• Published 21st Sep 2018
  • 391 Views, 6 Comments

A Coffee Story - Viper Pit

A son makes a cup of coffee for his mom and their pet dog keeps trying to take it for herself.

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One chapter

A single mother comes home after a day at her store. She is a unicorn that has a cream-colored fur with light brown mane and tail. She had an antique metal oil lamp from the old Equestrian Era for her cutie mark which indicates her expertise and interest in all things historical artifacts. Her long hazel brown mane was mostly hidden under rose pink silk flower floppy hat that compliments her fur coat.

This lovely mature mare runs an antique shop in the busy streets of Ponyville all by her herself and this day happened to be that weird work day where everypony shows up at closing time and didn't leave her store for at least two hours. So naturally, she decided that she desired a cup of coffee in a soothing environment. And luckily for her, her son just happens to make some really good cups of coffee.

"Coffee Bean, I'm home" She mildly exclaimed as she levitates her hat on a hat rack and trots over to the living room to take a moment to relax well before her dog, Founder, shown up. They named the dog that because they found her get it, its a pun. "hey girl how you doing" the mother says as she pets the puppy.

"Hey, mom." A new voice lets its self-known as a young colt who seems to be around fifteen years old. He has coffee colored fur with white mane and tail and has a warm cup of coffee for a cutie mark.

This coffee bean looking colt was Coffee Bean and he was bringing his mother a nice hot cup of coffee to bad Founder could smell it as well and as soon as he set the cup down, Founder tried to get a drink only for the mother to help her relax.

"Oh thank you, dear, did I ever tell you how much I love your coffee?" The mother stated as she took a big sip of the pure black nectar of life and effervescent caffeine.

"Only every single cup of coffee every time you visit here, Mom." Coffee Bean nonchalantly replied while rolling his eyes. He decided to head back to his room to read for a bit now that his job is complete.

"Hey Coffee, come here." His mother asked as he just enters his room earning a sigh from the young stallion. Heading back to the living room to see the family pet head in his mothers coffee. "You know what this means right?" She asked

"I'll get another cup ready for you." Coffee said with another sigh.

Picking up on the sigh the mother comes up with a clever idea."How about I tell a story while you make me a fresh cup."

"Eh sure, why not." Coffee replied as he started the coffee maker while grinding the coffee beans. No matter how many times he does this process, it would always bring a genuine smile on his face.

"A long time ago in a far far away land a boy and his dog lived with their mother." She began only for the sound of a cup falling comes from the living room, both ponies ran to see what was up only to see their dog licking the leftover coffee on the floor and coffee table.

"Huh, maybe I should have put that cup in the sink." Coffee said as it's not his mothers turn to roll her eyes.

"Well I lost my place now I have to start all over." She takes a moment to clear her throat." Now in a land far far far far away there was a colt and his dog they lived with their mother and the boy kept drinking the mothers coffee."

"Wait, I never drank your coffee!" Bean quickly said.

"You weren't listening I said the BOY'S DOG kept drinking his mothers coffee." The mother said with a huff

"No, you didn't." Coffee pointed out.

"Yes, I did" she countered

"I'm pretty sure you did." Coffee insisted

"Who's the mommy here?" She pulled out her trump card

"You are." Coffee said knowing where this was going.

"And who's always right." The mother asked as she puffed up her chest.

"You are, mom." Coffee answered with a sigh but couldn't help but smile.

"That's right and don't you forget it." The mother attempting to casually gloat. "Now you made me lose my place again so I have to start all over again." Again the mother clears her throat. "In a far far far far far far far far away land where people don't interrupt their mothers lived a small colt and his dog they lived with their mother and the boy's dog kept drinking the mothers coffee. So What the mother did was one day she gave the dog away so she could have her coffee in peace the end." She finished as the sound of the coffee maker alerted them to its sweet rich nectar.

"Creamer or milk this time mom?" Coffee bean asked as he got a clean cup from the cabinet.

"Hmm, I think I'll take milk and be sure to put some of the leftover coffee in Founder 's water bowl so she won't steal mine this time." The mother said as she took a seat at the kitchen table. After taking a long savory sniff she blew on it to cool it off a little and taking that first sip with a satisfied purr she sets the cup on the table and not a moment later Founder is trying to hop on the table to drink the coffee.

"Here girl I got you your own cup." Coffee bean says and he puts a small bowl of coffee for Founder to drink and drink she did.Lap lap lap lap lap lap lap or would it be Slurp slurp slurp slurp well whatever noise dogs make when they drink she went to town on that bowl of coffee.

"Looks like you have a new fan, my little Coffee Bean." The mom pointed out as she takes another drink.

"So it seems, Mom. so it seems." Coffee said as he pets Founder. "Too bad she had to drink your first cup."

"Yeah we lost a great cup this day and its sacrifice shall not be forgotten this day." The mom says with a chuckle before taking another mouth full of coffee. "Have I told you that I love your coffee."

"Only every cup of coffee every time you visit here, Mom." Coffee Bean said with a chuckle.

"Then you know it's true because..." The mother waited for her son to respond.

"Because you are always right and never wrong." Coffee continued as he heads to his room.

"And you don't you forget it." the mother says as she finished the cup of coffee.e.

Author's Note:

this is based on a real conversation I had with my mom when I visited her the other day and my dog kept trying to drink her coffee yes my dogs real name is founder because we found her I also have a dog named inmate because we got him when my dad was in jail and we are currently looking for a cellmate for him to have a friend. The dog on the icon is the dog that tried to drink my moms coffee he was annoyed he didn't get any.

Comments ( 6 )

hey named the dog that because they found her get it, its a pun.

Okay, I'll admit, this made me giggle. :yay:

"Well I lost my place now I have to start all over." She takes a moment to clear her throat." Now in a land far far far far away there was a colt and his dog they lived with their mother and the boy kept drinking the mothers coffee."

"Wait, I never drank your coffee!" Bean quickly said.

"You weren't listening I said the BOY'S DOG kept drinking his mothers coffee." The mother said with a huff

"No, you didn't." Coffee pointed out.

"Yes, I did" she countered

"I'm pretty sure you did." Coffee insisted

"Who's the mommy here?" She pulled out her trump card

"You are." Coffee said knowing where this was going.

"And who's always right." The mother asked as she puffed up her chest.

"You are, mom." Coffee answered with a sigh but couldn't help but smile.

"That's right and don't you forget it."

I laughed hard. This reminds me of how my mom acts so much. :rainbowlaugh:

Bravo dude, Bravo. This was an enjoyable one shot. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

i'm glad you got a chuckle out of it

Reminded me of my own Mom, she is a goofball.

Cool story bro


glad you like it

Good stuff ^^

O0O damn that is awesome

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