• Published 27th Sep 2018
  • 1,716 Views, 14 Comments

Wild Flights - Mister Phoenix

Since Spike got brand new wings, Rainbow started teaching how to fly. With little to zero luck, she has only one last idea, take him with her to see The Wonderbolts, hoping he will finally learn how to fly. And maybe get him to fall in love with her.

  • ...

I. Chasing Rainbows

“Listen up Spike!” Rainbow’s voice boomed as she flapped her wings to stay airborne.

"Because of your new wings, you've increased in coolness by twenty percent. But that doesn't mean you're the hot stuff! Rainbow Dash said, pressing her face against his, their lips almost touching.

“Umm, yes?” Replied Spike, quite unsure as of what to reply.

"That's a 'Yes Ma'am' from you! Just because we're friends does NOT mean that you get any special treatment! You will know how to fly. You will know how to do tricks and flips. And you will know how to speed up, slow down, and land! Do I make myself clear?!"

“Yes, Ma’am?” Replied Spike, really not sure what to say.

Spike was still coming to terms with what had happened. Shortly after his trip to the Pie Family Rock Farm, where he had started a harem with Pinkie Pie and the rest of the Pie Sisters. Soon after Spike entered a strange molt, causing him to grow wings. Looking back on the moment when he had shown his friends his wings for the first time, Spike was certain that he could recall Rainbow Dash blushing. Since that day, whenever Spike had had any free-time, Rainbow had made sure that he spent the time with her, practicing.

Unluckily, Spike was still getting used to his new wings. He was unable to even take off!

As Rainbow Dash watched Spike do the wing stretches that she had assigned him, her mind focused on a strange conversation that she had had with Pinkie and the other members of Spike's harem when they had moved closer to Ponyville.

Inside the new home of the Pie Sisters, just out of Ponyville, the mane six were sitting on the couches or unless you’re Fluttershy who was sitting on the ground since she didn’t want to force any pony else to have to sit on the hard floor.

Rarity held a cup of tea with her magic, the unicorn mare noticed rocks in the cup. Rarity let out a forced laugh, placing the cup on the coffee table before speaking.

“So, darling.” Rarity’s voice broke the awkward silence that filled the small room.

"How’s the harem with Spike?” The Element of Generosity asked, knowing that’s the question on every ponies mind right now.

“I’m also interested to learn how this harem is working. Studies do show that all harem relationships end in failure, due to the wants and needs of each mare and the fact that each one has a different personality.” Twilight spoke

“Well, it’s going great! Spikey is the best boyfriend ever!” Pinkie cried out, confetti out of her two front hooves.

“Yeah, Spike is great.” Maud said, in her normal monotone voice.

“He’s just a little too much. I love him and all, but he just loves us way more and I think that it easier if more mares would be with him.” Limestone spoke

“Hmm-mm.” Marble said, nodding her head in agreement.

Rainbow let out a yawn, causing Applejack to smack the back of the yawning pegasus head.

“That a strange problem in a relationship. Do you have any ideas on who you four girls trust enough to share Spike with each of yours.” Starlight Glimmer asked

Marble didn’t speak, she only looked at her colorful sister, both Maud, and Limestone to look at Pinkie.

The Element of Laughter was tapping her chin in thought.

“Oh, I know, I know.” Pinkie cried out, waving her hoof wildly in the air.

“How about, you girls get with Spike. It will be great! All my sisters and all my best friends will be with Spike.” Pinkie said

Each of the mane six; Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Starlight all scratched their heads while talking with each other about being with Spike. The dragon that most of them didn’t see in a romance light.

Rainbow decided to share the bad news with her joyful friend.

“Sorry Pinkie, but Spike and I will never be together. He doesn't even have wings! He can’t keep up with, trust me, Spike and I will never be together. Ever!” Rainbow said, stomping her hoof on the ground.

Then one little month later, Rainbow soon started eating those words, not knowing how to break the news to Spike. The cyan color pegasus didn’t even know if Pinkie broke the news about him allowed to get more mares to his harem.

Rainbow doubted that Pinkie did, she just loves surprises, and the party pony does state that Spike is that his cutest when he worried about something.

“That’s enough Spike!” Rainbow’s rough and somewhat scratchy voice cried out.

Spike fell to his back, trying to catch his breath. Rainbow flew next to him, lying right next to the male dragon that she had a small crush on.

“Have you ever just sat back and enjoy the clouds?” Spike asked

“Not really, I’m normally far to busy being awesome to stop and watch the clouds roll by. Slowly.” Rainbow said

“I guess that’s true. But even some pony as awesome as yourself needs to just sit back, relax and watch the clouds.”

Rainbow didn’t want to say anything once she felt Spike wrapping his wing around her body. The weather ponies for the day must have made some patterns for ponies that enjoy cloud watching.

