• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 2,361 Views, 284 Comments

Azure Days - Anzel

Sunny Day struggles with how other ponies see her. Azurite struggles with how she sees herself. Both have yet to learn that you’ve got to believe in yourself to achieve your goals.

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30. My Calling

“It is with great pleasure that I present to you the graduates of class 512,” the commandant said from the stage in front of us.

“The ponies here today are not just royal guards, they are the Royal Guards’ guards. They will be the mares and stallions that take care of their siblings. They will be the ones that ensure that service is as rewarding as promised. They are our PROs. Please stomp your hooves!”

The crowd did just that. They stomped their hooves, cheered, and in a few cases waved embarrassing signs. Thankfully, my family knew how to act at a solemn occasion.

“Friends and family, I ask that you be extra proud of your loved ones today. In these trying times, I believe we’ll need our pony resource officers more than we ever have before. It is very rare that we have a class that responded to an attack on our city.

“And yet, when the changelings attacked, these ponies did just that. Every pony you see here responded without fail. They ran towards danger. They ran to their fellow pony. That is who they are. That is why they have chosen this profession.

“That is why when I say it is an honor to be presiding over this graduation, I feel it far more than usual. I can truly say this is one of the finest classes ever to pass through this academy.”

A warm feeling started to well up inside me. It took all of my effort not to get up and cheer. I was proud! Proud of myself. Proud of the ponies around me.

“I have a charge for you, Class 512. You have set your bar very high, so I must ask you to keep it there. When you receive your orders, I want you to go out into the world and be the best you can. Make those around you the best they can be. Thrive and help them to thrive and then, after you have years of experience, come back here and take over for me.”

We were almost there. It was so close I could feel it!

The commandant paused for a moment to look us over. She smiled and finally gave a nod. “Mares and stallions of class 512, I officially confirm you as graduates. Attention!”

We all quickly stood up and snapped to attention.

“For the last time, you are dismissed!”

I stomped my hooves gleefully! All of the ponies around me did the same and cheered. That was it! We were warrant officers. We were also pony resource officers! Today was the day I’d been waiting for.

Everypony started to file out of their chairs and make their way over to their families. The whole parade crowd was one big celebration. I just stood by and took it all in. This was amazing. Despite what had happened to me, I’d persevered and pushed myself through with the help of my family.

Mom, Dad, Aurum, and Quartz were waiting for me, so I didn’t want to savor the feeling too long. I trotted over to them and beamed.

“You did it, kitten,” my father said to me, practically bursting with pride. His chest was jutting out so far he looked like a rooster about to crow.

“What a lovely speech that was,” my mother said, daintily dabbing the corner of her eyes. “I’m so proud of you, sweetheart.”

“Thank you,” I said happily.

Aurum hopped off the bench and wrapped her hooves around me tight. “You are, without a doubt, my favorite cousin and certainly the most successful one!”

“Aww, Aurum!” I squeaked.

Quartz looked around and then asked, “I’m sorry, I’m new at this whole Royal Guard thing. So what happens next? They didn’t call your name. They didn’t give you a diploma. What’s going on?”

I squeezed Aurum and set my chin on her shoulder. “Oh, well, see, we’re already royal guards, so this ceremony is a bit lower key. Next up is we pin my rank on and then, in a few days to a week, my orders will arrive by courier. Once that happens, I’ll be off to wherever I’m going and then I’ll start my new job!”

“I see. That is interesting, but you don’t even know what your job is?” Quartz asked.

My mother shook her head. “Not yet, dear. Although this part is my favorite. Sweetie, who gets to pin you this time?”

Aurum let me go. “This time?”

Daddy, still filled with pride, nodded. “Oh, yes. You see, when she first graduated the academy and became a royal guard, she asked me to pin her rank pin on.”

Mom then added, “And when she made first class, I got to pin her.”

“You’ve both had a turn,” I said tapping my hoof to my chin. Would my parents understand if I let Aurum do it?

“Well, I think it is a father’s duty,” my dad said. “Especially with my daughter becoming a warrant officer.”

My mother set her hoof on his shoulder. “Sapphire, I think Azurite should decide. After all, we’ve both had a turn…” she trailed before winking at me.

Of all the moms in Equestria, mine knew how to read a room. I hugged Aurum again. “I want you to do it.”

Aurum gasped. “Me?”

I nodded and sat back. “Yes, please?”

Dad deflated a little but smiled. “I suppose that is fair. Aurum should get a turn. When she makes senior warrant officer, though, it will be my turn again.”

“Hey, what about me?” Quartz asked.

“I’m sorry, my boy, I’ll make an exception for your mother, but you’re on your own!” Daddy said with a chuckle.

Aurum wringed her hooves. “Are you sure you want me to do it?”

“Yes!” I squeaked.

My mother came down from the bleachers, levitating a small wooden box in front of her. “Here you are, Aurum, it’s really quite simple. You just take this little pin and put it on her uniform collar. It is a small gesture with a great meaning.”

