• Published 11th Jul 2020
  • 767 Views, 29 Comments

Pokémon Eclipse II - Light of Harmony - moviemaster8510

Set roughly one year after the events of Pokémon Eclipse, two teenaged trainers are enlisted in Twilight's School of Friendship, where Sam Brier serves as a Pokémon-training teacher. Meanwhile, new foes emerge to wreak havoc on both worlds...

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Chapter 10 - Battle Night

“In the two weeks since the champions of every region in the world were defeated by seven individual Pokémon trainers, participation in the various gym challenges, as well as the Island Trials in the Alola region, have quickly slowed to a near halt–”

“–the handful of trainers who had managed to defeat the Pokémon League and face Jordan Wylie–”

“–Aaron Hammond–”

“–Sina Manx–”

“–were viciously defeated–”

“–weren’t able to defeat even half of his Pokémon–”

“–one of the quickest championship matches in Kalosian history–”

“–gym leaders in Galar seem to be too frightened to face newest champion John Tanner after Raihan’s crushing defeat in his challenge against him–”

“–Jordan Wylie’s remarks about Equestria during his match against former Champion Alice–”

“–small numbers of anti-Equestrian protests–”

“–leaving many of our Equestrian neighbors worried about a potential attack by–”

“–other champions have refused to comment on–”

“–though no acts of violence or vandalism have been committed thus far, tensions between both worlds have begun to rise as a result.

“In other news, the final match of the Chaser Team Battle championships between the Shalour Sharpedos and the Hau’oli Z’s will be underway tomorrow evening at the Mega Stadium in Shalour City. The playoff matches this year have been quite heated compared to the matches during the regular season due to recent personal endorsements of select teams in each region by the new champions. Sina Manx and Jordan Wylie have respectively endorsed the Sharpedos and Z’s, so we can only expect nothing less than one of the most spectacular matches in this first season of Chaser Battling…”

Silverstream’s Grapploct drove its balled-up tentacle into Yona’s Bouffalant’s head, managing to penetrate through its thick afro and strike it in the forehead. As the Bouffalant stumbled back, a bright orange aura pulsed from the end of Grapploct’s arm and ran over its entire body, making its already taut and toned muscles swell even bigger. Sam and his students encircled the large dirt battlefield behind the Poniose Campus, the garage door to the classroom wide open with no one inside to miss the match that was happening.

“You got this Yona!” Mikael cheered with several booming claps.

“Come on, Silverstream!” Gallus cheered. “I think you got her this time!”

Yona winced as her Pokémon’s stance appeared to waver, the hits it took appearing to take their toll. “Don’t let mean Grapploct get Bouffalant down! You almost got this! Use Swords Dance!”

“Sheesh,” Smolder commented, “another one?”

The class watched as Bouffalant gracelessly hopped to the left while moving its head in a clockwise motion. As it reached the apex, it leapt to the right, landing once its head was leaned furthest to the right. Once it’s head got low, it widened its front legs and shot its head up with a roar, two fiery wisps of white energy radiating off of its horns.

“Nice try, Yona,” Silverstream squawked, “but my Grapploct’s not gonna’ let you get away with whatever you two are planning! Hit him with another Power-Up Punch, Grapploct!”

With a furious slithering of its lower tentacles, Grapploct sped over to the Bouffalant before launching itself up, this time clocking the buffalo Pokémon at the base of the snout, causing its front legs to buckle in pain. Grapploct retreated slightly as its shook its arms with the hot bands of energy running through it from its successful attack.

“Bouffalant, no!” Seeing her Pokémon not get back up on its front hooves worried her. “Get up, Bouffalant! Don’t let Grapploct beat you!”

Hearing its trainer’s voice, Bouffalant strained as it pushed off its shins, getting back up one hoof at a time.

“Yes, Bouffalant, yes, yes!” Yona hopped around happily, her plan finally coming into fruition. “You do it now! Attack Grapploct with Reversal!”

With a thundering roar, Bouffalant galloped at Silverstream’s octopus Pokémon, the front hairs of its afro glowing red and then yellow as they ignited from its sheer determination.