Rainbow saw some rather interesting shapes and sizes, seeing boats, some cupcakes, even flowers. Rainbow knew that the townsfolk write down some suggestions for what patterns that they would like to see whenever its a somewhat cloudy day.

Rainbow rested her head on Spike’s chest. Giving a small smile, feeling his chest slowly rising up and down. While letting out deep breaths, the male dragon felt warm, Rainbow was far more comfortable cuddling with Spike then she would like to admit.

His rough scales against her soft head, while the cold air that blew through the late afternoon. Rainbow was more than glad to have found a place that no pony knew about, which was half a lie when Rainbow knew that Fluttershy found this first when the yellow coated pegasus found those blasted Parasprites.

“Hey, Spike. Wake up.” She said, giving the sleeping dragon a light push.

Spike gave a moan of displeasure in his sleep, pulling The Element of Loyalty closer to his body, wrapping his large wing around her small body. Rainbow’s entire face was bright red, the cyan pegasus found it hard to find some of her words.

“Spike.” Rainbow somewhat muttered, getting more embarrassing than anything else.

All she got in return was a loud snore and something that he was saying in his sleep. It was a soft mutter, barely understandable.

“Spike,” Rainbow Dash said a little louder in his ear.

“Oh, Rainbow.” Spike moan in his sleep

Rainbow's eyes blinked once she heard her name escaping Spike's lips.

“You want to join my harem with Fluttershy and Starlight,” Spike said in his sleep.

Rainbow gave a deadpan stare, towards her dragon friend. Feeling either jealousy that he was also dreaming of getting with two of his other friends. Or she was just mad and rather not stay and cuddle with the dragon that she has the smallest crush on.

“SPIKE!!!” Rainbow yelled straight into his ear.

The male bolt awake, Rainbow let out a yelp of surprise. With him tugging his wing underneath her, it caused the female pegasus to spin in a circle before landing face first on the ground.

Spike rubbed his eyes and looked in horror at Rainbow Dash, whose face was covered in dirt and grass. She spat out some of the dirt that landed in her mouth.

“I’m so sorry, Rainbow. Please don’t hurt me!” Spike cried out

She slowly stood up and dusted herself off, she gave Spike a cold glare. He swallowed in fear

“Spike, don’t worry about it. I’m fine, this will be it for today.” Rainbow said before she shot in the air with a rainbow trail following behind her.

The next day, Rainbow sat with some of her fellow Pegasi friends, Cloudchaser, a mare that Rainbow meet at The Wonderbolts Academy. Her twin sister Flitter; a pegasus mare that normally stayed quiet and followed her sister around. The last pegasus there was Cloudkicker, who was just drinking her cup of juice.

“So, girls any boys that are on your mind to date?” Cloudchaser asked, trying to start a conversation

“I’m more into mares. I kinda want to start dating this pegasus called White Lightning. She seems nice.” Cloudkicker spoke in a whisper.

“What about you Cloudchaser, who’s your boyfriend for the week?” Rainbow asked Cloudchaser let out a small laugh.

“I want a piece of that dragon. Spock, I think his name was.” Cloudchaser said, tapping her hoof against her chin.

“Slik, Spin, Spot. Eh, it’s something starting with an S.” She said, waving her hoof.

“His name is Spike,” Rainbow growled through her teeth.

“Oh, yeah. Must have forgotten.” Cloudchaser shrugged her shoulders. “Hey, you’re his friend, can you score me a date?”

“He already has a girlfriend, in fact, he has four! I doubt he will ever go out with you.” Rainbow said, slamming her two front hooves on the cafè table.

The drinks tipped over. Flitter and Cloudkicker looked over at Rainbow anger expression towards Cloudchaser. Who was leaning back in her chair, with a smirk on her face with her front left hoof on the chair

“We’ll see about that. I will make sure to make him fall hopelessly in love with me and when I break that heart into tiny pieces then he will be sad and alone for the rest of his days.” Cloudchaser said while cleaning off her right front hoof.

“Chao, Rainbow. I got to catch a dragon, maybe he will get me some nice jewelry. Come on Flitter, we’re leaving.” Cloudchaser spoke, getting up from the cafè table.

Cloudchaser’s twin sister; Flitter was sitting there in silence, she let out a soft sigh and whisper the words, ‘Sorry’ towards The Element of Loyalty. Flitter quickly chased after her sister, while Rainbow face fell on her hoof.

“It's not that bad, right?” Cloudkicker started

“Not that bad? She’s the reason Thunderlane turn gay! Spike already had his heart broken once before, Pinkie was able to get him to be his normal self again. But…” Rainbow sated

“You’re afraid that if he gets his heart broken again, it will never get healed?” Cloudkicker said Rainbow nodded in silence.

