• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 23,618 Views, 317 Comments

Sometimes a Popsicle Is Just a Popsicle - Lurks-no-More

Princess Celestia will at last get a taste of Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...


"Wait, what?" Princess Celestia asked, unable to believe her ears. "Run that by me one more time, Rose."

Rose Quartz, her major-domo, looked sheepish. "Like I said, the Jen & Berry Ice Cream Company is requesting your royal approval for their new line of themed popsicles based on your student Twilight Sparkle and her friends, to follow the success of their 'Wonderbolts' series of ice cream. They sent samples, too, for you to try..."

Celestia's pink eyes narrowed and her wings flared slightly. "Preposterous! This is the most blatant and impudent request I've heard since I had to veto the Worshipful Company of Dessert-Makers' attempt to create a three-story tall statue of Chancellor Puddin'head made entirely out of Hearth's Warming pudding as the centerpiece of Canterlot's winter market!"

"Yes, Your Highness. That was back in 871, if I recall correctly," the pink mare said carefully. "That is why they wished to assure that it would all be done in good taste, if you pardon the pun." The way the sunlight seemed to dim outside the throne room's windows suggested that Celestia did not appreciate the joke, so she quickly forged ahead. "This entire thing has been kept under the wraps, and the only ones at the company who know about it are Ms. Jenever and Ms. Frosty Berry themselves, and their chief designer, Mr. Sherbet. If you do not approve, they will bury the project entirely, and never bring it up again."

"At least they show some sense," Celestia said. "You can tell them that their request is summarily rejected, and that we are considering a new purveyor of ice cream and frosted delights for the Royal Court."

"Yes, Your Highness," Rose said, making a note. "Princess Luna will be disappointed, however..."

Celestia frowned. "Do not tell me that my little sister is a fan of their concoctions, Rose."

"As a matter of fact, yes, Your Highness. After her return, she did live for three months on nothing but their products." Rose paused for a second. "It is possible... uh, I believe that she may have suggested this idea to Ms. Berry."


Celestia checked herself, noticing how her major-domo was trying unsuccessfully to hide behind her day planner. "I'm sorry, Rose. I should not have yelled at you; none of this debacle is your fault," she said in a calmer voice, one that didn't rattle the windows. "Don't do anything about this until I've discussed the matter with my sister, will you?"

"Yes, Your Highness," Rose said, bowing deep. "Is that all?"

"I believe it is... No, wait. I guess I might as well try those damned samples of theirs. Have them sent to my rooms this evening, Rose. And make sure that my sister comes there as well, as soon as she gets up."

- - -

Celestia stared with distaste at the magical ice box sitting on the table of her evening drawing room. It bore the familiar Jen & Berry logo, with several red "Most Secret: For Princess Celestia Only" stamps and bright blue check-marks signifying that the Royal Guards had found it safe slapped all over it.

She ignored the carefully written note, signed by Jenever and Frosty Berry both, that had come attached; it contained nothing that she hadn't already heard from Rose. "Hmmph." A faintest flicker of her horn snapped the lid open, showing her the six individual cardboard boxes, each stamped with the cutie mark of one of her most trusted subjects and assistants.

Disgust and curiosity warring inside her head, Celestia opened the first box and levitated a popsicle out. It was bright orange, with a red stripe in its stick, and had an apple blazoned on it. She gave it a lick; it tasted exactly as she had expected.

"Apples for Applejack. How predictable," Celestia sighed. Still, it was surprisingly good; there was enough tartness to counterbalance the sweetness, and a faint, spicy hint of cinnamon that grew stronger as she progressed closer to the stick. With some surprise, the Princess realized that she'd devoured the entire popsicle!

The next one was half light yellow, half pink, and bore the sign of a butterfly. Having no idea what a Fluttershy-themed popsicle would taste, Celestia tried it with genuine interest.