“Quick!” Silverstream shouted, sensing the danger. “Finish it with Brutal Swing!”

Winding its right tentacle back, Grapploct threw it out, the force stretching it over twice its length to strike Bouffalant in the side of its head. Bouffalant jerked its head to catch the tentacle in its mouth, eliciting loud gasps from Silverstream and her fellow students gathered around her. With its attack stopped and feeling the extra pull by Bouffalant’s grab, the elasticity of Grapploct’s arm slingshotted it forward straight at its opponent. With another whip of the head, Bouffalant drove the tip of its left horn into Grapploct’s upper chest.

Silverstream gasped through her bared teeth as her Pokémon went flying back straight at her. “Grapploct! I got you!”

Hopping up with and hovering still on her wings, she caught Grapploct in her arms, the recoil softening its landing. Returning to the ground, she laid her Pokémon down, who was limp and its eyes facing in different directions.

“Grapploct is unable to battle!” Sam called. “Yona wins the match!”

“Yes!” After pumping her arm in celebration, Yona ran to her Bouffalant and hugged it tight. “You were awesome, Bouff–” Her Pokémon let out a strained honk of pain, getting its trainer to back away. “Oops. Yona sorry.”

Silverstream breathed out a sigh of disappointment as she returned her fainted Pokémon to its ball. She looked back up to see Sam approaching her.

“Don’t worry about it, Silverstream,” he said. “Yona’s got a real solid strategy on her, and you and your Pokémon did a pretty good job working against it.”

“You really think I’m getting stronger?” she asked, almost satisfied by his first answer.

“You all are, and if you want to be able to face a champion in the Pokémon League one day, just keep working at it and I’m sure you’ll get there.”

“Thanks, Mr. Brier!” Silverstream gave her teacher a quick hug before returning to the company of her friends.

As Yona returned her own Pokémon to its ball and went to join her friends, Sam walked to the center of their group to address them all.

“Alright everyone, listen up!” The group straightened themselves to pay attention. “We’ve just ended our third week of classes, and you’re all already much further along than I expected you to be. Between the battles and the bond-building exercises, I’m already feeling that this year is going to be very promising for all of you. Silverstream, Yona, I already have your slips, so you can go ahead and get your Pokémon healed up before the bell rings.” Silverstream and Yona both broke from the group and trotted into the school through the garage door.

“Anyone else who hasn’t given me their permission slip who still wants to attend the field trip to Shalour City to watch the championship game, please do so before you leave. Everyone else who has, meet me at the eastern gate at 10 AM sharp tomorrow morning. And with that, you’re all excused for today. Great job, and have a great weekend!”

Bleatings of “thank yous” and “see ya’s” erupted from the students, most of whom scattered off toward downtown Poniose to enjoy their Friday evenings. Mikael, Jacqui, and the rest of their friends stuck around as the former, along with a couple of others, lined up to Sam and handed them signed sheets of paper. After a pegasus stallion gave his sheet to Sam, Mikael unfolded his and slid it onto the small stack in his teacher’s hands.

“Right under the wire,” Sam teased.

“Been so busy training I almost forgot to send it to my aunt,” he replied with a shrug.

“Don’t let training get in the way of life, man. No matter what Jordan may have said, there’s more to life than being the strongest.”

“Touché. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, Sam!”

Mikael flashed a two-fingered peace gesture before turning to regroup with his friends.

Smolder led the group back toward the classroom, Sam following closely behind. “I can’t believe you nearly missed out on getting to see the championship game in person.”

“Seriously,” Gallus added, “even Grandpa Gruff doesn’t forget to sign my permission slips for that long.”

“Well,” Mikael retorted, “I’m going, so you can stop busting my chops about it now!”

“I’m really looking forward to it!” Ocellus chirped. “I always love getting to explore Earth.”

“Can’t exactly say the feeling’s mutual.” Jacqui’s wry comment prompted the others to turn their heads to allow her to explain. “I mean, Mikael and I already live there, so it’s not quite as exciting on our end. Speaking of, when do you think we get to see some of your world, guys?”