“Then get Spike to be with you and a couple of more girls before Cloudchaser can have a chance on breaking his heart. If he knows that more than four mares love him, then maybe he won’t even give Cloudchaser the time of day.” Cloudkicker spoke, Rainbow rubbed her chin

“Great idea, but I have to go to Fillydelphia for Wonderbolts tour. With Soarin being sick, I’m the stand-in.” Rainbow Dash said

“Well, bring him with you. Didn’t Spitfire and Fleetfoot want to find some pony to be with one day and they can teach him on to fly.” Cloudkicker spoke, a light bulb shines above Rainbow’s head.

“Oh, Cloudkicker. I could kiss you.”

“You can!” Her eyes sparkle in joy.

Rainbow shot away from Cloudkicker, causing her to fall face first into the table, hoping to gotten a peck from Rainbow Dash before she bolted in the sky.

Rainbow flew through the open blue sky, smashing any clouds that got in her way to pieces. Nearly breaking out a Sonic Rainboom, unable to control her speed with the anger that she was growing around Cloudchaser. The cyan color pegasus stopped at the Sugar Cube Corner.

Rainbow’s hoof rapped against the hard wooden door trying to get attract the attention of Pinkie Pie. The pink party pony opens the door, moving her head out of the way from Rainbow’s hoof.

“Something wrong Dashie?” Pinkie asked

“Do you mind if I get some other ponies to be with Spike?” She asked

“Nope, go right ahead. Any pony I know?” She asked

“Myself and maybe The Wonderbolts,” Rainbow answered, Pinkie gave the cyan pegasus a stare.

“Oh. Aiming for the top guns, well good luck Dashie. I thought Rarity would go first, but you and The Wonderbolts.”

Rainbow gave The Element of Laughter a light hug, just for Pinkie to begin crushing Rainbow’s back. The cyan pegasus only patted Pinkie’s back before heading off towards The Castle of Friendship.

The thought of Cloudchaser’s word repeating in her head. It made Rainbow growl in a rage when Rainbow finally made it to the castle. She sat down with both Twilight and Spike.

“So, I was hoping that Spike could join me at Fillydelphia with The Wonderbolts. If he can’t learn how to fly from them, then he’ll never fly.” Rainbow said, giving off a small white lie.

“Sure, that sounds great!” Spike said Rainbow gave a large fake smile, watching the male dragon rush to his room to pack.

“Anything you'd like to tell me Rainbow,” Twilight said in her scary tone of voice.

“I like Spike, and both Spitfire and Fleetfoot want to find a nice guy. It like want Pinkie did with her sisters, no other reasons.” Rainbow said, Twilight only raised her eyebrow.

“Okay, I believe you Rainbow. Try to keep an eye on him, just like yourself. Spike us loyal, it will be hard for him to start dating more ponies when he already in a harem.”

“I understand. Not to worry, Spike won’t get hurt with me by his side.” Rainbow said, placing her hoof on her chest

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Rainbow said, Twilight gave her a kind smile.

“Thank you Rainbow. I trust you.” The Princess of Friendship spoke, giving Rainbow a kind hug

It was a little bit after dark when Cloudkicker was walking down the cold and empty streets of Ponyville, a large red bump on her forehead. Cloudkicker was carrying home some dinner, and ice for her head. She muttering to herself, under her breath about how unfair life is.

She let out a small cry, tipping over a stone in the middle of the road. Her bags falling in front of her, tears began to fill her eyes.

"Are you alright, dear?" A mare's voice asked

Cloudkicker looked up, tears running down her face. She looked at White Lightning, who was holding out her hoof for the fallen pegasus.

"Thank you," Cloudkicker said, a blush on her cheeks, getting off the ground.

"No problem. You can have dinner at my house tonight. I'm White Lightning" She said, with a smile.


Author's Note:

So, I got bored. I have been meaning on doing a sequel to Weekend With The Pies, I wanted to start off with Rarity and then move to Rainbow. But with Reptile Romance; Choose The Ship having, Rarity Starlight, Ember and Twilight. The only choice I could pick was Rainbow Dash and The Wonderbolts, I have the list with me.

Manehatten Rewards:
Coco Pommel
Sassy Saddles
Suri Polomare

Inner Nature:
Treehugger or Rara

Magical Anatomy:
Twilight Sparkle
Starlight Glimmer

Yeah, I placed a lot of thought into a lot of stories that I'm never going to write.

My plan was to have Lightning Dust try to steal Spike away from Rainbow like how Rainbow stole The Wonderbolts from her. But The Washouts happened and I didn't want to make Lightning a mail pony.

So, I threw her in the trash! Gave her story to Cloudchaser and replaced her with Fleetfoot, anyway, I don't see many enjoying this story. People only seem to like Spike with the main six, but Pinkie one went over well. So, here's hoping.