• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 496 Views, 1 Comments

Rarity Makes a Ponequine: Niece and Nephew - Ponyess

The Chancellor sends his niece and nephew to the Carousel Boutique; in the hopes of picking up dirt on Twilight Sparkle, in an attempt to take revenge. Ponies will pay the price.

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Prologue; Entry-fee – Changed Loyalties

Prologue: Post Ponequine

My uncle Neigh had directed me, to seek out Rarity; in the hopes to explore any chance to discredit her in the public eye of Equestria and our allies. Even if he never expressed it in explicit terms.

Naturally, I had taken the train to Ponyvile; in order to see the Carousel Boutique for myself, out of curiosity.

The train had been an unexpectedly easy and comfortable event, on my part. Who could have expected the level of comfort in a small village like Ponyville? I had had an image of a more backwards and rustic community, than I finally was facing; once I had arrived.

Maybe I should have explored the local Spa, run by Aloe and Lotus; but I had chosen to pass it up. I should have had a taste of the local sweets and confectioneries, at the Sugar-cube Corner; but incidentally I had passed that up too.

Had I expected to be recognized, or feared the quality? Either way, I had passed up everything, I should have tried out; before I chanced to face Rarity, herself. On the other hoof, Rarity should have recognized me on the spot.

Now, I had ended up; stepping into the Boutuque. Should I have been shocked, or at the very least surprised; to find Rarity herself, standing in her Boutique? How foolish of me, not to expect her to be here.

“Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, how may I serve you?” she greets me; as I step into the room, as the chimes signal the arrival of a new guest or customer.

“Greetings, Rarity! Could you give me a tour; so I can have a look, at what is available?” I respond, cheerfully.

“Of course, dear!” she responds.

“Thank you, Rarity; you are more generous, up close and personal, than I had dared to hope for!” I respond.

“The suits you see, in the window showcases are my latest creation!” she points out, as she is starting the tour.

“I have the mares on the right and the stallions on the left; as you can see!” she continues.

“I love the couple up front, such sophistication; as if we had been in Canterlot, at the Canterlot Carousel, possibly?” I respond.

“I work from Ponyville, this is my home! I do send my designs to the Canterlot Carousel; for the ponies in Canterlot!” she points out.

“I love her mane, how do you even come by such exquisite Ponequines?” I inquire.

“As a matter of fact; I make them myself, with ponies just like you as models!” she points out.

“You make everything, yourself?” I inquire.

“But, of course; it is the only way to comply, with my quality rules!” she points out.

“Could I see, how you craft your Ponequines?” I inquire.

“Right this way; down stairs, at the back!” she responds, as she is leading me towards the studio.

Little did I know, where she is taking em; or, where it is about to take me. I had been hoping, to find a deep, dark secret; while I am about to see, what is about to change my life.

I am in, I am so excited! Now I will be learning her secret!” I ponder.

Just that I am poorly prepared, for the secret I am about to learn. A secret, about to change my life; deeply, and permanently.

Enter the Dragon's Nest

There had been a click, from the door; as we entered the room, but I had thought nothing of it. I am trapped, but not behind a door. The trap, is my curiosity and the cage it is about to craft of me and for me.

“This, is where you are crafting your Ponequines?” I inquire.

“Of course, want to see? I think you could be a perfect model!” she points out.

“You think? Thank you, Rarity! Would you actually do that, just for me?” I inquire.

“I will have to prepare you, for the job; but after that, I could make a perfect Ponequine in your image!” she explains.

“Just a signature, on your part; before I can get to work! I will need you to be completely relaxed, and you need to be perfectly still; while I am working, and it may take an hour or more!” she points out.

“Okay!” I respond, accepting the quill and signing the paper without really reading the contract.

Maybe I should have taken the time, to read the fine print, yet, I had not bothered.

“Right this way, make yourself comfortable!” she instructs me.

She is extracting a can of gel, while I am laying down on the squishy cushion. I can even see her, in the corner of the eye; as she is uncapping the gel.

I feel her hooves; as she is caressing the back of my neck.

“Oh, Oh!” I exclaim; “That is good!” I continue.

“I know, every pony has told me!” she points out.

The hooves slowly continue down the length of my spine in diminutive circles. Just making short breaks, stopping to extract more of the gel I had mistaken, for massage oil. As she works the gel into my sin, through the coat of fur; I feel my muscles relaxing more and more.

“Oh, oh!” I sigh in delight, from time to time.

Her hooves moves along my back, up and down the length of my spine; then she continues down my right and left hind-legs in order. I feel her hooves, as she is caressing the gel in and my muscles slowly relaxes.

