• Published 5th Sep 2018
  • 1,322 Views, 12 Comments

A Sharp Pain - FandorkOfEverything

Gallus loves his sister and his friends, but he misses his childhood best friend. He may get the chance to see him, but his health may be at risk.

  • ...

Thank You For Helping Me

/Avery's P.O.V/

"Wake up!" I screamed at the sudden jolt of being awaken, I looked up to see Starglow and I sighed in relief. "Your scream's very high-pitched." I rolled my amber eyes at that remark and shoved her off my bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a yawn. I am so not a morning pony, like Twilight and Starglow are. Lucky me.

"C'mon, we have to go see Gallus." At that comment, I jumped straight up, somehow managed to brush my unmanageable insanely curly green mane, which is worse than Pinkie Pie's mane, and Starglow and I went to go find Twilight.

"Mom!" Starglow called out, skiing to a halt once she saw the purple alicorn. Twilight pulled out a watch and looked surprised.

"That's a new record." Twilight said, amazed. I raised an eyebrow, slightly amused.

"Did you time how long it would take me to wake her up?" Starglow asked and Twilight smirked.

"Maybe…" I giggled at Twilight's response, causing her to glare teasingly. "What? You like that?" She wrapped her hooves around me and messed with my mane.

"Hey, Twilight! Let me go!" I giggled, attempting to get out of Twilight's grasp.

"What, you don't like to have fun, Ave?" Starglow asked with a smirk.

"Not this early in the morning!" I exclaimed, finally managing to stay still long enough for a teleportation spell, I disappeared and reappeared behind Starglow. I spun around in a circle and grinned. "Ha! Boom goes the dynamite!"

"Okay, come on you two." Twilight ushered us along to the hospital to see Gallus, whom none of us had seen since Fireheart, Flame, and Viola rushed him to the hospital after I needed some much needed alone-time and my friends freaked out. Understandable, but I can take care of myself.

As we were walking to the hospital, I looked to Twilight. She looks so elegant with her Alicorn wings and horn. I can't believe that I was so lucky to have her as an adoptive mother. Even though I can't call her mom yet. It's not that I don't want to. It's that I'm afraid to. I know once I get close to someone, I'll lose them. I lost my parents, and my baby brother. I don't want to lose Twilight, or Starglow. Any of them, really. It's a stupid fear, but I can't help it.

"Avery!" I was hugged— no, attacked by Fireheart, who have me a huge yak-crushing hug.

"Fireheart… I…... Need…... To breathe…." I managed to get out, and she hugged me for two more seconds before letting go.

"Sorry, I just haven't seen you that often and yesterday was under," She put in an obvious fake cough. "Unfortunate circumstances." I half rolled my eyes at that.

"I know, but they said he'll be fine. Come on now!" I exclaimed, trotting into the hospital waiting room. I knew very well that Fireheart was not talking about Gallus.

I looked around and saw Flame, Viola and Silverstream. I was about to call out, then I remembered that Flame couldn't hear, so I walked over towards them. Flame waved when he saw me, I could sense some joy in his emerald green eyes.

"Any news?" I asked Silverstream and she shook her head.

"His doctor said we could go see him in a few minutes." She responded and I nodded. "Ocellus, Sandbar and Yona all went to go get food for the rest of us and I assume that Smolder went with them, though she could be in the nursery scaring newborn foals." I narrowed my eyes at that statement. "Yeah, I don't know." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Ookay then…" I told her, giggling. Smolder is certainly…. What's the word…? Interesting. Yeah, that's the word.

"You're up early." A new voice joined the conversation. I turned around and saw Sandbar. He was accompanied by Ocellus and Yona, Smolder was nowhere in sight. Yep. Definitely scaring newborn foals.


"Ah, that's explains it. There are times where you come off as a raging monster in the morning. Starglow's the only one you won't attempt to kill." Sandbar commented and I rolled my eyes, slightly amused.

"Glitter bucket." Ocellus commented, sitting next to Silverstream.

"Oh, dear Celestia, don't remind me!" I half-laughed, covering half of my face with my hoof.

"Don't remind who about what?" Twilight asked, walking up with Starglow.

"Glitter bucket." Silverstream and Ocellus giggled at the thought.

"That was great!" Starglow laughed at the memory. "In my defense, I did not know that Aunt Pinkie Pie used it beforehoof."

"Mmmm-hmmm." Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona, Silverstream, Twilight and I said in usion.

"What?! I didn't!" Starglow exclaimed, causing me to giggle.

"I'm still washing glitter out of mane, mind you." I told her and she rolled her green eyes.

Before she could respond, the orange unicorn from yesterday walked up to us.

"Okay, only half of you can follow me, we don't need the room crowded." She told us, kindly. It was decided that Twilight, Silverstream, Sandbar, Viola and I would go in.

"Hey there," Twilight smiled at the fifteen-year-old, who looked annoyed, probably just wanted to go home. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I wanna go home." He stated and Twilight smirked slightly.

"Well, you can. As soon as Doctor Florence Nightengale checks you out." Twilight commented. Ohhhh, so that's the orange pony's name. Good to know!

"Are you okay?" Sandbar asked, and Gallus huffed, knowing what was coming.

"I'll live." He grumbled and Sandbar smiled for a moment. A moment.

"Okay good." He then looked at him sternly. "Are you crazy?! Do you know that you could've gotten killed?! If not by that Timberwolf, then from you not telling us that something's wrong! If Fireheart and Flame hadn't saved you and Avery hadn't come back to tell us, who knows what kind of state you'd be in!"

"Sorry." Gallus murmured, slight humor in his eyes.

"You scared us half to death! Apology accepted!" Sandbar took and deep breath and shook his head. "Now that I got that out of the way, how are you really feeling?"

"Sore." He grumbled, I could tell he didn't want to share what he was feeling.

"That's to be expected." I commented.

"Can I ask you something?" Silverstream questioned and all of us were silent. "Why did you keep your injury a secret from us?"

Gallus sighed, closed his eyes and then looked at her. "At Griffonstone, if you showed pain, you were considered weak. If you pulled through with the pain, you were considered strong. If you ignored it completely, you were a God and worshiped. I guess it just became a habit of mine."

"Well, it needs to stop. I'm not picking you up the floor if you die." I commented and Gallus rolled his eyes, but he had a smile on his face.

"Fair enough." At that moment, he noticed Viola. "Hey you, come here." Viola fluttered her wings and sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry I scared you. But I promise, I'll tell you everything from now on."

"Like how you blow your head-feathers when you're bored or annoyed. How you flap your wings when you're scared. How you claw the ground with your talons when you feel threatened? And how you—"

"Okay, Vi, we get the point." Gallus commented, waving his talon and I giggled. This is truly the reason we need him. To get Viola and I to laugh. To help us through our troubles. To be here for him. Whatever it takes.