• Published 17th Oct 2018
  • 5,329 Views, 224 Comments

Chasing Shadows - zerofireking13

Spike decided to pack his things and disappear completely to get a fresh start on life, under the name of Jack Drake. When his past comes back to haunt him, will he be able to keep up the facade? (Special Thanks to The Faceless Maker for editing!)

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Case File 7.1

Author's Note:

This is a little bit of a filler chapter as I gestate on what to do next.

I couldn't stop staring at Ember. I mean, I'd heard rumors, that she had taken up her father's business. But I'd dismissed them as just that, rumors. She looked at me with those cold eyes of hers, but I knew she heard me say her name. There was no escape. "How do you know my name?" She calmly asked; she had the upper hand, and she knew it. I slowly raised my hands, methodically sliding the magazine out of the gun, letting it fall to the ground. I kicked it aside, and proceeded to pop the bullet in the chamber and toss it opposite of the magazine.

"I have plenty of reasons why, pick one," I said, and she grew a bit irritated.

"Now is not the time to be messing with me," She crossed her arms over her breast, "A snap of my fingers, and I could have you gunned down in a second."

"You could do that, but it wouldn't kill me," I told her and, a look of confusion spread across her face. I held up a finger with my arms still raised to the sky, and my claw slid out. I dug the bullet out of my chest and flicked it to her feet.

She looked down at the bullet, then back to me, "You're one of us?"

"Yep, the only reason I beat up your guys and had them locked up is because they were harassing a key witness in my investigation," I told her.

"Investigation?" Ember asked.

"No, I'm not a cop. I'm a private investigator, I'm looking for someone that you may know."

"Who would that be?" Ember questioned me.

"A man by the name of Spike Solaris Everfree," I told her and she looked at me in shock.

Ember stared at her gunmen, "Lower your weapons," She looked at the two I had beaten and shot, "You two go to the doctor," Finally looking at me, "And you, come with me."

"Not a problem, I just have one request," I stated.

"What would that be?" Ember's voice was mixed with a little frustration but now more shock.

"May I please have some pants?" I asked nicely and she looked down at my boxer clad lower half.

"You'll get some later," She told me, and I saw no point in arguing with her, she beckoned me with her finger as she started to walk away. I followed her, she led us both out to a limousine where one of her people opened the door for the both of us. She got into the limo and I entered after her sitting across from her, the door closed and out of instinct I found the seatbelt and buckled myself in. "You're buckling yourself in?" Ember asked.

"Limos carry important people, if you've ever seen a spy movie in your entire life. You should know that you're basically riding around in a luxurious moving target, that and black SUV's," I stated.

Ember paused for a moment, then nodded, "That makes sense."

The limo's engine turned over and then started, the window behind Ember rolled down, she nodded and it rolled back up. "If you don't mind me asking, where are we going?"

"Stop. You're going to answer my questions. Understood?" She said in a commanding tone.

"Yes ma'am," I replied to my Dragon Lord.

"You're one of us, what's your name?" She inquired.

"Jack Drake," I answered.

"Clan?" She requested.

"Uninitiated, parents died before I could choose one of their clans," I answered again.

She paused and looked down, then met my eyes again. "I apologize, you must've had it rough."

"Don't we all?" I replied.

"Do you know how the clans work?" Ember asked.

"I know that each clan works like a family or a gang, that you have allies and you have enemies, but they're all subservient to the Dragon Lord at the time, and that if the Dragon Lord tells two families to knock some shit off that they have no choice but to comply, lest they be banished and their assets taken away from them."

"That's the sparknotes version, these rules don't apply to uninitiated, however you are highly advised to follow the command of the Dragon Lord, or you make an enemy of all Dragonblooded people."

"Yes, my lord." I replied.

"You know who I am?" Ember asked.

"I read a lot of news and books, I have to be kept in the loop for a lot of things if I want to stay ahead of the game," I replied.

"Yet you still interfered with a business of mine," Ember asked.

"They were harassing a Ms. Rarity Belle, someone who I know is an acquaintance of yours and Spike's."

Ember tensed up when I mentioned that name, my old name, "I'm sorry....is that a....difficult subject?"

"It's a sore subject," Ember said, "Why would he just...run away like that?"

"I can't say for certain, but from what I've heard from his friends. It sounds like they were friendly to Spike, but not an actual friend to him. Then those feelings of negligence just piled up, got overwhelming, and he needed a change. Sometimes for something to change it has to be drastic, and that's what he chose," I said.

"I-I wish he had come to me," Ember admitted.

"Why?" I asked, both as Spike and Jack.

"Because...I liked him...he was the first person to show me that having friends is worthwhile. He saw past my more...illegal activities and actually wanted the best for me. He was- is so charming and so innocent...I couldn't help but fall for him," Ember admitted.

"You loved him?" I asked, this was news to me.

"Very much so, but he had his eyes set on another. I couldn't do anything to sway his interest," Ember said.

"You said he is so charming and innocent, do you have reason to believe he's alive?" I asked her.

"Part of being the Dragon Lord is having a connection to every Dragonblooded individual in the world; that's what the Bloodstone Scepter is for, you're connected to every individual Dragonblooded, which helps you lead. If a Dragonblooded individual that is close to the Dragon Lord dies, the current Dragon Lord would feel it. It would be like a small part of you has died. So far, I haven't felt anything," Ember stared through me, as if I were made of glass.

"So do you mind answering my question of where we're going?" I asked.

"You don't need to know," Ember commanded, "I suppose that Fido, Rover, and Spot could spend a few months in the slammer though...it could be a very valuable learning experience."

I was curious I met her gaze, I then asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"Dragonbloods look out for each other," Ember said.

"No, that's not it. We never have, only when you command us to..." I leaned forward in my seat, "Ember."

She tensed up again, "Stop," She whispered as she forced her head to look out the right window.

I just looked at her confused, "I'm sorry?"

"You say it just like he did," She whispered.

"Oh... I didn't mean to," I leaned back and the crimson stain on my shirt slowly spread.

"Do you need help?" Ember asked, pointing at the bloodstain.

"I think I'll be fine," I told her as the limo came to a stop, the driver got out and opened the door to reveal a 3 story mansion. I whistled at the sight of place, for all its majesty it was still intimidating. I looked at Ember as she led the way into her home, swallowing the fear that was creeping up in the back of my throat and followed behind her, the doors closing us off the outside world.