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Comments ( 20 )

And noe Equestria will move on unfortunately gender separate due to the thousands of mares wanting to be far away from stallions as possible.

Fastest curbstomp I've seen since Escanor vs galand and Estarossa

Dear Diary, Dainn got rekt today, I am happy.


Now that is a Damn good FoE fic where Dainn gets curb stomped so fast.

Nice and funny, though now I have to change the title of my own Anti-FoE story which is also a crossover. :facehoof:
Well, the title doesn't have "The" so I think it will be fine?:duck:

wanna gimme a link to it? XD

It may just be me, but I actually like this.

it's not out yet, I'm still in the planning stage. Have to watch the first 3 seasons(at least) of MLP to get a grasp of the characters, as well as Equestria Girls 1-3. I also have to re-familiarize with the several series that will crossover with it.

I rike thing

With the Liberation of Equestria and the death of Dainn, all of Equestria were free to rise from the oppression of the Caribou and gaze in awe at their Liberator, this decisive move by Cadance and Shining Armor allowed Liberty Prime to put an end to the oppressive nature of the Caribou.

Nevertheless, it will take time, but Equestria will rebuild the many things that were destroyed, their homes, their government and their defenses with Liberty Prime ensuring that Equestria remains free from oppressors.

people seemed to like my crappily written liberty prime stories, not many on the site before I started makin small oneshots, I suppose, glad ya liked it XD, even if poorly written lol

ever make that story pal? I wanna read it lol

It's in the back burner, as I do have to watch the series and the others that will crossover into it. I even wrote an almost 20-plus page outline and story notes but it got deleted.

oof, hurry it up I wanna read lol

Yeah, I probably should. I got lots of time these days. Better binge watch all the series that's gonna be in this story.

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