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Axle the Cobalt Exorcist

I'm just a otaku passing through. Watch out cause the flower print wereing Diamond Dog is here to be awesome


Achilles, hero of the Iliad, is a man known through the ages. Stories of heroes like this appear all over the world, inspiring others to carve their own names into history. In the modern age, a young man has taken up the manta of this hero to start his own legend

Flash Sentry is a man who believes in always helping others and protecting those who can't protect themselves. Unfortunately, its hard to do that when other worldly magic attacks every other week. Fortunately, Flash finds magic of his own to fight alongside his magical girls friends against the mysteries Magi-Beast that have been attacking everyone in town. As Kamen Rider Achilles, Flash fights to defend others but can he unravel the mystery of those using magic for their own wicked plot. Can he win, or will his fear of losing control be his Achilles Heel?

5/16/22: now co written by Banshee531

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 358 )
Comment posted by Ze1a7in deleted Oct 24th, 2018

I like it, but I hope this doesn't mean you're giving up on your other story.

hard to say. for now the story is on hiatus. I would hate to give up on it but I feel this will let me tell the story I want to tell

mystrus masked hero

At least you're letting people know what to expect. Props on doing that much.

the edit for this chapter is thanks to the awesome Prince Lighting Charge

I wouldn't say that, I mean rereading it I've noticed some things that I missed, I could pm you them if you want.
But thanks for stroking my ego:twilightsheepish:

that would be good. also some help with he description of the story

And another reality born, telling the never-ending struggle of good vs evil and now another champion rises, another protector of freedom, another Kamen Rider!

"Oh yeah."

At that moment a being resembling a carafe of red liquid burst through the nearest wall.

"It's ok, don't mind me girls. I'll just say here on the ground, in pain, possibly with some broken bones," Flash said as he slowly got up.

If there only would be justice in this universe :raritywink:

Cypher then held up a very mysterious looking card. One side of the had a very elegant design while the other side had the picture of a half force half dragon like creature with two horns. Below the image were a strange set of runes. After examining it for a moment Cypher spread his wings and flew into the sky.

So, another card based Rider, ok.

I am terribly sorry, it looks like I accidentally ramed my car into your foot,

That's one way of looking at it

The body standing before Sweetie Belle looked like the same kind of monster as the one that placed the card on her head. It looked to be a green chinese dragon wearing a robe with floral prints.

So, we are not doing this mythology gag, fair enough.

Such dishonor!

Says the fire-breathing dragon...

“You bet I am,”

Huh, cute.

Oh no I transformed,

Flash, you got that wrong, it's: "Oh yeah, I transformed!"

“Get ready girls, this guy looks more dangerous than anything we have faced before,”

Yeah, a firebreathing monster is definitely more dangerous than a girl that can rip reality apart...

“Achilles? Like the Greek myth?”

Yeah, first of all, missed pun here for Greek, shame on you. Second, it seems like that everything beyond Canterlot City is the normal world... how does that work? Since Achilles is the Real name it means that normal names exist and the pony names... my head hurts.

Oh man I’m totally losing it.

That doesn't mean much in this city

OK, opinion time. First, kinda disappointed by the fact that you didn't use punny hero names or the actual Equestrian heroes for the transformation devices, but oh well. The first chapter is definitely fine and I'm interested in where this goes.

yes I could have done better with the names but nothing really stood out to me and I was so despret not to do something as un original as "Kamen rider Harmony". I kind of just went with the idea of the fact that the royal guard in canterlot had that kind of Greek/ Roman astatic to there armor. yes I could have done Kamen Rider Magnus but I kind of decided agent it cause of the fact that I one of the thing on my idea bored involves the six pillars. as to why flash said oh no when he transformed, he has see what happens when someone transforms cause of equestrian magic, from his perspective its not really a good sign


I was so despret not to do something as un original as "Kamen rider Harmony".

Careful there, careful there.

as to why flash said oh no when he transformed, he has see what happens when someone transforms cause of equestrian magic, from his perspective its not really a good sign

Oh, I get that, I'm just incredibly snarky :rainbowwild:

So is Flash gonna get more cards later, to upgrade his arsenal, or is that one card all he's getting.

We are talking about Kamen Rider here, and it seems a Rider inspired by the Neo-Heisei era, that means, cards, many, many toys, I mean cards!

