• Published 4th Nov 2018
  • 1,145 Views, 31 Comments

Sweeties first kiss - Matthewthawes

It's another hearts and hooves day and Sweetie thinks she might just have a date but she's not sure if he'll catch on to her hints .

  • ...

first date?

Author's Note:

thank you black raven:heart: for editing this for me
as of now i still need to work out a few things (its weird how things change when you wait a few weeks and then reread it fresh eyes and new understanding of grammar and sutch)

Sweetie was happy. She would finally have her first date and this time her sister wasn't going to ruin it. Sweetie's mind drifted into thought as the last time she told her sister that she had a date. Rarity being the overprotective sister that she is, spied on her and scared the colt off.

'darn Rarity, sticking her muzzle in my business' thought the fuzzy filly as she puffed out her chest. The little fluff ball huffed as she had a grow- up telling her she wouldn't be a filly much longer swiveling and tur in her ears as she slowly began to slip in her memories

Her sister constantly telling her she was not so small but yet had the guts to spy on her date

The white filly snapped out of it and shook her head violently. '

“this time I won't tell her anything, humph,” Sweetie thought with huge gusto and a loud harrumph. concentrating on her task at hoof Sweetie pressed on, walking over to her soon-to-be colt-friend's house. Sweetie arrived at the threshold of her destiny. Seeing the average home needed a little more decoration the place looking bland and plain in her eyes. The plain boring normal paint was the color of their house. Sweetie turned her head to see anything in Buttons front yard, nothing .no flowers, no plants. just a boring front lawn as well. The thing was she hadn't asked him yet and waiting for him to pick up on her hints was starting to wear her out.

As the filly pushed open the white painted oak wooden fence, fear started to flood the filly. each step was like trying to lift a ball and chain.

“m-m-m-maybe he'll ask me!" she said as she came up to the door and knocked.
“I mean who knows, he might not be home, last time he was out with his guy friends,” she thought as she waited in anxiety. secretly praying not to hear an answer, Sweetie was greeted by a warm and welcoming voice

“come in”

Love tap was working in her kitchen doing the dishes when the knock came on her door. "Well, I wonder who that might be," she thought aloud as she set the dishes down and made her way to the door.

“Now I don't have anything scheduled for today and I didn't order anything this week,” she thought as she looked through her peephole. Love tap was not surprised as she had found no one at the door.\

“huh, now who would ding and ditch me? Did Button sneak out with his friends again” she thought not seeing anyone as she started to walk back to her chores before a small voice came to her ears. "Hello? Is Button home?" she heard knowing who it belonged to. the mother dawned a huge grin. “oh good, it’s Button's filly friend” she thought as she turned back around and opened the door. "Hello Sweetie he's upstairs why don't you come in" she greeted seeing the small filly with a puffed-out chest. The young mare was taken a bit back as she saw, on the filly, some chest fluff, two fluffy ears pinned up, and what seemed to be a confident and determined face. like she was playing for something.

Not being rude love tap welcomed the little unicorn visitor

"Thank you miss Mash, can I just go up and play. He’s not doing homework is he?" asked Sweetie as she came inside. closing the door on the way in. Sweetie remained mostly battle-ready as a hint of anxiety slowly wells up. Frightened by love taps silence Sweetie's mind begins to race and her heart started to beat hysterically. the filly desperately tried to distract herself with her own thoughts but it was made clear, within a matter of moments, that that was a bad idea as she started to imagine reasons why Button would reject her.

“He won't ask me, why would he, is it the way I am. I might just hurt him or he'll just say no or worse”
she thought as she felt herself blush the warmth in her cheeks distracting her as she gathers herself.

"No he's just playing his games you can go see... Button your filly-friend is here!" answered Button as his mother called upstairs. “'I hope he's not playing that dumb game again it's too violent for his age,” she thought as she saw Sweetie’s ears perked seeing the inquisitive filly listen for her son's voice.

" Moooommmm she's not my filly-friend, we're just friends!" came the familiar whine as Sweetie’s ears drooped. Seeing the filly’s chest fall; the fuzzy fur going flat before puffing out again.

