• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 1,226 Views, 21 Comments

Sunburst and The Shadow Pony - Miner

Sunburst adventure with an unexpected ally.

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Sunburst had no idea why everypony besides Crystine is looking at him strangely. Not like 'oh, look at what he is wearing' kind of thing. But rather 'Did you see what he just did?'

"Get him!" Pharynx said out loud, and three guards surrounded Sunburst.

"What is going on?" Sunburst asked as to why he was being detained for something that he has no idea for.

"Take him to the throne room." Pharynx looked at Crystine. "And you are coming to." She lets out a sigh and follows without a fight.

Both of them were being escorted out of the room and found Rarity outside the lab alongside Melody.

"What is wrong?" Melody asked, worried about her new friends.

"I have no idea, Melody," Sunburst said to her. "But whatever it is. It looks like I am going to have to pay for it. Also weren't you and Crystine outside the castle? When did you two get back?"



'I am so glad that I got used to wearing that perfume.' Crystine thought to herself. 'If I didn't, my children would have sniffed me out the second I step into that castle. But that is the least of my worries now. Twilight has become the new Queen of the hive. That means that I am no longer welcome back into the colony, even with the magic I would get from Sombra. Not as long as Twilight lives. For there can only be one Queen of the hive. What am I going to do now?'

"Crystine?" Melody said snapping Crystine out of her train of thought.


"Will you and Sunburst be alright?"

"Oh! You mean the dark magic in us?" Melody nodded. "The sooner we get it out, the better." Crystine rubs Melody head a little. "Don't worry, it will take a lot more than a little dark magic to take me down."


"What is it?"

"This dark magic. Is it from Som-" Before Melody could finish her sentence, there was an explosion heard from the castle? Both Ponies turned their heads to see smoke coming from the castle. "What happened?!"

"Sunburst!" Crystine said, getting up to her hooves and running to the castle. "Hurry up, Melody!"

"It was a big explosion Sunburst. I bet everypony in town heard it." Melody said as the guards pulled her away from Sunburst and next to Crystine.

Sunburst stands nervously in the middle of the throne room as three changeling guards surround him. Crystine, Starlight, Rarity, Spike, and Melody are standing on the sidelines. Sunburst looks to the thrones to see Thorax and Twilight. However Twilight isn't there but rather a viewing orb showing her inside. She was relocated shortly after whatever happened in the lab that he was in trouble for.

"Sunburst," Thorax started."Do you know why you are here?"

"I thought I came here for help. And for some reason, I am in trouble for sneezing?" Sunburst said with a confused look.

"Sunburst," Twilight spoke up. "We are aware of the dark magic inside. However, it seems that you are a danger to everypony around you whenever you sneeze."


"It would seem that the spell you cast on the Crystal of Dark magic has somehow given Sombra a way into this world."

"That King Sombra pony," Sunburst shouted as Sombra's voice before his eyes widen as his voice returned to normal, "Why did I say that?!"

Thorax and Twilight looked at each other before Thorax continues the conversation, "It would appear that the spell is incomplete and Sombra hasn't completely taken over your body. However, it would appear that the more times you switch between him and you, the stronger the connection is."

Twilight nods at this and continues, "Your increase in body mass was the first step of him taking over. And even as we speak more and more of your body is staying as his." They had a changeling bring a mirror in front of Sunburst to see what they are talking about. There is now a black streak of hair running across his mane and tail as well as his coat has lost some of his bright orange colors and is starting to dim into a grey color.

Sunburst brushes his hoof over the new color in his mane and looks at his coat. "So what you are saying is. It is only a matter of time before Sombra takes over my body completely!"

"It would appear to be the case. Which brings up another question." Twilight said as guards surrounded Crystine pointing spears at her. "Why didn't you tell us that Sunburst would change whenever he would sneeze Crystine?"

"I didn't think that it would be a problem." She said moving one of the spears away from her and looking at Twilight. "I thought that we would get him cured before he hurt any pony. After all, how often can a pony sneeze anyways?"

