of the local variety, clearly moulded and highly detailed and right toe socks.

I find a stack of panties, matching the socks on a shelf a foot above my socks.

The top and skirt comes as a matching set, for a girl my age.

This should be all the clothes I would need, indoors!” I ponder.

I pick up a pair of panties, examining them closely; these do look fairly comfortable! Good thing I am alone, right now!” I ponder.

I leave the chosen pair of panties on the top of my bed, before I could do anything else. I can't try out these clothes; before I had slipped out of what I wear, and stripped naked.

Where do I hide my old clothes; while I try these out, just in case I want to keep them?” I ponder.

“You have a set of boxes, for storing the few personal effects you may have!” Ellie points out, as if she had known what I had in mind.

Since the door behind me is closed, and none is expected to show up any time soon; I choose to undress, in order to try out the clothes I had found in the room I had been given. If this is indeed my room and these clothes are mine; I need to try them out, in order to fit in with the girls here.

I slowly and hesitantly pull my top, up over my head and place it in the box; before I slip the skirt down and place that, on top of the top. Now I slip my feet out of my shoes and place them in the second box; before I pull my socks off of my feet and slip them neatly into my shoes.

Once I have slipped out of my panties, I am finally nude and alone in the room. Now I once more pick up the panties, I have been imparted with; as I move into the room and becomes Sweetie Belle and the sister of my new roommate, Apple Bloom.

Stepping into the panties was easier, than I had expected. The material is slippery and smooth; originally cold to the touch, but warms up faster than I had expected. A moment later, the panties are matching the temperature of my most intimate skin and slips out of focus so that I barely know I am wearing them.

Now I return to the wardrobe and extract the first skirt and step into it, tentatively tugging it into place; before I extract the top and slip that down over my head and tug it into place. Maybe I am a bit more of the original Sweetie Belle, than I could have been expecting; despite the fact that I never had even heard of her before, in my entire life.

If I do need to wear the socks, but I could as well try them out just for the fun of it!” I ponder; as I extract the socks right and left, slipping them on in turn.

The smooth material of the socks reaches me up, halfway up to my knees.

As fun and exciting as the shoes may look; I think I can let them wait, for now!” I ponder.

Just as I am about to step back and close the wardrobe; I am reminded of the picture of Apple Bloom, as I see the accessories corresponding with what she was wearing on the photo.

“Oh!” I exclaim, as I take a step forwards and reach for the pair of equine ears.

I place the ears, where I think they should be on the top of my head; before I pick up the diminutive muzzle and press it into place over my own, human lips.

I feel the rubber sticking to my skin, as the accessories are blending in with my skin; as my human ears are melting away. I almost scream in shock and surprise, but stop myself.

Then I notice the silicon white, rubber horn and place it onto my forehead; more for the fun of trying it, than any expectation of it actually fitting or being truly magic in and of itself.

“Oh, curious!” I exclaim, in hushed and breathless syllables.

The seams between my flesh and the rubber had melted away in a few short instants. I could feel the touch, if I touch my muzzle or my equine ears. I can even move my ears, as if I had been born with them. I turn to the mirror, as I am blinking; once, twice and thrice, yet the image remains unchanged and the equine modifications of me refuses to go away.

“You look, exactly like Sweetie Belle, now!” Ellie points out.

I look at my reflection, then at the poster; then I shift focus back and forth; once, twice and thrice.

“I guess I am Sweetie Belle, then!” I respond.

Then it hit me, my previously grey eyes, had shifted over to the green hue of Sweetie Belle in the poster. I am the white marshmallow pony in human flesh.

I step back and close the doors to the wardrobe and continue towards my new bed. Now I focus and feel a faint spark; as a green orb of magic light lights up at the tip of my horn, growing and intensifying as I focus. As my focus is reaching the threshold, the light flows down the length of what is now my horn; before I reach out and close the two boxes and push them in under my bed. With that, I leave my background behind for now.

I embrace my new identity; Sweetie Belle and my sister Apple Bloom. At least, I am no longer alone and abandoned. I have a family and a home.

While I guess I could have chosen, to try to pull of any of the accessories and take of my new clothes; I had chosen to accept my name and everything that comes with it now. If I would have managed, to pull any of them off; I have no idea, and I certainly do not care, right now. Why?