“We usually do plan out some trips throughout the year,” Sandbar replied, “but my guess is that they’re just wanting to take it a bit easy the first few weeks so everyone can get settled in.”

“Well, we have our first field trip tomorrow, and of all the cool places we could go, it’s gotta’ be somewhere I’m already pretty familiar with.”

“Oh, don’t be like that!” Ocellus scolded. “I think any time we can go out and explore any part of our worlds is a fun time!”

“I mean, if you’re so familiar with it,” Gallus egged further, “maybe you can be our tour guide?”

“Hey now!” Jacqui raised her hands. “I said I’m familiar with the city, it’s not like I know the address of every restaurant and clothing store there!”

By now the students were back inside the classroom, and with Sam coming in after them, he pressed a button on a console on the wall that allowed the door to lower itself down.

“Come on!” Mikael already began bounding up the stairs to the classroom entrance door, Divvy close behind. “I wanna’ pack real quick before we do stuff tonight!”

Jacqui nodded. “Good idea.”

As she came up at a similar pace, Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, and Ocellus raced after them. Just as Jacqui left the room, Twilight Sparkle poked her head in to enter, only to be forced to move aside as the other four Equestrians spilled out to join the two humans. With no one left, she entered the room, Sam raising his head over his surprise guest.

“Hey, Twilight!” As she trotted down the stairs, Alice walked inside after her. “Alice? What are you both doing here?”

“Hi, Sam,” she greeted. “Listen, I know you’re very excited about taking your students out to Shalour City tomorrow, and I’m glad that you’ve taken the proper precautions given the… erm….” Sam crossed his arms, as if begrudgingly giving her permission to say what she needed to. “…state of your world.”

“And that’s why Alice is chaperoning with–”

“Sam,” Alice interrupted, “actually, that’s why I’m here. I don’t know if I want to go anymore.”

“What?” Sam’s voice was filled with hurt and annoyance. “Why?”

“Listen.” Alice was already getting irate. “I would have been happy to go if Hau’oli didn’t make it to the finals, but I’m not sure I’m ready to go there if Jordan’s going to be there, and considering he’s sponsoring their team, I just…”

Twilight butted in, already certain of Alice’s hesitation to explain. “What’s important is that I’d now like for you to find another chaperone for your field trip tomorrow.”

“Sam, look, I’m sorry for springing this on you last minute, but Twilight’s assured me that Starlight, Fluttershy, or literally any of the other teachers would be happy to join you tomorrow in my place.”

Sam’s mouth hung open, unsure what else he could say that could further explain what he thought was bleedingly obvious. “I thought the whole reason that you were joining me was so that we could push back against any protesters we may come across.”

“And you don’t think Starlight or any of her friends can help you out there?”

“Of course not, but if it’s two human trainers, a former Champion at that, they may not even mess with us, and I’m just nervous that they’ll feel more emboldened to bully my students and whichever teachers I bring with.”

Twilight slightly rolled her eyes, the obvious clearly not dawning on Sam either. “If you’re that concerned about it, you’re more than welcome to call up someone from your world to serve as a last-minute chaperone, but I can’t imagine that anyone is just going to drop their entire weekend plans to help look after your students. My friends are all aware of your field trip and are happy and fully prepared to join you whenever you ask. I’m sure they’ll also be more than happy to show how ‘weak’ Equestria really is.”

Sam drew a sigh, one that Alice could easily translate as a concession. “Sam, please don’t make this a bigger deal than it has to be. I’m already bummed that I can’t go, so I–”

“You mean won’t?” Sam indignantly corrected.


“I mean, I get it, you’re having second thoughts, but it’s not like you have the flu or have some super important commitment this weekend keeping you from going. You just don’t want to go because you don’t want to face Jordan again.”

“Okay, fine! I don’t want to go! Are you happy now!?”

“No, because I really wanted you to come with me!”

“Sam, Alice, please!” Twilight used her magic to push the siblings apart by a foot, the sudden movement shocking them both into silence. “Sam, I know how disappointed you are that Alice is no longer interested in joining you and your class, but you need to respect her wishes and find someone else.”