"Button! She's here now get down here and come talk to her. She came all this way to see you. Show a little respect or I'll take all your games away!" called back love tap as she put her hoof on Sweetie’s wither “he's so blind, why can't he see that she really likes him?” she thought as she waited for her son to respond.

"Tell her I'm not here then she'll just come back tomorrow, I’m busy!" came the annoyed response as Sweetie groaned.

"You know what I'll just go up myself," said Sweetie before love tap could respond. Sweetie immediately broke away from her and stormed up. “if he's going to ignore me I might as well see what is so important” she thought as she marched forwards heading up the stairs.

Love tap giggles to herself as she watched the young mare march up the stairs with a recognized attitude. Seeing the inner mare coming out of her guest. love tap only went back to her kitchen to finish the dishes. “she reminds me of myself when I was her age” she thought giggling as she would expect to hear her son complain in just a few moments. "Ahhh Sweetie!" came a rather surprised and shrill voice as she did her chores.


"Sweetie, I thought you were busy today, um hehe" let out Button as he looked to the screen of his game. Seeing a familiar game over feeling much the same as the fitting advisement. “Please tell me she didn't hear me I don't want to hurt her feelings,” he thought as Sweetie glowered at him with a small but deep animalistic growl.

" I want him to mngh *sigh* what's the point he'll never ask and if I ask him he'll chicken out,” thought Sweetie. Angry as she felt hurt looking at the colt warm, soft snugly fur. The bright passionate crimson red slowly infusing into a comforting ember yellow eyes, sparkling in the light. “

“No get a hold of yourself, he might not even like you, wait did he just say argh humph well then -sniffle,” Sweetie Belle thought to herself “Maybe I should -sniffle, maybe he will show me if he likes me“ Sweetie executes her plan and starts to sniffle which wasn’t really hard as she was already hurt. Seeing Button's sad face, Sweetie decides to push it even further and sting the colt with a simple question. "We're not friends?" she asked with a slight pout. “I should've known your games were more important than I am”

The colt began to panicky, he was losing his mind, trying different sceneries in his head, ways to apologize to the filly. Button froze in his place as Sweetie sat down, frustrated.

“Oh no now you've done it, come on, think. What makes girls happy dresses, jewelry, compliments um-um…. think…. oh what I know what to do!” a thought ran through Button’s mind. "Um hehe no," he said as he really did like her a lot. “of course, we're friends,” he said as he wondered why she would think otherwise. Not realizing his past blunders
Sweetie slowly turned towards Button

Her eye slowly began to twitch as she heard voices in her head “Friend, friend, friend, friend. Were best friends ffooooooreeeeevvvvvveeeeer.

The unicorn, unable to take the voices anymore snapped at the unsuspecting colt "Huh, then why did I even bother coming here I thought you liked me!" let out Sweetie as she felt her hot cheeks burn. She stood up angrily as she let out a low growl from her gut. The white filly slowly walked towards the door leaving a stunned Button. looking back at him she thought to herself “After all this time, no I mmmmmmgh just relax, he tends to be an idiot sometimes” trying to be patient.

"Wait for what, that’s not what I said. I do like you!" responded Button as he realized his mistake. ‘” I meant yes,” he said, rushing to his friend who was still standing by the door and staring directly into her eyes.

"Then prove it right now, show me we're friends or I'll-I'll sniffle" let out Sweetie. Emotional, Sweetie felt like her heart was breaking like gracile china glass as she had to bear witness to her love act like an idiot.