9250326 Interesting. But will they be like Build, or Fourze? That, is the question.

Well, some could grant new forms while others might just create new attacks, weapons, bikes., stuff like that.

9250379 I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

That is generally a good way of knowing.


I should clarify that the card the monsters use are normal card youd see in decade, ryuki, and blade. the cards Flash use are the ones Zeronos uses in the Zeronos buckle. only they don't eat away at flash's time line

Zeronos is the secondary rider of Den-O. I cant recommend that season if your new to riders

This is an interesting start. I wish you had a picture of Kamen Rider Achilles.

Going with what Equestria magic has done I don't blame him. Also, his transformation is not so different from the ones before. I believe Equestria magic basically amplifies the persons strongest desires and changes them accordingly:
-Sunset wanted power
-The dazzlings their old powers
-Twilight Knowledge
-Gloriosa to keep her camp
-Juniper wanted fame
-Vignette wanted success and popularity

The reason they became corrupt and Flash won't is because their deepest desires were more selfish and it didn't matter who got in their way while Flash desire is to help people(outside of being with Twilight) and is willing to risk himself to protect others.

This...was awesome. I did wonder in the last chapter, why you didn't have Sweetie Belle be taken over by the monster. Now I get it and it's genius. Love that Trixie's gonna get to be one of Flash's companions. Looking forward to seeing how the next chapter looks.

9304910 Just a suggestions, but with Trixie on the team you have an excuse for Flash to get a catchphrase like W and Fourze. Tell me Trixie wouldn't start coming up with phrases for him to say.

So you don't want Trixie to rattle of suggestions for a catchphrase

9305035 No, I do. I'm saying it would be in her character to do so. In the next chapter you could have her saying a bunch of different catchphrases and Flash could pick the last one she made, or he comes up with his own after hearing all hers.

“Terra, you being here better serve a purpose,” Cypher said, already sounding annoyed.

"Sure mate, want some? They are just delicoutastic!"

“Come on buddy you don't need to act all stiff all the time. Here I got a green chili burger for ya,”

... I was kidding :rainbowlaugh:

“If the only reason you came here is to stuff your face while I watch, I will kick you off this roof,”

I like him.

“Yeah, Doc sent me here to give you something,”

The Doc wasn't happy when you said the Magi Beast was destroyed by a rider.

A Rider? So there are more?

Apparently they're superheroes that fight for justice from the shadows.

Ok, so he is a timeline with all other Riders, so that could also mean that all Sentais exist, interesting.

Can magical girls be super heros cause people tend to treat them as there own thing but they basically do the same thing…

I think that counts.


Don't worry, helping Trixie with a box won't kill me,

"Thanks that you will help the Great and Powerfull Trixi with her explosives."

My dad has some connection being a Las Pegasus magician himself,

I'm sure he hit the Jack Pot... I'm not apologizing.

"You get to be the first to get Trixie's handwritten autograph before anyone else. Better save it cause it will be worth a fortune one day."

I like Trixi.

He said with his arms splayed out. Appearing around him were swords of light in the shape of stars. With a flick of his wrist the swords were launch directly towards the rider.

Huh, so the monster is male, interesting...

“If you want to finish this guy your going to have to go through me!” she declared. Even though Trixie herself didn’t believe her actions were going to do anything, surprisingly it was enough to get Cypher to lower his sword.

Damn, Trixi...

“You can’t hurt her Constellar. Not yet at least,” Cypher said.

Oh... OH, so like the Bugster Virus.

“the show must go on”


“Looks like your feeling better now so we better get to out seats,” Sunset said as the seven girls exited the dressing room. “Break a leg.”

That was absolutely adorable.

“Hey kid!” the mechanic yelled to catch Flash’s attention. “This thing won’t get much the way that it is and I can see you have somewhere to be. Sell the car to me and I’ll give you the Motorcycle I’ve been working on in the back. By the time I was done with the thing it’s as good as new.”

Well, now he has the Rider part down

“It’s Show Time!”

It has to be a bunny that comes out of a magician’s hat. That how it works,

Well, can't argue with that now, can we?

The Mighty Trixie shall summon the most powerful of beats, a dragon.

Magic AND dragons, mhmmmm :trixieshiftright:

Trixie you need to calm down. Even anger seems to make him stronger and you vanish faster,

Like I said, Bugster Virus.

