• Published 18th Sep 2018
  • 329 Views, 1 Comments

The Rainbow-rock Siren; An Offer one can not Refuse - Ponyess

One Siren is given an offer, she could not refuse. For her, to be what she had desired to be, even if it is not on her terms. It never was on her terms, to begin with.

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Entry Fee, Into the Frey

To the Principal's Office

”Sonata to the Principal’s office, Sonata Dusk! Sonata to the principal’s office!” the speaker announces.

Of course, the Principal is not at her office. Neither Principal Celestia, nor the vice-Principal Luna is in the office.

The announcer knows where the two are, and when they are due back to the office. That is giving more than enough time for me to offer, what I have to offer the girl.

Sonata Dusk does not know, the Principal is not at the office at this point. She is new to the school and does not know anyone, anywhere as well as I do. I had after all been here, for the latest four years. I knew everyone, and how to exploit them. Even if I rarely did that, these days; since the day Twilight Sparkle followed me to the school, at Canterlot High.

A few minutes after the initial announcement, a girl knocks on the door. She is a bit scared and hesitant. Quite understandable, after everything that had gone down. Alone, she has none to count on. None behind her. All she has, is the shadow of what she did.

Naturally, the other students are holding her past against her; just as they did to me, which I still have in fresh memory. This is something, I am not to forget, any time soon. They will not let me, even if I may have wanted to. I can’t exactly blame them.

“Enter!” I respond.

The girl enters the office in which I am sitting. It is Sonata Dusk, just as I had been expecting.

“Welcome, Sonata!” I merely exclaim, as the girl is stepping into the fairly small room.

“You, you, you!” Sonata stammers, quietly.

“I take it, you know me and my reputation, then!” I just respond.

“Yes, I guess you could say that! What did you want?” she mumble.

Sonata is unsure of herself, and now fearful.

“Oh, I have an offer! One I imagine, you could not refuse!” I point out.

“You, have an offer for me?” she inquire, as if she could not quite believe her ears.

“Yes, an offer!” I confirm.

“What kind of an offer, and why me?” she responds.

“The kind, you can’t refuse! You see; I am offering you a voice, a chance to have what you desire!” I point out.

“After everything, and you are offering me my voice back?” she inquire.

“Yes, and no!” I respond, smiling at her.

“A voice, good enough for you to sing! People will be adoring you, but on my terms!” I add.

“I can sing, I mean; I could sing, before i lost my voice!” she responds.

“Yes, I know; just as everyone at school could attest to, even if somewhat less than willingly. That is, exactly why we are sitting here; right now, you know!” I respond.

“Please, do not remind me; that still hurts!” she responds.

“I think I know that feeling, only too well! A friend of mine, could not see you sad; so she asked me, if I could help you out!” I point out.

“You know how I feel? You know the hurt, is that why you feel the urge to help me?” she inquire.

“You know the moment, I refer to; that is how you knew where to go, in the first place! I was crushed, but my friends built me up, into the girl I am today! It is my friends, who offers your new voice!” I point out.

“Wait, that was you? They helped you, after all that?” she responds; “You were basically a raging Daemon, at that time!” she points out.

“I guess, I was; but, they helped me back all the same! Now they want to help you, in the same way!” I explain.

“Do I even dare, refusing the offer, from one such as you?” she inquire.

“The choice is yours! You can continue as you are now, on the downwards spiral towards self-destruct; or, you can take the chance and hope to be a happy girl, like everyone else!” I suggest.

“If you put it like that; I don’t really have a choice, I can’t continue like this! If you think my voice would make me happy; I am ready to take the chance, to become a happy girl in place of the wreck I am now!” she points out.

“Pinkie Pie will be thrilled! You will find her at party central. The auditorium, for everyone else!” I explain.

“Oh, yeah; that is, whee the original Battle of the Bad started! While I was still happy!” she responds.

“If you hurry; I believe, she is still there!” I point out.

“Thank you, Sunset; I will!” she points out, as she is raising to her feet.

