• Published 17th Sep 2018
  • 740 Views, 40 Comments

Spare Parts - Crack-Fic Casey

A home for stories that can't stand on their own, but shouldn't die unseen.

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Peg & Corn!

Corn sometimes wondered about doing good deeds.

Not for long, of course. After all, he loved following Captian Thunderhooves directions! But once in a while he couldn't help but think about how they didn't think.

His sister never wavered. He envied her, sometimes. She always had the right stickers, knew the right things, had the right... not ideas, ideas weren't good. But she knew what they were supposed to do, and he always got though of memory so he had to distract himself and have fun instead.

Didn't they have parents at some point?

Peg and Corn loved having fun! Except for one time, Peg had broken one of his toys by accident when he'd asked her not to play with it. That made him feel really bad, but then he'd seen Captain Thunderhooves. She'd told him to forgive his sister, so they could go back to being friends. It was just a toy.

The next time she dropped one of his things, he said it was okay. And he never played with anyone else's toys after that either. He didn't want to break them.

Sometimes, he saw someone do something bad, and that was scary. But every time that happened, Captian Thunderhoof would be there! He wondered how she always knew where to be, but Peg told him wondering was silly. You just repeated whatever the TV said and didn't make trouble! That way he wouldn't make Captain Thunderhooves hurt him.

Not that she'd hurt anyone! She did good! And the helpfulness beam was good! He wasn't scared of her, he just wanted to make sure he and his sister were doing the best they could!

There was a colt they used to be friends with. He liked eating and cracking jokes. Corn had liked having someone like him around. One day, he'd stolen an extra dessert and Captian Thunderhooves had to use the Helpfulness Beam on him. He was a do-gooder now. He only ate healthy things, and he didn't have to play. He only did good deeds!

Corn saw him helping mow someone's lawn later. He looked tired, and there was red stuff on his hooves. Corn had asked him if he was okay, and he'd smiled and said he'd almost finished helping everyone in town! It made Corn feel funny, and if he felt funny he might not be as good at doing good, so he left him alone.

Living on Galloping Row was the best thing ever! He'd never want to leave. Every day was a new adventure, and it was the best place in the whole wide world!

Was there a rest of the world?