Sam ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “Okay, fine. I mean, I’m pretty sure Jordan wouldn’t’ve any idea that you’d be coming anyway, but imagine how big a kick to the dick it would be–”


“Sorry! Anyway, imagine how big a blow to his ego it would be that the person he thought he humiliated out of the Alola region showed up at a place she was certain he’d be.”

“Sam,” Twilight quietly snapped, “that’s enough of this discussion. Please go talk to one of my friends or call someone to serve as your other chaperone or I’ll have to cancel the field trip.”

Sam groaned out a sigh; not the worse loss he could have had, but still a huge disappointment. “Okay. I’ll go ask Starlight.”

As Sam walked between Twilight and Alice to make his way upstairs, Twilight cupped her hoof around her mouth. “Starlight should be free in her office!”

Sam gave her a two-finger wave before slipping out the door. Now alone, Alice felt comfortable hugging her own arms and quickly seating herself down in one of the vacant desks, letting out a vulnerably shuddering breath.

“It’s okay, Alice.” Twilight approached her and stroked her back consolingly. “You shouldn’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable doing.”

Alice rocked gently as Twilight stood by and kept her company, allowing her to let out her pent-up frustrations in complete privacy.

Sam was the first to step into the Grand Lumiose Train Station, holding the door open for Starlight and Lady, who held the door beside it to allow their group of students to pour inside with their own luggage and saddlebags in tow. Once they accounted for everyone in their group, Sam and Starlight let the doors go to stay close-by, looking out amongst the dominantly-human crowd that made up the interior. With seemingly no one paying them any notice, the two of them felt safe to return their focus to the students, who awaited their teachers’ instructions.

“Alright, guys,” Sam called over the ambience of the busy station, “we have our own car reserved and you all packed pretty light, so we shouldn’t need to wait in line to check our baggage or board. I just want to do one last headcount before we board, and then we can–”

A particularly loud wheeze of a station door opening drew Sam and Starlight’s attentions to the entrance. Smolder was the first to smile wide as she saw Alice with her rolling suitcase in tow approaching their group.

“Alice!” Sam put his hands up as his sister approached. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”

Sam let her bag stand as she hunched over and loudly panted. “I… changed my mind last minute…” After a couple more breaths, Alice appeared and sounded more composed. “You’re right, Sam. I’m not going to give that bastard the satisfaction of feeling like he scared me into hiding.”

“You know we don’t think that,” Starlight defended. “We just don’t want you stressed out just to feel like you need to show him up.”

“I’m coming because I’m stressed out. If he’s going to be there, I don’t want him antagonizing you, my brother, or any of your students, because I’m certain he’d hold my absence above each of your heads. Well, he won’t be able to do that now!”

Sam stepped forward. “And I don’t want you having a panic attack if he comes after you again.”

Alice mildly scoffed, knowing she deserved some of what was coming to her. “Yeah well, I helped save the worlds from a super ancient psychic monster, so I shouldn’t be letting some dou–” A quick glance to the students kept her profanity in check. “–jerk with a chiseled physique push me around harder than it did.”

Sam, taking a moment to take in her words, smiled as he approached her and put her hand on her shoulder. “That’s the spirit. Now, let’s count these kids so we can get a move on.”

“No need,” Starlight exclaimed. “I took the liberty on checking attendance while you two were talking.”

Sam threw his arms out, as if poking fun at himself for keeping his students this long. “Then there’s no more use standing around here, let’s get going!”

As Sam, Alice, and Starlight made their way back through the station, the students let out a short cheer before surrounding their teachers and following them to their next destination.

Sam looked in the mirror as he vigorously combed his fingers through his hair to give it an appropriately slightly-messy look to it. Every so often, he’d step back to see how his hair matched his outfit: a long-sleeved shirt with a light-grey torso and dark-blue sleeves and a pair of black jeans. On the shirt’s chest was an image of a Pokémon that looked like a large shark’s head with four large fins on each side of its body.

