• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


[He/Him] Just a writer who likes MLP and hopes to make a living off it: https://ko-fi.com/ink_hoof


This story is a sequel to Rainbow Unicorns: Boast Blasters

A mysterious figure shows up in town, which leaves many of the local ponies frightened. The next day, after chasing the figure into The Everfree Forest, Rainbow and the others each wake up to find themselves changed in strange ways. Can the six of them find the figure and get her to remove their curse? Or will Rainbow and her friends be stuck changed this way forever?

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 35 )

I LOVED the chat between Maud and Celestia in this prologue. The characterizations were wonderfully done and I really liked the little details about Maud knowing something about Magic Crystals that even Celestia didn't AND one of Pinkie and Maud's sisters being a bat pony. After all, depending on how much unusual blood is in the Pie family, it would mean Pinkie's being a unicorn while Maud is still an earth pony makes A LOT more sense .

I am definitely going to be looking forward to the story proper.

And I hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving. :-D

Of course, if I remember correctly, Twilight Comet DID passingly mention Zecora back in "Griffon Grief" (I think that was the title of that particular "Rainbow Unicorns" story). I think it was when she was talking to Gilda about how the ponies of Ponyville don't have much experience dealing with other species. I'm paraphrasing (probably), but I'm pretty sure the line was something along the lines of "the closest thing they have seen to another species before Rainbow and Spike moved here is a zebra that they are all afraid of".

Of course, a possible line for later:

"That's the zebra I told you about, Rainbow. The zebra almost everyone in Ponyville is afraid of. I've never met her face-to-face, but I've also never seen her do anything evil enough to deserve the fear. So, until I see hard evidence that she is really up to something majorly bad, I'm going to give her the benefit of a doubt. Of course, I'm ALSO not going to intrude on her in the event that she just wants peace and quiet."

Okay, sorry about that. Got off on a tangent there for a second (sheepish grin).

Anyway, once more, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

In walked an earth pony mare, who was... very gray. There was a little variation to it. Her mane and tail had a purple tinge, and the dress she wore hinted toward blue, but they both looked more toward gray than those colors. The only really noticeable color was the bright pale blue of her eyes. Those eyes were half-lidded, and her mouth was closed and small, giving her a bored, tired look about her.

Oh boy.

"One of my sisters, Marble, is a bat pony," she explained. "She was very excited at the news of Princess Luna's arrival for some reason."

How interesting.

"I am afraid I cannot guarantee it," she said. Celestia then smiled. "But I can ask Luna, and I am fairly certain she would very much like to meet a pony that looks up to her."

This will be fun.

Nice chapter. I really enjoyed getting a new installment in this series. That said, I found one tiny part you may want to edit.

but the Celestia thought she would have appreciated having her Mage Crystal as a pendant.

Unless the story's being told by the Prophets of Bajor, that should probably be deleted.


monotonous, perhaps?

I can't believe I read the entire series today.

Well, great job on the latest chapter of this story. I LOVED the scene with Spike and Rainbow after Spike's awkward moment of reflection concerning Twilight but before Zecora's arrival into town .

Rainbow: Seriously, girls? You weren't THIS afraid of Nightmare Moon.

Spike: OR the Ursa Minor.

Twilight (after freeing her mouth): Indeed. Yet you're racist enough to be afraid of a zebra?

Rarity: Excuse me?! Racist?!

Twilight: Yes. Racist. You're afraid of her JUST because she is different and that is being racist. We have no solid proof that she is doing anything evil and yet this entire town treats her like she is literally worse than Nightmare Moon!

Flowershy: She lives inside the Everfree. Even *I* only live NEAR it.

Rainbow: So? We have ventured into the Everfree a couple of times and came out all right.

Spike: Even those idiots Snips and Snails gone in there once and came out in one piece - barely.

Applejack: There is a HUGE difference between that and actually living there.

Okay. Sorry about that. Got off on a tangent again. Sincerest apologies.

Anyway, I will very certainly be looking forward to more of this.

Nice chapter. Look forward to the next one. That said, I found a couple minor things you may want to edit.

The he saw her in the outfit, which it turned out was custom made for her by Rarity. It was amazing how well the top showed off her lean, muscular form, and the puffy skirt that covered her lower half. It was also kind of cute how nervous and embarrassed she was.


Although not tied up, she did look happy to be there either.

And that should probably be "didn't".

"Uhm... look, Spike." She took a deep breath. "I wanted to give you space after uhm... you know..." She motioned a hoof. "What happened with Twilight, but... Well, after yesterday..." She shifted again, ears pulled back and tail flicking. "So... uh.. if you need to, like, talk about anything or anything... you know... I'm here to listen. Okay?"

You're nice.

"I don't think so," she said as she resumed walking. "I mean, it's all too clear and sunny. Those things normally happen on dark and stormy nights or during cloudy days." Her head then turned to look at the buildings again. "Besides, wouldn't we have heard moans and screams last night? Or find buildings with boarded up windows?"

