• Member Since 16th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen April 6th



Twilight finds out something isn't quite right about the crystal castle and herself. When she learns that something has changed about her and she isn't who she thinks she is, she tries to find out why and how that came to pass.
The answers isn't what she expected, but now that she knows, what will she do with that information? Will she change, continue, or end it all?

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 87 )

What is wrong with this fandom and murdering Twilight in season 3? The story was good. But what happened wasn't original.

Though Celestia's idea here is.

It's a very clear turning point in the story of My Little Pony. The imagery and the experience are also easy to interpret as a metaphor for death and rebirth, not unlike Gandalf.
When messing with an ancient, unfinished spell, Twilight disappears in a magical explosion. She sees a pony all in white (an angel?), her life flashes before her eyes, and she goes into the light.

"What is wrong with this fandom"-I ask myself that question quite often.

I'll check out this tale. Seems interesting

Part of it is also people not wanting to accept that the original twilight is the same character as the Twilicorn

Goes from dark to light hearted, I really enjoy the unique twist of a non-entity experiencing self-awareness and acceptance. An excellent way to teach us who we are or who we can be, regardless of our origins.

That kind of denial always annoyed me, then again I think the way they went around having her ascend was done poorly, though I blame Hasbro more for that than DHX.

Interesting idea i do hope you going more with it
Like the clone? Android(smart robot) whatever become more unique more deistic if i used the right word from twlight. Its wrong to just make a copy of some one and then force said copy to be that person abd never let them be thier own being

Wow that last few lines were very dark and extremely clever! Good job on that!

so whats up with her body giving out after a week away and how did that work out between the ascension and tirek?

The treebrary had computer bits put in it by Celestia, then it all got nuked and the Tree of Harmony had to do something fast. So the Crystal Castle was built.

I'm with you on it could have been done better. But I blame that on it being condensed into 30, instead of 60, minutes.

Also the fact that it's ultimately a show targeted at kids and their parents, not males between the ages of 15-30. That fact meant the show couldn't explore some avenues that would be too advanced for younger viewers.

so what about the week away thing then, was that recharge or some maintenance detail?

It's meant to be a need to charge, to keep her coming back to Ponyville.

A good story, but was far too short. There was plenty of ways this could have done, and to be honest I would have prefered it going much deeper in terms of plot. It could have gone much darker if Twilight had a much more negative reaction to it.

Everything is a lie after all, she merely inherited Twilights memories. Her body is a marvel of magic and technology, but not without its own unique quirks. There is also the issue that Twilight know's Celestia kept resetting her, wiping her memory, and she's ok with that? That's downright dark manipulation for a princess that preaches harmony. Would be interesting to see Twilight unravelling more than her truth and the rest of the skeletons in Celestia's closet.

I won't disagree. There's a lot left unexplained, but Twilight is, after all, the princess of friendship. She was made that way. She reconciled with Spike, but that's really it. She acquiesced to Celestia's statements, but she didn't reconcile everything with her, nor her friends, or her family. She just made up with Spike. This only goes to that point, and I agree there's a lot left to discuss. I may elaborate later.

Hmm This brings out a quite interesting question... It's like the problem with the Star Trek Teleporter... You get disintegrated in some place and then get reconstructed somewhere else... Are you the same person or a copy of that person? Here you have fundamentally the resurrection of a person...

9228088 This "paradox" is solved with one of the most basic concepts of logic. You are teleported. This deconstructs you, and reconstructs you somewhere else. You can attempt to argue that the person on the other side is not you, but an exact copy, but this argument has no legs to stand on. The law of identity kills it.

In logic, the law of identity is the first of the three classical laws of thought. It states that "each thing is the same with itself and different from another".

The alleged copy of you on the other side of the teleport is an exact copy of you. Exact. There is no difference other than location. Every atom is in the same place, every spark of energy is right where it was a moment before. You are A. The Copy is B. A = A and B = B. Howeaver, there is no difference between A and B. A = B. Therefore, you didn't die, you're still alive, you merely moved. The "copy" is still you under the most basic laws of logic. You're fine, even if you really did disintegrate because any exact duplicate by definition must also be you.

The fundamental flaw with your argument is that you first must prove that the principle of identity is applicable. This is naturally impossible to prove as the topic is both fictional and exceeds our collective understanding of both life and consciousness. Applying identity to this situation is the logical equivalent of assuming the conclusion, and is not a valid form of reasoning.

9228536 I must disagree. If you can't apply logic and reason to fictional situations, then the entire realm of philosophy breaks down due to it's reliance on hypothetical situations exactly like teleportation explain ideas and concepts. Or do you think Zeno of Elea fired an actual arrow to give people a demonstration the Arrow paradox to show people his take on the impossibility of motion due to the nature of time as discrete moments?

If you truly feel that logic has no place in fiction I will not argue with you as we wont get anywhere. Good day.

Oh, you can apply logic, certainly. For example, it is an axiom of life that, once ended, it cannot be restored. Thus, logically, the destruction of a living organism is the cessation of that life, even if another isomorphic organism is created elsewhere. Same situation, different conclusion.

The problem I named wasn't that you can't use logic. It was that you could choose what the conclusion is based on which axioms, which principles, you decide to give priority. And because you can choose what the conclusion is, trying to justify that conclusion as "the logical solution" is a violation of the rigor and philosophy that makes logical thought so valuable.


Though now that she knows she needs to recharge, she can design portable battery crystals to keep her going on extended forays.