"Dandelion wine and strawberries? Yes, that would suit her," she mused. It was a light, uncomplicated mix of flavors that brought images of childhood summers to the mind of any pony tasting it, but not simplistic.

There was no question about who the next popsicle was supposed to represent: it was striped with all the colors of the rainbow, coming very close to being as vibrant as Rainbow Dash's mane. A long, slow lick allowed the Princess to taste each flavor in turn.

"Red grapefruit... Orange... Lemon... Lime... Blue grapefruit?" It was zesty, even tangy, but with an underlying sweetness that tied the citrus flavors together, much like Loyalty tied the Elements together. It was becoming clear to her that Luna had to be involved in this. No one else could have guided the ice cream makers to such fitting results!

The next popsicle was almost pure white, with the deep purple stripe on the stick the only splash of color.

"Ah, vanilla. My favorite!" Celestia sighed with pleasure and took a bite off of the tip of the popsicle. They'd used some really good vanilla for this, she could tell. It was the kind of a thing a lot of ponies would bypass as something they'd tasted a thousand times before, but the discerning ones would be in for a treat.

On to the next one! The garish pink-with-pink-stripes look was very much like Pinkie Pie, even down to the yellow and blue stripes on the stick. Her first taste left Celestia disappointed; the mix of raspberry and strawberry was pleasant, all right, but after the last couple of ones, she had expected something more clever and insightful. Then her tongue hit a swirl of deeper red, hidden among the bright pink, and her eyes widened in surprise as the spicy burn of chili invaded her mouth.

"I take it back. They've got Pinkie Pie down pat," Celestia chuckled as she devoured the popsicle, the hot flashes mixing pleasantly with the chilly berry flavors.

Finishing the treat and letting the stick join others on the floor, she levitated the final one out from the box and over to her. Then she hesitated, looking at the deep violet popsicle with its dark stick, striped with pink and lighter violet in a way that captured the colorful stripes of Twilight's mane. She knew all too well the kind of sordid rumors about her and her faithful student that swirled around in the less reputable of Canterlot's bars, and suddenly the act of tasting this iced treat seemed all too much like the set-up of a bawdy joke.

The Princess hesitated for a moment longer. Then she started laughing. "Oh, Celestia, you silly pony!" she said, shaking her head and chuckling. "Sometimes a popsicle is just a popsicle!" She gave it a careful lick, not wanting to miss any detail of the flavors Luna and the mistresses of ice cream had put into it. "Hmm... Grape and cranberry, with a hint of lavender. Yet there's something more to it as well, a faint undertone of spices that I cannot recognize... Intriguing."

Her expression changed suddenly from thoughtful to mischievous, as she gave the popsicle another lick. "Oh, my beloved student Twilight, you have no idea how long I have waited for this moment," she said in a throaty, lustful voice suited to a bedroom farce. Then her voice changed into a passable, if parodic, imitation of Twilight's tones. "Oh, Princess! I'm so happy to be finally alone with you like this! Please, please lick my horn again!"

"I do not spy Twilight Sparkle here with us, dear sister," Luna said suddenly, right behind her.

Celestia let out a startled yelp, accidentally launching the half-eaten popsicle out of the open window at a speed that Rainbow Dash would have been hard pressed to match. Sighing, she turned around to glare at her sister, who stood there with an expression of exaggerated innocence on her face.

"I halfway believe you set this whole thing up just to put me in that situation, Luna," Celestia said a little crossly. Then she began to giggle in a most un-Princess-like fashion. "If so, allow me to congratulate you; it was a good prank!"

"Of course not, Celestia," her sister scoffed. "It was just one of the amusing side effects I predicted." Luna's eyes brightened. "Now, did you enjoy these delightful sherbets on a stick? I tried to capture some essential quality of each of your protégéés. Finding the correct recipe for Twilight Sparkle's namesake was a most subtle and vexing task, but I believe I succeeded at last."

"I couldn't really say," Celestia said, looking pointedly in the direction where her treat had vanished, before turning to smile at Luna. "Perhaps another round of tasting is in order?" she asked, levitating two more Twilight-flavored popsicles up from the box.