Alice peeked behind him to look at her own hair, wearing an identical shirt to his along with a pair of dark skinny jeans. “What time are we supposed to meet in the lobby?”

“In about fifteen minutes.” Sam nodded at his reflection, happy with his appearance. “I want to get down there before Starlight and the students do so they aren’t alone.”

“Fair enough, but I bet Starlight and the kids could all hold their own if someone tried giving them shit.”

“I suppose, but I really don’t want them to have to deal with that at all if at all possible. This is supposed to be a fun weekend for them.”

“I obviously can’t speak for every one of your students, but I’d think smacking down some asshole bullies could be considered ‘fun.’”

“I certainly know Twilight wouldn’t think so.”

“If Twilight was so concerned about them having to defend themselves against those people, she’d probably have cancelled the trip altogether.” Alice turned herself to face Sam fully. “Look, I’m not trying to knock what you and Twilight have been doing here, but I’m sure she and I both know that conflict’s gonna’ happen regardless. I mean, your students have been training their Pokémon a lot harder for just this reason.

“Now, am I saying that they should start going out and picking fights? Absolutely not, but if someone wants to start something, they should be able to defend themselves. I know it’s not what you and Twilight want for the school or the students, but… the road to peace is hardly never bumpy.”

Sam breathed through his nose, processing the validity of his sister’s words. “I suppose you’re right. Man, why aren’t you teaching at the school and I am?”

“Pfft, I mean, I have been a champion for the past year… But I’d be happy to help you get a recommendation bonus if they’d have me on.”

Sam and Alice laughed as they looked one last time in the mirror, looking for any last touches they felt they’d need to make before heading downstairs.

Sam’s Equestrian students pressed their faces against the glass of the bus windows as they approached the Mega Stadium, a massive gleaming structure overlooking the northwestern shoreline and an ancient castle-like tower connected to the beach from a long sandbar. As they entered the parkway, where valets helped sharply dressed men and women exit their cars so they could arrive through the main entrance, the bus continued its way around the more sparsely populated side end.

Silverstream tracked the cars that they passed before whipping her head toward Sam and Alice’s direction. “Mr. Brier, where are we going? We’re supposed to go in over there!”

“That’s okay, Silverstream,” Sam called back, “we get to go in through the special entrance.”

“Oooh! We’re like VIPs!”

“Of course we are!” Smolder guffawed. “How many other Equestrians are getting to see this match in person?”

The bus finally reached its end of the stadium and parked along the sidewalk. As the side door opened, Sam and Alice got out of their seats and exited first. “Alright,” Sam called, “you know the drill, single file, follow my sister and I!”

Sam and Alice slowly backed toward the closed doors that the pavement led to, allowed Mikael, Jacqui, Divvy, their friends, and the rest of their classmates to pour out of the bus and form a slightly-unorganized line. As they followed their teacher to the doors, lit only by a single fluorescent light, the others felt more uncertain of where they were being led.

“Hey,” Gallus called, “Sam? Not that I’m judging your eyesight or anything, but I’m starting to get the feeling that we’re not supposed to–”

As Sam and Alice got within ten feet from the door, two ushers wearing pristine black pants and bee-yellow polo shirts pushed the doors open from within. With the inside of the stadium now visible to them, the students felt enchanted into dividing themselves into two lines to enter through each doorway.

Sam and Alice passed the two ushers as they stepped in. “Thanks, guys.”

“No problem, sir,” the male usher among them replied.

“Enjoy the match, everyone!” the female usher chirped.

The ushers were met with a steady stream of “thank-yous” from the students as they passed them and came inside. As more began pouring in, those who already entered stood around in a cluster as they observed countless vendors of dozens of different types of food, drinks, and merchandise that lined the winding hallways.

“Oh my gosh!” Silverstream squealed. “I never thought I’d see so much food in my life! I wonder if they have nachos!”

“I’m sure they’ll have you covered, Silverstream.” Sandbar assurance left the hippogriff beaming. “Now, if someone around here’s selling some hot pepper poppers, then we’re in business.”

