• Member Since 14th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"Friendship is an island that you retreat to. And you fall on the floor and laugh at all the ninnies who don't have enough brains to have your good taste." --Ray Bradbury


When the Storm King's head popped off his shattered body, everypony thought that was his end. But the deposed ruler now finds himself sans body in Discord's chaos dimension. What does the Dean of Dementia have in store for him? Whatever it is, he'll have to be care to not slide off his Princess collector plate.

This is a sequel to Discord's Reformation Clinic.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Where's da squigs.

I was promised squigs would be in dis.

Where are dey.

Don't tell me ya don't know wot a squig is, lad.

Squigs, uvverwise known as squiggly beasts by uvver gits, are basically big red balls wiv legs and large fanged mouths, sour tempers, and big appetites.

Thanks for the info. And that looks cool!

Nice explanation why Chryssie left the chaos realm and made a half baked plan.

Thanks! I had to put that in the story.

Please, do write more.
If you can.

I'm glad you liked my Discord stories. I'm trying to come up with other stories, but my personal life is kinda wonky right now. (Work, ding-dong landlord, personal stuff, etc.)

Ah. I kinda forgot I left a comment here lol

Well, I hope your personal life settles down. Can't have that now, can we?

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