She has a point.

"Her!" she whispered, pointing a hoof. "The Everfree Witch!"

If you're asking if I meant that, no. Large amounts of the Equestrian government run fine without her. For instance, Ponyville has a Mayor who deals with local political matters, and we have seen delegates which indicate that most other towns have something similar. Chancellor Neighsay also demonstrates that she does not interfere with existing government institutions such as the E.E.A once they have been established. As such, while she does have some political obligations, a majority of Equestria's government takes care of itself, allowing her to focus on more immediate matters, and responsibilities as a teacher and principal.

All I can say is, great job on this latest chapter. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places. I particularly liked Twilight's point out for Applejack falsely blaming Zecora for something that semi-regularly happens anyway , Twilight and Rainbow's argument concerning curses and Spike accompanying Apple Bloom on the attempt to talk to Zecora .

For Poison Joke Effects, Rarity, Applejack, Flowershy and Pinkie could have the same ones as in canon, with Rainbow either getting Twilight's canon effect or getting turned into a giant (as a reversal of Applejack's effect), but Twilight Comet, instead of getting Rainbow's canon effect, could either have her wings removed entirely (as a reference to her future Generation 5 counterpart being an Earth pony) or get turned into a stallion.

Of course, I can completely understand if you either don't like the idea or have another/better idea.

Apple Bloom's wings gave a flick against her sides as she rolled her eyes, but said nothing more.

She isn't amused.

"Because every pony in this town is CRAZY!" Twilight snapped, still squirming. "They all think that Zecora" -- the others winced at the sound of the name -- "is some sort of evil witch that will just as soon curse them as look at them, but none have even tried to talk to her." She turned to glare at Applejack. "I tried talking to her once, but Applejack caught me before I could, and has been doing this --" she squirmed against her ropes "-- ever since."

Even now she is having precisely NONE of this shit.

"Wait-wait-wait," Rainbow called out, holding up a hoof. "She can curse ponies?" She turned to look out the window again. "Think that she might teach me?"

Priorities Rainbow Dash.

"You saw what happened in there," she said, "and this happens every time she comes to town." She turned back to Spike, a determined look on her face. "I'm tired of it." She turned back to the corner. "So I'm gonna follow her and find out what's goin' on once and fer all."

That sounds like an extraordinarily bad plan.

"What the hay's that supposed to mean?" Applejack yelled, wings spreading out fully.

What do you think?

"It's not a joke," Spike replied. He pointed at her face. "Your horn is missing."

So similar curse to Twilight.

There, on her back, just above her tail, was her horn.


Rainbow screamed, her raspy voice so high, every dog in Ponyville started barking.

Sounds about right.

There behind her was a glowing cloud of magic.

Spike fell over as he laughed.

I'd be laughing too, not gonna lie.

Excellent job on the exchange, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places concerning Rainbow and Spike. Indeed, Spike DID have a good point about contacting Celestia and that was actually a creative twist on Rainbow's "Poison Joke" effect.

Rainbow: "Supernaturals"? Well, as much as I hate reading, this book MIGHT have something on curses that can give us a good clue as to what happened. (looks over the book) Really?! Nothing on ghosts, goblins or curses? Just a whole bunch of stuff on strange animals and plants. Twilight and Flowershy might like it though. (mockingly) Like this "Poison Joke" stuff. It is said to have unpredictable effects on ponies. (thinks for a second) Wait a minute?! Unpredictable effects?

Okay. Sorry about getting off on a tangent again.

Applejack had some very choice words to say about the matter.

I imagine.

Nice chapter as always. One minor thing.

"If you get eaten, do I get your stuff."

Shouldn't that be a question mark?

Excellent job on (most) of the alterations to the "Poison Joke Effects" particularly Pinkie's "random sound effects" and Twilight's "backwards speak" . At any rate, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places. Of course, now I'm wondering what happened to Flowershy (as she is the only one of the affected who DIDN'T appear in this chapter), even if I know that is going to be answered in the next chapter .

At any rate, I DO have a possible idea for MUCH later in the series: Thorax actually left Chrysalis's hive two decades sooner than in canon and met Cadance shortly after she ascended. Over the years, the two became REALLY good friends, even to the point of eventually becoming lovers. Ultimately, Thorax gets MUCH stronger (not just from SHARING love with the Alicorn of Love herself, but also from learning to develop a backbone without losing the niceness). Of course, since the guards don't have any unicorns strong enough to cast force fields around an entire city in this universe AND they already know about the existence of Changelings (due to Thorax becoming a good friend of the court), that means the Royal Guards are FAR more on the alert here and Chrysalis will need to rely on a much sneakier approach when the "Canterlot Wedding" analogue in the "Rainbow Unicorn" universe rolls along. I mean, just because Shiny ends up with Luna in this universe doesn't mean Cadance doesn't deserve SOMEBODY good.