“Guys,” Starlight informed the group, who had all finished arriving, “we need to wait for the person who will show us to our seats, then we can get you some food.”

“Whoa, no way!” Sam looked in the direction of the shrill voice of a teenage girl coming his direction. “It’s really them!”

Sam spotted three teenagers: the correctly-suspected girl and her two male friends, all dressed in various Shalour apparel, quickly approaching them. Sam moved in between them and his students, his hand resting at his side near the Poké Balls on his belt.

The girl and her friends stopped, getting the hint from Sam’s motions. “Oh, sorry! You’re Sam Brier, aren’t you?”

“Yes?” Sam tried his best to tamp his suspicions down. “What can I do for you?”

“Sorry, my friends and I are really huge fans of you and your sister!” Alice felt her body get lighter upon hearing this. “We just wanted to ask if we can get a selfie real quick, please?!”

“Heck yeah!” Alice gripped her brother’s wrist. “Sam, get in here! Guys, let’s do this!”

“Nice!” One of the male teens shuffled behind Sam and Alice as the other one handed Sam his phone. “You guys are the best!”

“Actually,” the other male said, “you wouldn’t mind letting one of your Pokémon out, would you?”

“Uh…” Sam glanced around quickly. “Sure, no problem. I bet you’d prefer…”

Sam detached a Poké Ball and lobbed it out in front of him, his Aegislash forming from the white energy upon the ball’s opening.

“Nice! Perfect!” Alice followed suit, letting her Noivern out of its ball. “And the Noivern too?! We are going to trend so hard!”

“Here,” the girl giggled, pushing her phone into Alice’s chest, “use mine!”

As Sam, Alice, and their Pokémon got into position for their selfie, Starlight couldn’t help but smile, glad to see her longtime human friends get the treatment that she knew they rightfully deserved. After a couple of snapshots from each of their phones, Sam and Alice returned them to their owners to look through.

“Looking good?” Alice asked.

With the smiles of the three growing wider as they looked through the pictures, they, save for one of the boys, put their phones back into their pockets.

“Perfect,” one of the boys replied. “Thanks so much again.”

“Say,” the other one piped up, “what’s with the ponies and stuff?”

“Class trip,” Sam explained. “Thought I’d take them to their first Chaser Battle match.”

“Wow,” he gasped, “I didn’t think they’d be into that, but great on them! You wouldn’t mind if we got your pictures, would you?”

Overhearing the conversation, the students all began to clamor excitedly. Glancing behind him, Sam grinned before turning back. “That’d be great. Thank you. You’re all from Kalos, aren’t you?”

One boy pulled on the bottom of his shirt, whose design matched the one on Alice’s and Sam’s, his phone still in hand. “It’d be kinda weird rooting for Shalour if we weren’t. Now, who’s going to hold the–” Starlight’s magic glowed around the woman’s phone as it floated away from her grasp and faced the screen and the front camera toward her and her group. “Awesome!”

As Sam, Alice, their fans, and the Equestrians all bunched together to get in frame, Sam glanced to the side to see an usher approaching them. “Alright everyone, let’s get this one and done! ‘Go Sharps’ on 3! One, two, three!”

“Go Sharps!” The phone snapped a photo right in the middle of “Sharps.”

“Yeah!” the phone’s owner said as he snatched it from the cyan aura. “I can already tell that’s perfect! Thanks so much again!”

“Sir?” The usher walked around Sam’s group and came up to him. “We’re ready to escort you to your seats.”

“Sorry, just a moment?” The usher bowed and stepped away as he came up to the phone’s owner as his other two friends rejoined him. “You don’t mind if you shared that with me, would you?”

As Sam pulled out his Holo Caster, Alice smiled to see the night take such a great start.

“Looks like someone brought the petting zoo in here!” Alice felt her head twisted back toward a group of jeering men standing before the Equestrians and cackling loudly at the remark one of them made.

As the Equestrians closest to them turned around to look at their bullies, Alice jerked her head back to Sam and the boy with the phone, who were touching the tops of their devices together to transfer the picture over.