Comments ( 317 )

That was cute, I like the taste of this fic. :rainbowwild:

:rainbowhuh: a tad confusing, yet a good read.

Nice. Really good read. :twilightsmile:


You have created a great fic.

And prooved the justice of our culture.

Now go and rest our heroes!

Wow... the innuendos in the description were funny, but this is plain hilarious!

That's Celestia!:trollestia:

God, this story was awesome. But now I want one of those popsicles. :fluttershysad:

I want a popsicle now...that read was good. I give you a thumbs up and favourite! :twilightsmile:

I love to see trolling runs in the family:trollestia:

This was highly amusing and made me kinda want ice cream

Though I must say my only complaint was the flavor for Rarity, it just seemed too plain and simple considering how Rarity is and what not. I guess I was just expecting something with some sort of pizzazz or something. All the flavors perfectly match the pony they represent except for Rarity's but all in all great stuff!

One of your shorter ones, Lurk, but still gold in my book.:raritywink:

Heh. Cute one-shot. And now I want to try all of these. :twilightsmile:

I expected something completely different... and I'm glad I was wrong, this was great :pinkiehappy:

:trollestia: oh Trollestia only you would pretend to be licking twilights horn like that. :trollestia:

i approve of this story.

If I were a lesser man, I'd have killed you for that reference.

for this, i give heart-shaped popsicle. :heart: :rainbowwild:

Well time to break out the ice cream maker.


I would disagree as the fic did state that her flavor used a very complex and high grade of vanilla. Rarity should be something refined and elegant.


I know it says it is high grade vanilla that is used but it also says that it's something that most would not take note of or notice, which is something that Rarity is not. Out of all the mane 6 Rarity is the one who purposely goes out of her way to be noticed and stand out as much as possible. The high class vanilla isn't a bad idea but in my opinion it still needs something extra to push it over the edge and be as spectacular as the unicorn it represents and not just "the kind of a thing a lot of ponies would bypass as something they'd tasted a thousand times before"

"Captain, you should check this out. I'm detecting high readings of likes from my visor..."


But rlly, nice story.

I need a sequel with where the Mane 6 try them out. It would simply be delicious. :heart:


Ah but it did say that the discerning ones would be in for a treat. The refined pony who can appreciate simple refined flavors, food snobs. And High class ponies is who Rarity likes to impress.

Also, we appear to be discussing ice cream flavors for my little pony characters....

HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! :pinkiecrazy:

Brilliant. The people at the library are giving me funny looks now, because of my :rainbowlaugh: at the end. This is fantastic.

"Yet there's something more to it as well, a faint undertone of spices that I cannot recognize... Intriguing."
Wait :rainbowhuh:Wat?:rainbowderp:Did she mean ?...No of course she didnt!!:facehoof:
Confound you Princess Molestia!!!:trollestia:
You drive me to think negativly!!


I suppose its just a matter of opinion either way am I right? Still, it doesn't take away from the overall amazingness of the story so in the end does it really matter?

As for how, I'll just chalk it up as excellent writing by the author to spur on an actual discussion on this particular subject. Thus earning them more points in the winning category

I lol'd so hard. good job!

Now, will somepony please get B&J and Hasbro on the line and see about actually MAKING these?
A grand fortune to be made, for sure.

Can I has a Twilight Sparkle please:pinkiesad2:

I was just about to close my browser and go to bed when this caught my eye. Great read and very *snicker* tasteful.

Where did twilighs go anothrr stroy yet to be told writing on nook

Hilarious! :rainbowlaugh: Loved Celestia at the end with 'Twilight' there. Ah, when you're alone...


-slaps the the dumb out of your mouth-

Great concept Lurks-no-More; very original. Not to mention, I am always a fan of trolling Luna! Definately worth a thumbs up and a fav. I think I'll have to have a look through your other stories ... I read Making Do a while back and it was great as well.

