• Published 29th Sep 2018
  • 600 Views, 11 Comments

The Pony Store - Wonderbolt Writer

What if the Mane Six had to run a grocery store?

  • ...

Applications Please

The scroll had arrived early, just before sunrise. Even as tired as he was, Spike wasted no time in waking Twilight. He was sure that this sudden communication at such an early hour from the Princess meant that there was a threat of enormous magnitude befalling their fair land of Equestria.

"Twilight, wake up! We got a situation!" he said, frantically shoving the scroll repeatedly into her face. A second ago she was sleeping away the night peacefully but now she was nearly being suffocated in her own bed by a mere piece of parchment.

Her face recoiled in dismay, her muzzle scrunched up as if trying to flee the scene. But still her eyes were closed.

"Spike...what's going on?" she asked, slowly shaking her head.

"Something big! Well, maybe...but we got a letter from Celestia and it isn't even sunup yet." He tossed the paper toward her, gently smacking her in the horn.

Propping herself up on one hoof she finally opened her eyes enough to unfurl the scroll.

" 'My dearest student, I have an idea.' "

She narrowed her eyes and closed in on the paper's surface trying to glean more information. "What, is that all? W-what does that even mean?"

She looked at Spike for some semblance of an explanation. He merely shrugged. Seconds later while Twilight was busy examining the message, Spike suddenly belched out another letter. Twilight though, caught it mid-air with her magic before her scaly assistant could even begin to react.

Alicorn Sparkle, the Purple One, mumbled the contents of the newest note to herself. Then a look of sheer puzzlement dawned on her face. She reread this note as well just to be sure. Even going so far as to check the back and then douse it over with a spell to reveal any hidden writings, but none appeared.

"Well?" Spike asked.

"Uh,..." Twilight began, rubbing the sleep boogies from her eyes. "I g-guess we got some work to do?"

Several hours had passed since they received the bizarre communication from the Princess. Still, Twilight and Spike did all they could to fulfill her wishes, even if they didn't know just what the hay they were doing it all for. Twilight had spent the most of her morning overseeing the preparations while Spike busied himself with the thrilling task of rounding up Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

Thankfully the bonds of friendship were strong enough between them for each of her friends to toss their own personal day plans out the window in favor of helping out their friend in need. Rarity was last to arrive. After half-an-hour of mulling over what outfit to bring to an occasion she knew utterly nothing about, she had settled on bringing a little of everything. Sweetie Belle on the other hoof was less than excited about being drug along just to lug all of her older sister's 'junk' around. At least she was being paid this time. Which in her mind just made her a glorified pack mule, an adorable one, but still.

Now they all stood assembled before a large object covered in a large sheet as to keep prying eyes from seeing the marvelous construction that was taking place underneath.

"Thank you all so much for coming!" Twilight beamed, stepping out from under the curtain as if she somehow could sense their presence. "Especially on such short notice. I really do appreciate this." She gave a slight bow of appreciation with her head.

"No problem Twilight, happy to help." Rainbow chimed in. "But could you tell us what's going on already?"

"Sorry, Rainbow." Twilight said before motioning to the rest of her friends "And to everypony else, I didn't mean to inconvenience you all."

"Nonsense darling." Rarity patted her little sibling on the head. "Sweetie Belle and I were just bored to tears at the Boutique trying to figure out what to do after breakfast. You know, for quality time together. Isn't that right Sweetie?"

Sweetie Belle couldn't have been more expressionless. "Yep, just bored to...tears."

Her left eye twitched slightly, signaling that her will to live had not left her just yet.

Twilight smiled brightly. She was filled with such feelings of pride for her friends willingness to help. "I understand that some of you might find this a bit odd. But firstly, let me absolutely assure you all that I am not joking around here in the slightest. Princess Celestia has chosen us as the subjects...or the administrators of an experiment that her no doubt brilliant mind has concocted!"

"An experiment?" Applejack interrupted.

"Yes, exactly." Twilight answered. "You see-"

Before she could finish something caught her eye.

Pinkie Pie, who up until now had been quietly eating on a batch of one dozen triple chocolate chip cupcakes opened her mouth. Pinkie's jaw held ajar for three whole seconds. Silence filled the air. Then without saying a word she picked up another cupcake and commenced slowly nibbling her way to it's chocolaty innards.

"If you don't hurry Twilight, it'll be closing time before long." said Spike.

"Right, sorry. As I was saying, Celestia has an experiment for us to run and that is...." She used her magic to fling the sheet off of the building. "For us to all work, for one day, at the Sunny Store!"

Behind her stood a hastily constructed but sturdy shopping complex. The top half of it's walls were decorated in yellow tile while the bottom was wrapped in a swirling wave design comprising of differing shades of orange. Unsurprisingly the roof tiles were all light red but what caught all their eyes was the giant sign out front bearing Celestia's full face and mane beside the Store's name. Though she did order the store built and owned it lock, stock and barrel.

"So, Celestia is opening a store?" Applejack scratched the back of her hat, confused. "...With us as the employees?!"

"W-What?" was all Rainbow Dash was able to mutter.

"I know isn't it exciting!" Twilight said, literally failing to contain her excitement as she did a little bounce.

"I know I'm excited." Sweetie deadpanned. Right before bursting into full blown smile.

Author's Note:

Just a quick story I thought up after getting home from work. Haven't written in a while. Might do some more tomorrow. :twilightsmile: Hope somepony likes it, even if it ain't much to go on. And no, Twilight didn't build the store, she just oversaw the construction.