I'd read a sequel, if it was written.

your right a lot of things need to be explained

Ultimately, it boils down to the question of identity, and how it's constructed. In particular, how the human idea of identity has developed almost entirely along the lines of one identity = one physical person/brain. Variations on this (secret identities, shared identities, multiple personalities, corporate and other non-individual legal entities) tend to be treated as weird, strange, something to be handled differently to the norm.

This was a neat read. A bit short, but good.

Well then what happens when instead of destroying the original we just create the destination?

Celestia laughed lightly. “My dear Twilight. Always thinking of others before yourself. You really are the princess of Friendship, aren’t you?”

I'm not sure why, but that sounded very uncanny

i don't think axiom means what you think it does.
an axiom is a statment of truth based apon wisdom

so basically a statement that is collectively held to be true
for example 'tis beter to have loved and lost' is an axiom
another would be and fitingly for this situation
I think therefore i am.

this is a beutifull and thought provokeing little tale
i would be interested to see if this twilight choses to tell her 'friends' the truth...how would they react i wonder
and then theres the question of how twilight died...if events played out in the story cannon as they did in the show then it was a result of the backlash from the elements when they were all restored...and if the scene from the show still holds cannon here though the remane five dont know it, twilight was content in her last moments...her expression softened and there was a gentel smile on her face

also did you just change your avatar and your description...
i feel like it said something else a couple hours ago but my memory can be spoty at times

Nay, it's been the same for a while now.

and to anyone out there who thinks this isnt quite 'horror' ...theres a sub genre called 'body horror' which is just what it sounds like, its horror either internal to a charicter or external to the viewer caused by an unnatural condition of the flesh, be it benign or destructive in nature if you've ever read FoE: project horizens, the main charicters reactions to the shit that happens to her flesh during the course of the adventure falls into that too.

remember horror doesnt always have to be scarry, horror is about allowing one to expearince some form of dread, it doesnt always need to come to a bad end either...theres a saying about horror always having sad endings, but its not actualy true.

but all of the best horror stories will leave you thinking, and considering your own point of view long after the final line has been read.


Twilight’s horn lit up, and she was gone before Shining could touch her.

Well, she knows already from Spike that Celestia edited her mind previously in similar circumstances, so going there without backup seems like a very bad idea. Good thing that she has nearby a pony that a. a powerful mage, b. known to be able to do questionable things and even oppose Equestrian government and, most importantly, c. immensely loyal to Twilight (that exact Twilight) personally. Adding mane 5 to the list also may be a good idea (although, requires further investigation). That should probably be enough to demand from Celestia to spill the beans or else :rainbowlaugh:

That was some shady crap! I'm glad to see it ended well, but still - all the cutting and realizing what she is/isn't was so disturbing... I hate it.

I love it!

Yeah, that's a visual that should've been accompanied by lots of blood. My imagination kept trying to do it, but with the way it was written and the logic it was just.. mweh.

Starting to think the last few paragraphs warrant the horror tag.

That definition is actually a little narrow. The whole "based upon wisdom" thing is extremely problematic. Generally speaking, people don't agree on what wisdom is, and the deeper you get into pure logic the less "wisdom" has anything to do with anything.

An axiom, simply, is a statement that is defined to be true. The dictionary defines the term as "a proposition that is assumed without proof for the sake of studying the consequences that follow from it." Notably, that means that axioms do not need to be justified, save for being proven to be independent from all other axioms. That's why I made the point that actually studying the topic at hand is not possible -- we have no choice but to make assumptions, to create those foundational axioms, and doing so dictates the conclusions we draw.

and yet is not everything we do in life just makeing asumptions, educated though they may be.
i can say the sun will rise in the morning...and i can say that with 99 percent certainty....and yet...i could very well be wrong
the world may tidaly lock at some point tonight and the sun will never move in the sky again, or it could just go out, or something could block our view of it
what is true, what is known is a mater of perceptions, not facts...as a result yes you can break down 'alot' from a fictional work
half the fandom is deadicated to doing just that, which is why a great number of the most popular bronies are analysts.

so yeah, argueing stuff like you are is going to get you booed out of rooms fast here dude, cause it doesnt jibe well with us.
but eh, whatever, your view is yours, my view is mine
love and tollerate and all that jaz.

ps: you know also that you can just invoke the word of god if theres an idea in the story you want to know more about, further damaging your point [if you dont know word of god is tropespeak it means asking the author]

Fantastic work!

For what it's worth Tolkien's work is basically a constructed mythology and Gandalf is practically a lesser divine being. In that context death and rebirth have a bit more to do with physical embodiment than anything else. It isn't like he evaporated and somebody reconstructed him from the memories and recollections of others.

Story is sort of interesting but seems a tad cliche and handwaves the serious questions.

Great chapter !
Im reading chapter two now!:pinkiehappy:

What are you even talking about? I critiqued someone's poor construction of logical argument. That's not in any way part of a philosophical debate on the use of rigor in daily life.

But does the original person die when it is disintegrated? When the exact copy is made, does it still have the same soul? Can you copy a soul or is it unique? Is every copy after the first teleportation an empty soulless shell? Even though it shares the same morals, do those affect the soul in any way any more?

It's completely different to this fiction, though, as Olórin was of the maiar, basically an angel, that just lost its corporeal form as Gandalf and had to make a new one.

To the author: the fic was a nice read, and that's a pretty rare praise from me because I usually shy away from horror stories. Unfortunately I must add that as interesting as the fic was, the comments section is even more interesting. :twilightsmile:

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