“Nah,” another man mocked, “they’re the emotional support animals for whoever loses tonight’s match!”

Alice pursed her lips as she watched many ears of the ponies in the group droop sadly as the men carried on with their laughter.

Starlight broke through the group, a deeply-annoyed frown on her face. “Can I help you gentlemen with something?”

“Well well!” A third man insultingly guffawed. “It looks like you and your herd are the ones who’re in need of help, Lady Bubblegum! The Sissy-Pants Clip-Clop Show is all the way in Laverre City, so you all must be really lost to find your way here!”

Starlight refused to waver, even as their laughter grew more boorish. “I’m here with my students to watch the Sharpedos game, but if you’re looking to make the ‘Sissy-Pants–’”

“Listen, horse bitch.” Starlight felt her words stop in her throat and heard the sharp gasps of those she was defending as the frontmost man in his group bent over and pointed his meaty finger just shy of her face between her eyes. “These sports aren’t meant for your kind! If you think that you’re going to spoil Chaser Battles like you’re already spoiling all other Pokémon battles with your little ‘love’ and ‘magic’ bullshit, you’ve got another thing coming!”

Before Starlight could fight past her scowl to remark, Alice slipped in between her and the man invading her space. “And which one of you brave, tough meatheads is going to do something about it?”

“And what do we have here?” The sheer confidence in the voice and crossing of arms of the man to the leader’s right only served to anger Alice more. “The disgraced champion of Alola finally comes out of hiding with her cutie Equestrian caravan!”

The man to the leader’s left spoke up next. “Losers leading the losers of a new generation, am I right?”

“So you can only imagine how embarrassing it would be for you and your grade-school dropout buddies to get your asses handed to you by a loser like me, huh?”

Once again, the leader of the group showed no fear, opting to step forward with less than an inch between them. “Knock yourself out, miss. Being the gentlemanly type that I am, I’ll even let you even take the first swing.”

“Alice,” Smolder groaned from the center of the students, “please don’t. They’re not worth getting kicked out of here over.”

“Yeah Alice,” the left one spoke in a voice mocking Smolder’s, “walk away from the first real fight you’ve had since becoming Champion!”

The remaining students pouted angrily before turning away from them and following each other single-file into the arena, Sam standing near the entryway as he tried to quickly get them in before more abuse could be slung their way. For the first time since approaching them, the three men looked nonplussed to see their targets leaving them, finally followed by Starlight and Alice who stuck close behind.

“And where do you think you’re going?!” the leader loudly growled.

“To our seats!” Sam shouted to them through a cupped hand. “On the floor right against the glass! Have fun in the nosebleeds that you can barely afford!”

Alice her arm and single middle finger high before walking in with Sam beside her with Starlight. As the man and his two friends tried to follow them, they were stopped and cowed by the approach of the usher who kept his hands up to assert his authority.

Even with the stunning sight of the stadium seats quickly filling up on either side of him as he made his way down with the others, Sam couldn’t help but look ashamed. “I was trying to get the students in quickly before things could escalate. Sorry I made you deal with those jackasses by yourselves.”

“Don’t worry about it, Sam,” Starlight said, her expression having calmed. “That’s why I’m here.”

“And that’s why I decided to come,” reminded Alice. “I totally could have decked either one of those guys though.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Sam breathed, “let’s pretend we did and just enjoy the rest of the night.”

Alice shrugged. “I certainly am.”

Ultimately, Sam couldn’t help but smile, finding genuine sincerity in her statement. With half his students already having found their seats along one of the curved ends of the track, Sam could also rest assured that at least the spectacle of the game from their vantage would more than make up for their rocky arrival.

As Alice and Starlight began to take their seats, Sam took out his Holo Caster and pointed it out towards his students. “I’m going to get some grub. Anyone want anything?”

“Nachos!” Silverstream crowed with her pointed talon in the air.

“Fries?” cried a unicorn stallion.

“Popcorn!” Gallus shouted.

“Casteliacone.” Sam could see Ocellus mouth the words as they failed to overpower the orders of her other students, nodding so that he would not forget on his end.

