• Published 19th Aug 2012
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Mass Effect: Vigilance - Dr.Shiny

Astra Sparkle on a journey across the galaxy to help her people

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Captain's log: After several long weeks of quiet, finally some action. A colony has given a distress signal. I wonder if the insurrectionists have come out of hiding after all these years. I've waited quite a long time to put an end to them. I have the best ship in Celestia's fleet, and a loyal crew. I'll show these rebels what happens when you mess with the Celestial Empire.

"CAPTAIN!" yelled the navigator, " Our long range sensors have picked up what shows to be a fleet coming out from the relay."

The captain put her hoof on her command station, and brought up the sensors data. What seemed to be three small size objects, and one huge one in the middle. Could it be the missing Lunar Fleet? It can't be the insurrection, they don't have the resources to build something that big. she thought to herself. She looked back at the navigator and said,"Does the Admiral know?"

"Yes captain, all ships in the fleet are moving into battle formation."

She pushed the intercom button on the station and addressed her crew,"All ponies, report to battle stations, we have unknown ships heading our way. If they want to pick a fight, I want the crew of the Element of Magic to show them that we are a force to be reckon with. For Celestia." She ordered her comms station to open a link to the Admiral. The pony complied and the a video of the Admiral appeared on the command station.

"Admiral Keyes, the Element of Magic is reporting." said the Captain.

"Good to hear captain. These unknown ships could either be friendly, or a threat. I pray to Celestia that they don't want to cause harm." said Admiral Keyes.

"Admiral, could they be possibly the insurrection or the Lunar Fleet?" asked the captain.

"That I cannot say. There's no possible way the insurrection could fund a fleet of no more than two ships after the last conflict. They could pull an attack on a colony though. It can't possibly be the Lunar Fleet, we have no records of any ship like the any of the ones we just scan. Just stay on your toes. I don't want to tell your mother that you are KIA." said Admiral Keyes.

"She was very resistant of me joining the Royal Navy, but once I became a captain of a ship, she stop her nagging so much." replied the Captain.

Admiral Keyes closed the call. He looked out to the dark of space. If they are hostile, I hope that fourteen ships can take them on. he thought. The fleet moved in a standard formation. Flagship in the middle, frigates on the outside and destroyers in between. They came towards the relay. The unknown fleet was sitting idle nearby the relay. Then it began to move toward the equestrian fleet. Keyes ordered all guns to be ready. The gap between them grew smaller.

"Sir! We have large heat trails heading our way. They just fired at us!" yelled a crew member.

It was what the Admiral feared. Seeing the ships much closer showed that they were not made by ponies. The fact that fired shots much farther than their ships shows these are much more advance in technology. The shots raced from the black of space, and they hit their marks. Keyes was knocked to the floor. He stood back up and pulled up the damage report. His ship already took severe damage. Several hull breaches, and one engine down. The diagram of his ship on the screen seemed to glow red. He looked above and saw more shots coming at his ship. He looked at the bridge and saw complete chaos. Fire was everywhere, many crew members wounded. He ordered them to get to escape pods, but when he looked in front, all he could see was a bright light heading right at him.

The flagship was destroyed. Explosions came all over, and then the ship cracked into pieces in one massive explosion. The rest of the fleet returned fire. Next two ships took direct hits. Severe hull breaches. Unfortunate ponies were flung out into the cold. The fleet manage to get a couple of hits on the hostile fleet, but it didn't do much to them. They kept returning fire, and every shot fired, another ship was destroyed.

"Naz, get us out of here!" ordered the Captain.

"We can't leave the battle! Plus where are we going to go? The enemy is right in front of us, and they are kicking our plots." replied Naz.

"We'll lose them in the relay. Put power into the engines. This will be a bumpy ride." said the Captain.

The Element of Magic's engines powered up. The craft began moving towards the relay, dodging all the fire from the enemy. It pulled a barrel roll over a ship, and punched it towards the relay. The Captain looked at her monitor to see the fleet. Out of the fourteen ships that came, so far six were destroyed. It did not stop either. One ship tired to make a run to the relay, but one round from the large enemy ship stopped it dead. Many ships began shooting escape pods. On the monitor, many escape pod shuttles appeared. The Captain only hopped that the enemy would allow them to live, but there would also be no help for them. If they are being invaded, the entire Celestial Fleet could not stop these invaders. Then there was a huge shake on the ship, that knocked everypony to the ground. It wasn't good, one of the engines had been hit. The pilot put the ship and gave it all it had left. They are in range of the relay. One of the ships turned around to pursue them. The purple craft was coming at them fast. The pilot asks the Captain where does she want them to go. The Captain responds,"Anywhere, but here."