She then used her magic to open the box, revealing a gleaming silver pin. It was one diagonal bar over a horizontal one. It was perfectly proportioned and far shinier than the standard ones.

“I hope you like it, sweetie,” my father called. He’d made all of my rank pins. That was the perk of having a jeweler for a father.

Aurum carefully wrapped the pin her magic and brought it up to my collar. Once it was there, she actually took it in her hooves and affixed it. “I’m really honored, Azurite,” she whispered.

I set my hoof on her chest. “Thank you for being here for me this year. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

She smiled and shook her head slowly. “You could have, I promise you that… but I’m glad I could make it easier. I’m so proud of you.”

I stood up and threw my hooves around her in another hug, emotions swelling up inside me. We held each other tightly.

At least until somepony cleared their throat behind us.

When I glanced back, it was Chief Print. I squeaked in surprise and shoved Aurum over, who in turn squeaked in shock.

I snapped to attention. “Chief Print!”

She trotted closer and nodded down at me. “Warrant Officer Azurite. You have a lovely family.”

Aurum pulled herself up, rubbing her side. “Thank you,” she said before glaring at me. “Azurite, would you like to introduce us?”

“Oh, sure! Chief Print, this is my cousin Aurum, her son Quartz, my father Sapphire, and my mother Azalea Azure! And everyone else, this is Chief Print, the head instructor.”

“Charmed,” my father said.

“You’ve done wonders for our daughter,” my mother added.

“I’m pretty sure you’re the one she is most afraid of,” Aurum said with a grin.

With a quick whip of my tail, I swatted her.


Chief Print softly laughed. “Yes, well, if they’re not afraid of me I’m not doing a good job. Now, I do apologize for intruding upon your celebrations, but I have something for you.”

“For me?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yes, for you.” She offered me a plain yellow envelope.

“What is it?” I asked, taking it carefully in my magic and pulling it over.

“Open it and see,” she replied.

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied before turning the flap up and peaking inside. It was some papers so I pulled them out and started reading them. It was general royal guard stuff. It looked like orders. ‘Hereby this’ and ‘Warrant Officer Azurite’ that assigned to—

My back legs gave out and I flopped down, just staring at the words on the paper.

“Azurite, sweetie, are you okay?” came my mother’s voice full of concern.

“Kitten? What is it?” my dad asked.

Aurum put her hoof on my shoulder, reading over it. She gasped. “They assigned her to the palace! She’s going to work in the royal palace!”

I looked up at Chief Print in confusion. “How? How do you have my orders so fast? The palace?”

“Warrant Officer Azurite, I have trained a lot of ponies in my career. Few of them both care as much as you, nor are they as good at this as you are. Forgive me for saying so, but you were wasted as a city guard. You have a talent for documentation the likes of which I might only see a few times in my career.

“I was not going to see you languish in some lesser posting simply because you are new. You have already processed paperwork for ponies in the palace. That helped my friend. Now, you’ll go work for him.”

I was going to work in the palace. In the palace and in Canterlot! “Thank you! Thank you so much!” I squealed.

She shook her head. “No, no thanks needed. You earned this. Don’t let me down. I can assure you, I will be watching.”

My eyes went wide and I stammered, “Y-Yes ma’am! I won’t!”

“Good. Enjoy your day today. You start in a month. Be ready; the palace may be glamorous but there is a lot of work to be done there,” Chief Print said before smiling to my family. “A pleasure to meet you all. Good day.”

“And a good day to you,” my father replied absently before trotting closer and pressing his head against mine. “My daughter is going to work in the palace,” he said, swelling with pride again.

“What a lovely surprise,” my mother said before using her magic to lift me onto my hooves and close my mouth from where I was obviously gawking in surprise.

Aurum took me by the hoof. “Okay, we have a little party set up for you at the shop. Let’s get going and celebrate!”

“Agreed,” my father replied.

I was only vaguely aware of Aurum and my mother helping me leave the parade ground. What Chief Print had done was massive. Ponies did not simply start in the palace. They got there through hard work and references.

Had I really done that well? I’d been good at school for sure, but she said it was my calling. Was it? Was I going to live up to her expectations? Would I meet the princess? That would be terrifying!

“Azurite, would you like some punch?” Aurum asked, her face about two centimeters from mine.


“Punch, would you like some punch?”

I blinked. “Yes, but they don’t have punch here.”

Aurum softly giggled and leaned back before floating a glass full of red liquid in front of me. “We’re in your dad’s shop.”

“What?” I asked before looking around. She was right. I was sitting on the floor in the middle of the shop. There were banners hung everywhere and a bunch of balloons on the counters.

All of my parent’s neighbors were crowded inside, shaking my father’s hoof, eating cake, and talking.

I took the punch and sipped it. It was, without a doubt, my mom’s special holiday recipe. That also happened to be the best punch in Equestria. She’d figured out a way to keep it sweet, but not too sweet while retaining all of the citrus, strawberry, and cherry flavors.