Once the noise of his students’ orders finally died down, Sam read through the list of foods and drinks that his Holo Caster was able to pick up, seeing that it was about as close to accurate as the number of items implied. With another nod, he jogged up the steps by two and back into the concessions area, where a pair of ushers were already standing by.

Sam looked between both of them as they looked to him. “Hey. So, about those guys.”

“They’ve been shown to their seats,” one replied. “They shouldn’t be bothering you again. I’m guessing you already got your guests’ orders?”

Sam rattled off everything as the other usher jotted it all down as fast as Sam could read from his list.

Once he read back through everything, the other usher looked back up to Sam. “I just put everything in. We’ll bring everything to you when it’s ready.”

“Thanks a million, guys.” Sam suddenly couldn’t help but turn back away from them as he saw a lumbering presence walk its way toward him.

At first fearing it was one of the three bullies returning for retribution, he felt his eyes widen to find that it was instead Jordan Wylie, now wearing a pair of designer jeans with a snug orange t-shirt with a golden ‘Z’ insignia surrounding by wisps of bright light.

“I thought I recognized a beanpole when I saw one!” Hearing his voice, the other ushers turned to Jordan’s direction and felt their weights lighten, starstruck.

“Oh, wow!” an usher gasped. “It’s Jordan Wylie!”

“Yeah,” Sam grumbled, his eyes locked on his. “I know…”

“Hey, come on.” Jordan’s friendly rasp in his voice was exaggerated just enough to sound genuine to everyone but Sam. “I’m just here to say a friendly hello. So, your little sister around?”

“She’s in her seat now. She’s more than ready to say hi if that’s what you’re actually here to do.”

“So she did make it! And ready? That certainly doesn’t sound hostile.”

“Certainly not as hostile as the people who are bullying my students thanks to your rhetoric.”

Jordan weakly stuck his hands up. “Listen, man, I don’t have any control over what people say and do, and I’m more than free to express my dissatisfaction with the school you work for and the mission you help preach.”

Sam smiled, resulting in a sideways pucker from Jordan’s lips. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m helping my students work especially hard to get their own Pokémon stronger, specifically so they can take on you and the other new champions one day.”

After a small staredown between the two, Jordan’s fixed expression turned to an earnest-looking grin. “Wonderful! Now that sounds like a mission I can get behind! Perhaps I can come up to the school sometime and show your students my Pokémon’s strength up close and personal! I bet they’ll enjoy that!”

Sam couldn’t help but squirm, quickly realizing the threat he all but invited Jordan to make. As the lights inside the stadium began to dim behind him, Sam turned around to see the inside turn black save for a sea of phone flashlights and the glow from the jumbotron up above the center.

“It’s been a pleasure meeting you at last, Sam.” Sam spun around to see Jordan slowly walking backward as he began to make his way to his own seat. “Do let Alice know I said ‘hey.’”

With a small wave of his hand, Jordan spun back around and entered an elevator that was being held open for him by an usher wearing a more formal, but similarly colored uniform with a vest, tie, and buttoned-up shirt. Sam didn’t even wait for the doors to close before he gave a thankful, final nod to the ushers and headed back to his seat.

Swinging himself quickly into his spot right beside Alice, he kept his eyes on the arena, wanting nothing more than the match to erase his encounter with Alice’s usurper

Alice quickly noticed Sam tapping the back of his heels on the floor in rapid, nervous succession. “Yo, Sam, calm down! The match hasn’t even started yet.”

“Sorry…” Sam shook his head, ashamed that he almost let his meeting slip. “Just can’t stop thinking about those assholes…”

Up above, in one of several skyboxes one level above Sam and his classes’, Jordan looked down over the section where the varied group of Equestrians sat. It was incredibly easy to spot Sam and Alice amongst them, and he smiled over how easy everything involving them had so far been.

Comments ( 3 )

Can't wait for next chapter please update soon.

10910504 I've been meaning to, but real life has been eating me away recently. I do intend to get back into it eventually.

This Jordan guy is really getting on my nerves right now. I can’t wait for one of students to kick his ass.

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