The ship is shot off from the relay. Zooming through the galaxy faster than the speed of light, to an unknown location. The Captain felt guilt for leaving the battle. All the lives being lost back there in the dead of space. For many crews, it was their first mission. Others had family back on Equestira, or other colonies. She wanted to stay and fight, but it would have meant the entire crew would have lost their lives. Now she has to figure out how they can go back there, and tell everypony, that they are being invaded by a hostile alien race.

Going out of the relay, the ship kept moving at a quarter of light speed. Naz tired to slow it down, but the controls were not responding. He tired to maneuver the craft, but still no response. Next the proximity warnings lit up all over the ship. They were on a collision course onto a planet. With no hope of changing the course, the Captain got on the intercom and ordered her crew.

"All ponies brace for impact, we'll be hitting the planet pretty damn hard. Plus put on oxygen masks, better safe than sorry." she said on the intercom. She looked around and asked, "Anypony know how much time do we have before impact?"

"We have about 7minutes till we meet the surface." said the navigator.

"Naz, when we are about 75,000 feet from the surface, try to get this ship up. We be better off landing belly first, than taking a nose dive." she told Naz.

"Aye, aye Captain." replied Naz.

The ship started to heat up from the friction of the atmosphere. It only got hotter as the ship kept going down. It began getting warm inside the ship, and it was shaking. The Captain held on to a nearby bar, as the shaking got more and more violent. The ship made the decent mostly intact. About 75,000 feet Naz tried to pull the ship up. Slowly the nose of the ship raised up, till the crew in the bridge could see the horizon. Then the ship fell toward the planet's surface. "Thirty seconds till impact." said the navigator. The Captain held her breath and closed her eyes. This could be it. I may never see home again. What will my mother think of me? she thought. She could still remember the day she told her mother that she joined the fleet.

"You did what?" yelled her mother.

"Mom, I want to do this. I want to see the galaxy." she replied.

"No daughter of mine is going to be a space marine."

"Mom, I'm going into the navy. I will almost never see combat. Plus what are the chances we will find any other space-traveling civilizations. I'll be fine mom."

"No, you're going to cancel your enlistment, and go back to your studies."

"MOM, I'm not a filly, anymore. I can make my own decisions."

"I will..."

She opened her eyes, and saw the comm message was lighting up. Before she could do anything, "Three, two, one, BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!" yelled the navigator.

The ship hit the planet's surface hard. It scraped across the dusty world, kicking up a sandstorm. One part of the ship broke off, and was sent flying east. It kept going for about a mile before stopping. The ship could never fly again. The damage was too great. The Captain rose slowly from what use to be the bridge of the ship. She looked around, and saw several ponies dead. Crushed at their stations. The navigator was wounded, but could still walk. She walked toward where Naz's station. What she found him, severely wounded. He had blood coming out of his nose, ears. He had cuts all over him. He was barely breathing. He looked over to his commanding officer,"I did it Captain. I did it." before he passed away. The Captain closed his eyes, and took his tags.

"Yes you did Naz, yes you did." she said to him.

"Ma'am, I'm going to look for any more survivors." said the navigator.

"Do it." she replied.

The navigator walked off the bridge in search of survivors. Meanwhile, the Captain went back to her station. It was mostly intact. She looked for the comm message she received before the impact. She found it and played it.

"This is Admiral Hackett, Systems Alliance Fifth Fleet. You have enter Alliance territory, identify yourself or we will fire."

Too late for firing at us she thought.

She got onto the comm, hoping it will work. "This is Captain Astra Sparkle of the Element of Magic, Celestial Empire. My ship has crashed and we have wounded. I need assistance please."

She waited for a bit. Nothing but static. She bowed her head, "Well no one's going to save us." she said walking away.

"We will be at your position shortly. Stay where you are. I'm sending a team to help you."