I just noticed one small mistake. In the sentence "It was becoming clear to her that Luna had to be involved this." you are missing the word 'in' after the word 'involved.'

Also, I love the picture for this story. I wonder what the names of the flavours are: Applelicious, Rarilicious, Flutterlicious, Dashilicious, Pinkilicious, and Twilightlicious? :rainbowlaugh:

Maybe you have it the wrong way around. Maybe it would take a refined high-class pony to appreciate the complexity and high-quality of the vanilla used. In that way, it can represent how 'simple' ponies ignore the subtleties of high-class, elegance, proper manners, and intricacies of civilized ponies. It could represent that no one but the most sophisticated of ponies appreciate her refined nature.

Seems like Celestia was the naughty one. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild:

Luna's just trollin'.

Maybe something purple should have gone with Rarity...some near-wine quality grapes?

Also, I know this is a one-shot (or it looks like it) but if there is more to this story, then the princesses should at least decide to agree with releasing the product if and only if the Mane 6 get a decent sized share of the profits.


I don't even know what to say:applejackconfused:, except that this story was... interesting.

BUCK that company. B&J paid the Occupy Wall Street Movement. Plus, their sherbet isn't very good. But, a nice Italian Ice would be sublime
no, not THAT Sublime- if only Hasbro had a branch in Italy. It's a good idea, just without the B&J part.

Dammit, now I want to try these Popsicles!
Great story.
That is all.
Journcy Out.

Reading this I suddenly got a craving for a popsicle.

Okay, first of all: Wow. :rainbowderp:

I didn't imagine this would end up being featured... nor the flood of notices that brought on (seriously, they're coming faster than I can react to them). Thanks to all of you who read and, I hope, enjoyed this bit of silliness!

And if you're now craving a popsicle, particularly in one of the Mane Six flavors... then I have succeeded!


I wish I could like posts because DAMN IT I WANT ICE CREAM TOO!!!


I have only one question - what is the unknown spice in the Twilight popscicle?

1021144 1021151 1021766 If you guys want a Twilight-flavored popsicle (or a Fluttershy, or any of the others), then the story has been a success! :twilightblush:

1021189 Thank you! I loved the pic of Celestia (or is it Molestia?) with the Twilight-popsicle from the moment I saw it, and this story just flowed from there. I think it's one of the funniest things I've ever written. :pinkiehappy:

1021598 1021688 1021878 Ooh, good discussion! I picked vanilla for Rarity (and as Celestia's favorite) because, well, it's white! But it's also something that's often overlooked as "plain vanilla", yet good vanilla ice cream is truly delicious and flavorful. I thought this suited Rarity who is a lot more complex and interesting character than her archetype would suggest, and who, in-character, is a small-town girl with a middle-class background who dreams of becoming a part of Equestria's elite - without sacrificing her natural nobility of spirit and generosity. Going with something more flashy and fancy could have also worked, but I liked this approach more.

(Also, thanks for pointing that missing "in" out, Jakub; I've edited it in.)

1021917 If I had thought of that when writing this, I would have used it. :ajsleepy:

Dat pic! Need a Rainbow popsicle stat, I sense some tasty stuff is to be had!

1022080 To be completely honest: I don't know myself! It's a bit of mystery that fits Magic, something that Luna had trouble coming up with and is proud of having thought of. Imagine what fits your idea of a flavor that characterizes Twilight Sparkle well, and it will be that, at least for you. :twilightsmile:

Sweet and simple. :unsuresweetie: *ahem* ...sorry.

I've never thought to put flavors to the Elements of Harmony before. That was perfectly written for what it was. A charming, funny read.

Oh GOD can I PLEASE be that popsicle? :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::moustache:

If I had to guess, I'd say this was a case where the author didn't know either.

"Oh, I've got a brand new combine harvester/And I'll give you the key/Come on now let's get together/In perfect harmony..."

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