Twilight gives her a deadpan stare, "It is Springtime Crystine."

Crystine eyes widen at her mistake, "Pony Feathers."

Melody moved next to Sunburst, "So what is going to happen to Sunburst?" She asked,

Twilight looked at her husband, and he knew what she was thinking. Thorax lets out a heavy sigh. "For the safety of everypony in Ponyville and Equestria. I have no choice but to detain Sunburst until we can expel Sombra from his body."

"And what happens to Sombra?"

Confuse at this filly's interest in Sombra. Thorax shared a look with Twilight before answering her, "His magic will fade away without a vessel, and we will never have to deal with him again. It will be the end of Sombra."

"NO!" Melody throws some dust at Sunburst, causing him to sneeze. Sombra had no idea what is going on. All he heard was. "RUN!" Before Thorax could say again, Sombra turned into a shadow and left the room with the guards right after him.

"Hold her!" Pharynx said to some guards to prevent Melody from leaving the room. "The rest of you with me! We can't let him get away!"

Sombra had left PonyVille and escape to The Castle of the Two Sisters. He wonders for a little bit before he finds himself in front of a mirror.

"What is wrong with me? One second I am fighting a bug in a cave. Next, I am in the middle of nowhere with Crystine, then I am in a laboratory filled with smoke, and finally, I am in a room full of guards." Sombra walks away from the mirror. "I am King Sombra of the Crystal Empire. I have no equal. I am the greatest King that ever lived. So why is it that I can't remember yesterday?" He said, stomping his hoof. "Not to mention that my body doesn't feel right. It is as if it's foreign to me. Not to mention that I couldn't hit a mare who means nothing to me." Sombra back at himself in the mirror. "Perhaps I journey into my mind is in order." He said causing some crystal to grow out of the mirror frame changing the image to a swirling vortex of orange and black. Without a second thought, Sombra walks into the mirror, and the vortex disappears after he enters.

Back at Castle Friendship, Crystine had disappeared during the escape. Leaving Melody alone in front of Thorax and Twilight. Pharynx return to the castle to report that they have lost Sombra somewhere in the Everfree. Wanting to find answers for what is going on in her castle, Twilight looks a Melody form her viewing orb.

"Why did you do that?" Twilight asked her.

"Because you were going to let him die."

"Only Sombra was to fade away," Thorax said, "Sunburst was going to be okay."

Melody didn't say anything but instead cross her hooves, then stick her nose up in the air, closed her eyes, and gave a firm 'humph.'

Thorax looks to his wife, not sure how to deal with a stubborn filly. Twilight notices this and look to Melody. "Melody, why did your mother leave you behind?" she asked softly.

"I am not telling you."


"Because I said so!"

Thorax put a hoof to his head thinking what to say before dragging it down his face. "Pharynx take her away for the night and keep an eye on her."

"On it." Pharynx replied, taking Melody not so kindly out of the room by her tail.

Too tired to deal with anything else, Thorax leaves the castle to head to a treehouse that belongs to Fluttershy. The house is surrounded by a dozen of changeling guards. He lands and enters the house and heads to the bedroom. Inside he could see his wife and her friends there along with her parents. After the explosion, every one of Twilight's closest friends came rushing back to Ponyville faster then Thorax thought anypony could. Twilight's Parents he could get because they were visiting, but he can't begin to understand how the other got there so quickly. Twilight is on the bed guarding her young with the others looking at them before Pinkie notice Thorax.

"Hi, Thorax!" Pinkie said getting the others attention.

"Hello, everypony."

"So, what happens now?"

"Equestria will be on high alert until we can capture Sombra." He then looks at Twilight. "My love. I know you wanted our first newborns to be in Ponyville. But so long as Sombra is out there, it is not safe here. We must return to the hive for our children's sake."

"He is right dear." Twilight's mom said. "It is not safe here."

"Okay, we will go to the hive," Twilight lowers her head next to her eggs. "For their sake."