Standing before the girls was a giant bear like creature that took up the whole stage.

Oh, Ursa Minor... nice.

The motorcycle drove threw the magic to transform Flash into Achilles. Flash’s new bike seemed to have transformed as well changing into a gold color with a design that looked like it was built out of a chariot. He twisted the throttle more to speed up to the bear.

Ah, Agito Bike.

I know your the rider that save me,

Well, she got that fast, damn.

“Yeah, it's my honor as a magician to keep other’s secrets not just our own,” Trixie said with her arms crossed. “Plus you might need some help with all these monsters.”


My assistance isn't free, you will have to do a favor for me, without refusal on a date of my choosing,

I personally prefer Starlight, but oh well, I ship it.

Oh, I see you put a picture of the Rider up, like it. Has a good balance, not too complicated, a nice color pallet. If you ever want that image to look more professional, I can only recommend this guy. He made this beuty for me and is really not that expensive.


By the way, there was one thing I wanted to ask. Are Flash's cards in any way connected to the monsters, beyond being magical I mean.


That is genius...

"How about this one: You will become part of my legend? What, too tacky? Or how about this: Your legend ends here! Oh come on, that one was almost as great as Trixi. But this one is going to be it: I will send you straight to Tartarus!"

"The last one isn't actually half bad."

"Ha, I knew it!"

9306340 That last one would definitely work with what I was thinking. A pre-battle catchphrase like W, Fourze and Build.

The last one was actually the first one I came up with, goes back to the origins of the Rider name with old Greek myths and Tartarus, works inside the MLP canon and doesn't sound too bad. I just had to come up with two more to make the joke work.

I was going to say this later but no they are not related. Flash’s cards are made from pure Equestrian magic. The magi-beast are made with a mix of magic and toku science

Oh, ok. Kinda shame really that you didn't go with the Cross of Fire symbolism Kamen Rider is kinda known for, but ok.

9306404 Got it. Is Flash gonna get upgrades in the form of new cards? Maybe have him borrow the girls magic to make new cards, with abilities that are based on the girls?

well that's not to say we wont see some other running themes of kamen rider in this fic

Looking's at the picture you have of Flash's spear, I have a question. Where does the laser come out of? Is it at the tip of the blade or somewhere else? It's just a detail that's bugging me.

9307044 Wait, how would that work. The way you've drawn the spear makes it so folding it like Gokai Silver's spear would make it awkward to hold as a gun.

Sunset doesn't trust the rider yet but with good reason given her past experience with equestrian magic as well as him just starting to help.

Trixie finding out Flash's secret was something I wasn't expecting yet I wonder how it will play out as unlike Banshee's version in his power rangers story I don't see her taking advantage of him for fame.

Trixie has her honor as a magician to keep his secret

Well I would believe you but since I used to watch a lot of this:
I still have my doubts on the magicians cod.

9250326 This random thought just occurred to me and I'm not suggesting that's what'll happen, but I thought I'd just throw it out into the open. What if Flash's power ups come from each of the girls, who share a bit of their magic and give Flash a new card. Each of these new cards could be give him upgrades based around the girl's abilities and named after greek characters known for those abilities. Like Rainbow giving Flash a card based on the speed god Hermes, or Applejack giving him a card based on Hercules. Just a random idea I'm throwing out there.

... :rainbowlaugh:

Sorry, sorry, that is just funny to me for certain reason, but back to the topic at hand. That is a good idea. Gives the girls something to do, it hands over the mantle of protector of the city and can develop Flash's character. It is certainly a good idea. That's why I kinda did the same.

that is the plan but the naming will be different. some liberties are made for Sunset and Fluttershy since they don't rally have combat oriented powers

So I was wondering. If this story had an opening title, what song would you use for it. Might I suggest LeeandLie's Make My Story.

Funny you suggest a MHA op cause I was thinking Johnny Young’s Simging to the skys

9332708 That could work. You should totally write an opening with a shorter version of it.

I will try to do a blog on it but I know if I write it down it won't be as good then how it plays in my head

9332781 Feel free to send me a PM of it to look over if you want.

Is it Kamen Rider Achillis or Achilles?

9360478 9360480 Sorry, that might be me. British computer, so it doesn't recognise a few American words. My bad.

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