• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 473 Views, 3 Comments

Fort Book, and the Dragon Hoard - Ponyess

One bookworm and egghead, taking refuge in the construction of Fort Book, to hide away from the teasing of others. What comes next, is the effect of a coincidental summoning of the inventor of the fort. The worth of a Dragon’s hoard.

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My Room

Author's Note:

Twilight Sparkle's POV

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Previous Chapter: Apple, or Carrot

Next Chapter: Extensions


The apples she had offered me, were delicious; I will have to give her, as much.

I had seen, there are several more rooms in the fort. Fort Book is far larger, than I had dared to expect or hope. My old version, as a filly; had never been this large, this is not a mere filly’s stack of books. It is a mature structure, built out of books beyond the hopes and dreams of a mere filly.

Is it silly of me, to choose the room beside hers? I had chosen the room, nonetheless. Maybe I just desire the sense of companionship, or the protection, in her company? Yet, I had chosen this room.

My room, just as hers, is far from the outer gate, as well as from the outer wall of our castle. A castle, built by a little girl, walls consisting of nothing but the books out of an archive. All that keeps the books in place, is her hopes and dreams. Of course, now I add mine; in order to strengthen and reinforce the structure for the good of the both of us.

In friendship, I trust; just as I had trusted, in the wisdom of the books

With nothing but books, that is what I am using to build my bed. I have no sheets, or bed covers. At least, now I have a more proper bed. Of course, she does have nothing more, than what I have.

I had used the books, I had found least useful, when I had built my bed, hoping she had done the same. A book, stuck in the structure of the fort, is lost to us. Unless we are willing and able to replace the original book; stuck in the structure of the fort or the furniture.

Even with my magic, I am not willingly taking the risk. I do not feel overly eager to find myself under the rubble of the fort; in case it would be tumbling down upon me. Just as I do not want, to risk the girl’s life in the process.

Am I too reverent of the books, these books used in the construction of the structure referred to as; Fort Book. I have always had a close relation and intimate reverence for books. Maybe, just maybe this is why I built my very own version of this fort. As a matter of fact; I fear, this is why I accepted the call and the summoning in the first place.

Now I am here, at Fort Book. She lets me have a room, one of many rooms in her wondrous fort. It is almost, as if I am reliving a fantasy from my foalhood.

She summoned me, knowingly or not, but she summoned me; she gave me a room of my own, and I chose this one room as my own. I live in the room, next to hers.

The floor on which I trot is the sides of books, just as the walls surrounding and protecting me; are the backs of books. No, not mere books; heavy, ageless, invaluable tomes of worth beyond measure. Maybe books do have personality, and powers; beyond what mere humans and ponies could have imagined? I dread, I fret; yet, I feel a desire stirring in my chest, deep withing me. A desire, to explore and learn of the powers. Magic, arcane and impenetrable.

In the perspective of a fort; is the room, where these books are stored the armory? I was never a guard or in the millitary, that was my brother’s part to play; just as I don’t see this girl, as part of military either. Not just because she is too young, but it is not in her personality.

Save the two books I had chosen, after she introduced me to them, demonstrating them to me, I move the entire stack of books to the room next to mine. Now I have her room on one side, and the armory on the other side of my room. Everything, collected close by. I can’t move the kitchen, or any other facility; but then again, I had no hoof in the construction of this Fort Book.

Am I envious, not having a hoof in this construction; or, should I have been envious? I do not know, but for now do not care. Should I?

I guess I am content, living with the girl. I can make due, with what I have. No point, in worrying about anything I do not have, or can not fix by myself.

I don’t have anything to complain about; she is sharing what she has with me freely; both her books and her food. While I guess I still do miss my old friends of Ponyville.

“Imagine it; I desire the companionship and company, of one such as her!” I ponder; “But is she so different; from when I accepted the Dragon, I now know as Spike?” I realize

They may be of two entirely different worlds and cultures, but they are taking up a position in my heart; not too dissimilar, when you examine the context of it all.

Is this something, I need to be sleepless over; spending hours of waken time, wondering and worrying about?” I ponder; “Of course not, what a preposterous notion you are presenting!” I answer my own question, finding satisfaction in the response.

Why do I fret, or worry? There is nothing I could do, just as there is nothing I could change; at this point, when I am already here.

While I do not particularly enjoy a situation, where there is nothing I could possibly do; but if I have someone I can ask and rely upon, I guess I will just have to make due!” I ponder

I have a room, and a friend with whom I can share everything I have; just as she is sharing everything she has, with me. At least, it is what I see. If this is not so, she is certainly hiding it well.