I watch her, as she walks to the door, opens in and steps right out. She closes the door behind herself, before she is scurrying towards the indicated room. Pinkie Pie is there, of course. How she knows where and when to be, is anyone’s guess.

That was just about time; I do not know, how much longer, before Celestia will be back!” I ponder.

Since I am alone, and Sonata is no longer in sight; I can walk out, to anywhere but this very office.

Episode: 2

As I am approaching the door, I have the feeling a countdown is performed behind the door. As if, someone is counting down the seconds, before I enter the room I can’t quite point at how, it is just a gut feeling I have.

A moment later, I push up the door; only to have a shower of confetti in my face. The silly thing is, the confetti had been thrown an instant before I push up the door. As if she knew exactly when I was about to enter.

“Welcome, Sonata!” Pinkie Pie exclaims.

“Welcome!” her companions echo, just a second later.

Of course, Pinkie Pie is here; Sunset Shimmer just told me!” I ponder.

“But, she never warned me about her companions being behind her!” I mumble, just as the door slams shot behind my back.

Of course, Pinkie Pie is here, Sunset Shimmer had told me she would be. Maybe I should have expected Vinyl Scratch to be here too, of course. Yet, now I also recognize Octavia and Rarity. Flash Sentry and Rainbow Dash is somewhere in the crowd.

“There you are, Darling; nice to see, you made the right choice!” Rarity exclaims, as if she was pointing out her latest fashion line.

“Yes, I guess I am; I was promised a voice, and here you all are!” I respond.

“But of course, we are all here; in order to build you up, from scratch!” Rarity points out.

“I guess, I am no longer a Dazzling; I am not in the mood for these clothes now, so I guess something different would be in order?” I conclude.

“No, Darling; you are no longer the third and forgotten Dazzling, you are the star up front and center!” Rarity exclaims.

“I guess I could live with that!” I respond; taken aback, by her enthusiasm.

“Naturally; I do have a new suit for the new you, so you can take your right full place!” Rarity explains.

I guess I should have known!” I ponder.

“How thoughtful of you!” I respond.

“I do pride myself on my generosity, you know!” Rarity points out, as she is directing me towards where to change into the new outfit.

The ensemble she most certainly crafted for me herself!” I ponder, following her directions.

I find myself behind the screen, set up for the purpose; and a set of clothes, considering of a pair of pink tights and top, aside from a silicon white body.

I will just have to chance it, and start with the tights and the top; before I slip into the body!” I ponder.

These tights are a bit strange, but as long as I can fit within them; I guess I will be fine!” I ponder, slipping one foot into the garment, before the other.

I manage to pull my right foot all the way down to the very end, before I lean over on the foot; slipping my left foot in, as I feel the smooth and tight material hugging my skin amorously. Bright pink, latex rubber; making my legs look, as if I had been Pinkie Pie. A giggle escapes my lips, upon the realization.

I manage to pull the top down over my head and slip my hands into the top. I slip my right hand all the way in, feeling the material tightly contracting around me. The left arm slips into the garment, just as easily. It is, as if the top was eagerly swallowing me whole?

Aside from the midriff, I am looking exactly like Pinkie Pie; had it not been for the stylish and girly details, put in my Rarity. The suit is emphasizing my effeminate figure, just a bit more than I had been expecting or even enjoy. I could get used to this, if it helps me; making them adore me, as I sing.

Inch long, semi square, crystal clear nails; from just after the final joint of each finger, does not bother me particular, even if it is a bit odd to me. Rarity has a sense of style, different from the one of sexual allure Adagio Dazzle had imposed upon me. Aria Blaze had been under the same influence, as I was.

Maybe I am most impressed, with how the top is pushing my bust in the fore; emphasizing it, more than I had been expecting.

I pick up the body, feeling the slick and slippery silicon white material under my fingers. I pull down the zipper all the way down, from the top of the back of my body. From there; I step right into the suit, right and left. I just need to pull my arms through; before I pull my right arm behind my back and zip the body up tight. Maybe this is just a bit too tight. But, there is nothing I could do about this, right now.