Button was beyond panicking and was starting to go numb by his chest and hind legs “What? How, I don't have a dress or jewels or um, what do I do- do I say I like her, like her. What do I do!” thought Button sweating bullets as he started to feel butterflies in his stomach. confused, frightened, and overwhelmed. Button lost all control as he lunged forward at his friend. The action caught the small filly off guard as she was rudely interrupted by a short kiss to her milk-white soft lips

Realizing his actions Button slowly and hesitantly pulled away from his frozen friend, the colt was breathing heavily as if he had a gas mask. shaking tremulously the colt stared into her green emerald eyes. trying to think of ways to make sense of the situation

After standing as still as a statue "I'll I'll..." continued Sweetie trying to think of what she would do before her friend lunged forward catching her off guard. the kiss came with a little zing as something went off inside her. A burst of happiness washed over her for as long as it lasted. She sat there stunned as a smile slowly crept onto her face with a rose blush. "Oh, my Celestia he just kissed me he stole my first kiss! And... And I liked it” *giggle*

“oh no Rarity will go nuts if she finds out!” she thought as she just stared blankly at her colt friend. Seeing a softer but deeper blush on his face.

“Why did I do that, I'm an idiot. I ruin everything Waugh month” thought Button before Sweetie’s strong forelegs pulled him to her chest. “Or you just dug yourself in deeper here” he finished as he just hugged her back.

“his lips taste like brown sugar and he smells like a cupcake,” thought Sweetie letting out a girly giggle as her stomach got her attention. "I am hungry please ask me out already,” she thought excitedly as she just held her lover's warm body against her chest.

"I. I'm so sorry I don't know what mph mmm" let out Button before he was cut off with his filly friend's lips. "She's kissing back I'm in the clear! ...wait does this mean she 'really' is my filly-friend?" he thought as his heart raced with the contact hugging her back. As they looked and held each other, an idea sparked in the colt’s mind. " Um hey um hehe you sound hungry; you want to get something to eat. My mom makes a great stew?" he asked blushing as he held her warmly.

"Would I, I'm actually starving" answered Sweetie leaving the embrace as she looked into her colt friend's eyes. 'giggle he's so cute he asked me out!' she thought thrilled as they got up and headed downstairs.

Comments ( 31 )

Super cute story that I found to be very heartwarming, but you could use an editor. Not a bad story at all but chock full of missing punctuations and letters that should be capitalized but aren't. Several of the sentences rambled on a bit long but otherwise, an overload of cuteness that put me in a better mood.

I’m not reading a story that has zero capitalization in its title.

EDIT: Nor it’s bio. Christ, dude..

It does need some editing, but overall I liked your story.

Good idea, but it needs an edit and the sentences need to be shortened-you are not James Joyce.

Where are these waterheads coming from? The last two years have seen a disturbingly high amount of "people" with the grammar of a small child show up. For that matter, how are these things getting approved? Knighty, fire your mods.

Practically zero knowledge of proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Thumb Down™. :flutterrage:

Thumb up for your comment good sir. :eeyup:

And a thumb down for this story

Hey don’t be so rude.

It's true though. Brutaly honest is usually the best way to go. This site is full of "writers" that are an insult to those of us who actually put effort into what we do.

According to Eldorado, one of the mods, the SPaG rules on this site are actually pretty lax. Doesn't excuse it though...

Trolls? Or just people who cannot use a keyboard?

I can’t speak for this particular author, since I don’t know them, but I’d be willing to be that you answered your own question. A lot of the new authors seem to be young children that have found the site. Just something to keep in mind before you get too insulting in the comments. Feedback, even harsh feedback, of the story is not the same as insulting the person.

What's the minimum age for this site?

Both. Usually feels like they're one and the same too.

Ah, OK. I have to deal with my fair share of both, such as Sonic_Applejack2005.

You are supposed to be 13, but it is the internet, so.....I guarantee that there are people younger than that using the site.

Wouldn't surprise me.

That's who I was thinking of actually. Probaly a few more too that I see.

It, and probably a few more I can't think.

I still get the impression somehow that Evictus is genuine.

*listens to story*




Okay, dude, you need a major editor, big time.

*down votes*

Hey dude . If you need an editor .I'm opened to the position

What is our way of communication

If I may brother, I recommend you send me an editable file. I fix it up and repost this story. What you say?

OK. Hopefully I will be done by tomorrow

Comment posted by Matthewthawes deleted Dec 2nd, 2023

its blackraven dude

not back raven

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