From my rump and down the thighs, then over the knee and all the way down to the hoof. As she finished my left hind-leg, she moves over to my right shoulder and continues down; all the way to the hoof, before she starts over on my left shoulder.

Once she worked my legs, she continues over my belly; ending up working my throat from the chest and up to the chin. Now she starts over at the top of my forehead. Down over my muzzle and then out over my cheeks.

She recaps the can and extracts another one, opening it; before she is starting over once more. I feel her hooves over utterly and completely relaxed muscles as she is working down the back of my neck.

While I am still relaxed, my body grows stiff in order not to move while she is crafting the new Ponequine. Since I am now completely stiff and motionless, she is posing me up to become the Ponequine. As opposed to standing model for the Ponequine, she is making me into her Ponequine. Had I read the fine print of my contract; I would have known, exactly what is about to come next. Since I did not, I am not aware of the process.

She turns me over and leaves me on my back; applying the gel adhesive in order to glue the stand directly onto my very flesh. In my current state, I am incapable of making a protest.

With the stand fused to my belly, she is putting me on the support of the stand and applies the silicon white rubber; as my Ponequine skin and places a zipper, from the root of my tail, all the way up to the lower edge of my mane.

She is polishing my hooves, with a deep, dark and glossy polish. Right and left; front and back. She is applying a special hoof gloss, that leaves my hooves coated with crystal clear emerald.

I feel a come through my mane and tail, while she is styling them in order for me to fit in with her next line of fashion.

I feel her placing a bridle matching my hooves on my face, before she is inserting the bit into my mouth. Now she is placing a quilt over my back, thus completing the process.

What I have to Show, for my Effort:

The room is dark, I am unconscious almost as if I had been asleep. Maybe it is more of unconscious, as if under anesthetics from the hospital?

Princess Celestia is raising her sun on the sky and I find myself waking up. I am currently standing in the showcase of her window in the Boutique. I am wearing a beautiful dress in a light pink silk fabric with scattered emeralds all over. Any other day; I would have been thrilled, and honoured to wear the suit, she imparted upon my back. Now I am merely showing of her work.

Before me, on the left side of the room; I see a male Ponequine, facing me. He wears a handsome suit, mainly in black.

Together, we are serving as her security system. She can use us, to know if anyone enters the room, extracting descriptions of whom and whatever she chooses, if and when she chooses. Just that I am not going to be aware of it.

Of course, the Ponequine before me is my very own and beloved nephew; even if I can't recognize him, in the state I am in and the suit he is wearing before me.

Such a handsome stallion, I wish I knew him! If only a stallion like he could choose to ask me out on a date!” I ponder.

The stallion before me is a bright, white; but, with black hooves. I see his clear, blue eyes; gazing into my eyes, ogling me all day. Naturally, he is incapable of averting his gaze or even blink, just as I am. If only it had occurred to me, to try to avert my gaze or close my eyes. The thought never entered my mind. My consciousness, clear as day.

Something in his gaze is attracting me, calling out to me; as if he had been asking me for the date, I had been yearning for.

While I black out, as the sun is not on the sky; I have a change of clothes, each week. Between the Sunday night, and the Monday morning. Rarity seems to have a never-ending supply of new suits, for me to wear. Of course, I am inspiring her; like the model she asked me to be, even if I am not modeling for a Ponequine, but the suit of the day.

I hear what the ponies in her Boutique is saying. I hear each compliment on her clothes and even the one on me as her Ponequine. Yet, I am not directly aware of it; as if I had been standing in another, different room.

Is it the Ponequine before me, distracting me; or, is it something in the process of her making me into her Ponequine?

I do not know, just as I do not care. I have no eyes for the others, and no ears for what they say. I am just waiting for him to step forwards; asking me out, for the date I am not offered.

A new Day, For the new Pony; Formerly Ponequine:

I wake up, but I am not a showcase in the window of Rarity's Boutique. For a moment; I am confused, feeling lost. I have no idea, as to where I am.

The confusion has nothing to do with the lack of a bit in my mouth or the removed bridle I do no longer have on my face.

On second thought, I am lying in a bed, in a small cottage. I have no idea, where the cottage is. I had been moved during the night; while I had been unconscious, as if I had been asleep.

My quilt is silicon white; but with deep, purple accents and details. Oh, there are the bright, blue diamond shapes; scattered, all over my quilt. As I fold the quilt up, I notice how my hooves are still the same purple as they had been, the day before; when I had been the Ponequine, and the property of Rarity.

I am lying on a sleek and slippery silicon sheet. I see the silicon white surface under me, where I had been sleeping most of the night. Rarity had had me moved over late, last night when the ponies are sleeping.

I see a night stand beside the bed, and a pair of doors to the wardrobe, behind the ed. This is my room; so the bed, the nightstand and the wardrobe with content is apparently mine. Everything according to the contract I had signed.