Maybe I could complain, in the hops of making Rarity adjust this for me, later?” I ponder.

“How do I look?” I ask myself; as I am observing my reflection, in the large full-length mirror before me.

“Oh, is that really you?” I ask myself, in response.

I did not know, Rarity had this much style!” I ponder.

“How does it look?” Rarity inquire; from the other side of the screen, hiding my visage.

“I do not know! I can’t quite put this in words!” I respond.

Strange, how well I could maintain my stance and stature; wearing these tights. What had been my feet, now looking more as if they had been a pair of equine hooves. Well, maybe she could explain it; as the latest trend in shoes or footwear? She is after all Rarity, the fashionista.

“This will be your new you; get used to it; but, you will at least be able to sing again! In public, without embarrassing yourself!” Rarity points out.

“You know, Sonata; I did give her a few pointers, on the design!” Pinkie Pie enlightens me.

That figures!” I ponder, as I realize the impossible.

Of course, the tights and top feels like my skin, while the body feels like a plastic wrapping; even if it has all the telltales of silicon or rubber, elasticity.

“Of course, put on that black collar, Sonata!” Rarity then adds.

“Oh, this?” I exclaim; as I pick up the thick rubber collar and stretches it for good measure.

I manage to stretch it just enough, so that I can put it on; after I had pulled it down. In surprise, I notice a bright, blue eight-sided Emerald gem on my chest. The gem is embedded in the silicon white rubber, in the middle, between my two breasts.

“I guess that made it all better!” I mutter, now hearing the crystal clear voice coming out through my mouth.

“Now, that is a voice I could play with!” exclaims Octavia on her reserved, posh voice.

She did promise me a voice, not my own; but, good enough to sing on stage!” I ponder; as I realize, what Sunset Shimmer had referred to.

Of course, the gem glows with a warm glow, each time and all the time, as long as I am speaking. The glow feels good, to me; I had to admit, as much. It isn’t just the voice restored, even if this is not my own voice.

If I take off the collar, I will lose my voice. I can’t take off the body, for as long as I am wearing the collar. The top and tights are under the body; thus I can take these off, even less than the body. They certainly do have me trapped, right there. Yet; I had chosen to accept the offer, for what they give me over what I give them.

I notice a deep purple skirt, with emerald blue accents and details; I step into it and find it comfortable. I put on the white cotton panties under the skirt.

Now I put on a white cotton blouse, and the purple vest matching the skirt.

Almost done, I hope you will enjoy your new style!½” Pinkie Pie exclaims, as if she had been watching me behind the screen.

“Oh, yeah; how could I have forgotten, the metallic bloody red boots!” I respond, as I step into the foot-wear.

“There, now you are ready to face the world!” Pinkie Pie exclaims.

As I step out, I realize Pinkie Pie had been aiming seven of her thrice damned confetti canons at exactly where I had been expected to emerge. Multicoloured confetti rains down all over and around me, as I step out, before the gathered crowd.

“You will need practice, show up for your next class! An hour, just after school; each and every day!” Octavia points out.

“If and when you need more clothes, don’t hesitate; just ask me, and I will stock your wardrobe!” Rarity explains.

Explains, not offers!” I ponder, giggling.

“You will need an official party, Sonata; I will throw it for you!” Pinkie Pie points out.

Why does my gem have eight faces, in place of the seven my old pendant had?” I ponder.

“Six elements and two extra for your friends!” Pinkie Pie points out, giggling.

How did I know, she would say that? Even if I had no idea, as to how she was going to explain it!” I ponder.

“Music is your magic, just as it had always been! We just changed the tune, so that we can enjoy your singing! Pinkie Pie points out.

When Pinkie Pie said it, it makes sense! From her perspective; everything is fun and party!” I ponder.

At least, I imagine I will get out, what I came for. If she is happy, when I sing, who am I to complain?

Comments ( 1 )

Will the other two Sirens be appearing?

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