“Everypony on the block came to congratulate you,” Aurum said as she grinned.

“As in they already have or that is what they’re going to do?” I asked, getting my bearings again.

“Most already have. You’re evidently trained well enough to thank them even when you’re up in your head. How is it up there? Are you okay?”

“I am. I’m a little overwhelmed. A little worried what will happen when I actually go back to work. Other than that brief stint with the changelings, I haven’t really tried to be a guard in a while.”

Aurum patted me on the head. “You’re strong, little cousin. You’ll struggle but you’ll succeed beyond your own expectations.”

“Thank you,” I replied, sipping my drink.

“So…” Aurum trailed.


“I know this is a party and I don’t want to ruin it any, but I figure since you got some great news it will make getting some not as great news easier. Right?”

I tilted my head. “I guess?”

She shrugged and took my hoof in hers. “Please don’t take this as an insult. I think it is time I got my own place, but before you get worried, I mean right here in Canterlot. Close to you! Your apartment wasn’t meant for three ponies and a fish.”

Was that all? I guess I could see how she’d think that would upset me. Actually, when Quartz had shown up, that had upset me. She was right to worry. I didn’t feel upset, though. I squeezed her hoof. “You’re right and, to be honest, as much as I love you, I won’t mind having a bedroom again. Mr. Peepers snores like you wouldn’t believe.”

Aurum laughed and grinned. “I’m glad you understand. Will you help me find a place?”

“Of course!”

“Good. One more thing. Quartz wants to go back east for a little while to take care of his affairs before he permanently moves here. That might take a few months. Can you get along without me for a little bit? I’d like to be there for him but I’m not going to abandon you.”

Now she was going to leave? Was she going to come back? What if she got comfortable there and decided to just stay! Easy Azu, easy! Just tell her not to go! She won’t go if you don’t want her to. I bit my lip and forced the corners of my lips up into what must have been a frightful smile.

“I’m sensing this is stressing you,” Aurum said softly.

My head started bobbing up and down in an instinctive yes. “No, no, I’m fine.”

“You’re an awful liar,” Aurum giggled.

“Okay, I’m terrified! You should go though. You’re coming back, right?” I asked, sounding a little desperate.

Aurum squeezed my hoof. “Yes, I’m going to come back, I promise!”

“Okay, okay. Yes, you should totally go. I’m going to be fine. Mom and Dad are here. I’ll have my new job. It’s going to be fine,” I said as convincingly as I could.

She nodded. “Alright, well, don’t worry, I’m going to come back. Please, let’s enjoy your party, alright?”

I stuffed all of the creepy, crawly, unhappy feelings down into my gut and smiled at her. “Yes, I’m going to work at the palace,” I said softly.

Aurum shook her head. “No, you’re going to work at the palace!” she said louder.

I giggled. “Yes! I’m going to work at the palace!” I shouted.

All of the ponies in the room turned towards me.

My father grinned brightly and waved a hoof in my direction. “Yes, you are, peanut! You’re going to be working there. Congratulations!”

“Congratulations!” my parents’ friends and neighbors shouted excitedly and I was starting to feel the joy again.

I’d be okay without Aurum for a little while. I’d be great, even. I was about to start the career of my dreams. I was going to help fellow royal guards. “I’m a PRO!” I cheered.

It had been a rough year, but now I knew everything in my life was about to change, and that was alright for me.

Author's Note:

If you are enjoying this story, please consider taking a look at Crystal and my's website QuillnBlade.com for extra content such as mini stories, Q&B AU wiki, and special rewards for the awesome folks who support our Patreon. We have monthly art give aways, a Q&B Discord RPG, a several other fun gifts for patrons.

Comments ( 10 )

This being a Foregone Conclusions doesn’t make it any less sweet.


What Chief Print had done was massive. Ponies did not simply start in the palace. They got there through hard work and references.

Which is exactly what you have, Azurite. You worked harder than the rest of your class (probably combined), and you got a glowing recommendation. You earned this. You deserve this. And having read the rest of Quill & Blade...I know you'll do great.

It was wonderful being able to see the journeys of two amazing mares as they grew to become the characters we know and love later on. Both stories were fascinating to read, and the way they were woven together yet kept completely separate actually worked far, far better than I thought possible.

Time to read the sequel and relive Azu and Sunny's romance. I think I'll have a whole new appreciation for it now.

This was a fantastic read, I love both these mares, they're such great characters.

Ohhhhhh! I love these characters!!

So glad to see how both of them ended up in there positions.

Thank you again for more of your universe. Might be time for a series reread.

Everything I wanted and everything I needed. Celestial above, I had missed these two!

Another amazing story even knowing how this ends for both of them didn't lessen my love for this story I hope you do more on sunny day

Thank you very much! I appreciate the kind words.

Skimming through stories, I thought that the title said Azure "Drugs" for a moment:rainbowlaugh:

God I love Sunny and Azu. Wish we had even more.

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