Unless, of course, you already have other/better plans for both Cadance AND Thorax (which, admittedly, is VERY possible).

At any rate, I will, obviously, be looking forward to more of this story.

"Indeed," Rarity agreed. "It is understandable why a pony that does not wish to draw attention would not rather hide than allow others to notice such a thing."

That has to suck.

So, the Poison Joke made Fluttershy turn into the Chinese version of Winnie the Pooh in Kingdom Hearts III. Interesting. Also,

Pinkie opened her mouth, letting out a fanfare of horns.

For some reason, this is the tune I picture coming from her.

VERY good work on this chapter (which, I figure, is either going to be the last, second-to-last or third-to-last). The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I LOVED the reveal of Flowershy's Poison Joke effect as well as Twilight's bits of "backwards speak humor" when she was celebrating being right AND the "Grammar Nazi" bit with Apple Bloom and how things actually went slightly more reasonably than they did in canon though the Mane Six are STILL going to need to help get the remaining ingredients for the antidote.

So, yes, I WILL look forward to the finale.

So... Limestone's a pegapony, isn't she?

Because at this point, every pony race needs to have a pie sister representative.


That makes sense.

And it would ALSO make JUST as much sense for one of the Pie sisters' grandparents (either maiden OR paternal) to be a changeling (presumably from a DIFFERENT hive than the one Chrysalis ran). Having a grandparent capable of at least passing for any one of the pony tribes would go a long way toward explaining how each of the four Pie sisters could be a different pony race while still passing for semi-normal. In addition, Pinkie being a quarter changeling would also provide additional motivation for her usual behavior. After all, wouldn't you be more likely to earn positive emotions by being as fun-loving and helpful as possible? And being a quarter-changeling would also create additional justification for Pinkie's knack for making the impossible look easy (i.e. the more close friends she has, the stronger her magic is).

Okay. Sorry about that. My mind went off on a tangent again and I came up with a probably-pretty absurd theory.

The group heard some panicked neighs, followed by three loud thumps as though something heavy but soft had fallen, but there was still no answer.


With a grin, Pinkie's horn lit up. In a burst of pink light, sound of noisemakers, and spray of confetti, a bullhorn appeared. It fell toward the ground, forcing Rainbow to jump out and grab it before it hit. Rainbow let out a sigh of relief as she lifted it up, checking over the bullhorn before bringing it to her mouth.

Right, unicorn. Forget that.

"WOO-HOO!" Rainbow cried out, throwing her hooves up. She then fell backwards, flopping into the water.

Sounds refreshing.

"What language were you talking anyways?"


"I'll see you guys at the party," she announce. She then turned away, a serious look on her face. "I've got some serious party planning to do."


VERY good job on this chapter. Well, the general problem was fixed and all the work on the characterizations, exchanges and epilogue set-up are all well done in all the right places. I especially loved the lengths Rainbow went to in order to get the town to listen concerning Zecora.

Anyway, I am very certainly going to be looking forward to the true finale. :-D

So, was limestone always going to be a pegapony, or did my comment influence that choice?

Since the beginning of the story. I ended up writing the story to completion before posting the first chapter.

well... baby cakes suggest that racial traits can be inherited at least 6 generations back. Great-great-great grandfather. Pinkie just happens to not have a family tree as much a family kudzu.

Excellent job on this epilogue chapter. :-D I LOVED the check-up on Shiny, Luna and Pinkie's sisters. The exchanges, characterizations and future story set-up are all well done in all the right places (particularly the scene between Marble and Limestone when Marble announced her decision to join Luna's new guard).

So, yes, I WILL very certainly be looking forward to more from this universe (as well as the Shinyverse, but that's another matter).

Yeah. I suppose you have a good point about THAT. Thanks very much for pointing that out.

to be fair, there is nothing (apart from future author fiat) that Pinkie doesn't have changeling ancestry... or kirin... or just about anything.

"If anything happens to her, I am not above getting in a fight with a royal guard." Her eyes narrowed further. "Or a princess, for that matter. Understand?"

Ballsy move.

Princess Celestia had dined alone quite a few times over the millennium plus that she had ruled.

I would imagine.

A thought suddenly occurred to Princess Celestia and she smiled.


She still could not place where she had seen them before, and it was eating at her. It felt like it was important for some reason she could not place a hoof on.

Or not.

So, does the poison joke turn Blueblood into Bluebelle?

VERY good job on the final chapter. The exchange between Celestia and Blueblood was really good. And, I must admit, I DID get a laugh from seeing Blueblood catch a whiff of the Poison Joke and Celestia struggling to recall the name of the flower .

All in all, very good job on the story (INCLUDING the epilogue) and I will definitely be looking forward to more of your work.


Great story. Shame we haven’t gotten anything else relating to this AU. I’d love to see more.

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