In the night stand, there is a drawer; containing a perfect copy of the contract I had signed, prior to Rarity initiating the process of making me into her Ponequine. Starlight Glimmer herself had created the copy I have, just as she created the one Rarity has at her Boutique. The original is stored in Twilight Sparkles Royal archives. Safe, for future references. Naturally; The original to the contract had been authenticated by a royal Lawyer for Rarity and Twilight, before it had been put into use. It is perfectly legal; binding and with no loopholes whatsoever.

I had not examined the night stand, as I slip my hooves out from under the quilt. I sit up and slip onto the floor, raising to my hooves; before I turn my eyes towards the wardrobe.

I fold the quilt back, before I trot over to my wardrobe. As I open the doors, I find a set of skirts and dresses; all matching the style I had been so carefully moulded into, throughout the process of making me into a Ponequine and my stay as her Ponequine in her Boutique. Each garment; a perfectly acceptable deep, purple, naturally.

Wait, what is this?” I gasp, as I see a set of indoors or night socks and stockings.

Of course; she had made absolutely certain, to pay me in full for my services to her as her Ponequine. The dresses, skirts, stockings and socks are part of this payment.

Rarity is not taking advantage of me, in person; but one could claim, that my uncle Neighsay is the one paying for my adventure in Ponyvile. He had sent me her, on his personal vendetta; now he will be paying the greater price, for his pride and bad attitude.

While my life is clearly irrevocably and permanently changed, from what it would otherwise have been; I am not taken advantage of or suffering, for what is transpiring.

As I examine the content of my wardrobe and explore its content; I light my horn in excitement, over what I see.

I feel the heat and light of the orb of light and magic, as I focus on my desire. The orb expands to the point, where it flows down the entire length of my horn, like an avalanche. As my horn is fully alight; I reach out and pick the first of my purple skirts. I feel the smooth silicon material in my grasp; as I extract the skirt and step right into it.

I rejoice in the ease, with which I had extracted my skirt and stepped into it.

As I had pt on the skirt; I pick a set of matching socks, slipping on one at the time. Right and left, fore and rear hoof slipping into one sock at the time.

When I had dressed up for the day; I giggle; as I turn around and bounce out to the door. The door slides up and I step right out. I do not even notice, as the door is closing behind me on my way towards the flight of stairs, down to the living room.

I wonder, where that handsome stallion is, right now!” I ponder.

While I still do feel, just a bit naked, without the bridle; I am still enjoying the relaxed state of my body, the process of being made into a Ponequine, and staying a Ponequine had enforced upon my every muscle. I had been utterly and completely relaxed, for Celestia knows how long. Even if it technically is Rarity who would know, this time.

Once I reach the kitchen, I pull out the kettle and boil water for a fresh batch of tea. I pull out a pair of cups and the tea leaves. Once the water is boiling, I pour the scolding water over the leaves and permit the tea to perform its magic onto the water in my cup.

Why I had pulled out two cups; before I had expected any use for it, escapes me. Yet, the explanation is forthcoming, just as I finish brewing the tea. The stallion is stepping into the kitchen from behind me.

“Am I picking up the lovely scent of freshly brewed tea?” he inquire.

“That is quite correct!” I respond.

“Do I see a second cup, filled with tea?” he inquires.

“I imagine; I had secretly hoped for your company, even before I hear the sound of your hooves stepping into the kitchen!” I respond.

“Our kitchen!” I correct myself, even before I had seen his face.

While it may have been early, but it is the perfect time for breakfast.

“Since you did brew tea for me, maybe I could fix you a delicious salad?” he offers.

I hear him open the fridge, before he extracts the bowl of salad. He pulls out two bowls and forks; fills them with a portion each and places the bowls onto the kitchen table.

“Breakfast is served!” he exclaims.

Of course, I may or may not have been the early bird; I have no current recollection f when I used to leave bed before. Now I am slipping out of bed, with the sun in the morning; I had been made and persuaded into following the light of Celestia's sun. It is part, of being the Ponequine for Rarity. It is, how she is making them. The magic dictated it. Now the routine persists.

As a unicorn, I pick up the offered fork; digs into the meal, chewing quietly and enjoy the meal.

Of course, the stallion of my dreams is wearing the short jacket, the Ponequine wore in Rarity's Boutique. His hooves are looking, exactly as I recall from my time in the Boutique, as her Ponequine. This is my stallion, and I am his.

Forgotten, is everything from my previous life and the time I had spent out of Ponyville. Had I indeed lived a life, outside the village of Ponyville?

Comments ( 1 )

It was a nice read but it looked too much like the other two stories.

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